
Cinderella, Cinderella!

Why did Sara reject Bob shortly before their wedding day, then advise her pregnant twin Sheila to comfort him? Who fathered Sheila’s daughter, Cindy? Why has Sheila been so angry when she’s normally a sweet person? Read the story for answers to these questions and more!

Mary Go Round

My sister Mary could certainly go around and around sucking six cocks in a row, over and over again.

End of the world – Chapter 5

Mom reached out to open the door so we could go in and talk to Sharon and her girls. I reached out and stopped her. “Shouldn’t we talk to our family first? See if they are agreeable”?
Mom looked back and shook her head, “Over the last few weeks the girls and I have discussed the possibility of their staying and they were all agreeable. That even included John. I think without him the girls would insist they stay”. A smile tugged at mom’s mouth, “In fact Terri had offered several times to help John with an accident. She has been quite inventive with some possible scenarios. You look pretty tired. You might want to avoid her for a day so you can rest. She is bound to want to show you her appreciation”.
When we entered the kitchen, Sharon was sitting there with several of the young children cutting apple slices for them. I was hit with a sudden swarm of hugs and a chorus of “Daddy’s home”. After quite a bit of horsy-back rides, their mothers shoed them off to get ready for bed.
Sharon also got up saying, “I should go see how John is. He does not like it when I’m up here and he is alone back at the bunkhouse”.
Mom stopped her before she could get up, “We did not want to say anything while the kids were still here”. She turned to look at me and waited for me to continue.
I walked over and stood next to where Sharon was sitting. “I’m sorry but John had an accident out there. He did not make it back”.
Sharon was looking up at me but I could not read her face. She looked down at her hands and the silence stretched out. Finally she looked back up at me, “Is he hurt? Is he still out there?
Well, John is still out there, but he is past hurt. He won’t be coming back”.
She looked puzzled, “I don’t understand”.
I really did not want to relate the entire story, “He had an accident out there. He did not make it. I thought it best to leave him there”.
She just looked at me for a while and then slowly nodded her head. “Karma”.
I was not sure I heard her right, “Karma”?
“It means something like ‘What goes around comes around’, or ‘you reap what you sow’. My husband once went out hunting with John. He did not make it back either”.
She was getting the wrong idea, “Wait, I did not…”.
She held her hand up to my lips to stop me. “That is not what I meant. I meant just that you were luckier or more capable. John was not a very honorable man”.
Then she saw the side of my face. “And what happened to your face”? She stood up and touched my cheek I had forgotten about the scrapes. “It’s nothing; I just scraped it on some bark”.
She gave me a hug, whispered ‘thank you’ in my ear, and then said, “I should go and tell the girls. They would want to know”.
Before she could leave, mom gestured for her to sit back down, “There is something else we should talk about”. Mom waited for her to sit and then mom continued, “We would like for you and the girls to stay here with us if you have no other plans, become part of our family”.
A big smile grew on Sharon’s face. “We would love to. I know the girls would want to also”. Then the smile died. “There is a problem though. I have talked to your daughters. I know what part of what you are doing here; the children and all. I won’t fit in”.
I could not imagine how she couldn’t fit in. “What are you talking about”?
“John has been, uh, well, fucking me for years now. I have no children. I’m sterile. I can’t contribute to the family”.
Mom laughed, “That does not matter. We are not inviting your uterus to join us. We would like you to be part of our family”.
Sharon leaned over and hugged mom. “Of course I would like to join you. I should go and tell the girls now”.
Just before she went out the door she stopped, “Before I forget, John told me not to tell you this before. I was an electrical engineer. You are having a problem with your solar panels. I took a look at them. I think I can fix them”.
Once she had gone I was ready to go take a shower and fall in bed. It had been a long day and I was beat. But mom was not finished. “Irregardless of her having children, I think the two of you should sleep together for the next month”. I started to protest but she held up her hand. “Effectively, you are the husband to all the adult women in our family. I want Sharon to feel that she is an integral part of the family. If her position is not the same as the rest of us I think she will not feel as much a part of the family”.
“What if that is not what she wants? John has been pretty rough on her. She might not like the idea of being passed on to another man”.
Then she smiled at me, “I have seen her give you looks when you were not watching. I will ask her, but I don’t think that will be a problem. And I have seen you look at her when you think she is not looking. I don’t think this will be any great hardship on you”.
I gave her a kind of sheepish shrug. Before I could say anything she sent me off to bed.
“And don’t forget to shower first, you smell something horrible”.
The next morning I did not wake until the sun was well up. Usually I am awake at dawn but I did not sleep well last night, bad dreams. I was hoping I had not missed breakfast and was just tossing the sheet off me when the door flew open with a bang and Janelle and Mikey flew across the room and jumped on me. Janelle had come at me sideways and was now lying across my chest, pinning me to the bed. Later, when I thought about it, and I did frequently, I suspected that Mikey had planned her attack a bit better. She came at me from the foot of the bed and ended up sitting right on top of my cock. Fortunately it was limp and a lying off to the side under her. “We both want to thank you. We are so glad he is gone”.
Before I could say anything Janelle lifted up and planted a kiss right on my lips. That would have been fine but as she moved up to kiss me, both of her nipples trailed across my chest. That by it self might have been okay but when I looked over Janelle I saw Mikey sitting there on me. I found I was focused on her chest. While her breasts were a bit on the small side, her nipples were really large, bigger than any of my sisters. I had to stop looking at their breasts. I could feel the effect it was having on me. I was no longer completely limp and I was definitely straightening out. I knew my cock was slowly moving against Mikey. I looked up at her and she gave me this impish smile.
Janelle propped her head up on her hands and began talking to me. It was hard to concentrate on what she was saying because Mikey was moving around. By now, with two naked girls, four naked boobies, and I could feel one naked pussy being lined up with my cock, I was as hard as I could get. I was moving around a bit myself trying to keep the head of my cock away from the entrance to her pussy.
Janelle took my head in both of her hands, “Danny, you did not answer me”.
“What? What did you say”?
“I was saying that we get to stay, we don’t have to leave anymore. Our mom talked to us last night and your mom talked to us this morning. We get to stay and be part of your family. Isn’t that neat”?
I got a glimpse of Mikey over Janelle’s head. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was open. She was rubbing herself against me and was really close to….too late. I slipped into her. Her eyes opened wide and she had that smile again on her face as she looked at me. I was trying to shift my pelvis down so I could get out of her but she was ahead of me. She tilted back and I slid deeper into her.
“Danny, you are not paying attention again”.
“What”? She had no idea what her sister was doing to me. I was certainly paying attention, it just was not to Janelle.
“I was asking you what you did to John. Mom said he had an accident and died. I don’t believe it. I think you killed him. Don’t you think so Mikey”?
Mikey just responded with an “mmmmm”. I wanted to say the same.
As Janelle started to turn around to see what was going on with Mikey, we heard Sharon calling them from somewhere in the house. Mikey rose up off of me. Now I was sticking up in the air. By the time Janelle had slid off the bed Mikey had moved off the foot of the bed. Janelle forgot about Mikey when she saw my cock sticking up in the air. “I think you are glad to see us. Maybe we should come back later”.
Mikey handed me the sheet and I pulled it over me. It did not help much since part of it was sticking up in the air. “Why don’t you two go and see what your mom wants”?
After they were gone I lay there thinking about Janelle and Mikey. Before, I had avoiding them because of John. But there was no reason to now. Oh yes. But what would Sharon say, not to mention my sisters?
I was just about to get up when Mikey and Janelle came back into the room. Mikey had a bit of a pout on her face, “I don’t think it is fair. We saw you first”. They walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. Mikey saw that my erection was still there and began to run a finger round, playing with it.
What are they talking about, “You don’t think what is fair”?
Janelle seemed to do more talking while Mikey was easily distracted, “Mom gets to come and sleep with you”. But then she brightened, “But we are next”.
I was having a problem concentrating again, “We”?
“That’s right. We are next. Something you don’t know. We have the same birthday. We have always been together. We do everything together. We are a package. When you get one of us, you get both of us”. She saw what Mikey was doing and moved over and grabbed my sheet covered cock. With a quick glance back at me she lowered her head and engulfed me. After a few seconds she moved her mouth away. “I want to be sure you don’t forget us”. They both got up and bounced out the door.
Since Sharon’s arrival, we had decided that it should be safe for us to go down to the town and forage for things we could use, tool, clothes, etc. It was still warm out but winter was fast approaching and we could especially use any clothing we could find. There were so many of us now that the spare clothing we had when we first arrived had either pretty much worn out or just was not enough. It was decided that Sharon, since she had been through the area, me and Sharon’s girls would make the trip. My kids were much too young and my sisters were either pregnant or still breastfeeding and could not leave.
The night before we left, the girls fixed a special dinner for everyone. For those of us leaving, it was all our favorites. We even had ice cream, a special treat. Afterwards I spent several hours in the living room playing with my kids. There were so many now that it was hard to give all of them the attention they deserved. After the last one had been shoed off to bed, I made the rounds of their bedrooms so I could be sure I said goodnight to everyone.
When I finally arrived at my bedroom door I was beat. It was going to be a long trip tomorrow. I wished I had gone to bed a few hours earlier. As I stepped into my bedroom I thought I could see the outline of someone in my bed from the little bit of light coming in from the hall. Whomever it was lying on their side and looked to be asleep. When I closed the door it was completely dark and I could not see them at all. I bet it is Terri finally coming to say thank you.
I guess I did take too long to get to bed. I was tired enough that I was not really in the mood but maybe a little touchy-feely might change my mind. Please god, don’t let it be Mikey, I do not have enough energy left tonight to fend her off.
I got in bed she was on her side facing away from me. I moved over behind her. When I tried to slide my arm under her head, she lifted it for me and then laid her head back on my arm. Her breathing never changed. She is still asleep. I was curious who it was. I moved my body up against her back. It was just cool enough tonight that it felt nice snuggled up with someone. I put my hand on her hip and that did not give me a clue. I slid my hand farther around under her arm and onto her stomach. The only thing that told me was she’s not pregnant. But it was a nice flat stomach. I was a bit more interested now and moved my hand up her stomach and between her breasts until it was on the front of her shoulder. Her breathing changed. She is awake. She leaned back against me. Well, maybe I could stay up a bit longer.
I slowly moved my hand down until it passed over her one of her breasts. When I reached the bottom I cupped it in my hand. Who ever this is has large breasts. I ran through everyone in my mind, mentally holding their breasts in my hands, no, these are bigger. Who could…Oh no. It’s Sharon. I jerked my hand up off her breast but my arm was under one of hers. The movement woke her. She held her arm against me so I could not pull mine out without jerking it hard. “I’m sorry Sharon. I did not know it was you. I thought it was one of my, one of the others”.
Sharon reached down for my hand and pulled it back up to her breast and then put her hand over mine, holding it there. “Dan, relax. Your mother, yes I know she is your mother and the others are your sisters, suggested that I should move into your bedroom tonight. She thought it might help our relationship and working together. I’m sorry I fell asleep. I did not expect you to stay up so late. Do you want me to turn over? I’m awake now and you can, you know, if you want to”.
I remembered how John had treated her. I did not want her to think of me the same way. And, ‘you can if you want to’ was not the right beginning for us if there was going to be one. I brought my left arm around and gave her a hug. “No, we are both tired and we have a long day tomorrow. Lets go to sleep if you don’t mind”. She did not say anything, just nodded her head. After several minutes I felt her body relax as she went back to sleep. My last thought before falling asleep was, ‘those are nice breasts’.
Mom came in at 5 AM, turned on a light, and woke us. She found me on my back. In the night Sharon had turned over and was now lying against me with her head on my shoulder and one leg bent up over mine. My left arm was still wrapped around her. The light woke Sharon and she quickly got out of bed and disappeared into the bathroom.
