
The Way I Dreamed It Part 1 Chapter 7

Just so you people know I do NOT own Naruto I wish I did.
Plz RnR
“Normal speak”
Written by Dragon of the Underworld
Revised by Evildart17
And on to the story.
The Way I Dreamed It
Part 1
Chapter 7
“Dreaming?” said Hinata a bit confused, and then she noticed the surroundings. They were not in bed, and they were not naked. She was in the couch in the hospital sleeping just like the other girls. Then she remembered they had fallen asleep waiting for the nurse.
‘What a minute if I’m awake, then that means . . . . . . He . . . He’s’
“YOU’RE BACK!” yelled Hinata as she launched herself at him hugging and kissing him. The other woke up only to see Hinata hugging and kissing Naruto; they had woken up when Hinata yelled.
“I’ve been looking for you everywhere, I decided to check the hospital and when I checked at the front desk they told me that Hanabi was here and so I knew you would be here too”
“Hey your back” said Tenten.
“Yeah and just in time” said Ino.
“Uhh why is everyone here?” asked Naruto.
“Naruto we’ll tell you that later” said Tsunade.
“Yeah theirs other things that need to be said” said Tenten with a nod towards Hinata.
Naruto then turned to Hinata.
“Naruto-kun I . . . I have something to tell you”
“What is it?”
“Naruto-kun I . . . I . . . I’m pregnant”
“Your pregnant” said Naruto he had a surprised face that was very slowly softening and turning in to a face with a smile full of joy, Hinata only nodded.
“Your pregnant” he said, again Hinata nodded again.
“We are pregnant” Hinata continued to nod.
“That . . . . . . That means . . . . . . That means you’re . . . You’re going to a mommy” he said with a big smile on his face.
Hinata nodded yet again with smile, “And your going to a be a daddy” Naruto quickly took Hinata in to a passionate kiss as he hugged her, lifted her up, and twirled her around.
Naruto stopped what he was doing, “Were . . . . . . Were ganna have a baby”
“Were ganna be having a baby” Hinata repeated his words.
“Hinata . . . . . . You make me so happy”
“I told you” said Tenten as she wiped away tears that were trickling down her cheeks. She was just so happy for Hinata she got what she wanted, in a sense she got what all girls want, she knew because she too wanted that.
“Hinata I’m so jealous . . . you’re so lucky” said Ino as she smiled at the couple.
Naruto looked to the side only to see all the other girls crying except Hanabi who was just smiling. They all came towards them.
“Congratulations” said everyone as they hugged Naruto and Hinata.
“Hinata we should tell you father ASAP” said Naruto.
“No Naruto it doesn’t matter” said Hinata with a bit of a sad face.
“What do you mean of course it matters” Naruto noticed the others also had a down face.
“Naruto I guess its time to answer your question about why were here” said Tsunade.
“What happened?” he asked.
“You see Naruto, Hinata’s father already knows, he wanted Hinata to get rid of the baby, but when Hinata didn’t want to he began to beat her badly, when Hanabi stood up for her he beat her a—“ Tsunade was cut off.
”HOW COULD HE DO THAT THEY ARE HIS DAUG—-” this time Tsunade cut Naruto off as she brought a hand up to stop him.
“That is why they will no longer live in the Hyuga compound; this isn’t the first time that he has treated them this badly. In response to this Hiashi said that he disowned them and they no longer are Hyugas” Naruto looked at Hinata she had some tears on her cheeks as did Hanabi.
“Hinata wait here a couple of minutes” said Naruto as he began to walk away.
“Naruto where are you going . . . your not going to go cause any trouble are you?” asked Tsunade.
“No . . . . . . At least not yet . . . I’ll be back in a couple of minutes” he said as he left.
“Where do you think he’s going” asked Ino.
“I don’t know, I guess were ganna have to wait” said Tenten.
They all waited about twenty minutes and Naruto finally came back. He went up to Hinata.
“Hinata I . . . I want you to come and live with me” asked Naruto.
Ino leaned closer to Tenten and whispered, “That was sudden”
“I . . . I . . . I don’t know” said Hinata.
“What do you mean?”
“I can’t leave Hanabi all alone” said Hinata.
Naruto gave her a small chuckle.
“Hanabi is going to came and live with us as well” said Naruto.
“REALLY” yelled both Hinata and Hanabi.
“Of course . . . . . . I can’t have my little girl’s favorite aunt out on the street, right” said Naruto as he kneeled down and rub Hinata’s belly.
“I’m ganna be her only aunt” said Hanabi.
‘His little girl? . . . . . . yesterday when Hinata barged in to Tsunades office she referred to the baby as a her, how could they possibly know it’s a her if she’s barely going to be two months pregnant’ thought Tenten.
“Hey what about us” said Ino, the girls wanted to part of the little baby’s life.
“Yeeeeeeaah” said Hanabi as she turned to Naruto.
“Anyway . . . . . . Were all ganna be together then” said Hanabi.
“How do you guy know the baby is going to be a girl” said Tenten.
“Yeah?” said Ino.
“Because we just do” said Hinata.
“What do you mean you just do?” asked Ino.
“I don’t know we just know” said Naruto, while both Hinata and Hanabi nodded their heads in agreement.
Ino leaned in closer to Tenten again and whispered, “Watch it turns out to be a boy”
“Anyway so you are moving in with me right,” asked Naruto
Hinata and Hanabi just nodded.
“You left for twenty minutes just to come back and say that” asked Tsunade.
“No I left for ten minutes to find something” said Naruto.
“What?” asked Ino.
“This” . . . said Naruto as he pulled something out of his pocket and opened it.
Naruto got down on one knee and asked, “Hinata will you marry me.”
“YES I’ll marry” said Hinata extremely happy; she hugged him as she cried from all the joy she was experiencing.
Ino whispered to Tenten, “I stand corrected this is way more sudden”
“Naruto-kun . . .”
“Yeah Hinata-chan?”
“You . . . . . . You make me so happy” she returned the same words he said to her.
Hanabi was finally cleared to leave.
“Come on guys lets go home” said Naruto.
“Wait you guys don’t want to hang out” asked Ino.
“Not me I just got back from a mission and I’m tired, but . . .” Naruto looked at Hinata to see if maybe she wanted to go.
“I want to rest as well” said Hinata.
“Yeah me too” added Hanabi.
With that the three headed home, while the other two, Tenten and Ino looked at each other smiled and left together in the opposite direction.
The two went in search of their teammates to spread the news, they searched all day, they found most of them, and they saw Chouji, Shikamaru, Shino, and Lee together. Tenten and Ino quickly told them about Hinata’s situation and what had happened.
All of them were shocked, first of all because they thought that Naruto never knew that Hinata liked him, and they never thought that Hinata would actually tell him, but to top it all of she was pregnant, they were ganna have to talk with them tomorrow.
The three arrived at the apartment, and entered.
“Alright, um Hinata you could sleep in my room, Hanabi you will take the guess room, OK” said Naruto.
“Mmm where are you going to sleep” asked Hanabi.
“I’ll take the couch” said Naruto.
“But Naruto, umm” Hinata wanted to say something but was hesitant with Hanabi still standing there looking at the two of them.
“What is it Hinata?” asked Naruto, he noticed that she looked at Hinata and knew what was going on.
“Hinata its ok you don’t have to be embarrassed”
“Naruto ummm if you like you c-can sleep in the same bed with me, I-I . . . I mean . . . w-we already you know ummm slept together [she blushed big time] and we . . . we are going to get married. I think its ok” said Hinata.
“Ummmm ok, yeah sure” said Naruto.
“Alright guys lets go to sleep, tomorrow we have somewhere important we need to go” said Naruto.
“Where are we going” said Hanabi.
“You’ll see” said Naruto as he finished setting up Hanabi’s room, fixing her bed, and finding some pj’s she could use.
After that Hinata Naruto headed to their room, where they slept holding each other.
‘Tomorrow’ thought Naruto.

