Cum Swallowing

The Harem Pt.1

All described persons are of legal age. This is my first story and I’m not a native speaker but I’m happy for your criticism – good or bad. If the story is well received, the saga shall continue 🙂

Strangers on a Train part 1

You never know who you might bump into on a crowded subway. This is my first attempt at this type of writing. Let me know if you’d like me to continue. Thanks and enjoy!

Alicia Saves Her Mother’s Job

Alicia Saves Her Mother’s Job
By rutger5 (An Original Story Copyright 2011)
“No I understand that it has to be done. Once I make my final decision I’ll let you know who as well as informing the person affected. By Friday it will be finished Mr. Johnson. No it is very unfortunate that it’s come to this I agree. Yes sir I will speak to you soon.”
After I heard the click on the other end I hung up the phone and just sat there for a minute thinking. When I accepted my current position I understood that there might be times like this that I would be forced to do unpleasant tasks. Now I had a doozy ahead of me. The way the company did business left me with a limited choice and neither option was clear cut. I decided to follow the course I had discussed with Mr. Johnson, the company founder and president, as I felt under the circumstances it was the best way.
In spite of my decision I found myself sitting at my desk doing other work rather than taking the bull by the horns. Do it, I told myself, because no matter how hard it is for you it is much worse for the others involved. That steeled me enough to get up and head out of my office. Passing my administrative assistant Barbara on the way I walked out to the bullpen where the workers I supervised were located. Coming to the cubicle of the first person I needed to speak with I stuck my head in.
“Yes that is correct and if you have any future problems always feel free to call back. And thank you for doing your business with us. Good bye.”
Once she finished the call the woman looked up expectantly at me. This was going to be tough I knew.
“ Judy…ah Ms. Phillips, may I speak with you for a few minutes please?” I asked the woman before me.
A look of uncertainty flitted over her face after hearing how I addressed her but she quickly regained her composure and smiled at me.
“No problem Mr. Daniels, I’m free now” she replied.
“Would you please come to my office, it won’t take long” I told her.
She followed me to my office where I made sure to leave the door open. Though I didn’t wish anyone to overhear the conversation I felt it was prudent under the circumstances to make sure we weren’t alone unobserved. Once I sat behind my desk I looked up at Judy. She had joined the company around fourteen months ago and had done all that was asked of her so this wasn‘t easy.
“Please sit Ms. Phillips” I said indicating the seat on the other side of my desk. I observed her as she sat and I had to admit to myself she was still an attractive woman. Just north of forty years of age she had a voluptuous figure but dressed conservatively in keeping with our company dress code. A subdued light blue blouse buttoned to near her throat kept her ample bosom covered and a navy blue form fitting skirt that clung to her curves and reached her knees completed her clothing. Like many women she dyed her naturally dark hair a brassy shade of blonde and though it caught one’s eye, in my opinion, it would have looked better untouched. After she sat she giggled nervously as she was aware that something wasn’t right.
“This can’t be good if we’re formal Mr. Daniels” she sagely observed.
“No unfortunately it’s not for a good reason that we’re having this conversation. Let me cut to the chase then. As you may be aware the bad economy has been hurting this company’s bottom line for some time. The reason you found a job here was the person who held the position previously moved out of state. It wasn’t because the company was expanding at the time. The last quarter numbers are in and they are grim. I have been directed by Mr. Johnson that I have to terminate one of the workers I supervise.”
When I said that I saw all emotion drain from her face as she was confronted by the specter of the unemployment line.
“I understand Mr. Daniels” she said barely audible.
“Wait Judy” I told her “it isn’t certain that it will be you that goes. Hear me out first. The company policy is for the most part last in, first out. Exceptions can be made if a more senior worker is really doing a bad job but in this case I don’t think anyone under me is performing poorly. However you and one other worker started within a month of each other. So my choice has to be one of you and as of now I haven’t made my decision. To my mind you are both good workers and each of you brings some different strengths to the position but the unpleasant fact is one of you has to go. I’m letting you both know in case it was possible one of you might know of another position you could find plus when it happens I don’t want the affected party to be blindsided. I’m sorry about this and I’ll let you know my decision by Friday.”
“Thank you for that then sir. If you don’t need me then let me get back to my job while I still have one.”
She smiled wanly and stood up, doing her best to show no emotion. To be honest I was very impressed by her demeanor as I knew she was a single mother, with a daughter in her senior year of high school, and she was the sole supporter of the girl. Facing such uncertainty couldn’t be easy for her but she put on a brave front. As she left the office my eyes drifted to her shapely calves as well as her wide hips and large round posterior. Stop it I told myself feeling ashamed. Here I might be laying this woman off in less than a week and I had the nerve to check her out.
I waited a couple of minutes before again rising from my desk. No sense in putting it off, I might as well talk to the other employee now. The conversation followed a similar course with Chet Norris. The only thing I didn’t like was that he made a few disparaging borderline sexist comments about Ms. Phillips, as if as men we shared some solidarity because of that. I informed him that as far as I was concerned it was purely a numbers issue and that I wished neither had to go.