Since the night I had returned without John, Sharon had begun dressing like the rest of us, which meant, no dressing at all. When she got up I could see her face blush. She was embarrassed to be found in bed, naked with me, by mom.
When we got to the kitchen we found Mikey and Janelle already there and waiting. Sharon and I had breakfast while Mikey and Janelle went out and hitched up a team to an old wagon. The girls had packed it with one of our large tents, some clothes for everyone in case it got cool and some food last night. We normally used it to haul hay around for livestock but it would be perfect for this trip.
We said our few goodbyes and were out on the road just as it was getting light. The trip was smooth but slow. At our three to four miles an hour it was going to take us most of the day to get there. One thing we did not have to worry about was traffic.
The sun had reached straight up and was getting pretty hot so we stopped in the shade under a few trees along side the road. We laid out a few blankets and ate some of the food mom had packed for us. We were on a bit of a rise and could see for several miles in three directions. We were used to not seeing people but it seemed so eerie. We could see many ranch houses spread around in the distance, quite a lot of horses and cattle, but no people.
We decided to wait here in the shade and nap through the hottest part of the day before continuing. I was in the middle of the blanket, so when I laid down, Mikey and Janelle lay on the left side of me and Sharon lay on the other. Sharon turned on her side towards me, raised her head until I put my arm out, and then used it as a pillow. Mikey and Janelle lay facing each other talking low while Sharon and I both fell asleep.
I woke about an hour later. It had cooled down a bit. I was still lying on my back and Sharon had not moved. Sharon’s hand, which had been on my chest when I fell asleep, had drifted south and was now resting right at the edge of my pubic hair. I could feel her fingers twitch every now-and-again in her sleep. Unfortunately that was causing my own twitching. I was rapidly coming to attention. It was just seconds before I felt the head bump into something. It had to be her fingers. Her fingers twitched again and then stretched out a bit and settled on the head of my cock.
I glanced over at the girls. Thank god, they were both still asleep. Mikey was lying on her back also. I looked down her body from her nipples to the small triangle of her pubic hair. There was just a little bit. Just looking at her was making me harder. What is wrong with me? I have one naked woman hanging on one side of my and I’m staring at her naked girls on the other.
Then Sharon’s hand moved a bit farther down and wrapped around my shaft. If I was not completely erect before, I sure was now. It felt so good. I let out a sigh that was a bit louder than I intended. I looked quickly over at the girls again and found Mikey looking at me. She was looking at Sharon’s hand and she had a big smile on her face. Oh, great, now what? She turned back over and a few seconds later I saw Janelle’s head poke up over Mikey. She looked at my face and then quickly looked down my body. A big smile formed on her face also before she dropped back down out of sight. Mikey turned her back to me. It was just a few seconds before I could hear giggling coming from them.
I reached down and tried to gently move Sharon’s hand without waking her. No such luck, as soon as I pulled a finger away her head moved on my shoulder. “What? Is it time”? And then she realized where her hand was and jerked away from me and got up.
From the look on her face I could see she was going to start blurting out apologies but that would only serve to focus the girls attention on what had happened so I quickly pointed at them and she held her tongue.
I got up and quickly walked over to the far side of the wagon and began rummaging around in a box. I needed to buy some time so that this flagpole would go down. I looked up and saw Sharon standing there watching me. She looked so nice. I remember there were black kids of all shades when I was in school but it had been so long since we had been around anyone. She seemed very exotic with the natural light brown skin instead of the tanned skin of my sisters. Where the areoles around my sister’s nipples were pink, hers were brown. I shook my head. You need to stop this or you are never going to go down.
We quickly packed everything away and got back on the road. I had Mikey and Janelle sit up front so I could ride in the back. That way I could avoid most of their knowing glances and smiles at me plus give them experience with the team.
We were now passing houses along the road. Everything was so overgrown. Roofs were falling down. Occasionally we would encounter cars stopped right in the middle of the road, their tires flat. Usually we could work our way around them. A couple of times we had to tie a rope to the car and the wagon and use our horses to pull it to the side. We would have made quite a sight if there had been anyone to see us, four nudists, wearing nothing but hats, riding in a horse-pulled wagon.
We passed one house that had a tattered flag atop a flagpole out by a circular driveway. Mikey looked back over her shoulder and asked, “If we find a flag in town, could we take it home to put up our flagpole”?
What do we want a flag for? I looked over at the flag. It did not look very impressive all ripped like that, but why not. “Sure, I don’t know why not”. I did not know what good it could do. We don’t even have a flagp..oh, yeh. I looked up to see Mikey smiling back over her shoulder at me. She leaned over to Janelle and they both started giggling again.
When we reached the edge of town the sun was already headed down. We passed a sign that said we were in Redding, population 61,101. That really brought it home to me, all dead. Towns like this all across the USA, empty, and other countries too.
It was pretty depressing. I could tell from the others faces that they felt pretty much the same. We did little talking. Mikey and Janelle were not joking any longer. But then they had seen all this before. We just kept passing houses and then businesses with no one around. Small trees were growing up in the cracks in the sidewalk making even bigger cracks.
It had taken all day to get here and it was starting to get dark. “Why don’t we find a spot where we can camp for the night and then we can look around the town tomorrow and see what we can find”? After another half hour we came to a small creek that ran through the middle of the town. We found a grassy area alongside of it and unhitched the horses and let them graze. Sharon and I set about putting the big tent up; there would be room for all of us in it, while the girls began getting some dinner ready. Across the creek we could see some really nice houses. I wondered what happened to those people. They had to have had a lot of money to afford those houses in this nice area and it did not make a difference. They ended up the same as those on the edge of town in the one-room shacks.
We made a small fire for the chill and had some dinner. We were all just a bit spooked with the tall buildings around us and the silence so once dinner was finished we quickly got in the tent and got ready for bed. Once again I was in the middle. We had piled our sleeping bags together so the bed would be softer but it had the effect of our huddling together to be under the blanket. Sharon was once again lying on her side with her back to me. I could feel Mikey and Sharon snuggled up against my back. It did keep us quite warm.
The girls went to sleep pretty quickly. Mikey had turned over and was now sleeping on her back. I was having trouble falling asleep. All the empty buildings weighed on my mind; the huge loss. I had not noticed it at first but my hand was once again on one of Sharon’s breasts. I had been idly moving my hand around, giving her breast soft squeezes, running my fingers around her nipple, pushing it one way and then another. I realized what I was doing when Sharon pushed her butt back against me. That was when I noticed I was hard. She felt it too. She lifted her right leg and hooked her knee over my leg. She turned her head and whispered, “Are the girls asleep”?
I looked around and they were both sound asleep. I whispered back, “Yes”.
Sharon lifted her body up just enough so that my cock was no longer pinned between us. As it straightened out it slid between her legs with the shaft lying against her pussy. I could feel the heat of her body on it. She stretched forward and I felt her hand grab me. She began running her fingers around the head of my cock. After about a minute I could feel her rubbing me against her pussy. My left arm was still under her head but I brought my hand up and was able to reach her other breast. I was now caressing them both. Every now and again I would take my hands rub down her chest to her stomach and then back up. She moved her hips forward a bit and then tilted them back at me. She then pushed hard on the head of my cock against her and with a sudden stab I sank halfway into her.
A long, low moan escaped her. I could tell she was trying to suppress it so as to not wake the girls. I was ready for my own moan. It was so hot inside of her. She had fantastic muscle control. I could feel her pussy just pulsate around my cock, squeezing, letting go and then squeezing me again. Trying not to be too active I began slow thrusts in and out of her. She began pushing back at me with each of my thrusts. I could feel her fingertips brushing against my cock where I entered her. It took me a moment to realize she was rubbing her clitoris. Her breath became ragged and she pushed back against me with sharp, hard thrusts. I pushed back trying to get as deep in her as I could. She suddenly stopped rubbing herself and cupped my balls in her hand and pulled up trying to get me deeper in her. She bent forward and let out a long, low cry. When her pussy clamped down on me I could not take it anymore and cum began shooting out of me into her. With each stream I thrust as hard as I could into her, pushing her forward on our makeshift bed.
When we both had finished we lay there trying to catch our breath without making too much noise. She had let go of my balls but was now tracing a finger from my balls up the bit of shaft that was not inside of her and then back down. Each time she reached my balls she would give them the gentlest squeeze. Each time she did I would have a little involuntary thrust back into her. She finally pulled her leg off me. I started to pull back out of her but she quickly pushed back against me, “No, please stay there for a while”.
“Okay”. I pushed back in as well as I could. I knew I could not stay long but was happy to comply. It was certainly no hardship.
She pulled my hand back up to her breasts and held it there. “Thank you. That was nice. It has been a very long time since I enjoyed sex”.
I kissed her neck, “The pleasure was all mine”.
She let out a little laugh, “Oh, don’t you believe it”.
I pulled her tight against me and then we both drifted off to sleep.
I was still asleep when Sharon woke. When she nudged me awake, light was just beginning to come into the tent. I started to get up but she stopped me with a hand, “We passed a music store yesterday. It is just a block back. Why don’t you get a bit more sleep while I go check it out? When I first went to college I was going to be a music teacher. I think the kids would like some instruments to play with”.
“Do you want to wait while I get ready”?
“No, there is nothing to worry about out there. And besides, the girls are still sleeping. Why don’t you get a little more and I’ll see you in an hour or so”.
With that said she left the tent and I drifted off again. It was that limbo sleep where you are not quite fully asleep but not awake either. My mind was just floating around. When my cock began tingling, my find filled in with a dream about Sharon. In my dream I looked down and I could see her head going up and down on me as her tongue swirled around me. Then the image changed and it was mom, she lifted her head and smiled at me and then lowered her mouth back over me. In my dream I kept watching her, her head bobbing up and down, pulling me out of her mouth and then flicking her tongue back and forth across the head of my cock, lowering her mouth and sucking on just the head of it.
When she raised her head again it was not mom but Mikey. That made me jump and she bit me. And that made me open my eyes. Janelle was crouched on one side of my hips holding my cock in her hand. Mikey was crouched on the other side looking at me, “I’m sorry. I did not mean to bite you. You moved. Here, let me kiss it and make it better”.
Before I could say anything she lowered her head and kissed the head of my cock very gently. “He seems to be better now. Maybe he forgave me. Lets see”. She lowered her head and took me into her mouth again. Oh, yes. Forgiveness was complete.
I had not said a word up to now. I just lowered my head back down and felt the sensations run over me. While Mikey was going up and down on me with her tongue, Janelle was running her hand around my shaft and down to my balls. It felt so good. But I had to stop them. I was going to cum any minute at this rate. What would Sharon say if she came back and caught us?
Janelle shifted and began kissing me across my chest, up to my neck and then on my mouth. After a minute of resistance I enthusiastically joined in, our tongues darting in and out of each others mouth, fencing with each others tongue. She pulled away from my mouth and moved higher so her breasts were in my face. Even though Sharon was not her real mother the two looked alike. They were both black but with very light skin. Janelle’s breasts were also on the large size and they both had that slender long-legged body type. I took one of her nipples in my mouth and my hand searched and found the other breast. I was so preoccupied with Janelle’s nipple in my mouth that I did not notice that Mikey had moved until she sat down on my cock and it slid about halfway inside her. It was like an electric current had been turned on in me. She was very tight, so tight that it seemed like I could not fit inside her. She sat there for what seemed like a minute, lifted up a few inches and lowered herself back down on me again. I was still just half in her. She very slowly repeated it over and over, lifting up and then lowering herself. It felt so good in her I had lost my concentration and was no longer playing with Janelle’s nipples. I was just enjoying the sensation of moving slowly inside Mikey.