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I Love My Little Sister!-Part One

Part one: I love my little sister!
I remember being eight years old, in a hospital and worried. My mother had been swelling up and now she had broken something, so she was rushed to the hospital. I had no idea what was wrong or what would happen next and even now, I don’t mind telling you how scared I was when the doctors told me to leave the room as mom screamed in what was obviously intense pain. Hospital doors are made so that screams can’t be heard from outside unless they’re really loud and you’re really close, which I was, so I could. After an hour of uncertainty and fear, the doctor opened the door. Mom wasn’t screaming anymore, so I ran in and found her…holding something. A towel, maybe? I came closer and saw that it was a baby.
Mom looked at me and smiled. “Meet your new baby sister,” she told me. She sounded so meek, but the child had my interest now. As soon as I reached out to touch the baby with one finger, she reached back and cooed contentedly. Mom smiled at the sight and whispered to me.
“Her name is Kari.”
From then on, if anybody wanted to bother her, they would answer to me! A lot of people did try to bother her throughout school. She was the girl in grade school all the boys would pick on so their friends wouldn’t tease them for having a crush on her. In junior high, those same friends hit on her relentlessly. I got in a lot of fights and a lot of suspensions for her, but I don’t regret it. Not only was I sticking up for my little sister, I also got to defend a pretty girl in distress.
Yes, I would call her a pretty girl. So would you, if you ever saw her. Strawberry-blonde hair that she usually kept straight with one of those arch things girls put in their hair sometimes, blue eyes and, ever since she turned twelve, nice breasts. Not that I was checking her out at twelve, of course, but when you’re around someone all the time, eventually you will notice things like that. When she was twelve, I thought she had potential to be gorgeous. Now that she was sixteen, she had proven me right. Those breasts had since grown from little bumps into lovely mounds, shaped very nice. I know because she often sends me pictures of herself whenever anything happens to her, good or bad. The good times made me want to share them with her and the bad times made me wish I could still protect her.
But I couldn’t anymore. I hit twenty-one years old and decided it was time to go make my mark on the world. And to do that with any of the skills I had, I had to leave the state. Kari cried the day I left, which was heartbreaking, but I promised her I would come back as often as I could. She still cried but she let me out of the surprisingly strong bear hug she’d been using to keep me from getting in my car. She e-mails me several times a day, often when her teachers say she shouldn’t.
Today is Kari’s first day at a new school. The one she went to before was the target of an arsonist thats been hitting this town lately. That or someone had insured the building recently. In any case, the first day of her previous schools were never easy for my sister. The boys hit on her, the girls instantly became bitter toward her for not wanting the attention they would have killed for and teachers would make her introduce herself in front of everyone, something she hated to do. Kari never did come to enjoy being the center of anyone’s attention since it usually wasn’t a good kind of attention that people paid her. Today she e-mailed me, saying she was scared and that she wished I was there with her. I didn’t tell her, but I got the e-mail on a plane on my way there. I couldn’t very well miss my dear sister’s second first day of high school, could I?
My sister’s e-mails aren’t always what you’d call sisterly. Whenever I mention that the girls here aren’t biting, her reply always comes back with “If only we weren’t family”, and later “If only you weren’t so far away”. And when I do find a girl for the night or a few months, her jealousy is obvious even though the internet. Once she actually told me that she would be a better girlfriend than the one I was with at the time. She may be right, since that bitch ditched me for a guy with a yacht a month later.
Kari tells me that she’s never had a boyfriend and that she isn’t interested in any of the guys at school. When I ask what kind of guy she likes, she says simply “a guy like you”. That message came back with an attachment of her kissing the camera.
Speaking of attachments, a month after I left, Kari had her eyes checked and it turned out she needed glasses. Having always been so open with her, it was no secret to Kari that I like girls with glasses. My first girlfriend had them, which was partly why I approached in the first place. Anyway, when Kari got them, she sent me a picture of herself in them, which I said looked cute. Barely fifteen minutes later, another set of attachments came featuring her in her glasses and various outfits, most very revealing. How revealing, you ask? Well, lets just say that since she was fourteen at the time, I was very lucky nobody with law enforcement saw them.
But enough about that. The plane had landed, the rental car had brought me to the house I grew up in and the time was 3:45. Kari would be home any minute, expecting an empty house (mom got a new job which turned Kari into a latchkey kid). Won’t she be surprised.
Kari’s car, a beater that had me thinking about everything from thermal breakdown to locking brakes soon as I saw it, pulled in the driveway less than five minutes after I had gotten there. I hid behind a chair and opened the front door. She opened it, looking confused and cautious. “He-…hello?” She sounded more than nervous, meaning the joke was over. I stood up and she dropped her bag. Kari vaulted effortlessly over the ottoman between us, landed against my chest and wrapped her arms and legs around me on impact. She’s a light girl so it didn’t hurt or anything, but it did knock me back against the wall. Thats ok, I thought. If she was that happy to see me, I could endure a non-painful push back. I put my arms around her and she rubbed her cheek on my shoulder and face affectionately.
“So,” I said, soundly ludicrously casual considering. “How was your day?”
“Best of my life,” she sighed.Part two: I love my big brother!!
For as long as I’ve been alive, I’ve loved my big brother. What’s that? “Every sister in the world says that,” you say? Well, I’m a little different.
Matt, my brother, has always been so cool. He would show me all kinds of interesting things when we were kids, like the woods behind the elementary school I went to and this really cool view of the city from up on a hill. I think that was when my love became different from other little sisters’. What girl could help but melt and fall for the guy who showed her her first sunset while he held her hand? He taught me all the little things, too, like how to tie shoes and stuff. When some boy would pick on me, he always came to help me, like a superhero.
He was so amazing, I wanted to be just like him. Or I did when I was really young. But ever since I was like six, I didn’t want to be him, I wanted to be with him. I wanted him to love me like I loved him, not just as a sister. It wouldn’t happen, of course. I’m too realistic to think he would ever seriously date me, but as long as I could daydream, in one place at least, we were a couple.
When he told me and mom and dad that he was going to become an actor, I had absolute confidence he would succeed, though now I can’t help but wonder if he would have stayed in this town with me if I hadn’t said so. That didn’t matter. I could never tell him something like that just so I could see him everyday. Acting was his happiness, and he needed to go after it.
I’ve never cried more than I did the day he left. Not after falling out of a tree, not when they shot Bambi’s mother, not ever. I think it was because for those times, he was there for me and when he left, he wouldn’t be anymore.
When Matt said he wanted to be an actor, what he meant was that he wanted to do voices in cartoons. And Matt, being the talented man he is, got jobs at two major studios his first year, something he says is a miracle in the business. I expected nothing less from him. The voices he used when he read to me were incredible. Even though the shows he’s on aren’t very funny, I never miss a minute of them and I even saved up to buy one on DVD. He thanked me for the seven cents he got from it.
Now, I don’t care how much like monkeys you consider the boys around you, when you’re a fourteen year old girl, you’ve got love and sex on your mind. I know I did. Not only that, you’re interested in your new more mature body and you want a special man to be interested in it too, right? I’m a little embarrassed to tell you this, but when I got these glasses, I sent a pic to Matt and guess what he said? He said they looked cute on me! I guess I got excited because I sent him like twenty more pics and some of them were pretty R-rated. I didn’t show him my boobs or anything, but pretty close in some of them. I can’t believe I’m saying this in writing, but I kinda hoped he was jacking off to me. You can’t imagine my disappointment when he only briefly mentioned how ”cute” they all were.
Even if he wasn’t ogling me, thinking about him doing it led me to my first sexual arousal, then my first time playing with myself. I thought about Matt, alone in his apartment looking through the pics I sent him, masturbating while imagining he was having sex with me. I wasn’t entirely sure what a man’s stuff looked like then, I’m still not really, but just the thought of him thinking that was too exciting not to act on. Dad came home before I could climax, though. Someone always does. Did they bug my room or what?
Today I had to go to a new school since someone torched the one I used to go to. Just when I was in a comfortable loner’s niche, I have to re-establish myself as the girl who isn’t interested in anyone there romantically. The day dragged and every single one of the teachers made me introduce myself. Apparently the boys in my classes have never seen a girl who was uncomfortable in front of so many people, because they either thought I was weak or adorable for blushing. Can’t I just be shy when twenty or thirty people are gawking at me like anyone else? I have never been come on to more than I was today, and I may have only been more embarrassed when I sent Matt those glasses pics, but at least that felt good too. Today was just miserable. The only thing worse is knowing it’ll happen again tomorrow and the next day and the next day and the next…ugh!
Where are you, Matt? I need you today.
My car, which I’ve affectionately started calling God’s Gift to Mechanics, managed to get me home again, despite it’s best efforts to die on me many, many times.
Oh my God. The door is open and mom and dad are at work. Plus they never leave the door hanging open like that. Maybe…uh, maybe they called an exterminator or something. I go in. I’m so scared. The only thing I’ve got to fight someone off with is my bookbag, and it isn’t that heavy. I wish I was strong like Matt. If I was, I would never be afraid of anything. Matt, if you can hear me, please…
He heard me. Matt is here, in the house. He’s really here! Everything but him is a blur and he’s coming closer. It seems like it takes forever, but now I’m hanging on Matt, my big brother and he’s hugging me back! I feel safe again. I feel so happy, it’s like the rest of the day never happened!
“So, how was your day,” he asks me.
With my cheek on him and with him holding me like he used to, it’s the…
“Best of my life.”
Eventually, I let my feet touch the floor and lean back to look at him (and to let him look at me, which he does!). I don’t know how, but I managed to not kiss him right there. “How long are you going to stay this time,” I ask him, hoping he’ll say something like ‘just long enough for you to pack because I want you to come live with me’.
“Why, are you sick of me already?”
“Of course not,” I kinda gasp. “Can’t you tell how happy I am you’re here? Or do you need me to take my shirt off and show you how excited I am?” Oh my God, I just came on to my brother! I hope he says yes…
“Uh, no, that won’t be necessary. I believe you.” The way he stutters when he says it gives me hope. “I’ll be here until Monday.” Oh, I forgot to tell you. Today is Thursday. Which means I have three days plus tonight to convince him to stay with me or me to stay with him. And while I’m at it, I should find out if he’s attracted to me. I’m sixteen now, so I’m legal, so if he is I can try to get him in bed without worrying about it being illegal.
Suddenly, I feel very wet.Part Three: My little sister loves me
Kari looks a little distracted since I told her I’d be here until Monday, so I ask her ”something on your mind”. She opens her mouth to say something, turns beet-red and shakes her head. I shrug and hug her again. Her body is soft and smells feminine, so you can hardly blame me for keeping her close for a little longer than planned. She didn’t mind. in fact, she looked a little unsatisfied that I’d let her go when I did.