Truthfully I didn’t really blame him as I understood the situation he was in. Chet was divorced but he had a couple of kids who he paid support for and losing his job would not be a good thing. The problem for me, beyond the fact that I didn’t wish to fire either of them was that it really was a toss up. Flipping a coin or picking a card would resolve the dilemma as fairly as anything else I could do. Not wanting to think about it for a minute I decided to get a cup of coffee.
As I approached the company lunchroom I heard a voice speaking and I realized it was Judy Phillips. Since I didn’t hear any other voices I figured she was on her cell phone. That stopped me in my tracks as I didn’t wish to interrupt her call after our recent conversation. I turned to retrace my steps but I couldn’t help but overhearing some of what she said.
“Well thank God you didn’t buy that prom dress yet Alicia. What ever you do, don’t spend any money right now. No we can’t discuss it until I see you so it will have to wait until tonight. You’re not working, right? Okay wait at home for me baby because we really have to talk. Bye.”
Luckily I managed to reach my office before she returned to her desk and saw me. Her eavesdropped conversation only made me feel worse and I realized that I was feeling too much sympathy for her. If she was the one to go I couldn’t let my natural chivalrous inclinations overrule my head. It wasn’t until everyone had left for the day that I left my office again. Before she left my assistant Barbara spoke to me. Peering at me over her glasses she shook her head slowly first.
“You have to not let the pressure get to you Peter.”
“Easy for you to say, I’m the one who has to do it” I replied. As I was speaking Barbara bit her full lip.
“If you want I would do it for you but I doubt you’d let me.”
“No it’s my job and responsibility Barbara but thank you.”
“Good night then Peter and don’t stay too late.” She looked like she wanted to say something more but after standing in the doorway for a minute she turned and left.
I sat there around fifteen minutes before I roused myself to leave. Once I turned the lights off in my office I wandered through the bullpen. For some reason as I passed Judy’s cubicle I noticed the light on her phone flashing and I actually stepped in to answer it before I realized it was just indicating that a voicemail was saved. While there I couldn’t help but notice a couple of framed pictures sitting on Judy’s desk. One was of Judy and a young woman I presumed to be her daughter standing outside by a body of water. It was from a far distance so there wasn’t much detail of the two of them. They were both dressed in jeans and flannel shirts and it was probably taken on vacation.
The other was a head shot of her daughter in a standard school portrait style photo. She was smiling and her facial features certainly reminded me of Judy. The biggest difference was that Judy had a rounder, fuller face while her daughter’s was thinner, almost elfin. Also while Judy had bottle blond hair her daughter had long straight brown hair which complemented her big, brown eyes. Reluctantly I tore my eyes away from the pictures. I had no right to ogle the daughter especially when I might be firing her mother.
That night I went straight home and stayed in for the night. My sleep was interrupted a few times during the night but whatever disturbed me I can’t be sure of but I felt it was triggered by my unremembered dreams. At work on Tuesday I decided to not think about the looming lay off and work on other matters instead. The day moved much quicker and except for once where Judy had to consult with me over a client I was able to not think about it.
Wednesday followed the same routine but by the end of the day I couldn’t help but think about it. I really should make my decision by Thursday so I could appraise Mr. Johnson before announcing it on Friday. Again I was the last one out and this time I visited both Judy and Chet’s cubicles as if somehow this would make things clearer. It was another night I decided to forgo a trip to the fitness center and just head home.
While driving I realized I had no food at home so I decided to stop and pick up some fast food for dinner. It was early evening when I pulled into the lot for Burger-rama and headed inside. Surprisingly there was only one person ahead of me in line and in a minute I was at the counter ordering.
“Welcome to Burger-rama, may I take your order please?” the tiny young woman at the register said.
“Yes let me get the #4 combo with the side salad please” I replied my mind still preoccupied with work.
It took me another moment to realize that the woman was talking to me I was so distracted.
“Sir, what size drink do you want?”
“Medium” I said snapping to attention. As she rang up my order I looked at her and for some strange reason she looked familiar as if we’d met even though I’d never come here before.
“That’s $6.79 sir” she told me, so I handed her a twenty.
It was while she was getting my change that suddenly it hit me. In spite of the unflattering hat and polyester uniform recognition of who she was dawned in my brain.
“Oh my God, you’re Judy’s daughter” I blurted out.
She shot me a look like who the f are you and do you really know my mom? Not wanting to creep her out further I attempted to explain my outburst.
“I’m sorry for startling you but I work for the same company as your mother. You appeared familiar to me, and then I remembered your photo that your mother has prominently displayed on her desk.”
Her face lost the suspicious expression it had displayed and she smiled and for a second let me tell you it lit up the drab environ for a moment until the smile vanished as quickly as it appeared. As she handed me my change she studied my face as if it could give her the answer she sought.
“So you work with my Mom, huh? Funny she never mentioned she worked with any cute guys. Then you’ve probably heard some asshole is trying to fire her.”
I grimaced when I heard that statement but I couldn’t blame her up to a point. It was unlikely that Judy put it that way to her daughter but maybe she had. Either way it didn’t change things and if I was the villain then so be it.
“It’s not exactly like that but I understand where you are coming from.” I replied.
She handed me my bag while staring deep into my eyes.
“How is it then?”
“I’m the asshole” I told her “and I don’t want to lay off your mother or anyone else. But I’ve been ordered to let someone go by my boss and it is either your mom or one other worker. I wish it was neither but I don’t get to make that decision.”