Janelle certainly noticed though, “Danny, why did you stop”? She moved her breast around my face trying to get my attention. I just lay there with my eyes closed with a low groan escaping me each time Mikey lowered herself on me. She had managed to get another inch of my inside of her. Janelle felt the movement of my body and turned around as Mikey lowered herself on me again. “Oh wow. You are so little, is it going to fit”?
Mikey’s eyes opened and she smiled at Janelle, “It feels like someone’s arm is inside me. Yes it’s going to fit. It might take a while but I’m getting fucked right now. I’m not waiting any longer”. She continued moving up and down on me and was making progress. There were just a couple of inches left now. It felt like my cock was in an oven, it was so hot in her.
Janelle reached out to Mikey’s breasts. “Maybe this will help”. She began lightly rubbing Mikey’s breasts. She then leaned forward and sucked a nipple in her mouth and worked one hand down Mikey’s chest and across her stomach. When it reached Mikey’s crotch her hand bumped into my cock. She gave what she could reach a little squeeze and then moved back a bit and began rubbing Mikey’s clitoris. Mikey closed her eyes, raised up so that Janelle had better access and held there for a minute. She gave a little shudder, and then sat down hard on me, trapping Janelle’s hand between us as she completely impaled herself on me. Janelle pulled her fingers out and Mikey began rocking back and forth on me.
Janelle was still kissing and licking Mikey’s breasts but she was now on her hands and knees with her butt up near me. I reached over between her legs and began rubbing her pussy. She was so wet that I easily slipped a finger in her. Janelle moaned and lowered her head onto my stomach. Mikey did not even notice. She kept rocking back and forth on me.
I kept rubbing her pussy and teasing her clitoris by passing a finger around it every few passes. My other hand moved up to move back and forth from breast to breast. But once again my focus on Janelle was lost as Mikey began moving very insistently on me. It was driving me right to the edge. She began thrusting back hard, holding her body against me, then quickly moving forward and thrusting back hard again. I knew she was about to cum any moment. I had been fighting my own orgasm ever since she began thrusting hard on me. Finally she let out a loud cry, hunched over on Janelle, who was still lying on my stomach, and pushed back against me one last time. I reached up over Janelle to hug Mikey against us and pushed as deep into her as I could and let go. Mikey’s pussy was so tight around me it felt like she was sucking the streams of sperm right out of me. It gave new meaning to being drained.
We lay there for a few minutes recovering until Janelle finally began pulling herself out from between us. Mikey rose up to a sitting position. Janelle sat up in front of her. “What did it feel like? Did it hurt”?
Mikey had kind of a dreamy look on her face, “It felt really good. It did not hurt but it was real tight for the longest time. It felt like he was never going to fit. Then it was like I was real slippery inside and he moved in and out of me really easy”.
“I thought it hurt because you had a really bad look on your face at the end”.
“No, the feeling was just so intense then. I think it was the orgasm that mom told us about. It was like I was having cramps and my stomach and pussy were on fire at the same time. The feeling was so intense that I wanted to just squeeze him so hard”.
“Hey girls, I’m right here. I can hear you”.
They both looked at me. Janelle spoke up, “I have not forgotten. Move over Mikey, it’s my turn”. Mikey reluctantly lifted up a bit off of me, but she was moving very slowly. I finally fell out of her with a plop on my stomach.
As Janelle was lifting a leg over me I stopped her. “I don’t think he is in any condition for seconds, maybe another time”.
Janelle looked at me with that impish smile that Mikey usually had, “We told you we are a package. You get one, you get the other. That also goes with fucking”. After a pause she added, “Especially with fucking”.
But she did look down at the offending member. She lifted me up with her hand and let me fall back to my stomach. It did not look encouraging. She looked back at Mikey, “I think we need to do what mom had to do with John. I bet it will be twice as fast with two”. They both moved their heads around near my cock. Mikey lifted my cock up and sucked it into her mouth, swirling her tongue around the head. After a few seconds she pulled it out and pointed it towards Janelle. She repeated the process, sucking the head into her mouth, running her tongue around me for a while before passing me back to Mikey.
I don’t care how far a man is gone, or how tired he is, put two fifteen year-old mouths on a man’s cock and he will rise to the occasion. And it did. When Janelle moved around and got on top of me, Mikey held my cock up and Janelle backed up and I slid right into her. She was not the little Asian Doll like Mikey. Even at fifteen she was more like a full-grown woman. She rose up on her arms above me and let her breasts rub across my chest, her nipples growing hard again. Mikey was behind her and I could feel her rubbing her hand on my balls and then running a finger or two up my shaft as I would pull back and then thrust back into Janelle.
Having just cum once I knew I was in no danger of disappointing Janelle by cumming first. I just let her enjoy herself on me. She was moving around on me like she had seen Mikey do, finding what gave her the most pleasure. Mikey had moved around in front of Janelle and was now returning the favor by playing with Janelle’s breasts. After several minutes Mikey moved and lay down along side me and just watched us. I reached up and took Janelle’s breasts in my hands and pushed them together so that her nipples were right next to each other. I pulled her down to me and began licking and sucking on both of her nipples at the same time. She let out a little cry and began slamming down harder on me. After a few seconds I pushed her back up. She let her arms dangle with just me holding up her weight, rocking her hips back and forth on me.
Janelle was starting to pick up speed. Her mouth was open and she had begun breathing hard. As she started to thrust harder on me I squeezed her breasts, and with a finger began stimulating her nipples. Then suddenly she arched her back until she was sitting straight up on me. She was grinding her pelvis against me in little circles. “Oh, that, feels, so, good”. She said it slowly, like it was hard to get each word out. Then she collapsed onto my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and held her.
After about thirty seconds she must have noticed I was still hard and moving very slowly in and out of her. “Daddy, you don’t mind if I call you daddy do you? We are part of your family now”.
“No that is fine. You can call me that if you want to”.
“Daddy, did you cum in me”?
“No, not yet”.
“Don’t you want to? You will won’t you”?
I hugged her tightly to me, “Oh, yes. I want to”. I moved my hands down to her butt and pulled her tight against me as I began driving into her harder, gradually picking up speed. I could feel her head bounce up on my shoulder each time I bottomed out in her.
I could feel myself getting closer, the sperm boiling up in my balls. Holding her butt tight against me I began short, hard strokes into her, barely pulling back before slamming back into her. It was just moments before I let out a hard grunt and was once again cumming. I could feel the streams shooting out of me and did not know where they came from. How could I have had any left?
When I was finished Janelle turned her head to me and gave me a very pleased, “Thank you”. Mikey was on her side, tight against the two of us. I still had my arms around Janelle and could feel one of Mikey’s arms hugging her as well.
We were all exhausted. We just lay there trying to recover. We might have even fallen asleep but just then the tent flapped opened and light poured in. I could see Sharon’s silhouette in the doorway. Janelle was still lying on top of me with my cock buried to the hilt in her. Since the doorway was at our feet it was pretty obvious what we had been doing. Janelle turned her head and looked at her mom. “Hi mom, where have you been”?
I expected her to start yelling but she didn’t. With a completely normal voice she replied, “I’ve been looking in a few nearby stores. I’ll fix some breakfast while you guys finish”. With that she shut the flap and I could hear noises of her getting food out.
Janelle turned her head to me, “Well I guess I have to get off of you now”. She gave me a good squeeze with her pussy. I had softened enough that she squeezed me right out of her. She pouted, “Oh, don’t go. Put him back”.
“I’m sorry but I think he is too far gone for that. You girls have completely tuckered him out. He is drained”.
“Well I guess we can wait. Just remember; mom gets you tonight but we get you again tomorrow morning”.
Janelle gave me a kiss and got up off of me. Mikey, who had been lying against my side, also got up and gave me a kiss. “Just be sure and go to bed early tonight. You need your rest. And I think you have earned a big breakfast”. With a big smile on her face she then jumped up and the two of them went outside.
I waited a few minutes before rising. I was puzzled by Sharon’s response. It was not at all what I had expected from the girls mother when she walked in and found her daughters being fucked.
When I got outside I found Sharon around our fire making breakfast for us. The girls were over by the wagon looking at things that Sharon had brought back. I started to explain, apologize I guess, but Sharon stopped me. “Dan, we are part of your family right”?
“If we are to really feel like part of your family then we do everything that your family does”. She lifted her hand to point back at the tent, “And that includes that”.
The girls came back over, sat down and began eating with us. When we were finished Sharon went over to the wagon and came back with a bag that was new. She must have gotten it this morning. She pulled out some panties and shorts and tossed them to Mikey and Janelle. “You might want to wear these today. After this morning you are going to be leaking for a while”.
Mikey and Janelle both had questioning looks on their faces as they looked back up at Sharon. Sharon just pointed to the girls crotches. We all looked down. They were sitting cross-legged on the ground and I could see that their pussies were wet and so was the inside of their thighs for an inch or so around. Janelle looked up at me, “And after all that trouble to get it there”.
I thought to myself, it was no trouble at all.
Mikey gave me another of her impish smiles, “That’s okay. He can just put some more there”.
Sharon began picking up our utensils, “Okay girls. Let’s give the man a rest. He’s going to need it. Now give me a hand cleaning this up so we can be on our way”.
Once we had cleaned up our campsite we began looking for business that had what we were looking for. We found several large clothing stores and packed boxes of clothes for all ages. It was a bit bulky so we knew we would be back, probably next year for more. We found a huge store for home remodeling that had every tool we could need. Again we packed all we could find room for. We stopped at a grocery store and pulled out staples that we thought would still be good, spices, some cans, a case of wine, other things that we could test when we got home to see if they were still good. I even tossed in a solid chunk of sugar. If it is still good we can grind it down.
On our way out of town we passed a school. Sharon had me stop. “What do you want to do here”?
She pointed at the name, it was an elementary school. “We can take some books back for teaching the kids. That will be perfect for the winter time when we cannot do anything else. It is something your mother asked me to watch for”.
We were able to get enough books to cover all the ages of the kids. With some new packing we found room in the wagon for them.
It was just past midday before we were finally leaving town. We were all glad to be gone. It was still spooky to see all the buildings but no people. I was just beginning to realize that our trip home was going to take much longer than the trip out. We now had a loaded wagon and the trip home was uphill. While it took just one day to get here it looked like three days to get back.
But maybe that is not so bad. I looked at Sharon sitting next to me in her shorts. She saw me looking at her and smiled at me. The girls were seated on a bench right behind us and about a food higher than ours. Every so often Mikey would lean forward against my back and put her arms on my shoulders and then rest her head on one of her arms. This was just a new way of accomplishing something that she had been doing with me for the last couple of months; her nipples were now rubbing against my back. I should have put on some shorts also.
We had been on the road for about an hour when Sharon, who was sitting next to me, moved closer so that we were touching, side by side. She put her hand on the top of my thigh and let it rest there for a few minutes before slowly letting it slide down between my legs. She took my limp cock in her hand and gave it a little squeeze but then did not let go. Me being a guy, I did what guys do. I rose to the occasion. She showed her appreciation by slowly stroking me, running fingers up and down the length of my cock, giving me gentle and firm squeezes.
After a few minutes of this I leaned closer to her and whispered, “The girls are right behind us”.
She whispered back, “I know, do you want me to stop”.
When I did not say anything she continued slowly stroking me up and down. It was becoming difficult to just calmly sit there. I wanted to spread my legs, lay back and let her beat me off until I came. After several minutes of her soft stroking I finally could not contain it any longer and several streams shot out of me over the front of our wagon and down onto the road. I continued to dribble out a bit more and it slid down over Sharon’s fingers. She let go of me and raised her hand to her mouth and licked her fingers clean.
“Hey that’s cool”. I was so focused on what Sharon was doing I had not even noticed Mikey leaning forward on my shoulders. She had seen her mother jerking me off. I don’t even know how long she had been watching. “Can we have a turn”?
Sharon turned to her, “No. I think Daddy needs his rest. I was just thanking him for last night and this morning for us”.