We sat down on the couch. More accurately, I sat on the couch. Kari sat on my lap sideways. One of her breasts was right in front of my face, so close that, if I thought she wouldn’t scream and slap me, I could have licked it without moving my head at all. Maybe she wouldn’t. She did seem to be moving herself so that every few seconds, her closest breast would touch my face. It would be so easy to start sucking it…
No. She was my sister and if I tried that, she would hate me. I held myself back from what I was thinking about doing.
Kari and I caught up with each other until mom and dad came home, and I repeated the story for them, along with Kari’s occasional “Isn’t that cool?”. My parents married at thirty, so by now they were old enough to be tired right after work and they went to sleep fairly soon. Then it was just Kari and I, which seemed to make her very happy. She turned on the TV to a digital music channel, an R&B channel. A song I hadn’t heard before came on in which every other word was “kiss”. Kari looked like she had something she wanted to say to me, but like she was stopping herself just before it got out. After the song ended, she let out an audible breath and looked at me.
“Big brother? What…what’s it like to kiss someone?” She blurted it out. This must have been what she wanted to say before.
“You’ve kissed mom and dad, right?”
“Not like that,” she said. “I mean a real kiss. The kind of kiss you used to give your girlfriends.”
“Oh,” I said, a little nervous. The way she was looking at me reminded me a lot of how a girl would look at me when she wanted taken. “Well, I really wouldn’t know how to describe kissing a guy. You do like guys, I assume?”
She lay her hand on mine and said a very soft “yes”. Her lips quivered slightly and her eyes were slowly closing. No mistaking it, this was a “kiss me” face. My sweet little sister wanted me to show her what a kiss was like, not just tell her. She continued in a very soft and pleading voice. “Will you give me my first kiss, big brother?”
I couldn’t say no. My hand caressed the side of her face and our lips met. She tasted sweet, but felt shaky. Her skin felt burning hot on mine. I could feel the air coming in and out of her nose rapidly and in short, almost panicking breaths. I honestly couldn’t tell if she was really turned on or afraid.
Surprisingly, she pulled back first. She was breathing hard and was looking at me like that kiss wasn’t nearly enough. “I can’t hold it in anymore, big brother! I love you! I don’t mean like a sister, I love you like…like love-love!” As she finished saying this, she pulled her skirt up, her face darkening as more leg was revealed, until she was showing me her panties, white cotton and damp. “I need to tell you something else,” she said as I could only stare at her face and then her panties. “I could always hear you having sex with your girlfriends, and I wanted it to be with me instead. I was too young to know exactly what was happening at the time, but I knew you were both being intimate together. I wanted to feel that way with you. I still want that, and I’m not a kid anymore. I want to have sex with you, Matt.” No matter how obvious it had been made in the words that had led up to it, to hear her say “I want to have sex with you” was still a bit shocking. I hesitated and Kari cupped my hand in hers. “You’ve always been there for me. Please, be here for me now.”Part Four: My little sister/big brother lusts for me!
This was all so sudden. I had only been here a few hours and my sister was pleading with me for sex after asking me to kiss her. Her eyes were teetering between joy and tears, maybe so whatever I answered could be shown quicker.
“Please, be here for me now.”
“Thats fighting dirty,” I whispered as I kissed her again. This time, she was closer to calm. Her breathing started erratic like last time, but I kissed her long enough for her to even it out.
My big brother was finally kissing me, and my wildest, best fantasies couldn’t even try to compare! As the kiss went on, I felt less like a scared junior high girl and more like…well, like a woman. The kiss felt so natural and right. When I told my friend about the pics I’d sent Matt, she acted disgusted and said I was into incest. I’d never heard that word before, but it sounded like a bad thing. Well, I know what it means now, and she was wrong. It didn’t feel dirty or wrong or like a sin. I love my brother and now it at least feels like he loves me too.
What could be wrong about that?
Kari was becoming more active in the kiss, stroking my shoulders with small delicate hands and subtly moving forward so it took me by surprise to feel soft weight on my lap.
However, after a moment of kissing this way, she again separated our lips. “I want to show you these.” She took a deep breath and lifted her top, showing her white cotton bra. Her breasts looked so soft, I wanted to reach up and free them from their cloth prison. Kari looked nervous.
I looked down self-consciously at my chest. I wish I had bigger boobs. I wish I had known Matt was coming so I could have worn a sexier bra instead of this boring white one. It isn’t even lacy or have designs on it or anything. He didn’t like it, I knew it. He was staring at it, not saying anything.
Then he touched me! His hand came up slowly and he put it on one of my boobs! I gasped and I think my back might have arched a little, I’m not sure. I was too occupied with Matt’s hand on me. It felt so strong, but was playing with me so gently.
“Why hold back,” I asked myself. Kari wanted this and I wasn’t exactly against it myself. My hand touched her breast, which made her gasp and arch her back in a way that pressed it against my palm. She smiled and her hips started rocking very slightly. I don’t think she even realized she was doing it, but I sure as hell did. Feeling her wet and getting wetter panties moving back and forth on my dick under my pants was impossible to ignore.
My free hand slid up her back to the hooks of her bra. Even I was surprised at how fast they came undone and her bra fell halfway off of her body. She made no effort at all to catch it and in fact pulled it off the rest of the way.
I suddenly became aware that I had started moving my hips when I felt something moving under me. At first I couldn’t tell what it was, but it dawned on me soon enough.
My hips were grinding on my brother’s lap and it was giving him an erection! He likes it! I was so happy, but before I could do anything with it, his fingers went up my back, making me shiver in pleasure. Suddenly my bra was loose. He must have undone it while I was shivering. I was so glad to be rid of the ugly thing, I shucked it off without thinking that now he could see my boobs.
I sat on him perfectly still as I waited for what he would do next. I gasped and this time I know I arched my back when he kissed my nipple and then started sucking on it! I heard myself moan quietly.
I took Kari’s breast between my lips and used them and my tongue to stimulate it. She responded with a soft moan and by pushing it against my face more. She became more and more vocal, moaning at first, then gasping and finally using words.
It felt so amazing! I tried for maybe five minutes to tell him how much I loved it, and even after that all I could say was “yes…yes…I love it…oh, big brother!”
Once the words started, they came out easy. Maybe too easy. I started telling him how I loved him and always looked up to him and things like that, which was fine. But then, I said something I didn’t plan on saying.
“Oh, big brother…let your little sister suck you too.”
I stopped tasting her breasts and pulled my head back. Hearing her say that made me almost fully hard and I know she felt it from her gasp and smile. Kari climbed off my lap and got down on the floor in front of me. Very gently, or maybe nervously, she unzipped my pants and was utterly stunned when my mostly hard cock sprung out.
His thing was huge! I looked it up and down in amazement. “D-do I…what do I do?”
“To…suck it…”
He told me to wrap my lips around it and move my head a certain way, which I did. His response was both immediate and, from the sound of it, overwhelmingly good! That made me confident in what I was doing, and I took more of it into my mouth. I felt so proud to be pleasuring him so much. I felt something tickle my panties in a very nice way and soon I was making the same sounds as Matt.
Kari was surprisingly good at sucking dick for having only moments ago asked how to do it. She made me feel so good, I couldn’t keep all the pleasure for myself. Unfortunately, from where I was, all I could do was rub her with my big toe, but she loved it. She moved herself around until she found a spot that felt the best (I knew it was her clit, but I don’t think she knew it, since she had to search for it) and ground on it, moaning and breathing hard through her nose as she sucked me faster and deeper.
I love sucking my big brother’s thing, but I loved his toe on me even more! There was this little kinda thing that when his toe touched it, I felt like I did just before mom or dad got home and stopped me from finishing my fantasy. The pleasure was immense, almost too much to handle! I was glad I had “something” in my mouth to keep me from being too loud.
My whole body started to feel strange, like being nervous, but in a good way! My pussy was moving on it’s own and…I……felt……ohmygod…!!!
Kari felt like she was gasping, moaning and screaming all at the same time. From how wet her panties got and how fast they got that way, I realized that she was cumming. She played with her breasts to heighten the pleasure, and the sight and feelings were making me not so far behind with my own orgasm.
“I’m…oh, fuck…!!…Kari, I’m gonna cum….!!”
“I’m gonna ejaculate!”
“Oh.” I must have been good at sucking him because he was about to climax too! That meant he was going to shoot sperm out, didn’t it? What was I going to do with it? What could I do with it to prove I wanted to be his forever, not just tonight?
Then I knew.
I sucked him again, bracing myself for what was coming.
Her reaction proved beyond a doubt that she wanted me to cum in her mouth. Just the idea of shooting my load into my little sister’s mouth, and it being her preference, made it happen.
I threw my head back and then forced it forward so I could watch Kari’s face and breasts as I came hard in her mouth. It shocked her at first, but her eyes closed halfway and she sucked me some more to get it all out. If I weren’t so short-sighted, I would have tried to hold some back for another round, but instead I gave her all I had to give. It felt like a pint.
Matt groaned and then something started shooting out hard into my mouth. I thought he was peeing at first, but once I realized I’d made him climax, I just wanted more. It felt like there was a pint of it and that wasn’t enough. It tasted vaguely of….something sweet and familiar, but I couldn’t picture it. But the taste wasn’t important. What mattered to me was that the hot fluid he was giving me was undeniable proof that I had had a form of sex with him and that he had enjoyed it!
Besides, I loved it! There was something so…profoundly good about my big brother ejaculating in my mouth, I knew I needed him to do it again and again and again! Even as he ejaculated now, I kept trying to get more out of him. For a long time, he gave me what I wanted, what I had only just had for the first time but was instantly addicted to. I swallowed every gush eagerly, hoping there would be two gushes to replace it. He didn’t ask me to, but he didn’t need to. I wanted to swallow it.
But, like all good things, it ended. He stopped shooting it, then stopped oozing it and dripping it. He was out of sperm, or close to it. I gulped down the last of it, crawled up next to him and lay my head on his chest.
Seeing Kari swallow my cum in big gulps without me asking her to just made more come out of me, which she seemed more than happy to receive.
Once I gave her all of it, she wiped her mouth and sat next to me with her head on my chest. I held her and she hugged me.
“I love you, big brother.”
“I love you too, little sister.”
“Will you take me tomorrow?”
“Take you as in….take you?”
“Mm-hmm. Take me to bed and make love to me.”
“Is that really what you want?”
“More than anything in the world.” She kissed my cheek.
“Yes. If you still want that tomorrow night, I’ll make love to you.”
I was ecstatic! He promised he would, and my big brother never breaks his promises! I kissed him and cuddled with him until I fell asleep.
Kari fell asleep on me, which was very nice. I always enjoyed cuddling with girls after sex, and would have liked to fall asleep with her, but mom or dad would be down before we woke up, and if they caught Kari topless and me with my dick out, it would be very very bad.
I got me and Kari’s naughty bits covered up (Kari sighed and smiled as I dressed her, muttering “Matt…” in her sleep. God, she’s cute!) and let myself drift into sleep with her.
To be continued…