After saying that I turned and left the store and headed to my car. It made more sense to eat in the parking lot than driving home as my burger would be stone cold before I arrived and nuked fast food is even worse than normal. Eating my food I stared straight ahead lost in a fog. Meeting Judy’s daughter only made it worse for my worried mind so once I scarfed down the burger I decided to go home where I could eat the salad. My hand reached for the key in the ignition when I heard a knock on the window. It startled me so much that I might have jumped if I wasn’t sitting down. As it was I managed to spill my iced tea all over myself.
Looking up I saw that it was Alicia, Judy’s daughter. I rolled down my window so she could talk to me as I attempted to blot my pants dry with a couple of napkins. She seemed to find that amusing and got a laugh at my expense.
“Hey can I talk to you a minute?” she asked.
“Sure” I answered.
As soon as I spoke she moved around to the passenger door and stood waiting until I unlocked the door. Alicia sat in the passenger seat and for the first time I really realized how tiny she was. Her feet barely reached the floor and her head didn’t reach the top of the seat. Once she made herself comfortable Alicia turned to me and spoke. Her words were rushed and came out in a breathless manner.
“First let me apologize for calling you an asshole even if I didn’t know at the time I was talking about you. My Mom kind of told me what is happening at the job but I’m just so pissed about it. After my parents divorced we moved here to the city for a new start and it was tough in the beginning on me. Now I have friends and a job even if it’s just in a fast food joint and things are okay and I wanted to start college in the fall. Now my Mom might lose her job. It just sucks is all.”
“Okay first thing is apology accepted, by the way my name is Peter Daniels and your nametag says you are Alicia, its nice to meet you. Listen, I understand that life isn’t fair and this is proof of that. No matter what I have to tell someone that they no longer have a job. If it works out for your mom then it will still be someone else kicked to the curb and I have to do it.”
“Well that is what I want to talk to you about. My Mom really needs this job and she really doesn’t know many people in the city who could help her find another one. I was wondering if there was ANYTHING I could do to convince you to keep her on.”
She fluttered her eyelashes at me as she said that but the next thing I knew was that I felt her hand touching my leg. It was tentative at first but as Alicia found her courage she squeezed it as her hand crept upward until it encountered both my package and my wet pants. Her big brown eyes met mine as she groped me between my legs.
“You’re all wet here from spilling your drink so maybe if I rub hard enough I can help dry your pants.”
It was pretty obvious what she meant and she immediately put her words into action. My manhood swelled in my trousers as her small warm hand vigorously worked back and forth on my growing bulge. Alicia smiled at me as her hand continued its rapid movement causing me to have an erection.
“Hmm it’s having a reaction, no doubt about that. Maybe what it really needs is some fresh air.”
The fingers on her other hand tugged at my zipper, pulling it down gently. This roused me to action as I’d just been sitting there in a state of shock while enjoying her manual stimulation. I pulled her hand from my zipper but her first hand slipped inside both my trousers and boxers. When Alicia touched my hard cock my resolve to resist her crumbled like a crushed cookie. She managed to work it out of my fly and into the light of day or rather evening.
“Nice piece” Alicia said in an apparently sincere tone before she leaned down and kissed the swollen head.
I let out a gasp at which point she turned her eyes up at me and winked. Her lips began kissing me up and down the full length of my erection. Alicia tugged at it now, freeing the whole length from its captivity and once it was all out she opened her lips wide and took it inside her mouth. Slowly she slid her wet lips down the skin as she swallowed more of me into her mouth. Her tongue was licking the underside just below the head and I could feel pre-cum seeping out of me into her welcoming mouth.
Alicia’s long hair cascaded down obscuring my view of what she was doing though I obviously could feel it fine. My hand pulled her strands of hair together so I could watch her head bob up and down on me. Alicia took me as deep as her mouth was able to and now worked her hand inside my fly so that she could fondle my balls. While she caressed them she increased the speed of her mouth on me as well when suddenly I felt my stomach tighten and my nuts tense up.
“I can’t take it – I’m cumming” I cried out but she took me even deeper when she heard this. It had been a while and I erupted with the force of a volcano. Alicia seemed surprised at the amount of thick, white spunk that filled her mouth but she doggedly continued sucking until my prick was spent. She had a big smile on her pretty face as she pulled off me and wiped away any stray bit of cum that escaped her mouth. She did a quick look in the mirror to make sure she hadn’t missed any and when satisfied of that fact her tongue sensuously ran along her red lips.
“How was that?” she asked me though we both already knew the answer.
“What can I say but incredible” I told her in reply.
“Do you think maybe my Mom can keep her job now?”
There was no way I could fight this at the moment so I just nodded affirmatively at her. Alicia smiled before leaning close to me where she could whisper in my ear.
“I’m on break now but I get off at nine. I’d like to thank you properly for what you’re doing so why don’t you pick me up then.”
She kissed me quickly and climbed out of the car and ran back toward the entrance as my eyes followed her closely. Damn, what have I let myself in for I thought to myself as I started the car. Once I reached home I did a fast tidying up of my apartment before jumping in the shower then changing my clothes to more casual ones.