Yes, two nights and two mornings. That might not be so bad after all.

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The Pregnant Coworker

Being a software consultant requires much traveling. Every six months to a year you are placed a new assignment with new coworkers. This new assignment was no different. I had landed a development role on a large software roll out project in Jacksonville Florida. Since I had just bought a house in Atlanta I requested that I work Monday through Thursday and flew home every weekend. The company I was working for had contracted to 5 other developers as well, 3 men and 2 women, all of which traveled back and forth between home and Jacksonville as I did.
The guys were laid back and I enjoyed hanging out with them each evening. One of the women was a bitch and I really did not associate with her unless I absolutely had to. The other one was nice and quite attractive. Patti was her name; around 5’4” tall, roughly 130lbs, large D cup breast, and fiery red hair. She had a quick wit and fun loving attitude. She fit in well with the group and was usually the first to suggest meeting at the bar. One little problem existed though, she was married and very devoted.
I put my lust aside and enjoyed her company and the sexy outfits she always wore. After a couple of months on the project I noticed Patti started putting on a little weight. I knew better to say anything. I had also noticed that she spent less time with us at the bar and when she did she never drank any alcohol. After a couple weeks she let everyone know she was pregnant. This was her first child and she was so happy.
As the months passed by Patti crew larger and larger. She was still a knockout though and to my amazement even sexier. I had never been around any pregnant women for any length of period before, so I never noticed how sexier they truly are. Yes her abdomen had grown, but so had her breasts and hips. She had a glow about her that sucked all my attention in. I found myself fantasizing about her, it got so bad at times I would have to excuse myself and go to the restroom to jack off.
I made every attempt I could to work on things that she would be, when she did not feel like hanging out in the bar I would sit with her poolside and talk the evening through. It was during one of these poolside talks that she started to cry. I asked her what was wrong and she just said it was her hormones out of whack that she would be ok in a minute. Well that minute never came; I continued to press as to what was bothering her.
Finally she looked up at me and asked “Steve, do you think I am fat and ugly?”
I was stunned for a brief moment; I was not expecting her to ask something like that so bluntly. I quickly regained myself and answered “Patti, you are gorgeous. Why would you ever think different of yourself?”
She grinned at me, still crying, and said “You are just saying that, I have gotten so fat.”
I quickly stopped her and said with all sincerity “Patti you are one of the most beautiful women I have ever known. Yes you have changed with the pregnancy, but trust me you are still beautiful and to be honest I think even more so than before.”
She looked into my eyes and saw that I was being honest. Her tears slowly stopped and then she hugged me, kissed me on the cheek, and said “You are so nice, thank you so much. I needed that compliment, I am sorry.”
“Why apologize?” I asked
“Oh my emotions are getting the best of me, my husband complains all the time about it. He says I am always complaining that he does not pay attention to me.” Patti explained.
I asked “Well if he does not pay attention to you he is a fool. You should be showered with attention all day long.”
“You are so sweet, again thanks.” Patti again said, but this time she looked away as if to hide her frustration.
I pressed and asked again what is wrong, I told her I was a good listener and would not betray her confidence. She turned and started telling me how her husband had been upset when she found out she was pregnant. Since then he has ignored her and all but refused to have sex with her. She could tell her body did not turn him on, because he never wanted to see her naked. I listened to her vent for about 2 hours. She would cry awhile and then get mad for awhile.
At the end she looked exhausted. I told her she needed to get a good night’s rest and that I would be there for her to talk to anytime. I told she was a beautiful woman and her husband should be ashamed of the way he was acting. I told her if she was my wife I would be bathing her in attention.
She hugged and kissed me once again and left to head to her room. The next day we all left for the weekend and I did not get to talk to Patti in too much detail. She seemed to be in a fair mood, so I left it alone.
Throughout the weekend I could not get the image of her out of my mind. She slowly became all I could think about. I could not fathom how her husband would not have sex with her, I would have given everything I owned to have her in my bed. I could not wait for Monday morning to arrive.
I arrived Monday and to my dismay Patti had called in for that week, I figured she was having pregnancy problems and left it at that. I still thought of her all week long, making me long to see her. That next Monday I was ecstatic to see Patti walk through the door.
I noticed immediately Patti was not the same. She was withdrawn, reserved, and quite. I figured I would not press her and give her some space. Midway through the day Patti stopped by my cube and asked if we could talk that evening, quickly I agreed. I wanted to spend anytime I could with her, even if I had to be a psychologist.
The work day ended and I met Patti poolside. She immediately ran to me, threw herself into my arms, and started to cry. I held her tight, both worried for her and enjoying the feeling of holding her in my arms. After a few minutes she regained control and sat down.
I asked what happened to create such anguish. She replied “My husband is cheating on me. I got home last week and found a pair of panties in our bed. I confronted him about it and he admitted he had met someone else, someone not pregnant.”
I was floored. How could anyone in their right mind cheat on such a beautiful woman? I took her in my arms once again and apologized for her pain. I rocked her gently allowing her to dump her sorrow into my chest. I could not believe what I had heard. How could anyone cheat on her, she was so loving and devoted.
Over the next couple of weeks I would sit with Patti each evening, our talks seemed to help her out. During one of our conversations I suggested she not travel home that weekend, let him wonder what she was doing. She liked the idea of making him wonder, but not about sitting alone in a hotel room all weekend. At home she had her friends to keep her company. I told her I could stay as well. She thought about it for a minute and asked if I did not mind. Hell why would I?
We made plans to site see, dinner plans, and to watch a movie or two. I meet her downstairs early Friday morning and off we set. We spent the morning at the beach and ended up that afternoon in St Augustine. We walked from shop to shop, I became her pack mule as she bought something from every store and I had to carry it.
It was the first time in weeks I had seen her smile, laugh, and truly enjoy herself. On the way back to the hotel she asked if we could forgo the movie we had planned and just grab dinner at the hotel, she said she was tired and need to get comfortable. I said her wish was my command.
I carried everything to her room for her. I had never been in her room and felt a little uneasy about being there at that moment; I did not want to make her feel threatened at all. When I placed everything on the bed I turned and she looked as comfortable with me there as could be. I asked her what time she wanted to have dinner. We agreed 6pm would be good.
I turned to leave, but Pattie stopped me. She put her arms around my neck and hugged me close as she had before, but this time she did not release me as soon. She held on for a few seconds more, I did not care, hell I actually enjoyed the extra time. As we separated she leaned up and kissed me gently on the lips. I instinctively kissed her back. I must say lights went off in my head. I opened my eyes and she was smiling at me.
She said with a sly grin on her face, “Thanks for a wonderful day. I have not had that much fun in a long time. I am going to get a shower and will see you down stairs.”
I smiled back and left. As I walked to my room I noticed the massive hard-on I was sporting. I stopped, had she noticed it when she kissed me? I turned bright red and quickly raced to my room. I was so turned on by her kiss, my cock was raging hard. I had to get some release. As I jerked off I envisioned Patti naked begging me to have sex with her, I literally cummed all over the place.
After regaining some control over my libido and lust I took a shower and headed to the hotel restaurant. I looked around for Patti, but she had not arrived yet. I picked a corner booth, so we would have a little privacy during dinner. I had just ordered a drink when she appeared in the doorway.
She was wearing a little blue sun dress she had purchased in St Augustine. She looked absolutely stunning. I waved to her and she made her way to the booth. As she sat down I noticed she was not wearing a bra and her nipples where very erect and visible. I could not get my eyes off of them and as usual got busted.
Patti laughed, pushed her nipples, and said, “I know they are sticking out, I’m sorry. A bra looked stupid under this dress and they keep it so cold in this hotel. I did not think they would react this bad though.”
I laughed with her and said, “Oh I do not mind, I am a typical man.”
Patti quickly said, “No Steve you are not a typical man and that is why I like you so much. “
I let the topic die with that. She was comfortable and I did not want to do anything to change that. We ate a quite dinner and once again found ourselves poolside. We usually sat in separate loungers, but this night Patti wanted to sit in one of the double loungers. I was ecstatic. I laid down first and got myself situated, this way she could lie down and not be bothered by me.
When she got in the lounger she rolled on her side and propped her belly and full breasts on my midsection, threw her leg up over my thighs, and laid her head on my chest. She looked up and asked if I minded and told me it was so comfortable to lay like this for her. I was not going to protest at all, the only problem was that her leg was resting extremely close to my stirring cock. I was scared to death she would feel it getting hard.
The wind blew slightly and she snuggled even closer to me, this moved her leg over my cock which jumped at the touch. I just knew she was going to feel how hard it was getting and freak. Here she was in need of a friend and I was sporting a major woody. To my surprise she said nothing, but her leg did not move. There was no way she could not feel my hard cock, I felt it pressing against her leg.
I was lost in my terror when Patti asked me a question, “Steve, do you have a girlfriend?”
I was at a loss at first, I could not think of what to say. I blurted out a quick, “No”
“No one of interest?” she asked.
“Well not really, I mean there are a few that I would like to get to know but things stand in the way” How could I tell her that she was all I thought about?
“Well you are a really nice guy and you should not let things stand in your way, if you want her let her know it. The lady will be very fortunate to have you.” Patti said looking deep into my eyes.
I reached up and brushed some hair from her face. She pressed her face into my hand and closed her eyes. Her action intrigued me, could she want my touch? I moved my hand down her face to her neck and onto her shoulder. Patti let out a slight moan and unconsciously opened her neck and shoulder to my advance.
I continued moving my hand down her arm and onto her waist. At this point I was at a crossroads, do I proceed to her hips and possibly cross a line or stop here. My mind was racing with indecision, as I pondered my next move Patti made it for me. I felt her soft hand take mine and move it slowly onto her hip, to which she raised.
I rubbed up and down her hip a few strokes and was consumed at this point. I had to feel her lovely ass. I slowly moved my hand back to her ass and was rewarded with a moan as she pushed her ass up higher. My cock filled with blood and at this point was erect like never before. I had forgotten about it until that moment and knew that Patti had to be fully aware of it as well. I looked down just as she moved her leg off of my hard cock and slowly slid her hand over it.
I could not help myself as I moaned and thrust my hips up, driving my hard cock into her hand. She tightened her grip around it and started to stroke it through my pants. I leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead; Patti quickly raised her face and pressed her lips into mine. Our tongues were engaged in a dance, one trying to control the other.
After making out for a good five minutes Patti pulled back and asked if I could spend the night with her. I thanked the heavens above for blessing me with such a gift and quickly responded yes. With that she slowly made her way off the lounger, she said she was getting cold and would rather be in a warm bed. I followed her to her room.
Once inside she excused herself as she went to the bathroom. I sat in a chair next to the bed, I did not want to be like an over anxious pervert and be on the bed when she returned. When she came out she had removed the sun dress and had a robe on instead. As she approached me she asked if I was sure I wanted to spend the night.
I grinned and said, “Patti, I have dreamed of spending the night with you so many times. I am yours.”
With that she closed the gap between us and dropped her robe. My mind had not done justice to her beauty; her breasts where large and full with dark brown puffy areolas and hard nipples. Her belly was round and sexy the way it rested. Her pussy was shaved bald, except a little red strip of sparse hair.
She reached her hand out to mine and pulled slightly so I would get up. Once up she kissed me fully again on the lips. She pulled my shirt over my head and quickly undid my belt and zipper. It was as if she was possessed. She tore down my pants and boxers and I quickly stepped out of them. Her eyes became fixated on my hard cock. She reached down and cupped my balls in one hand and grasped my shaft in the other.
She stood there for a few moments like a child with a new toy; she did not know what she wanted to do with it first. I slowly moved toward the bed and pulled down the covers. I gently laid her in the bed and circled to the other side. She pulled the covers down so I could enter. The look in her eyes was that of pure lust. This beautiful woman’s desires and sexual needs had been ignored for way to long. You could feel the desire coming from her.