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Mom gets hers

I had been awake for the last hour, lying quietly in bed, waiting for my husband to wake up. The furnace had kicked on earlier so it was beginning to warm in the bedroom. There was snow on the ground outside and it was still dark at 6AM. It was not getting light now until around 8 O’clock.
I slowly lifted my hips and pulled the t-shirt I wore to bed up and then worked it up my body and over my head. I moved closer to Greg and put my arm across his chest. Lying against him naked I was hoping he would awake before the alarm and have time for me. It has been over a year since the last time we had sex. I knew it was not me, or at least I did not think it was. Men still gave me the eye. I had what I thought was a pretty good slender body, breasts that still drew men’s eyes and I’m just 35. My theory was that it was “little miss perky tits.” Greg had hired a new secretary 18 months ago and had started spending much more time at the office about that time and had started making frequent out-of-town business trips about a year ago. Miss Perky was 22, in great shape, had legs, as he said that “went all the way up”, and tits that stuck straight out.
I had discussed this with Terri, my best friend, who lived across out back yard. She had a pool and we, the kids and I, frequently went over during the summer. We had coffee together about every other morning and discussed just about everything in our lives. Terri was a few years younger than me and had been divorced several years now. She had no children so she had quite a social life though she was in a dry spell right now. During one of these coffees Terri had told me to be more aggressive, to take control. “You got him in bed in the morning. Don’t let him get out until he fucks you good.”
Her plain talking could make me blush, “I can’t do that. It’s just not me.”
“Well whatever you have been doing this last year has not been working so you might want to try something different before your miss perky tits starts waking up in your bed and you are in an apartment somewhere else.”
When the alarm went off I was disappointed but not really surprised when he moved my arm off him and immediately slid out of bed.
With a bit of complaint in my voice I asked, “Can’t you stay in bed a little longer? I could use a little attention. I have not seen much of you recently.” As I said this I pulled the blanket down so my breasts were showing. Maybe a little skin will entice him.
He looked down at me but just said “No. I have meetings first thing in the morning and you need to get ready and take the kids to school before work.” With that he walked into the master bathroom and closed the door. I pulled the blanket back up and lay back feeling very frustrated. I had actually got a bit wet just anticipating the possibility that we could be pounding away on the bed.
I had gotten in the habit of taking our children, Jeremy and the twins, Allison and Shelly, to school each morning, at least when they did not have friends stop by and pick them up. Jeremy had just turned fifteen a few months ago. He was almost the spitting image of his father though he was a couple of inches taller even though just fifteen. He might even be more muscular than his dad. He had football training almost daily; weight training three times a week and cardiovascular the other two days plus all the swimming he could get in next door in Terri’s heated swimming pool. When friends called for my husband and Jeremy answered they frequently could not tell the difference in the voices.
Allison and Shelly, at thirteen and a half were beginning to turn all the boys’ heads. They both had a great bodies and breasts that I wished I had at their age.
When I heard the electric razor start I knew there was no chance he would change his mind so I decided to doze for a while longer. I must have just fallen off when I heard my Greg’s voice through the fog.
Still drowsy I said “Uh? What did you say? You know I can’t hear you when the door is closed. Come in here.”
The door opened and I turned over in the dark. Terri’s advice suddenly came to me. She’s right, my way is not working. I have to try her suggestion. I can’t give him a chance to say no. I’ll have to be quick. In the dark I could barely make out that he was still in his robe as he stepped up to the bed. Fighting the fog of sleepiness I reached out quickly my left hand, groped my way through his robe and grabbed his cock.
“Wait! What are
“Don’t talk. Just be quiet.” I had to be very quick before he moved away. If this did not work I would be too embarrassed to ever try again.
“But you shouldn’t
“I said don’t talk.” With that I took my right hand and threw the covers down off me. I was lying completely naked in the bed in front of him. Earlier, just naked breasts did not do the trick, maybe some exposed pussy would do it. I drew my knees up a bit and then spread them. He must know what I want because I could feel him trying to move backwards. I just took a tighter grip on his cock and pulled him back to the side of the bed. He must have some interest because he began growing stiffer in my hand. He was limp and dangling when I first grabbed him but now I had a pretty good tool to hang on to. Terri had been right all this time. I can’t stop now. I have to keep this escalating and not give him a chance to stop.
“Stop. You don’t know
..” His voice sounded a bit choked.
With as much force as I could put in my voice, “I said shut-up.” I put up as an aggressive front as I knew how. I can’t let him back out now. “Now get up here and fuck me.” With that I tugged hard on his cock until he had to follow up onto the bed and kept pulling him over until he was finally above me. Terri’s right. Men pretty much go wherever their cock goes. In the confusion, and in his attempt to keep his cock from being stretched a foot longer one of his hands landed on my right breast before sliding down to the bed. With some more tugging I finally had him on his hands and knees with both of his knees between my spread legs and his hands on either side of my shoulders keeping his chest from touching mine. I wish it was lighter so I could see the look on his face. I had never been this demanding of him and wondered how he was taking it. Though from the hard dick I now had in my hand I had a pretty good idea.
I could hear him starting to protest again, probably trying to be faithful to “little miss perky tits”, so, while keeping a firm grip on his cock, I reached up with my other hand to the back of his head and pulled his head down until his lips brushed against one of my nipples. I held his head there as his lips parted and a nipple slid into his mouth. His tongue moved slowly across my nipple and I could feel his body relax a bit in surrender. As his tongue began moving around my nipple in small circles I knew I had won, “I finally have his attention.” Then he sucked more of my breast into his mouth and the feeling made my body arch up against him. His tongue was making my pussy tingle. I definitely have his interest now. If his cock gets any harder I’ll be able to pound nails.
I pulled his cock up to my pussy and began moving the head in small circles around my clitoris. The tingle was quickly becoming major source of heat in my pussy and if I got any wetter I was going to have a major wet spot to avoid later.
I continued moving the head of his cock around in small circles around my clitoris and after every few passes I would push the head of his cock down and into my pussy. After holding it there for a few seconds, enjoying the feeling I would then pull it back out and rub my clitoris some more. All his resistance had disappeared and his body was beginning to sag down onto me. I loved the weight of him on me, pinning me to the bed. He pulled his head away from my breast and up to me neck. He tried to speak once again but I quickly put a stop to it by pulling his head around kissing him deeply. I then moved his head around until I could reach one of his ears with my tongue. I was just putting the head of his cock in my pussy again as I stuck my tongue in his ear. When I ran it around the inside of his ear he reacted with a strong thrust sinking his cock a several inches deeper in me.
I pulled my hand from his cock and moved both hands to his butt and pulled him another couple of inches deeper. A gasp escaped from me. He’s stretching me. I must have shrunk from lack of use. He feels so huge in me. “Fuck me Honey! I need a good fucking.” I dug my nails in as he began thrusting in earnest. “Harder” I cried. I could feel him bottoming out in me; pulling back a few inches then thrust hard back into me. It was perfect pressure against my clitoris. The heat was building in me and I knew I was going to cum very soon. As I lay back waiting for the orgasm to build, I felt him thrust hard in me and hold it with his whole body stiffening. “No, not yet.” I cried in his ear. “Wait for me!” But it was too late. I felt him begin to erupt with stream after stream of hot sperm shooting into me. It seemed to just go on and on
.five, six, seven, eight jerks of his hips before he slowed and stopped thrusting against me. Even then he continued to thrust his hips lightly against me like the aftershocks after a major earthquake.