The time was fast approaching nine when I pulled into the parking lot and pulled into a corner. In around ten minutes Alicia came out and headed over to me. Her long hair was now held in a pony tail with a scrunchy and she was wearing tight black jeans and a tee. The shirt fit her like a glove and though Alicia was pretty flat chested her nipples showed prominently making me believe she wasn’t wearing a bra. She slid next to me and greeted me with a kiss.
Her lips felt soft against mine and she now smelled of perfume, Poison I believe it was, as we kissed passionately. After a minute I broke our kiss as I was becoming very aroused making out with this tempting teenager.
“You know Alicia you don’t have to do anything more if you don’t want to” I stated.
“Oh but I want to. I got you off before so it’s only fair if you return the favor. Then once we’re even we can go from there because I love sex and being with older men.”
She snuggled against me as I started to drive and we hadn’t gotten far when her hand was teasing me by rubbing the inside of my leg. Part of me just wanted to floor the accelerator to get home faster but somehow I managed to follow the speed limit without crashing even with her distracting me by handling my equipment.
We had barely entered my apartment and locked the door when Alicia was all over me. Since I was a foot taller than she was I had to bend down to kiss her but before I had a chance to she was rubbing her body against mine while at the same time sliding her hand under my shirt. As her little hand moved across my flesh I positioned my leg between hers and pushed it against her mound. Alicia responded by grinding on my leg as our lips met again. With my arms wrapped around her my hands reached down and kneaded her buttocks. Though not large they were firm and well shaped and certainly not small for her frame.
Alicia broke our kiss and with a wicked grin took hold of her shirt hem and lifted the tee over her head revealing her torso. Her breasts as expected were two small bumps on her chest but her nipples were another story. They were pale pink, as large as marbles and definitely erect. I didn’t need an engraved invitation to spur me on but lifted her petite body and fastened my hungry mouth to her delectable treat. Now Alicia gasped as my teeth gently clamped on her while my mouth sucked on the areola and surrounding skin.
When I finally pulled my mouth free I noticed the pale breast flesh was reddened and flushed from where I had suckled. Wasting no time I turned my attention to her other nipple to which I gave the same attention. Alicia was squealing and squirming in my arms as I walked down the hall to my bedroom and not once did I release her bit from my mouth until I put her down on my bed.
Now I undressed, yanking my shirt up as I kicked of my shoes before unfastening then sliding my pants down and off. She had kicked her sneakers off but was having some difficulty in removing her jeans when I stepped in. My hands grabbed the material at which point I inexorably pulled them down her legs and tossed them aside. Alicia was now just wearing a tiny pair of red panties which inflamed me as if I were a bull.
I sprung on the bed landing next to her and making her laugh. My body covered hers and I managed to work my hips between her legs where I then humped against her panty covered mons. Alicia was breathing hard now as my burning lips traced a pattern on her slender neck and shoulders and before I knew it she locked her thin legs around my waist pushing me closer to her treasure.
My hips continued their rhythm of rubbing against her covered vulva and it was having a strong effect on Alicia. She was making little mewing noises while rocking her pelvis slightly to further enhance the pleasure she was receiving. My hip speed increased after which Alicia’s eyes clamped shut and she started to tremble gently. My teeth found her neck at which time she let out a moan and her muscles stiffened and tensed.
When she opened her brown eyes I feathered them with light butterfly kisses before tasting her sweet mouth. Her hands grabbed my butt and pulled me closer if that was possible. We kissed then and my tongue slipped between her lips where her tongue met mine and they entwined.
“Come on I want your big dick in me” she pleaded and though I intended to I also wanted to taste her essence first.
My lips began working down her body beginning at her throat and continuing across her collarbone before again briefly sampling her breasts but then continuing down. Next kissing down her flat tummy and probing her navel with the tip of my tongue before tracing the swell of her pubic bone and hip. Alicia parted her legs as widely as she was able to allow me total access down there.
My mouth bypassed her covered pinkness and instead my tongue ran along the soft skin of her inner leg until I reached her knee. Her rounded calf was the next body part to get my oral treatment after which I switched to her other calf. As my tongue worked its way to my desire I could see that her panties were soaked from the attention she had been getting. Now my fingers slipped under her waistband and with a strong tug I yanked them down exposing her most intimate area.
Now I was frozen and speechless as I beheld the charm of Alicia revealed. Her pussy was perfectly formed and proportioned for her body and the sheen from her juices only accentuated the beauty. She was pink of course with narrow lips that barely protruded from her pelvis and her core was soaked while a deeper shade of pink. Her pubic region was shaved and as hairless as a girls. I’m not sure how long I remained transfixed before Alicia nudged me with her foot impatiently.
That roused me from the spell I was under and wasting no more time I moved closer so that I could touch her with my eager tongue. It went straight to her opening like a heat guided missile where it probed her juicy goodness while delivering the intoxicating flavor to my taste buds. She was as delicious as ambrosia and I attempted to get my fill. I slurped away at Alicia, funneling her nectar to my waiting mouth but the more I licked her the more juice she produced.
Pausing for one moment I wet the tip of my thumb before resuming my liquid feast. Once my thumb started to rub her erect little nub Alicia’s body writhed in response, twisting about the bed but I continued to lick and fondle her. After bringing her to orgasm twice with this method her fingers worked through my short, dark hair and attempted to dislodge me but I refused to stop.