I lowered myself into the bed and moved slightly over her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her lips into mine. As we kissed I let my hand roam her naked body. Her full heavy breasts, down her lovely belly, and onto her love mound. As I pressed forward I felt her wetness. Her pussy lips were wide open and soaked in anticipation of pleasure.
As my fingers explored her sexual warmth she pressed her lips further into mine and moaned deeply. The feeling traveled straight to my hard cock, which was pressed deep into Patti’s thigh and hip. I slowly started to press it hard into her, making her press back letting me know just how much she wanted it inside of her.
I pulled my face from hers and told her to lie back and relax. I wanted her to enjoy this and not have to worry about doing a thing. She smiled the most genuine smile I had ever seen in my life and laid back. I kissed my lips down her neck, nibbling slightly. She bucked upward with each nibble. I reached up and cupped her left breast and lowered my lips to its nipple. As I engulfed her breast into my mouth she raised her chest to meet me. I gently nuzzled and sucked her breast. As I did so I felt a warm sweet liquid squirt into my mouth. I had not expected her breasts to be producing milk yet, but was pleasantly surprised to find they were.
The sensations from her breast had traveled to her pussy, as she was constantly bucking up and down as I milked her with my mouth. I rose up and took the right one in my mouth and emptied it as well. I looked into her eyes and saw a woman in full lust before me. The look on her face was screaming for me to please her, she totally belonged to me at that moment.
I kissed quickly on the lips and moved between her legs. I took my time as so not to hurt her. Once she had situated herself I lowered myself down the bed until my face was level with her swollen and wet love canal. I felt her hand brushing the top of my head, attempting to guide it to her most sensitive region. I moved forward and kissed the lips of her pussy. She jolted from the contact and took a deep heavy breath. I slowly began to flick my tongue around her juicy pussy, opening it completely exposing her heavenly hole and swollen clit.
I took my tongue and started to lick up from her hole to her clit, circle the clit and work my way back down to her hole again. While doing this Patti started to move her hips in the same rhythm I licked her pussy, pushing my head farther into her. After about 5 minutes her quite moans had turned loader and her moving hips had started to buck my face wildly. I knew she was close to exploding her first orgasm in god knows how long.
I slowly moved so I could touch her pussy as I licked it. I circled the hole with my index finger, getting it nice and wet with her juices. I moved my mouth over her clit and applied slight suction to it, she immediately rose up and moaned and I pushed my index finger gently into her hot tight pussy. I could not believe the warmth and how tight she was. Her pussy immediately started to squeeze and suck on my finger.
She began to pat me on the back of my head as she was bucking into my face. She started repeatedly saying “Oh god yes, Oh god it feels so good.” My finger by this time was at max depth and her clit felt as if it was going to explode.
After just a few seconds Patti pushed the back of my head forcefully into her clit and pressed up screaming “I’m Cummmmmmmmmming” over and over. Wave after wave of orgasms hit her. Her legs started to shake and her pussy was pulsating on my finger. She was trapped in an orgasmic wave for about 30 seconds. I removed my mouth from her clit, giving her some relief and allowing her to calm down.
I slowly removed my finger, rolled out from between her legs, and moved up in the bed. I asked her if she was alright, she quickly rolled toward me and said she had not felt this good in years. She laid her head on my chest, still breathing heavily. As she rested she took my extremely hard cock in her hand once again. The feeling was awesome. She slowly started to stroke it, causing me to buck slightly.
She looked up at me and told me it was my turn now and moved up on her hands and knees. She slowly kissed her way down my chest and stomach, the whole time never loosening her grip on my cock. Once down to my cock she rose up and looked at it up close, her warm breath teasing it. Without any coaxing she leaned forward and engulfed about half of my cock in her mouth. My cock is not the longest in the world, about 7 ½” erect, but is wide and thick.
She slowly started to work her mouth up and down on what she had in there. As she would go down on it she would work a little more into her mouth. After about 4 or 5 strokes I felt her lips wrap around the base of my shaft. She held it there, just inside her throat, and rocked her head back and forth while her tongue worked up and down and all around my shaft. The sensation was unbelievable, in all my years I had never felt a blow job this tremendous.
I was in sexual bless. I laid my head back and enjoyed the sensations Patti was providing me. Without knowing it I placed my hand on top of her head, I was about to explode and I guess she sensed it as she increased her rhythm of fucking me with her mouth. I told her I was about to cum and she looked at me her eyes saying it all. She wanted to feel me cum in her throat and mouth.
I could hold back no longer, I pushed upward to meet her rhythm. She never took her eyes off of me as felt my cum enter the shaft of my cock and work its way upward. I grabbed a handful of her luscious red hair and pressed upward shooting what felt like a gallon of cum down her throat. I felt her throat swallow as she was trying to keep up. She pulled back slightly just as the second blast started and I filled her mouth full.
She continued to swallow not losing a drop and never pulling my cock from her mouth. She continued to suck it even as it started to go limp. Once it had stopped pulsing she let it go and moved back up and laid her head on my chest yet again. I was still trying to catch my breath as she giggled at me and asked if I enjoyed myself. I told her it was the best feeling I had ever experienced in my life. She grinned and said I had not felt anything yet.
I discovered Patti was a sexual dynamo. She loved sex and had been cut off once her husband had found out she was pregnant. I asked “How long had it been since a he had had sex with her?”
“I am 6 ½ months pregnant so it has been at least 5 or more months” Patti said in a discussed tone.
“What the hell is wrong with him? If you were my wife you would never get any rest.” I said as I rolled her over and kissed her.
For the next few minutes we laughed about how stupid her husband was, we kissed, we caught our breath. Patti reached down and grasped my cock once again; she looked up at me and asked if I was going to give her pussy some of it. I do not know if it was the way she asked me or the way she was stroking my cock, but it came right to life. I had never been able to recover that fast before.
The look on Patti’s face showed how surprised and anxious she was about it. The look in her eyes fueled the fire in my cock; I could not wait to slide it in her hot pussy. She must have been thinking the same thing as she stared to pull on me to get between her legs. As I did so she started to move her hips in anticipation.
Since she had never let go of my cock as I moved over I let her line it up with her pussy. I pushed forward and felt the head push into her opening. Patti removed her hand and put both of them behind her head. I moved up slightly so I could get more leverage and put her legs so they rested on my chest and shoulders. I thrust forward, slowly sliding my cock into her moist tight hole. The feeling was indescribable, so hot, so tight, every sensory in my cock was being energized.
I pushed until my full length was engulfed in her warm pussy. I pulled her legs forward and thrust my cock in and out of her in a slow deep rhythm. With each thrust Patti would let out a deep erotic sigh. Her pussy sucked and milked my hard cock as it pushed in and out of her. We both were caught up in the sensations we were providing each other.
Patti started to plead “Fuck me Steve, oh god fuck me harder. “
I increased my pace and force I was applying. Patti’s response was immediate, her eyes rolled back in her head and her pussy gripped me even harder. The feeling was so intense; I had never felt anything grasp my cock so tight.
Patti was grunting and moaning by this time, repeated yelling YES. She had lowered her arms and had hold of my waste pulling me into her and controlling the tempo. All of sudden her eyes widened and she started to pull me into her with all her might she repeated yelled for me fuck her.
I started to drive it harder into her, but still held back as I did not want to hurt her, but the motion was enough. She erupted in a shower of orgasms, her pussy sprayed cum everywhere. Her body began to spasm and shake, she continued to groan, grunt, and moan as loudly as she could. The site was more than I could withstand.
She knew I was close and started to beg for me to cum in her. She reached up and took me by the face and begged “Fuck me baby, that’s it fuck me deep. Cum in my pussy baby, I want to feel your hot cum all inside me.”
I could not hold back any longer. With one last push I exploded into the back of Patti’s hot pregnant pussy. Wave after wave of cum spewed from my cock. I was completely lost in my orgasm. I was shaking as I feel back and to the side, trying to catch my breath. Patti rolled over and started kissing all over me, telling me she had never felt a man cum so hard for so long. Through my deep breathes I told her it was because of her and how great she is.
We both took our time to recover holding each other close. Patti started to cry as her head lay on my chest. I rose up and asked what was wrong. She told me “I have never felt anyone so in tune with me before. You seem to know what I need, when I need it, and give it to me exactly on queue. I do not want to scare you but I could easily fall in love with you. Actually I was already starting to and after what I just experienced I feel I will completely.”
She lowered her head, obviously not wanting to see if I was freaking out over her bold statement. I reached down and lifted her head. Her eyes were full of tears and hope, hope that she would hear what she so longed to from me.
I smiled at her and replied “Patti I have been in love with you since the first day I saw you. I want you to be a part of my life; I want you to be my lover for life.”
Patti started to glow. We spent the weekend enjoying each other’s company in and out of the bedroom. We have been together ever since. She gave birth to a beautiful little girl and later a little boy and another beautiful girl. I enjoyed those months of pregnancy sex just as much if not more than when she was not.

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Movie Theatre in the Summer II

After the wild night closing the theatre, I was floating on cloud nine on the two days off I had after that night. I couldn’t believe my luck that I got the hottest girl at the theatre after only a few days. When I returned to work, I was grinning from ear to ear hoping the word had been spread about me and hoping to see Rochelle again.
Keith walked up to me as I was clocking in. He noticed the big grin on my face and smiled himself as he walks up and gives me a high five, “there you go big dog, I told you about this place. All these girls are horny, little devils and ready for some meat.” I laugh at his comment as we leave the break room and head out into the lobby. “Alright who was the lucky girl,” he asked as we pick up our equipment, “you know what don’t say a word, let me guess.” He looked around the room and watched the girl’s faces as we moved around the lobby picking up some loose popcorn. His eyes moves over to Rochelle talking with another girl, she glances and smiles at me as I smile back at her. His jaw hits the floor as we walk around the corner towards the theatre. “No way,” he says bewildered by my luck, “you got Rochelle!” I nod slightly trying to be a gentleman but wanting to scream hell yeah at the same time. “Damn man, she is picky about her men so you got the fucking luck of the draw.” I smiled “really, I was afraid she be the theatre slut,” I said thankful I didn’t get the easiest girl in the place.
“Nope, that honor belongs to her friend,” we moved back around the corner and looked over at Rochelle and the girl with her. “That is Jill, she is the easiest girl here,” he said smiling, “almost every guy has gotten her to show some love and trust me it is worth it.” He pulls me close as we walk back towards the theatre, “she can do some wild stuff and she may have been with a lot of guys but she is a hard girl to keep up with.” I looked at him, “What do you mean…keep up? Is it hard for her to cum?” I asked. “That’s not the problem,” he said shaking his head, “she can is damn good at fucking she can make a guy cum in like 10 seconds.”
My jaw hit the floor, totally amazed as I walked back and took another look at Jill. She only stood about 5’3, maybe 5’2 and had short blond hair and very tight body. Her breasts were perky but not big, and she had an incredibly tight ass. My mind visualized a very tight pussy that squeezes a man dick dry in a matter of moments. My cock started to get hard from the mere thought of her sweet, dripping pussy.