As his body relaxed on me I felt the rage mount. It has been a whole year and he could not hold off another minute for me. He pounds away on me for a couple of minutes and he’s done. He just satisfies himself and who knows when I’ll get mine.
“You Bastard” I hissed into his ear. “Why couldn’t you wait just a bit longer for me?”
“I’m sorry mom. I couldn’t help it.”
“Sure you’re sorry but I’m
…” Mom? Oh god no. It can’t be. Jeremy? No it can’t be. It’s has to be Greg. “Jeremy? Is that you?”
With dread I recognized Jeremy’s voice. “It’s me mom.”
“What are you doing in here? Why didn’t you say something? How could you do this?”
“I’m sorry mom. I tried to tell you it was me. Every time I tried to say anything you told me to shut up and
.you know, do it.”
My rage quickly melted away with guilt taking its place. He’s right. This is all my fault. I could tell from his voice he was close to tears. This is terrible. Where is Greg anyway? Then I heard the shower faintly. Thank god he did not walk in on us. If he is still in the shower it will still be a while before he comes back through the bedroom. What do I do now, other than sign Jeremy up for years of therapy. I have to say something so he won’t think this is his fault. He is only 15.
He shifted slightly on me and then I realized he was still rock hard, still on top of me with a huge cock still buried hilt deep in me. As I struggled with trying to find the right words I noticed he was still putting pressure on my clitoris and it was really enjoying it. A slight rocking motion was quickly getting me very aroused again.
“Jeremy. You have to stop!”
“I’m not doing anything!”
“You are pushing in me.”
“No I’m not. You are doing that”.
I then realized I still had my hands on his butt and had been gently pulling him against me this whole time. I made an effort to stop but it felt so good. I’m so close. He is already inside me. What harm would it do to just do this for a few seconds longer then never again. No, what am I thinking, I have to stop. This is wrong. I’m his mother. As these thoughts kept going back and forth in my mind my pussy betrayed me. It was just a twitch of muscles but the resulting squeeze on Jeremy’s cock made him thrust hard inside me. He held his hips hard against me. I could feel his cock twitch inside my pussy and then he ground his body against mine, which just set my clitoris on fire.
“I’m sorry mom. I couldn’t help it when you squeezed me.”
“I know honey. It is my fault. Just hold it there for a few seconds then we have to stop.”
The heat in my stomach kept growing. My nipples felt so sensitive. We have to stop. Without thinking, I tilted my pelvis up towards him and involuntarily gave his cock another squeeze. Jeremy pulled back a few inches and again thrust hard into me and held it. As I was about to say “okay, that’s enough” he pulled back and then thrust hard into me again. My words caught in my throat. How can he be so hard after cumming just a minute ago? Oh, to be a teenager again.
He buried his face in my neck as he began picking up speed, thrusting again and again into me. “I’m sorry mom. It just feels so good.”
“That’s okay son. But we need to stop soon.”
He felt so big I could feel pressure everywhere in my pussy. It was like the end of a baseball bat was in me. Just how big is he anyway? At some point his hands had moved under my hips pulling me tight against him but now I felt them slide out and move up my body until they reached my breasts. He slowly moved his fingers up then lifted his chest up so he could cup both of my breasts. He began rubbing both of my nipples with his fingers. That sent an electric shock from my nipples directly to my pussy
 which then made my pussy grab Jeremy’s cock
. which made him thrust harder in me.
“Jeremy. We have to stop.” I whispered hoarsely. It was getting very hard to think straight. I have to stop this before we go to far. “Too Far? What am I thinking”? We have already gone too far. He has already cum in me. But then the devil on the other shoulder said “But you are so close. What’s the harm since he has already cum in you once already”. Okay, maybe just a few seconds longer then we will stop. Jeremy, not aware of the conversation I was having with myself, did not say anything. He just kept rubbing my nipples and driving his cock in and out of me.
We both froze at the sound of the shower door opening and closing. A minute later the sound of moving around was followed by a hair dryer starting.
“Jeremy, we have just a few minutes before your father comes out. I need you to finish fucking me. I need to cum and I am very close.” He just nodded and continued pumping me.
I tilted my pelvis up to meet his and that made our bodies match perfectly. His hips ground against mine, his hands squeezing my breasts, rubbing my nipples between his fingers and the heat in my stomach felt out of control. “Oh Jeremy. I’m cumming”. I had to fight to keep my voice down as my body bucked against my son’s. I wrapped my arms around him, squeezing him tightly as the tremors in my body gradually lessened. Then I felt him stiffen again as he came for the second time in just a few minutes. He again shot streams of sperm into me. “Where can it all come from?”
When he was finally finished and laying quietly on me I took his head in my hands and pulled it close so I could whisper in his ear, “Honey, thank you. You need to go quickly. You dad will be coming out soon. I really needed that but we are going to have to talk about this later. It cannot happen again.”
“I know mom. That was the best thing I ever felt. You are really good at this. I don’t know why dad isn’t doing this with you every day.”
“Honey, that’s enough of that. You need to get ready for school. Go down and get some breakfast. After your dad leaves for work we need to talk about this before I give you and your sisters a ride to school.”
“I don’t have school today. It is a teacher’s day.”
“Okay. Go down and have some breakfast. After your father has left come back upstairs so we can talk. And don’t say anything to him about this. This has to be just our secret and can never happen again.”
With a nod he slowly raised up onto his hands and knees. This resulted in his cock slowly pulling out of me. As slow as he was moving it seemed forever for him to pull out. I knew he was just enjoying the feeling of his first time. As the head of his cock emerged I looked down and watched it bounce up and down. There was just enough light coming through the windows now so I could see he was huge. Not only was he taller than his father he definitely a couple of inches bigger also. When he had finally pulled all the way out I could see that he was still partially erect. As he moved off the bed his cock kept bouncing around, first slapping one thigh then the other. When he was finally off the bed he pulled the blanket from the floor and pulled it up to my legs and then stopped and just stared at my body. His eyes moved slowly from my spread legs up to my breasts. That brought a quick blush to my face and, moving my legs back together, I quickly grabbed the blanket and pulled it up to my neck. Embarrassed, I whispered, “It’s cold.” It was quite chilly. The heat had turned off earlier but we had not noticed while creating our own heat. With Jeremy lying on top of me I had not noticed the chill.
With a quick “You really look nice mom. Dad’s just stupid.” He grabbed his robe off the floor, put in on and left, quietly shutting the bedroom door behind him.
From the sounds in the master bath I knew Greg was finished and about to come in the bedroom. While I waited for him my hand drifted down from my chest and over my stomach until it cupped my mound with my fingers lightly passing back and forth over my clitoris. Just as some of the tingle was returning the door opened and Greg walked up to the bed.
“Dear. I won’t be home tonight. I forgot to tell you last night that I have to run up to the plant in San Francisco tonight. I will be there over the weekend and I’ll return Sunday night.”
I was stunned. It was an obvious weekend tryst with miss perky tits. “But honey
 we need to talk.”
“I’m sorry. Whatever it is will have to wait a few days.”
Trying to hide the suspicion in my voice but being unsuccessful I asked, “Are you going alone?”
“No. I’ll probably take an assistant.”
“Yes. I can guess which one.”
“Now don’t start that again.” Before I could answer he turned and left the room. The anger I felt earlier quickly returned and then just as quickly left. My fingers had been slowly moving back and forth across my pussy. I could feel a steady stream of sperm leaking out of me. As my fingers moved back and forth through the slippery sperm all the feelings of how it got there returned.
Then I remembered another of Terri’s sayings: “Don’t get mad, get even.”
“Well Jeremy, I hope you are having a good breakfast. You are going to need your strength.”
I laid there running a lot of thoughts through my head. Deciding what to say, what plan of action to take. I would pick one path only to discard it moments later. I had finally decided that a stern talk with Jeremy and a sterner talk with that devil on my left shoulder was the best course of action to take when I had a clear vision of Greg and “miss perky” in San Francisco for the weekend. That settled it. I was not quite sure what I was going to say but I knew what I was going to do.