My jaw was beginning to ache now from its efforts but I still hadn’t gotten my fill of fragrant, tasty teenaged pussy. Working through my discomfort my tongue swirled in a circular motion buried inside her canal. It probed as deeply as it was able to reach, licking the woman sugar from her walls. When I felt her fingers tighten in my hair and her thigh muscles tense up my thumb increased its speed.
Alicia let out a moan as she climaxed and I finally moved. My tongue slipped out of her as my body moved into position, kneeling between her legs. Grasping my erection which felt harder than steel to me I pushed it to her gates of paradise. With one smooth motion I sank halfway inside her aided by the fact that she was soaked.
“Fuck” Alicia cried out as my thickness split her lips and worked deep. My arms hooked her legs underneath her knees and pushed them toward her chest further opening her charms to me. Slowly I worked deeper but since she was very tight it was slow going. Reversing course I pulled back until just my swollen head was in her. Then I drove hard almost working my full length in. One more time I pulled back and with the next thrust I bottomed out in her.
“Damn you’re filling me up with that big dick” she almost screamed at me but by this point I was almost in another world as her inner muscles clamped hard on me.
My body moved slowly, building a rhythm as I repeatedly sank to her womanly depths. A hand managed to find and tweak her nipple at the same time pleasuring Alicia even more. My speed increased as her pussy adjusted to my intrusion by stretching just enough to accommodate it while still fitting me like a glove.
Our flesh slapped together as my hips pumped my shaft in and out of her pink flower at an ever increasing pace. Both my hands now rested on the mattress giving me as much support as possible as I continued to pound Alicia hard and fast. My heart beat like a trip hammer in my chest as I slid in and out of her until I wondered how much longer I could last. Alicia’s nails raked across my back, the result of me once again pushing her to the heights of bliss.
With a few more deep thrusts I felt my own nirvana arrive as I swelled deep inside her. My body collapsed onto Alicia as I felt myself spraying her insides with my sperm. My body shuddered with relief as her pinkness milked me of every drop of cum inside me.
The next afternoon I called Mr. Johnson and even though I had made my decision I was in a state of mental turmoil. As much as I’d enjoyed my session with Alicia it left me feeling guilty and troubled. I was so distraught that I was seriously considering resigning after announcing my decision. It wasn’t that keeping Judy employed was the wrong decision and I had been leaning that way for other factors. Still I had sex with Alicia with the understanding it would influence my decision and that seemed unethical to me.
“Barbara can you get me Mr. Johnson on the phone” I told my assistant through the intercom.
“Right away sir” was her reply.
While I waited for the call to be placed I decided to wait before announcing my resignation until some time passed so as not to jeopardize Judy’s position. Somehow I doubted that she had influenced her daughter to throw herself at me to secure her position. Under the circumstances I couldn’t blame Alicia but only myself for thinking with my small head.
“Mr. Johnson on line one sir” came Barbara’s melodic voice over the intercom interrupting my thoughts.
“Hello Mr. Johnson, I just wanted to inform you that I’ve made my decision. I thought I should inform you first and this way if you have any concerns you can let me know before I announce it tomorrow.”
“No, no Peter, I told you it was your call and I’m prepared to accept it whichever way it goes. So what’s it going to be?”
“For a couple of reasons I decided to retain Ms. Phillips and let Chet go. I believe with his contacts he’s more likely to find new employment quickly and also with his background in sales he’s more used to hustling.”
There was a moment of silence on the line before I heard chuckling on the other end.
“I tell you Pete sometimes it’s scary how people think alike. I was talking to my old friend Jeb Burnett and if you decided to go the way you’re going he informed me he had an opening for Chet. Of course if you went the other way it would have been your decision and I would have respected it. Good work my boy, talk to you soon and after you inform Chet tell him to come see me. Wait until tomorrow to tell him though so we can get the last bit of work out of him.”
After I hung up the phone I felt an immense sense of relief. Since my decision dovetailed with Mr. Johnson’s there was nothing to feel bad about although I knew it had been a close call on that. With a relieved mind I worked straight through the afternoon knowing that both employees would have jobs in the future. Since I felt I’d been slacking off a bit lately due to the distraction of the lay off decision I continued working beyond my normal quitting time as I completed a review of an employee project. I was just wrapping up with some comments onto my computers voice recorder when the sound of a knock interrupted me.
“Mr. Daniels may I speak with you a moment?”
Looking up from my desk I saw Judy Phillips standing at the doorway before me with an anxious expression on her attractive face. Stopping what I was doing I waved Judy into the room. As she came in I couldn’t help but notice that she pulled the door closed behind her and that her blouse had a number of unfastened buttons. My eyes were drawn to the valley of her ample cleavage like a fly lured by honey which she observed with a knowing smile. Instead of sitting Judy remained standing but she leaned toward me providing me with a view almost to her navel.
“Mr. Daniels might I speak frankly to you? I have always found you to be attractive and if not for the company’s frowning on office romances I surely would have invited you out for a drink, me being a lonely divorcee and all.”