I was shaken out of my fantasy by one of the managers. “J,” she said, “I need to ask you something.” Keith excused himself as I turned around to face Ms. Victoria. She was a tall, red head, soft pale skin woman in her early thirties. Her body had soft curves, beautiful round breasts, and amazing round ass, making her the envy off all the guys. Unfortunatly she had a boyfriend, and hated when the staff looked her over so I came up with a quick glance routine every time she is not looking. “J, I need a favor,” she says, “I’m moving into my boyfriends place next week and he is out of town on business so I need some help with the heavy stuff. Any chance I can get you to help?” “Yeah no problem, do you need me to bring anyone a long or bring anything?” I asked. “No, just need one other body. Not a lot stuff just some heavy things,” she said. “Alright just let me know the details and I’m there.” “Good,” she said, “I’ll give you the address later.” As she walked away I admired her sexy round ass for a few seconds before Rochelle walked up to me. “Hey big boy, need a favor,” she said giving me that sly grin of hers. “Anything,” I said. “Jill and I need a ride. Mine is in the shop and her brother dropped her off and has bailed on her so can you help us.” “Well I don’t get off till 9 tonight is that going to be ok?” I asked. “Sure, we will just grab a movie while we wait then catch up later.” She squeezes my hand as she leaves. My mind racing with thoughts of her breasts and sweet ass fills my head leaving me with a semi-erect cock.
When my shift ended I met up with both Rochelle and Jill. “Hi, nice to finally meet you,” Jill said as I walked up to her and shook her hand. “Very nice to meet you, you ladies ready,” I said as my eyes wondered with excitement over both their bodies. We get in my car, Rochelle in the front seat and Jill in the back. “So how long have you been working at the theatre, Jill?” I asked. “Well about a year now, its good money while I finish up high school,” she said. “What grade you in?” I asked. “Senior this year coming up,” she replied, “and can not wait to get it started.”
Rochelle giggled a little, “I’m sure the school is not ready for you this year Jill.” “Oh hell no, they will not know what hit him,” Jill said. “Really,” I replied, “so what you have in mind this year.” “Well,” Rochelle interrupted before Jill could answer, “how about we show you.” I looked over at Rochelle as the expression on her face turned into a more seductive tone. Showing me her evil grin, her hand slide over and begin to massage my cock. I feel another hand run up and down my chest from behind, then a voice whispers in my ear. “Rochelle here told me all about your fuck in the theatre,” Jill whispered as her hand caressed my chest. Her lips kissing my neck and biting my ear lobe, “and it got me all wet.” I smiled as Rochelle leaned over and slowly undid my pants.
Her hand gliding up and down over my hard cock and Jill’s hands over my chest was making things very difficult for me. The road was becoming less and less important, especially when Rochelle slowly pulled my cock out and began stroking it. “Oh my god,” Jill yelled as Rochelle displayed my long shaft for the world to see. “I told you, he will blow your mind away with this,” Rochelle said as she was stroking it very slowly. She began to lower her head down when suddenly I jolted the car left then back right. “What was that?” Rochelle screamed. “That was me drifting into oncoming traffic,” I said feeling my face become red. “How about we save this till we get to Jill’s house,” I suggested. “Sounds good to me, my parents are out of town for awhile so plenty of time to enjoy that big piece of meat,” Jill said.
As soon as we pulled up into her drive, the girls were out of my car and dragging me inside. We made it to her couch before I was shoved down and my pants being undone again. “Now, where were we,” Jill said as she sat down beside. “Right here,” Rochelle responded by slowly pulling out my cock and slowly stroking it again, spitting on it to lubricate it. “Very nice,” Jill said as she cuddled up next to me, her fingers moving up and down my chest, unbuttoning my shirt as we both watched Rochelle. Rochelle slowly moved her hand up and down my cock, spitting on it to keep it slick as she slowly unbuttoned her top. Her cleavage in full sight as she took her other hand and pulled off my pants after I had slid off my shoes, her eyes watching Jill and I as she slowly ran her tongue over my engorged balls. “That’s right baby, get that cock nice and hard for us,” Jill hissed as her hand moved over her body and then to mine. My eyes looked over as Jill as she began to unbutton her top, her black bra cupping her breast as she threw her top off and then with a single motion her bra fell to the floor exposing her beautiful bounties. Her breasts were about a B cup but were to a point, even her nipples pointed straight out, and her breasts had no sag to them. Her body was tight and muscular as her abdomen sported a six pack and her flexibility showed as she let her hair down, which came about halfway down her back but as she bent her hair graced her sexy ass. As she bent I leaned in and kiss her stomach, my soft lips pressed hard against her hard body, as my hand began to massage her breast. She looked down and smiled as I kissed her body, moaning from my touch.
Rochelle looked up and watched as she slowly rolled her tongue up and long shaft, covering it with her saliva. Rochelle teased my cock head a little by flicking her tongue up and down against it. The sensation caused my body to jump a little from the sensation. Both girls giggled as the saw me flinch. Rochelle then moves her mouth over the head and slowly pushes my cock deep down her mouth and throat, making her gag a little before sliding it out. I moan as one hand massages Jill’s breasts and the other rests on Rochelle’s head. “That’s it, cover the cock girl. We need it ready to fit in our tight pussies,” Jill said. Rochelle moved her mouth up and down over my cock, her saliva dripping from her mouth and covering my cock and balls.
As Rochelle continued to suck on my cock slowly, Jill stood up and slid her pants and thong off. Her legs and thighs incredibly well toned, leading up to her shaven, pierced clit. “Oh damn, you’re pierced?” I asked amazed. “Yeah,” she said as she slid down next to me, “makes it very sensitive,” she said as she grabbed my hand and slid it down over her pussy. My fingers began to rub over her moist lips, pushing against them as I slid them up and down. Rochelle eyes watching us as she stroked and sucked my cock slowly, covering it with her spit. “That’s it, suck the meat. Get my pussy wet and ready baby,” Jill said to both of us. I slid down flat on the couch, lifting Jill up onto my face and burying it deep into her pussy.
“Oh damn,” Jill shouted as I lifted her on top of me, “finally an aggressive guy.” I smiled as I pushed my tongue deep and hard into her pussy as I felt Rochelle begin to move faster on my cock. My tongue working slowly at first, sliding in and out against the lips, till I found the clit. I began to flick my tongue against it, then grinding hard up and down as I felt Jill push down against it. Jill leaned forward and moved her body against my tongue. Rochelle watched as she stroked my cock, keeping it wet and hard. My hands grabbing Jill’s ass as I licked her pussy up and down, sucking hard on her clit. “That’s it, FUCK!” moaned Jill as she arched her back. My hand smacked her ass hard, grabbing it as I continued on assault on her dripping cunt. Her body, grinding harder and harder against my tongue as it pushed against her clit. “God damn, is that cock ready yet!” yelled Jill.
Rochelle giggled and said, “It’s ready and waiting on your pussy to ride it.” Jill pushed off of me and positioned her body over my cock. Rochelle reached into her bag and grabbed a condom, unwrapping it and sliding it over my hard cock. Jill licked her fingers, then rubbed her fingers over her pussy as she descent upon my dick. “Oh, Oh Damn,” she moaned as my cock slowly entered her wet pussy. “Oh god, fuck you’re so big,” Jill said as she slowly lowered herself further on my cock. “I told you slut, this is the one that will break you,” Rochelle said as she moved beside me and watched. Jill stall for a moment as her walls relaxed enough then she down slid further, making it about halfway down before sliding back up. “Oh damn, I might cum now,” Jill said as she began to lower and lift her self off my cock.
Her body shaking as she lowered and lifted off my cock, feeling her walls press hard against my cock. Rochelle slowly pushed her hand down her pants as she watched Jill take my cock on. Jill’s pussy began to stretch more and Jill began to move faster, up and down on my cock. My hand’s squeezing her tits as she rode me faster and faster, spreading her legs wide to take more of my cock inside her. “That’s it, right there baby,” Jill moaned as I pushed up into her tight pussy, pumping deeper and deeper with my cock. “FUCK ME…FUCK ME HARD J,” Jill screamed as I pounded her pussy faster and faster. Feeling my own cock begin to twitch when suddenly, “FUCK,” Jill screamed as her pussy came all over my cock and balls. Dripping with her juices, Jill slid off and fell down onto the floor, breathing hard and shocked.
“God damn, I have never cum that hard,” she giggled as she laid there. Rochelle, the whole time playing with her pussy, got up and pulled off my condom. She began stroking it faster and faster, “cum for me J, cum all over my face baby,” she said as her eyes looked deep into mine. She stroked it faster, squeezing my balls so hard. “Oh shit, I’m going to cum,” I moaned as Rochelle opened her mouth wide and had her tongue covered with load after load of thick cum. She then moved over to Jill, positioned herself over her mouth and dripped my cum from her mouth to Jill’s. “Mmm…now that is some tasty cum,” Jill moaned as they began to kiss each other. Their tongues covered in my thick juices, and then they both leaned back and swallowed it all.
I leaned back on the couch, smiling at both ladies as I watched them. Jill looked over at the clock, “I wondered why you got him off so early, you two need to go,” Jill said. “Why,” I asked, “thought your folks were gone?” “Yeah, but my boyfriend will be here soon and he is expecting me alone,” Jill said with a grin on her face. She leaned over and kissed me then we all got dressed. Rochelle and me got into my car and headed for her place. “So what about you, want to find a quiet spot and take care of you,” I asked. “Sorry babe, but it’s my time of the month,” she said with a little sad look on her face. “But next week that cock is mine so you better be ready for a long day.”

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The French Student Ch.1

Hi guys, I made a new account after I forgot the password to my old one (slpher5050). Not a copypasta. Chapter 2 will be coming soon!

My Niece Mary Jane , Part 2 Sunday morning

Unfortunately, it was around nine AM Sunday when I woke up, to find that I was still alone in my bed, and the wet dreams that I may have had had been just that wet dreams. I noticed that the door to the guest room was closed, so I went about my morning business and descended to the kitchen to get the coffee going. It looked as though it was going to be a bright warm sunny day as I took my first cup out on to the deck and settled myself down. It was not before I had finished my second cup of java that I heard movement in the kitchen, my wife came out with the coffee pot asking if I wanted a refill of what was left or if I wanted to wait until she made a fresh pot. My wife usually wears a full set of girly pajamas to bed so most times she does not have to wear a gown to be decently covered up. This morning however she came out on the open deck dressed in the skimpiest, shortest night gown if that is what it could be called. It was tied loosely at her waste, allowing me to see almost all the wonderful naked body that was underneath. It was not that it mattered that much, as the material was so thin, the sunlight had transformed the gown into almost no covering at all, my wife might as well have been stark naked, for all the protection the gown gave her.
I was very slow with my reply, not wanting her to slip back into the house, decided that I would accept a refill of the old coffee , even if it might be a bit stale, after all I had made it much earlier that morning. I was bright enough however to leave my cup on the side table completely opposite my wife. When she leaned her body across mine, to fill the cup, I managed to pull at the tie cord, loosening the material of the gown so that I could reach up and grab hold of her bare left tit. My wife did not chide me nor pull back like she had in the past, she allowed me to play with her tit, to caress it, to squeeze it, to pinch at her nipple and bring it to life, making it emerge from her areole and extend itself quite firmly. To my entire surprise, my wife put the coffee pot down, and turned to face me, spreading her legs open on either side of mine. She bent her body forward offering free access to her nakedness, she bent further seeking to attach her lips to mine, at the same time allowing the little short gown to slide from her body to the floor of the deck.
It had been a long time since I had had my wife out in the open, naked like she was then, a long time since we had enjoyed the simple pleasure of each other’s body. I did not quite understand what was feeding her sexual appetite, but I was not going to try to figure it out, I was going to seize every opportunity to enjoy what she was offering me. As we continued kissing, my wife grabbed my free hand and slipped it down between her legs, where contrary to coming into contact with her lovely silky pussy hairs, I found my fingers brushing up against her bald cunt lips. This unexpected contact caused my cock to surge to its full blown size, making me squirm in the chair to eliminate some discomfort. My wife taking advantage of this movement slipped her hand down into my pajamas and pulled my rigid manhood out into the fresh air. She used her slender fingers to stroke it in such a manner that she managed to make it surge to even a greater length.