I was lying in bed waiting for Jeremy to return and trying to plan what I would say when a faint knock came at the door. “Come in”.
Jeremy opened the door and stepped into the room. He must have gone straight from my bed downstairs because he was still in his robe. I patted the covers on the right side of the bed next to me and said, “Why don’t you close the door and come over here”. I had deliberately chose that side as him climbing into bed and laying on a spot wet with his cum might not start this conversation off right.
As Jeremy walked up to the bed I saw him give a little shiver. “Jeremy, it is cold out there, why don’t you get in the bed so you’ll be warm while we talk”.
As he started to get in bed I held out my hand to stop him. “Go ahead and take off your robe. It’ll just get wrapped up around you, be uncomfortable and distract you while we are trying to talk”.
Jeremy seemed a bit embarrassed at the suggestion, “But Mom, I’m not wearing anything”.
Hiding a smile I replied, “Honey, I think I saw everything there is to see earlier. Come on, take that off and get in bed so you’ll be warm”.
Jeremy kind of turned his back and let his robe drop to the ground. When he turned around to lift the covers I could not help but take a good look at his cock. There was plenty of light now so I got a good look. I was right. He was huge. He hung halfway down his thigh.
Once he got in bed he laid on his back and pulled the covers up to his neck. I turned over on my side to face him. I needed this to start off right. “Honey, do you want to say anything”.
“Oh mom,” he sounded so down, “it is all my fault. I should have stopped you”.
Perfect I thought. “No Jeremy. It is my fault. I forced you just to satisfy my needs”.
This just might work after all. “You dad has been distant for some time and a women has needs just like a man. I just should not have used you. You are much too young for this kind of thing. I just hope I did not hurt you in any way, making you do something you would not want to do”.
“No mom. I’m fine. You did not hurt me. If felt good”.
“Yes it did. I just need to look for someone that can help me since your father is not interested. I thought about going to a bar but who knows what disease I might pick up. I guess someone here in the neighborhood might work. There is Mr. Gold across the street. He is single”.
Jeremy made a face, “Mom, you can’t possible do that with him. He’s fat, old and he always smells like those cigars he smokes”.
I again had to hide a smile. Jeremy was beginning to fidgit. That meant he wanted to say something but was not sure how. I reached out to just below his belly button and patted his stomach as I said, “Well son, I think that is good advice. I just do not know what to do then”. My hand patting was having an effect upon him. I could feel his cock begin to stir. As it straightened out it nudged against the side of my hand.
Jeremy bit his lip then blurted out, “Mom, maybe I can help”.
“I don’t know Honey. I feel so bad about what I made you do before”. His cock got harder and was then inching across the top of my hand until it was fully erect and lying on the top of my hand. As I patted his stomach again I could feel his cock being pushed up by my hand. I then moved my hand around so I could grasp him lightly. It was so strange to grab a cock and not be able to wrap my fingers completely around it. It was having an effect upon Jeremy though. I heard him suck in his breath and lift his hips a bit off the bed before he recovered. I grasping him lightly and then began running my fingers up and down his cock in an absent minded manner while continuing to talk, “I don’t feel it would be right to ask you to do this. You’re my son and you are probably too young to enjoy sex”.
Jeremy responded immediately, “No mom. I did enjoy it. I’m old enough. I want to help you. That would be much better than going to a stranger and getting some disease. And after all, we have done it already. I was okay wasn’t I”? I could hear the eagerness mixed with uncertainty in his voice.
“Well I guess we could try once. You are right that would be better than going to a stranger”. With that I gave his cock a good squeeze and said, “Here, let me try something”. I let go of his cock and tossed the covers to the foot of the bed. I then moved one leg over his so I could straddle his hips. Rising up on my knees above him I reached down and grabbed his cock again. I positioned it at the entrance to my pussy and very slowly began to sit down on him. As the head of his cock entered me Jeremy sucked in his breath and tried to lift up his hips to drive deeper into me. “No Honey. Let me do this”.
I then proceeded to lower myself on him so he slid in a few inches and then rose back up until he almost fell out of me. I repeated this over and over for several minutes. Jeremy just laid there with his eyes closed enjoying the sensations running up and down his cock. “Jeremy”. He opened his eyes. “You have two hands. I have two breasts. Do you see the possibilities”?
Jeremy had that questioning look on his face for a moment then it hit him and he smiled. He reached up to my breasts with each hand and began caressing them, cupping them and lifting them up, running his fingers around my nipples. He slowly moved his hands down to my stomach and then worked his way up to my breasts again. As he began running his fingers around my nipples again I had the feeling that there was a vacuum in my stomach that had to be filled. Letting go of his cock I settled my weight down on his cock until I was sitting directly on him impaling me on his cock. I began rocking my hips back and forth on him putting pressure directly on my clitoris.
“Mom, that feels so good”. Jeremy had began lifting his hips up on each of my backward strokes driving his cock as deep as it could get in me. I leaned forward and put my hands on the top of his shoulders so I could push myself back on him harder. I could feel the fire building in me and knew I was close. Jeremy shrugged his shoulder so my hands slipped off. As I was about to indicate my displeasure he raised his head up off the bed and sucked one of my nipples into his mouth and began to flick his tongue around it. After a minute he moved to the other nipple. When he placed his hands on my sides, just beside my breasts, I raised my hands to the top of my head and just kept rocking back and forth on him. He then slid his hands to the sides of my breasts and pushed them together so the nipples were right next to each other. I thought he was just playing with them until he leaned forward again and began sucking on both nipples at the same time. That did it for me. The fire that had been smoldering away in my pussy became a raging inferno. “Jeremy, I’m cumming”. I pushed as hard as I could on his cock. He started to move his mouth away. I almost shouted, “No, keep sucking on them”. The muscles in my pussy were cramping around his cock as wave after wave swept over me. Jeremy’s mouth began to get slack and then his head fell back on the pillow. I could feel his hips begin to buck up under me. Then he gave a slight cry, reached out to grab my hips and pulled me tight against him. His hands then slid up to the middle of my back and he pulled me down so I was lying flat on top of him with his arms wrapped around me holding me tight against his body. He drove hard into me again, held it for a few seconds, and then began pistoning in and out of me. After a good minute of this he finally let out grunt followed by “Mom, I’m cumming”. For the third time in an hour he began filling me with sperm.
Afterwards as we lay there, catching our breaths, I just laid my head on his shoulder and relaxed. I could feel his erection slowly ebbing and gradually slipping out of me. “Jeremy?”.
“Yes mom”?
“I think this might work for me if it works for you”.
“It works for me mom. I’m glad to help”.
“Well, we’ll need to keep this to ourselves. No mentioning it to Dad, your sisters or any of your friends. Do you think you can do that”?
“Yes, mom. I can”.
And so our adventure began. Over the next two weeks Jeremy would get up early and be waiting at our bedroom door, waiting to hear his dad start his shower. As soon as the shower started Jeremy would come in, climb into my bed, get onto me and into me, and we would enjoy a quickie. Another once or twice a week, when there was no one in the house we could enjoy ourselves on a more leisurely pace. In the middle of that second week Greg made his big announcement that he needed to find himself. I suggested that perhaps if he looked in miss perky tits pussy he might find himself.
It was also in the middle of that second week that I had the thought to make an appointment with my GYN to get a new prescription for pills. I had stopped taking my birth-control pills several months earlier when it was apparent that Greg was not going to be a threat to make me pregnant. I was pretty active sexually now so I had better get protected.
And that would have been a good idea if she had thought of it a week earlier.