“Judy I assure you this isn’t necessary…”
“Oh no Peter it is” as she said this Judy leaned so close that her breasts were inches from my face and as she did I felt one hand touch my knee while the other reached around to the back of my head. Pulling me forward my face was buried in her bountiful bosom effectively silencing me.
“And now with this possibly being the end of me working here I had to let you know as well as to give us both a chance to grab life with both hands possibly causing you to reconsider if I was the one to go.”
After saying that Judy’s hand moved from my knee higher up until it reached my already growing erection. For my part once my face came in contact with her soft skin and I inhaled deeply of her scent I was caught up in the moment and both my hands seized Judy’s big ass.
“Unbutton my blouse” she whispered and soon it was done showing her soft full figure to my hungry eyes. Judy reached her hand back and unhooked her bra before slowly allowing the straps to slide down her milky white shoulders. She waited a minute teasing me until she pulled the fabric away freeing her large breasts. Each was more than a handful and hung from the weight. Both the nipples and areolas were large and of a reddish hue and were standing at attention. When I tried to lean forward to bring my lips into contact with the mouth watering treats she put her hand up motioning me to stop and shook her head no.
“First I want you to drop your pants Peter and no arguing.”
Raising my ass a little off the chair allowed me to slip my pants down to my knees freeing my engorged member. It swayed as my body moved but was pointing straight upward.
“Judy about the job…” I began before she put her finger against my lips shushing me.
“Ssshh Peter, I don’t want to know yet. This is a one time thing, either I leave and never see you again or I stay and we can’t do this because of company policy. Well maybe if we both get drunk at the Christmas party we can kiss under the mistletoe or something. So lets just do this.”
After saying that Judy sank to her knees in front of me. Her hand reached out and took hold of me by the base while her red lips kissed their way up my thigh. When she reached my erection Judy continued holding it upright as the tip of her tongue touched the hot skin just above her hand and she proceeded to run it up my full length. Her course wasn’t a straight one but instead followed a zigzag route from base to head. Once at the summit she lapped up the clear liquid that had already leaked in anticipation.
“Mmm tasty” Judy purred as her tongue then plunged down the other side where it blazed a trail to the bottom. Next she licked it in a circular pattern actually going around and around as if it was a barber’s pole. Sometimes she used just the tip but also used the whole tongue but no matter how much it was Judy continued lashing me until I was mad with desire. My hand seized her dyed locks with the intention of directing her to a different tactic but Judy countered by placing her free hand against my midsection and resisting.
“What’s the matter Peter? Do you want me to suck your big hard on?”
“Please Judy I don’t know how much more I can take” I pleaded.
Her brown eyes met me and she smiled and the next thing she did was move her mouth above me and one more time her tongue flicked at my head making me groan. Then opening wide she took my head and the top of my shaft in her wet, willing mouth. With her lips wrapped around me it felt even better as her tongue teased my head. Judy inched downward until my head met the entrance to her throat at which point she pulled back. Her head started to bob up and down taking me as deep as her mouth was able with each movement. Her saliva coated my skin and her hand spread it my length as Judy stroked the portion of my cock which didn’t fit in her mouth.
Suddenly she pulled her head off me with a popping sound and once again her tongue ran along my sensitive underside. I looked down at her and discovered that her hand which wasn’t holding me was between her legs and making small movements there. Seeing where I was looking Judy suddenly stood then straddled me and raised her skirt. This revealed that her black panties were pulled to the side exposing her wet pussy. I had a quick glimpse of dark curly pubic hair and a large hard clit above her swollen lips until Judy lowered herself down.
Her hand still encircled my shaft and unerringly guided my manhood between her slick vaginal lips. She grunted as my wide head penetrated her opening but Judy didn’t pause at all on her descent. She slid down my pole until I was buried deep in her wetness and her breasts pressed to my face. As I kissed them she began to rotate her hips in a circular motion keeping my full length inside her hungry pussy.
My arms hugged her close as my hands held her lower back close to me allowing her to rock on my lap. Her internal muscles squeezed me as she moved around doing their best to push me to the release of orgasm. Her blowjob had stimulated me greatly and her powerful pussy muscles finished the job. After a particularly strong muscle contraction I felt myself swell as the white liquid heat flowed up my shaft and into Judy’s waiting delta.
“Yes Peter cum in me baby, that feels so good. How do I feel baby, not bad for a woman my age?”
“You are incredible Judy and what’s that about your age” I gasped as she continued to milk me.
“Well I certainly have some years on you. Are you even thirty? But either way you can thank my c-section for me staying nice and tight for you.”
“I’ll be thirty next year” I mumbled “ but you are certainly tight. I don’t think it will let me soften its got me so tightly.”
“Don’t even think about losing your hard on baby. Now its my turn baby, you’re young enough that you should be able to go again without resting first.”
Judy wrapped her arms around my neck and began to ride me hard. Now she bounced up and down, rising up until just my head remained in her honey pot before slamming down all the way. My hips began thrusting up to meet her on the way down making her moan like crazy. We continued like this until we were bathed in sweat in spite of the a.c. running.
Finally she whispered in my ear that she was close at which point we somehow managed to increase our speed. When her eyes shut and she bit her lip I thrust a number of times burying myself to the balls while clamping my mouth on her left breast and nipple. Judy came like gangbusters then calling out my name as she shuddered. My hips continued their rhythm as I again irrigated the depths of her canal.