Satisfied with her efforts to extract the maximum of my appendage, she descended between my legs and took my cock into her mouth and went at it with her tongue. I set my head back against the chair, placed my hands on my wife’s head and let my body react to her wonderful manipulations. Taking her time, my wife brought me to the edge several times, causing me to flex and grunt with great passion, certainly to my wife’s satisfaction. Finally with the greatest of care I felt my wife tug at the band of my pajamas, trying to pull them off my lower body, so I lifted my ass off the chair allowing her to slid them down around my ankles. With this completed she reached for my ball sac and proceeded to stroke it softly at first then with an increased vigour. I sensed the build up of my seed way down, it was at first a tingling feeling, then it became a more urgent sensation , then suddenly I felt my wife’s finger insert itself in my rectum, producing a powerful explosion that caused me to evacuate a great deal of warm white liquid, pouring it forcefully into my wife’s waiting mouth.
I opened my eyes, I wanted to see my wife take my seed, well I wanted to see how much I was shooting , how much she was able to hold. I wanted to see my seed dripping from the crease of her lips, I wanted to see her swallowing. When I opened my eyes however, I was almost shocked to see Mary Jane standing beside us watching my wife sucking me off. She was standing, dressed in almost the identical gown that my wife had on, or at least had worn earlier. It was untied, hanging open. Mary Jane was playing with herself, she had one hand working her tits, pulling at her little nipples, while the other hand was very busy working her cunt. She much have inserted at least three fingers from what I could tell in her little hole. Mary Jane was so close to us that I could see her juices running down her legs, almost in as great quantity as I was emitting.
It was very difficult to divide my vision between them, I really wanted to watch my wife taking my seed down her throat, but Mary Jane was also a delicious sight standing there masturbating her young body. The dilemma was solved rather quickly, once my wife realized there was no more to suck from my cock, she rose and mashed her body with Mary Jane’s. My wife brought her lips to Mary Jane’s and from what I could tell proceeded to push some of my cum into Mary Jane’s receptive mouth, at the same time pushing the gown completely from her body. I watched as my wife’s hands replaced those of Mary Jane’s as she proceeded to bring Mary Jane to climax while they stood exposed out on the back deck that beautiful Sunday morning. In a short time my wife had Mary Jane to the point she wanted, I watched as Mary Jane bucked and vibrated, shuddered and shook, almost to the point of collapsing in my wife’s arms. When she was allowed release she howled so loud I was concerned that we might have disturbed the neighbours, or at least had caused them to question what the hell was going on over at our place. It did not however appear to faze my wife at all, as she kept working Mary Jane’s body parts allowing her no reprieve at all. It was almost like my wife had turned sadistic and was enjoying taking advantage of her young niece.
Finally my wife could no longer hold Mary Jane’s body in a standing position and allowed her to slip down on to the floor of the deck. She then moved back over to me and sat her sweaty, shining body down into my lap, placed her arms around my neck, and sought out my mouth with her wonderful sexy lips. We must have all dozed off in our positions as the next thing I knew was that I needed to piss really bad, almost to the point of having done so unintentionally while I sat there in my deck chair holding my wife in my lap. Stirring carefully, I gently shook my wife, awaking her from what ever dream she had been involved in and told her of my problem. She responded telling me it was a good thing that I had not released myself on the deck as we had already dripped enough body liquids on the deck as it were. My wife nudged me in the direction of Mary Jane, who lay sprawled out where she had been dropped, suggesting that we pick her up and take her inside so that she would not get sunburned. My wife told me to carry her up and put her in the tub as she needed to be rinsed down a bit.
I carried this poor spent naked body from the deck and carefully deposited her in our tub, then moved over to the toilet to take care of my problem. My wife who had followed us, looked at me then started out saying that perhaps I could, do something for her. Then continued that perhaps it was a bit too early for her to take Mary Jane that far along, but added that she would like to hold the hose while I released the liquid into the bowl. The piss flowed in great force from my hose as I realized that my wife had almost suggested that I provide Mary Jane with a golden shower as she lay exhausted in our tub. I hoped perhaps that what every my wife had gotten into with Mary Jane was not just a one time deal and there might be another opportunity down the road to release my hot piss on to this lovely young naked nymph.
Once I had finished my business, my wife insisting on shaking the last drops from my cock on to her fingers which immediately were taken into her mouth . I was ushered out of the room and told to wash up in the downstairs facilities. It was almost one o’clock before everyone found themselves back in the kitchen. My wife stating that perhaps it would be best if we went out to brunch as they were too exhausted to make anything to eat. This of course was fine with me. I had no objection to taking to lovely girls out on the town, especially after the treat they had provided me. My wife asked for a few more minutes to get ready, pulling Mary Jane back upstairs, telling me to lock up and go start the car.
The girls came out of the house, all done up, almost in the same outfit, they certainly could pass for mother and daughter, even older sister and younger sister , not quite even in their ages, but close enough as far as my eyes were concerned. Both were wearing light sleeveless blouses, Bermuda shorts and sandals that were laced part way up their legs, two beauties they were , it went without saying. As my wife got into the car it was easy to see she was wearing a bra, so I glanced in the rearview mirror to see if I could tell the same of Mary Jane, unfortunately I was able to confirm my fears, she also was wearing a bra. I figured if they had bras on them more than likely had panties to boot, and that any fun and games that I thought might be played out were quashed.
The restaurant that I had chosen for brunch was busy so we had a choice of standing in line, or sitting in the bar, where of course you were expected to order an alcoholic beverage. As we had not eaten since the night before I suggested we order a light ros?ine, that would not interfere too much with our lack of food, and might even help prepare our stomachs for the delights that we could smell coming from the dinning area. By the time we had finished our second glass, about half the bottle we were called to be seated. Fortune would have it that we were directed to a side seat, located in an alcove like part of the room, slightly off from the main stream of things, decorated with large leafy plants. There may have been six or eight of these types of seats and we were offered the third from last, making the walk from the food center to our seat not as far as the customers seated in the last seats, yet not as close to the food that a hungry person might want to be. It was however a comfortable spot, with a window that looked out towards the park, it was kind of cozy, it was public yet private just what the doctor ordered for three frisky loving people.
We settled in at first a girl on each side of me while we took in the situation we found ourselves in, commenting on the lovely open scene that the window provided, as well as the privacy of the area that the large leaf like plants provided. It was almost as though we were all alone, isolated, insulated from the outside world, yet we were surrounded by the goings on of the restaurant. I let the girls go get their plates first as I wanted to watch my two lovely ladies parade back and forth from the table. It was indeed a sight to watch those two tight bottoms wiggle as they walked towards the food counters. Needless to say my wife accentuated her walking moves as she sauntered back towards me, putting on a great show, for any of those patrons sitting at the tables in the first few alcoves. For a man I could not have wished for more, my wife was it she was great, more than great , I was sure that every one looking her way knew it as well.
Once she had taken her seat I left to go fill my plate, meeting Mary Jane who was on her way back. I held her up just long enough to place an Uncle type kiss on her cheek, and tell her how beautiful she looked, and how jealous the other men were that she was with me and not them, causing her to flush pink in the face. The girls were in deep conversation when I arrived back at the table, both providing me with a sneaky little grin as I took my place to the left of my wife. I was allowed to let my hand slip down on to my wife’s upper thigh and let it lie quietly with out any complaint. In fact as I began massaging a small area on her thigh , I noticed that she had placed her left hand down on to Mary Jane’s right thigh and was copying my movements. I was not certain if this was planned or just happened to develop in that manner, but I thought I would test things to see. I increased the size of the area I was rubbing, and at the same time leaned into my wife and kissed her just below the ear lope. No sooner than I had broken the kiss, I felt her slant her body towards Mary Jane and do the same.
These mimicking actions I figured could only mean one thing , the games were still on . I then I thought maybe it was just a fluke situation so I gave it a rest and continued to finish the food on my plate, while attempting to take part in the conversation of the moment. I decided to push things a bit more, making my actions a bit more daring, so I removed my left hand from my wife’s upper leg and sent my arm around her shoulders. Nothing was done to stop me at that point, so I eased the fingers on my left hand down in front of my wife’s upper body . I slipped them in under the opening of the sleeve of her blouse and rubbed her bare skin. How my wife did it I do not know, but she managed to get her own left arm up and around Mary Jane and copied my exact movement.
Eureka I thought this was fun , I was going to take things as far as I could , before getting stopped, or getting caught by the waitress, or perhaps a restaurant patron.
I decided to see just how far I was going to be allowed to go, so turning in my seat I placed my right hand on my wife’s knee and squeezed firmly, but with a gentleness, that I could afford, after all going slow was key to this trial run. I turned to look her in the face, then as I applied pressure with my left hand to the upper potion of her chest, I slipped my right hand in under the material of her shorts as far as I could, then dragged my finger nails back over the inside of her upper thigh. This accomplished I twisted my body back into the normal sitting position and finished cleaning my plate. Immediately my wife turned towards Mary Jane, and certainly must have done the same thing, only she may have gotten her hand further up Mary Jane’s bare leg as I heard a distinct gasp exiting her pretty lips, just at the moment the waitress stopped to refill our coffee cups.
My wife paid no attention to the waitress at all, and simply repositioned herself in her seat . Telling Mary Jane it was time to return to the food counter and see what other delicacies they could find, they left leaving me to deal with any situation that might be brought up. The waitress , I must say was very professional. She did not mention, nor look like she was going to broach the matter. She offered to come back when the ladies returned to fill their cups, rather than leave a full cup to get cold, then she exited the area quickly. When the girls did return , I could tell there was something different in the way they were moving, but it was not until they were almost at the table that I noticed several upper buttons on their blouses had been undone. If it was evident to me , it certainly was to any of the other patrons, they were showing a large amount of bare chest , in fact you could clearly see that their colored bras were showing. Upon closer inspection, that perhaps only I was afforded as they reached the table I could tell that both were wearing bras that had the clasp in the front.
I left the two of them giggling senselessly to go get myself another plate of some of the most wonderful restaurant food I had seen in a while. I had however to take a moment to go relieve the pressure from all the coffee I had drunk so far. It was perhaps ten may be fifteen minutes before I returned to the table . I could see my girls once again in deep conversation, my wife holding Mary Jane’s face in her hands talking quietly. At first I began to slip in once again beside my wife, however she motioned for me to slip in on the other side, effectually squeezing Mary Jane between us. I figured in this position I would not be able to play any further games, because my wife had placed herself out of my reach. I shrugged, feeling good that I had already managed to get a little , and went about consuming the delicacies that I had brought from the food counter paying little attention to the two girls.
About fifteen minutes had gone by when suddenly I felt my wife reach over and touch my right hand, motioning for me to put down my fork. Once that was accomplished she tugged my right hand down under the table and set it on Mary Jane’s left thigh, pushing it in the same rubbing motion that I had done earlier on her own upper thigh. Now this was not quiet what a gentlemanly Uncle should be doing, but as it was my wife who was really directing things, I did not stop her , nor pull my hand back, in fact I began to enjoy the heated sensation that was rising from Mary Jane’s leg. My wife left my hand to continue by itself, and moved her own over to Mary Jane’s other thigh once again mimicking my movements causing Mary Jane’s to sound off with a series of very low moans. We continued these antics for perhaps five or ten minutes, before Mary Jane’s shifted slightly in her seat , spreading her legs as wide as she could, pushing her left leg hard against me, as no doubt she did with her right against my wife’s. This opened up a whole new area on which to rub, cautiously however, I eased my rubbing fingers closer to the inside of her thigh, pushing up towards the center of her young limbs. You could hear Mary Jane taking deep breaths as my fingers crept closer and closer towards that special little spot of hers. Eventhough she had spread herself wide, there was not all that much room and when my fingers reached a certain point them came into contact to my surprise with my wife’s, she also had sent her finger creeping up Mary Jane’s inner thigh, it was no wonder the poor girl was making those sounds.