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WARNING: this is what it says on the box, the story of a lesbian rape – no men are involved. It is not a violent story, more one of forced initiation, but please do not read further if this subject matter is likely to offend you. This story is fiction, and all characters and places are invented.

Master! Master! Part 12

The girls and I arrive at our new summer home, with plenty of cameras available to record our sexy shenanigans! Maybe now we can get some answers.

On The Beach

My fifteen-year-old daughter teased the hell out of me all day long on the beach but it was certainly worth it in the long run.


This is the first story I have ever published on an adult fiction site. I really hope you all enjoy it and I am looking for all forms of feedback. Just to let you all know, I have a huge cum fetish, so at least one of the characters will be producing an absurd amount of cum. Literally gallons of never ending cum. Yes it is unrealistic but I wish it wasn’t, so that’s why it is in the story. Enjoy.

Nipple Rings & A SunDress

I spent the morning doing what I always do, classes first at the local college I attend, and then off to breeze by Dad’s office to bring him lunch, and today I thought perhaps I’d go to the gym and work out for a bit. I pulled my Honda into the parking garage at Dad’s office; I adjusted the mirror to put on some lip gloss and ran my fingers through my hair. I grabbed the Chinese I had picked up for Dad. I locked the door and walked to the elevator. I pressed the button to the elevator and the door instantly slid open. I stepped in; inside the elevator I pressed the ground floor and rode the short trip to the bottom. I walked out of the elevator and into my Dad’s office. I stopped at the desk to tell the Receptionist I was there; she smiled and waved me through. I pushed the button on the lobby elevator and when it slid open my friend Elizabeth was inside.
“Hi Brooke,” Elizabeth said.
“Oh, how are you Lizzie,” I asked.
“I’ve been better, having a rough day with that new guy up in finance, he’s such an asshole,” she told me.
“Well what’s he look like,” I asked.
“He’s sexy as hell but he’s really uptight, I think he needs to get fucked to get his attitude fixed up,” she said.
“Introduce, me Liz,” I said.
She smiled, Liz and I had been friends for years since high school, she was interning here while she was in the community college for accounting. She knew what I was capable of, and she knew that if this guy needed a good fucking I would certainly give it to him. We got off on the 6th floor, and I walked into Dad’s office area, I stopped to chat with his secretary. Her name was Jan, she was a gorgeous girl, and she was in her late 20’s with black hair in a cute little spiky style with beautiful blue eyes.
“Brooke, are you here for your Dad’s lunch,” She asked.
“Yes, I sure I am, “I answered.
“Well your Dad is in a meeting with some important clients he said you could leave it with me,” she said.
I leaned in over her desk to pick up a post it note, I was aware of Jan looking down my dress. Today I had worn a cute little pink sun dress that was low cut where the tops of my breast bulged out. My dress hit me thigh about two inches above the knee. Of course I wore no panties, I never did, and I loved to be free of clothes that were restraining. Today I wore no bra; they tended to push on pierced nipples when I decided to wear my little silver hoops in them.
“Jan are you checking me out,” I asked her slyly?
“Brooke, you look very, delicious today,” she said.
I straightened up and jotted Daddy a little note that told him I loved him, hoped he enjoyed lunch and I’d see him at home tonight around 8. I sat the pin down, when Jan rose from her chair she took my hand in hers and walked me over to a door in the office, she opened it, inside was supply room it was rather large.
“Jan what are we doing,” I asked inquisitively.
She didn’t answer me she took me into the room and shut the door and flipped the lock on the inside of the door. She moved to the back of the room in front of me. She took her hand a caressed my face gently, and leaned in her lips brushing against mine. I stood very still, as her tongue ran along my bottom lip and then parted my lips. She kissed me softly as her tongue searched earnestly for mine. I gave it to her, as our tongues danced I was aware of her hands one around my waist pulling me close to her, I could feel her large breast pushing into mine. Her other hand was reaching into the top of my dress. She continued our passionate kiss as her hand found my nipple, she had no idea they were pierced but she found out quickly as she gently tugged on the ring. I could feel my pussy getting wet. She pulled back from my mouth and looked into my eyes; she could see I was certain that I was excited. She reached into my dress with her other hand and pulled my breast out of my dress. I had nice round tits, they were a size D cup, and I had nice hard nipples with large brown areolas. She kissed down my neck and to my breast that she held in her hand. Her tongue flicked at my nipple as I began to exhale, her hot wet tongue licked my nice shrinking brown spot and then she took the nipple ring and all into her mouth. I put my hand on the back of her head as she continued to assault my tits. She pulled the other one out, and did the same thing, her tongue dancing and sucking and flicking my nipple. My pussy was dripping.
She stopped what she was doing for moment, and rose to look at me; she turned around on the bottom shelf she pulled out some big cushions that were once on the sofa in her office, she took the four and put them on the floor. She took my hand and led me over to them and encouraged me to kneel down on them. We were both on our knees facing each other; my tits were still out of my dress. She reached under my dress and began to gently rub my pussy lips. My pussy was shaved so nice and smooth I had just shaved this morning, as I did every morning actually. She continued to rub the outer lips of my cunt as she pulled on my nipple rings with her other hand. I wanted her very badly at that moment. I moved away from her and I decided to lie down on the cushions. I positioned myself where I could hook my shoes on a shelf on each side so I was as spread out of Jan as I could get. She sat down cross legged between my legs and began to gently caress the outer lips of my pussy. I knew that I was wet and she could see because I was so spread out for her, but she continued to rub my outer lips gently. She watched my face for an indication that I was enjoying what she was doing. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the feeling between my legs. Her soft hands ran gently across my lips she started at my mound and worked her way down over the lips past my clit that was sticking out and hard down to my ass and then back up. I was throbbing because I wanted her to touch my cunt inside, but being submissive required me to allow her to do it her way.
She took her hands and peeled my outer lips out to open me further, she held me open with one hand. I felt her long finger nails brush over my clit just the tips of her nails hit my clit, and then ran down those tender pink inner lips. She moved her nails back up and I felt the pressure of her finger on my clit. She rubbed slowly and methodically little circles around my clit.
“You’re soaking wet Brooke, does this feel good baby,” she asked?
“I want you to fuck me Jan,” I answered breathlessly.
“Oh don’t you worry baby girl, I’ll fuck you, I’ll fuck you like you have never been fucked before,” she answered.
She continued to rub at my hard little pink clit, I opened my eyes and looked down at what she was doing, it looked even better than it felt. Her long red nails inside my pussy lips, my clit being pulled up where she could rub it, I knew I was getting wetter by the second. She moved her fingers between those pink inner lips to my soaked pussy hole. She stroked that area between my clit and my hole; I rocked my hips as she continued to slowly fuck me. She took her finger and gently put the tip into my hole, she moved the tip of her finger around inside of me, and then she moved more in until she was up to the first knuckle. I rocked my hips even faster soon I had her entire finger into my pulsating pussy; she moved the finger in and out of my cunt. She decided to add another finger, her second finger made me feel a little fuller as she began to give my pussy long strokes. Her fingers moved deep inside until she hit my cervix and then back out until I had just the tips of her nails inside.
“Please Jan, fuck me hard,” I begged.
She didn’t answer me, she instead added another finger to my puss, and she moved it in with the other two and began to work them into my G spot. She sped up as I rocked my hips, she had turned my lips loose she had been holding open and began to gently rub my clit with her thumb as she worked my pussy hole over with her three fingers. She moved them faster all the way in and turn and all the way back out. The feeling was divine, I knew that I was going to cum soon for her; the massaging on my clit was more than I could stand with being fucked. It was then that I felt her hot mouth, I felt her breath first close to my clit, then I felt that wet hot tongue flicking the other side of my clit, her thumb massaged one side her tongue the other. Her fingers never stopped moving inside of me, I rocked my hips faster and harder.
“Jan, I’m going to cum for you, my pussy is going to cum on you, “I moaned.
“Cum baby, you can cum I have my mouth here to lick you all over when you cum,” she purred.
I lost it, I came, my pussy clamped down on her three fingers as they were worked deep inside my wet cunt. I blew it my thighs stiffened and I began to shake and rock my pussy against her mouth, she pulled her fingers out and true to her word, her mouth was on my pussy, her tongue was inside me she fucked my pussy with her tongue and her thumb worked over my clit as I neared another orgasm, I bucked my hips against her face as she tongue fucked my dripping hot little pussy. I came as she shoved four fingers into my hole, my legs stiffened again and I rose up to grab her head and shove it back into my dripping snatch. She tongue fucked me once more after she pulled her fingers back out of me. Her tongue was so wet and so hot, I came again this time I squirted my load into her face. I had never squirted before so this was new to me, the feeling was overwhelming. I lay back as I tried to catch my breath, once I could breathe again; I opened my eyes to find Jan still squatting between my legs with a paper towel trying to wipe off her face.
“Baby, you got me good, “she said.
“I’m so sorry Jan, I’ve never done anything like that before, “I said apologetically.
“Oh fuck no don’t you ever be sorry Brooke for that, you squirted, there are not very many women that can pull that off,” she said.
“But you have to go back out here to work,” I said.
“You know what Brooke, if I have to go out there with your pussy on my face all day, baby I have something to smile about because I know what I’ve been doing,” she said laughing.