Judy sank her head against my shoulder as our bodies slowly recovered from our carnal exertions. When sufficiently recovered she raised her head and again met my gaze.
“Okay Peter, I’m ready now. I feel so good that even firing me won’t wipe the smile off my face, at least not right away.”
“Judy you have to promise me that you will be a good girl and not say anything until its official, okay?”
The next morning I arrived a few minutes late as my body was still recovering from the previous nights debauchery. The first thing I did was head to Chet’s cubicle. His eyes had a haggard look as if he hadn’t slept well and once I arrived he practically jumped to his feet. There was no need for preliminaries so I got right to it.
“Chet you know this isn’t about you or the job you’ve done but I have to let you go. But before saying or doing anything please go and see Mr. Johnson. Good luck.”
He just nodded as if he expected to hear what he did and walked off in the direction of Mr. Johnson’s office. Next I headed to see Judy at her desk. When I arrived her head was down and she was working. After speaking with her I left the cubicle allowing a couple of co-workers to congratulate her for retaining her position. Before I reached my office I ran into Chet who was returning already. He looked pleased at the turn of events and smiled and shook my hand.
“Well I guess its for the best or at least a lot better than it could be under the circumstances” he said to me before I slapped him on the back as he went on his way.
I breezed past Barbara as I entered my office and sat down. She had followed me in and shut the door behind her.
“Well that’s over with now” she stated emphatically. “Now maybe you can return to normal instead of being so distracted that you do silly things.”
“Barbara I know its affected me some but…”
“No buts Peter. However it doesn’t matter because I’ve been vigilant in protecting you.”
As Barbara said this she walked closer and unless I was mistaken I detected the scent of perfume which was unusual to say the least.
“I mean really Peter with what you were up to last evening and being so careless about it.”
Barbara clucked her tongue and though I did my best to show nothing outwardly, inside I was flabbergasted. She perched her willowy frame on the corner of my desk and smoothed out the skirt portion of her dress.
“If one is going to be a naughty boy then one should at least stop making an audio recording to make sure that there is no evidence.”
My jaw dropped as I remembered what I had been doing the previous evening when Judy arrived. The whole episode must have been recorded and Barbara in the course of her duties had discovered it.
“Well don’t worry Peter, no one will find it now. If the wrong person had heard it they might have thought that Ms. Phillips had shamelessly offered her body to you to keep her job and you were complicit and accepted. I know the truth however, that she really couldn’t help herself as you are so damn attractive and the thought of never seeing you drove her to temporary insanity. I know I’ve been on the verge since I started working for you.”
To be honest I was shocked at what she said but what she did next stunned me. Barbara sat on my lap and wrapped her arms around me as she wiggled her supple bottom.
“From now on if you have an “itch” that has to be scratched let me know. I guarantee that I don’t disappoint. In celebration of our new understanding Peter, I’m making a reservation for dinner at a little Italian place near where I live. This way if we have too much wine we’ll be close to my place. Don’t worry I have a toothbrush just waiting for you and I don’t think you’ll be needing pajamas. I plan on bringing a report with me just in case we run into someone from the office so we have plausible deniability. You have to learn to use your head Peter.”
She turned and kissed me and it was quite pleasant especially when she worked her agile tongue into my mouth. After a minute she broke the kiss and got off me, again smoothing her skirt. Barbara fixed her lipstick before heading for the door. As I watched her go I noticed her slim hips positively swayed as she walked out. This was going to be an interesting evening for sure.
By rutger5 (An original story – copyright 2011)
As always a big thank you to the readers. Comments, pm’s and votes are always appreciated.
If you desire to read more of my stories then click on my name in yellow next to the title of story.

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My Perverted Family: 5. Dad’s Story

I have known since puberty that I was addicted to sex. I come from a very long line of sexually perverted individuals. My family is riddled with tales of incest and debauchery. My parents, my Aunts & Uncles, my nieces & nephews, my Cousins and most of my In-Laws have engaged in Incest and every other form of sexual deviancy. You name it, and someone in my family probably did it.

Putting A Bitch In Her Place

This is the story of a man named Evan, his cheating wife, Leila, and his three close friends. Holly, Mia and Emily. It is a tale of love, betrayal and vengeance.

Coaching, part 2

Coaching, Ch. 2
As Matt walked into the gym to start practice, he felt the knot in his stomach growing larger. He had no idea what to expect after sleeping with his young player, Courtney, after the team’s last practice. He had not received any angry calls in the last two days, so he was pretty sure that she had not told her parents. But, had she told the other girls about it? Would she be awkward around him now? Would she decide that she no loner had to listen to his instruction because of the secret she was now holding over him? Would she try to sleep with him again after practice?
It was that last question that truly had Matt flustered and conflicted. On the one hand, he knew what had happened was very wrong and he knew it should never happen again. On the other hand, he was almost positive that he would not be able to turn down any advances the beautiful girl may make. His attraction to the fit 18 year old was undeniable. And that attraction brought up another question that troubled Matt. Would he be able to control himself to not make an advance of his own towards Courtney? He knew that he should let any initiation of sex come from her end.