I guess I was just about to reach the epicenter of things when my wife turned in her seat and clamped her right hand onto mine holding it still with a firm grip. She then turned sideways in her seat, facing both myself and little Mary Jane who was now sitting between us and reached for my left hand. She slipped it under the material of Mary Jane’s blouse, where it came to rest on bare flesh, extracting a low groan from some where far inside her lungs. My hand was left hanging, placed firmly against Mary Jane’s lower torso and left on its own while my wife fiddled at the front of Mary Jane’s blouse. I could feel Mary Jane’s body quivering as my hand lay there on her soft bare skin, quivering perhaps in anticipation, quivering with perhaps a bit of anxiety, or fear of what might happen I did not know . I was beginning to be anxious to see what my wife’s next move would be. Having finished what ever she was doing with the front of Mary Jane’s blouse, I found her hand back on top of mine, applying pressure , pushing both our hands firmly on to Mary Jane’s body. Then my wife moved our hands upwards, not quickly but very slowly, almost excruciating slow . Mary Jane tightened her body muscles, seemingly almost holding her breath. This caused her upper chest to expand, pushing her tits out even further, and I guess this is what my wife was waiting for , or expecting, as she seized that moment to direct my hand higher, until I felt it tangle in some loose material . My wife lifted our hands outward just a bit , allowing them to slip further up and to my immediate pleasure settle quite nicely on Mary Jane’s bare tit. It appeared that my wife had undone the front clasp holding the bra cups together .
Mary Jane sounded out with a deep almost very loud gasp as my wife settle my hand on her left tit, squeezing my fingers gently on to her soft warm breast. My wife withdrew her own hand leaving me to continue on my own. I tried to watch both girls, Mary Jane’s facial expressions were captivating, however I was very curious as to what my wife would succeed in doing next. Indeed it did not take but a few seconds before I realized that my wife had moved her now free hand over onto Mary Jane’s right tit. There we were, two mature adults, sitting at the table in a none too unoccupied restaurant, playing with , well perhaps mauling at a young girl’s naked breast, causing her to squirm from the sensations she was experiencing while we proceeded uninterrupted.
I was certain that my wife had not taken her other hand from Mary Jane’s leg, she was still rubbing that part of her anatomy. I could not see, but I could guess from the moaning and groaning noises Mary Jane was emitting, that my wife had her hand much further up her inner thigh than mine had been. Mary Jane must have been in the throes of ecstasy for not only was she pushing her upper torso forward in an attempt to keep the pressure of our hands on her tits constant, but she was gyrating the lower portion of her body, moving her bottom back and forth along the seat where we were sitting. Suddenly Mary Jane began to utter different sounds, urgent sounds of “ Uh! , Uh!, Oh!, Oh! Aw!, Aw! ” from what I can remember, sharp little grunts that came quicker and quicker.
It was at that moment that my wife pulled her hand from where it had been below the table and reached over and took my hand away from Mary Jane’s soft warm tit. If Mary Jane was surprised, I was more than taken back, at first I thought that my wife had noticed someone at , or coming towards our table in our out of the way spot, but when I looked around I saw nothing at all. I looked back at Mary Jane to see a poor girl gasping at release , wanting to cum, wanting to continue, sheer desperation showed in her face. My wife brought the fingers of the hand that had been below the table to her nose inhaling I am convinced the sweet smell of Mary Jane’s scent. She then bent towards Mary Jane and whispered in her ear, nothing however that I could decipher.
The expression that appeared on Mary Jane’s face, appeared to be one of pure fear, or almost, her normal pink coloring drained from her cheeks, she turned pure white, as though she was in shock. Several minutes passed before I detected movement on Mary Jane’s part, she cleared her throat, trying hard to swallow I assumed. I watched the color come back to her face, turning it a vivid pink. She eased her hands down below the table and fiddle with what I found out later to be her belt and the zipper of her Bermuda shorts. Mary Jane then lifted her bottom and began to pull at the material of her shorts, moving it over and off her hips and slide it along her thighs, past her knees which then allowed it to fall down around her ankles and settle on the floor of the restaurant’s alcove. Once this was accomplished Mary Jane sat back on to the seat, either waiting for my wife and I to continue where we had left off, or get the courage to do more That was I what I thought, perhaps she was waiting for my wife to whisper instructions to her once again.
Mary Jane was staring straight ahead, looking over the table , above the food and dishes that were there, across the area in which we were seated, over to the leafy green of the plants that were offering us some privacy from the rest of the restaurant patrons. It was like she had tunnel vision, seeking to fix her sight on or at on point in particular . Then carefully, slowly, cautiously she reached for the opening of her blouse, and began undoing the remaining buttons one at a time. I watched as she completed this task with great anxiety, here we were letting a young girl undress herself in the middle of the day, in the middle of a busy restaurant. I knew for a fact that her brassiere had been undone, so once her blouse was undone, she risked being placed in a very delicate situation, if the blouse opened too far, her entire upper body would be very exposed indeed.
Now I had no idea what my wife had whispered earlier to Mary Jane ,so I could not believe my eyes when I saw her, as she unfastened the last button, open her blouse completely, move it and her loose bra off her shoulders and let them drop down behind her on to the seat. I was astonished, Mary Jane was now naked exposed out in public, her tits showing above the table top, her two nipples poking out rigid from her areolas. She made no move to cover her beauty, she simply lowered her arms to her sides and waited. At once my wife reacted, she turned her body towards Mary Jane, sending one hand down below the table, the other to pinch at an elongated nipple causing Mary Jane to flinch. My wife then spoke to me in a low voice , she told me that it would be quite alright if I wanted to play with Mary Jane’s left tit. I was however to keep my hands away from the lower portion of her body. Immediately I attached myself to Mart Jane’s tit, I was not going to miss this opportunity. I started to roll Mary Jane’s left nipple between my finger and my thumb, enjoying the sensation of the rubbery like feeling of this young lassie. Mary Jane went ballistic with both of us pinching at her nipples, my wife no doubt using her other hand to stimulate her nether-land.
I was at first a bit nervous and concerned, now that Mary Jane was moaning and groaning very loudly. I was certain that those sitting in the neighbouring booths could hear her. I was about to say something to my wife, but I guess she was watching my reaction to all this lovely noise, for she suddenly stuck her tongue out and made a flicking motion to me, then she turned her tongue towards Mary Jane. Not being too stupid I figured she wanted me to use my tongue to further stimulate Mary Jane’s nipple or whole breast so I complied leaving my thoughts of being discovered hanging in the air . Once I had fixed my mouth to Mary Jane’s tit, my wife pressed her own mouth over Mary Jane’s, effectively cutting off most of her sounds. Seconds, perhaps minutes or so passed as we continued to abuse Mary Jane there at the table, before her movements became erratic, uncontrollable. Her almost naked breasts were moving every which way making it difficult to keep my mouth fixed on her tit. As suddenly as she had begun , she stopped, she moved her upper body back into the seat , lifted her lower body upwards almost striking a prone position and shook or shuttered, her whole body convoluting, Then she dropped back, her body going limp, so much so that we had to grab onto her to avoid having her slide off the seat onto the floor. Mary Jane had released her orgasm, she demonstrated to me at least that it had been one hell of a cum.
We allowed Mary Jane to lay sideways between us sort of taking her out of any direct view from inside the restaurant , letting her ride ,out the rest of the spasm that I could see rippling through her sweaty little body. Satisfied that Mary Jane was securely settled as not to roll off the seat, my wife once again sent her delicate finger creeping up her inner thigh. Snaking up and slipping under the loose leg band of Mary Jane’s panties I watched as my wife worked her magic. When she extracted her fingers I could see the glistening wetness of Mary Jane’s body fluids dripping off the ends. My wife immediately brought her fingers to her mouth and sucked them clean of those lovely juices. My wife took great care to exaggerate her motions, making certain that not one single drop of this precious liquid was lost, She then licked her lips in such a manner that I released a low primeval groan from deep inside. Returning her fingers, she pulled at the material of Mary Jane’s panties exposing her bare little cunt to my eyes and provided me with a detailed viewing scene as she slipped them once again deep into Mary Jane’s love tunnel. My wife plunged her fingers not so gently into Mary Jane’s causing the little limp body to jerk several times before she pulled them back out, covered this time is with perhaps a more lucid coating of fluids. To my delight instead of taking her finer to her mouth she raised her hand and presented the finger at my lips. Needless to say I wasted no time if taking her fingers into my mouth and savouring the wonderful exotic taste of our young Mary Jane.
We began to notice that the sun had moved a great deal from the position it had occupied in the window, so we decided that we had better get moving along, if we did not want to run into to problem at the restaurant. My wife revived Mary Jane gently, telling her we had to prepare to leave. Upon opening her eyes, Mary Jane looked directly at me and smiled one of those warm smiles of hers, she took my hand and brought to her mouth gave it several loving kisses then returned it to my lap. We helped her on with her blouse, my wife indicating that she need not replace the bra as the day was still young, then assisted her with her Bermuda shorts. Fortune would have it just as we had managed to compose ourselves the waitress came along with our bill , telling us that the dining room was to be closing in several minutes. She lingered a bit, seemingly shy but I could not tell, so I asked if everything was alright, the bill, the means of payment, only to receive somewhat of an embarrassed reply.
There had been nothing at all wrong with any thing, if fact we had been delightful customers, if fact she went on to say she had appreciated our visit more than most. I must have looked a bit confused, for the young lady continued telling us that much of her time had been spent standing on the other side of those big green leafy plants. She wanted to know if next time we chose this particular restaurant, we could ask for her as our waitress. She said she could arrange things so that she could be our real personal server, in a more private way, willing to do our biding in any way we wished . She continued on, turning a bright color of red telling us she had really enjoyed the expos?f our young charge, the delicate way we had handled things .
She wanted to let us know that she would be delighted to be included in such fun and games if we ever decided a repeat undertaking was necessary. She complimented Mary Jane on her lovely body telling her that she wished she had not been so far off so that she could have seen better and wished that she might be taken care of like that one day. Dianna, as she called herself, gave my wife her telephone number then whispered a few more sentences before she began to excuse herself for being so forward, as that was not really her style, but she really liked what she had seen and could not take the chance to miss an opportunity to speak with us.
All this time our Mary Jane was standing there listening, but fixed in a position that looked to me like she was shocked now knowing someone had been watching her perform , watching her undress, watching her cum, her face was just about a red as was Dianna’s. My wife looked at me for a moment, then told me to go speak with the Maitre d’ and tell him how pleased we had been with Dianna’s service, telling me she needed a few minutes alone with the girls. I did as I was told, but as I was real curious as to what was happening back at the table. I snuck back a bit quicker, stopping by the spot Dianna had pointed out as her spying position. I got back just in time to see Dianna breaking off from what it looked like where I was standing a real passion kiss with our Mary Jane. What surprised me even more was that Mary Jane was standing there with all her clothing at her feet she was bare naked, this time her panties had been taken off also . Dianna then moved away from Mary Jane allowing her to redress herself and began talking with my wife while she sucked on her fingers. Figuring I had missed all of the good stuff, I gave Mary Jane time enough to button up, then I eased myself back into the hall and entered the area of the alcove trying very hard not to let on that I knew the girls had had a little play time.
Dianna our kindly waitress escorted us to the front of the restaurant, all the time kindly expressing her gratitude of our patronage, while walking beside Mary Jane, one hand pressed to the small of her back, the other delicately stroking her bare arm. I was wondering if she was over compensating for the treat she had been allowed, was genuinely taken by Mary Jane, or simply wanted to keep sensations of the event in the forefront of things. It was easy to tell she wanted nothing better than another opportunity to kiss Mary Jane goodbye, unfortunately there were too many people at the entrance to do so, Dianna conveyed once again the message that she would be very pleased to serve our needs anytime we so chose and left us to return to her duties.

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