I got up off the cushions on wobbly legs, smoothed my dress out, and my hair. I surveyed the damage, I had gotten Jan’s black dress soaked, and even her hair was wet, not to mention it was all over the cushions. We cleaned up the mess and her as best we could and walked back out of the storage room. Her office was still empty, I kissed her bye and invited her to come to the house the next night, and I could fuck her again.
I walked out of the office and into the lobby of the 6th floor; Liz was once again waiting for the elevator,
“How was your Dad,” Liz asked.
“He was great,” I lied.
“Come on, let me introduce you to Tony the asshole in finance,” she said.
I got on the elevator with her, and we went to the 5th floor, stepping off I could almost smell the finance department all that printer ink, and toner, I swear it smelled like hot erasers to me. I knew I was being silly. We walked into the first office on the left, on the door was a sign that signed Finance Manager, we walked in, behind the desk sat an absolutely gorgeous guy, he had black hair that touched brushed his shoulders, he had a dark complexion and appeared to be of Mediterranean decent, he wore a black suit with a thin burgundy colored tie. He rose when we walked in, looking me up and down I extended my hand immediately and gave him a warm smile, and he reached out and took my hand in his and shook it.
“I’m Tony Amburggo,” he said.
“Hi, I’m Brooke LeRamey,” I said trying to appear shy.
“Tony, Brooke is Mr. LeRamey’s daughter,” Liz introduced.
He cleared his throat obviously uncomfortable that he was just checking out the big boss’s daughter. He gestured for me to have a seat. Obediently I sat, I was aware my pussy was still rather moist from my store room fucking I had just received. I crossed my long tan legs, and I was aware that Liz had left the room. I was also aware that my short dress went I sat down was hiked up somewhat on my right hip and I was certain he could see my right cheek. He was indeed staring, so I knew that he could see my ass.
“So what brings you in here, Brooke,” he asked?
“I bring Dad his lunch every day when I get out of class,” I said.
His smile faded, he must have thought I was in high school. So I swung my leg for a few seconds to appeal to him some more.
“I’m a freshman in college Tony,” I said sweetly.
He grinned, “Oh I see, what are you studying,” he asked?
“Well right now I’m taking general studies but I plan on pre-law,” I said seductively.
“Brooke, I don’t usually do this, but you are ummm an ummm very sweet girl, would you like to come to dinner tonight? I have another friend meeting me as well. We are going to The Bridge Restaurant tonight,” He said.
“Sure, what time,” I asked?
“How about you meet me at 6:30 just ask for me with the Maütre De will show you to my table,” he said.
With that he stood up, so I stood I assumed he was probably busy, but I obviously had made an impression on asshole Tony. I picked up my purse and head toward the door, when I dropped my purse. I bent over at the waist well aware my pink sun dress had just pulled up so he could see my sweet little brown ass, and I parted my legs just a little, so he could see my sweet little pussy as well. I picked up my back and stood back up, turning around to wave at him, he stood with his mouth hung open, and his dick was obviously very hard, I could see the outline through his black suit pants.
When I got to my car I looked in the mirror I still looked good, I reached between my legs and felt my pussy it was still wet from Jan, she was so damn good, I couldn’t wait to fuck her tomorrow night. I looked around the parking lot, beside me was an older guy about 45 or 50 sitting in his convertible, he smiled at me. Perfect I thought, I raised the top on my Honda, and leaned my seat back just a little bit, I moved my leg up on the dash board spreading my legs. I turned my head so slightly I realized the guy beside me was taking this all in. I reached between my legs and parted my pussy lips. I began to rub the right side my clit with my index finger. I moved it in small little circular motions my pussy getting wetter. I began to breathe heavier, turning my head the guy in the car next to me was up in his seat craning his head so he could see my pussy. I moved my hips up so he could watch what I was doing. I rubbed faster and harder, I could feel myself getting close when I decided I needed to have something hard in me. I moved up and placed one leg over the gear shift on the floor of the passenger side, leaving the other leg on the driver side. I pulled my sun dress up around my waste as I eased myself down on to the gear shift. I felt it push against my pussy lips, I pushed harder and it went between my inner lips, still harder I pushed when I felt it pop into my waiting cunt. I slid down on it, taking the gearshift into my puss. I began to ride the gear shift taking more and more each time. I reached into my sun dress and pulled my right tit out; I grabbed the ring and began to pull harder each time I went down on the shift. I looked over at the guy next to me; he had his cock in his hand stroking it while he watched me fuck my car. I rode it faster and harder, when I knew I was going to come, I jerked the ring in my nipple making it red until you thought the ring would pull out, I came. I rode my pussy almost all the way down on the gear, when I began to rock my hips, I moaned loudly and I was aware when I closed my eyes of the guy in the next car moaning very loudly. My eyes opened and I was aware that he was coming all over himself. Once I had finished I pulled my pussy up and off the gear, I settled back into the driver’s seat I waved and the guy next to me who was trying to clean his dick off with a napkin from his car. I squealed the tires as I zoomed out of the parking garage.
I had one more errand then I could go and meet my friends from dad’s work for dinner at 6. I drove to my best friend Leslie’s house. Leslie and I had been fucking each other all through high school. Leslie had decided that she was a full-fledged lesbian after out flings; she wouldn’t even try a guy. I was taking some papers to her mom for Leslie. I pulled into their circular driveway through the car in park and bounced up the steps papers in tow. I rang the bell, and waited for her mom to answer; I waited a few seconds and rang the bell again. I hear her mom from within the house, her feet running through the hallway. She peaked out the door and she saw who it was, she threw it open. She stood in a towel her huge breast peaking over the top of her towel, covered but barely.
“Brooke, sweetheart, sorry I just stepped out of the bath, come in please,” she said.
“Sorry Mrs. Sweingarden, Leslie asked me to drop these off,” I said.
“Brooke, how many times have I told you to call me Wendi,” she asked?
“I know sorry, here are the papers,” I said handing them to her.
She reached out to take them and as she took them she dropped the towel. She was completely naked under that towel, and was she ever built. She was about 5’9, had a DD breast, and a small shapely waist with a little strip of black hair covering her pussy. She looked at me for a few minutes, before doing anything.
“Sorry, I’m so clumsy,” she said.
She reached for the towel, when she rose back up she had the towel in her hand I took her hand and held the towel down.
“Wendi, you have a beautiful pussy,” I said seductively.
She smiled sweetly, “Brooke, would you like to taste my sweet little quim,” she asked?
I looked at her, and knelt on the floor in front of her, I parted her pussy lips, and her hard clit stuck straight out. It was dark red, and very hard, I had never seen a clit as big as hers. I hit it with my tongue, flicking it, as she let out a very loud moan, I flicked it again, and she put her hands in my hair. Flicking it again, she quivered all the way down to her feet. I sucked her hard clit between my teeth and she came all over me, wet, and hot thick juice slid from her pussy onto my tongue, as she squealed in delight. I rose and kissed her gently on the lips. I put the towel in her hand and opened the front door. As I turned to close the door I saw that she had propped herself against the wall and was breathing hard. I slid into the car and headed home to get ready for my hot date with Tony the finance manager from my Dad’s office.
I went home and showered got out a blue cocktail dress sat it on the bed. I took the silver rings out of my nipples and picked up my gold hoops. I put them into my nipples. I picked up the dress put it over my head and slid into my gold sandals. I brushed my long hair out and put on some lip gloss, grabbed my bag and headed back out to my car. I put my top up on the car and drove to the restaurant. I paid the valet and headed inside. I told them who I was there to meet and they took directly the table. Tony was sitting at the table in a white oxford cloth button down shirt and black slacks. He had a brunette with him who was wearing a black and white dress, with her hair swept back on into a loose French twist.
As he stood, he took my hand, “Brooke, glad you made it, this is Tamara,” he said.
“Hi Tamara,” I said.
“Nice to meet you,” she stated.
He pulled my chair out and we sat chatting. He ordered an expensive bottle of wine, which we drank, all of it and started on a second before the food came. After we ate, we sat and talked easily some more. Tony kept smiling at the girl sitting next to him.
“Brooke, would you like to come back to my townhouse with Tamara and me,” he asked.
“Of course I’d love to,” I said.
We went out to the valet, they brought our cars around and I followed them to Tony’s townhome. We parked in the front and went up the steps to the house. His townhome was beautifully decorated with modern dĂ©cor. We went into his living room, and he fixed us drinks at his bar, and sat down between us both. We drank and talked for several hours, until I was pretty drunk. He invited me up to his room with Tamara. I happily went along I was going to have a long good fuck tonight and I knew it. I started getting wet again as we walked up the steps. Tamara walked behind me, her hand up the back of my dress feeling my ass, and touching my asshole as I walked. We reached the top of the steps; I was off for the fucking of my life.

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This is the fourth of seven parallel and related stories; they work best if read in sequence. Chapters 4, 5 and 6 are considerably longer than the others in the series. To find the other chapters, follow the author link above. These stories are fiction, and all places and characters are invented.

The Office Affair

© 2015 by Salacious Scribe and whtwlf1790. All Rights Reserved.
Authors Notes
This is set in Dunder Mifflin Scranton, but in an alternate reality so relationships and positions are not the same as in the show.
I want to thank whtwlf1790 for the premise and coauthoring this with me.
This story contains fellatio, consensual rough heterosexual intercourse, and impregnation. If you don’t enjoy this kind of smut, please choose another story.

A Summer’s Surprise (Part 1)

I was nineteen in 1993, having just come home from a shitty year at college. To be honest, I hadn’t gone any further than kissing or heavy petting at the time, and this summer would change all of that. Anyway, this is my first attempt at something like this. Thanks for reading.

Unleashing Mary

Mary makes a request of her son not knowing she is about too take advantage and release both of their hidden desires.