The girls began to file in to practice, Courtney at the end of the line of them offering her normal, perky salutation, “Hey, Coach! How are you doing today?” Maybe things would be normal? And as practice moved along, they remained that way. The girls were all focused as they geared up for their tournament that weekend. They worked hard; none harder than Courtney. As practice came to an end, the girls all began to get ready to head home for the night, Courtney included. Matt had to admit to himself that he was a little disappointed as he saw her head to her car and drive off without incident, but he also had to admit that it was for the best. Yes, technically she was 18 and legal. But he was still her coach and her parents trusted him to look after her, just as all the girl’s parents did. “This is right,” Matt said to himself. “We had one night together. It was amazing, but we need to move along and never speak of it again. And most definitely never let it happen again.”
And that was the sensible thing to do. But sensible or not, Matt could not deny the intense lust he had for the girl. And that night, alone in his apartment, he masturbated to the thought of her body riding him long and hard, until he shot his load, cleaned himself up, and went to bed …
The tournament was going great. The girls had carried over the intensity from practice the day before and now found themselves in the championship game, leading by 5 and needing just one more point to win. Matt had been conflicted all day. He was as intense as ever making sure to do everything he could to help his team win, but he also found himself stealing glances at them all in their tight spandex shorts and form fitting tops. He had always been amazed at the combination of talent and attractiveness each of his girls possessed. As the girls scored the final point to win the match and the tournament, coming together as a group to embrace and celebrate the victory, Matt stood on the sideline happy for the win, but wishing he was able to be in the middle of the group hug.
As the girls packed up and started to head to their cars, Matt headed to the bathroom to relieve himself before the drive home. As he was finishing up at the stall, he heard a lock on the door behind him click. He turned around and standing in front of him was Courtney, wearing just the spandex shorts and her sports bra.
“Did you enjoy the games today, Coach?” asked Courtney, obviously leading somewhere else.
Matt cleared the lump in his throat. “Um…yeah … you girls were amazing today. It’s nice to finally win the whole tournament, huh?”
“Yes, yes it is. I think it is so great that we should celebrate.”
“Courtney, I really don’t think we should do what I think you are getting at. I am your coach. We should keep our relationship strictly to volleyball.”
“Oh, come on now,” she replied. “You don’t really want that, do you?”
Courtney began to slowly walk over to Matt. As she walked, she moved her hands to the bottom of her bra and lifted the fabric over her head, exposing her small breasts. As she reached Matt, his instincts kicked in and defeated all reason in his brain. He reached out towards her, grabbed her hips and pulled the girl to him. He leaned over her small stature and kissed her. He couldn’t believe this was happening again. And he was shocked that she wanted this to happen here, in a school bathroom. But she obviously did not care where her coach fucked her, as long as she got her way. They remained in their embrace, kissing each other deeply and letting their hands explore each other’s bodies. Matt’s hands landed on Courtney’s small tits, caressing them at first and then beginning to lightly pull at her nipples which provoked a moan of approval.
Courtney ended the kiss and squatted in front of her coach. She began to work at his belt and pulled down his pants and boxers, freeing his rock hard tool. As his pants were pulled down, Matt lifted his shirt from his body not wanting anything to get in her way. Courtney reached her small hand up and wrapped it around the girth of Matt’s cock. She began stroking the flesh slowly, watching intently as her hand went back-and-forth over his six-and-a-half inches. After a couple of minutes of the best hand job Matt had ever received, he opened his eyes and looked down at the young girl squatting before him. At that same moment, she looked up and the two caught eyes just as Courtney took the head of his cock in her mouth.
She couldn’t take much of his dick in her mouth as she was still new to this sort of act, but it hardly mattered to Matt. He was enjoying the feeling of her mouth and tongue sliding over his penis. She was working his cock well, her head moving forward and backward, with her hand working the skin that was not covered by her mouth. Matt was enjoying the sensation so much that he nearly let himself go in her mouth, but gained his composure. There was no way that he was going to pass on feeling himself inside her tight little opening.
“Ok, Courtney, you can stop now.”
“Am I not doing a good job? I’m sorry. I haven’t really done this before…”
“No, that was amazing.” Matt had to stop the still na? girl from believing she had done a poor job. “There are just things that I would rather do to you right now.”
That brought a smile to her face as she stood up. Courtney wasted no time in pulling down her shorts and panties. She had been dreaming about feeling Matt back inside of her all week. She had masturbated thinking of it several times each night since they first had sex. One night, when her fingers were no longer satisfying her needs, she snuck downstairs and grabbed a medium sized cucumber from the fridge to slide inside of her. It did the job that night, but was nothing compared to the feeling she remembered of the real thing.
Matt reached between her legs and found her pussy lips already moist to the touch. He slowly stroked around her labia, making sure that she was sufficiently wet as he spread her lips open and found her clit. He rubbed the clit for awhile, feeling her juices run down his hand and wrist. Courtney stared at him in a daze, enjoying the feeling. Matt slid his hand from her pussy up to his mouth and sucked her juices from his fingers. Courtney licked her lips as he did this, which gave him another idea. He slid his fingers back between her legs, re-wetting them. He again pulled his hand away, this time moving two outstretched fingers to Courtney’s mouth. She had a deer-in-the-deadlights look on her face, but as the fingers stopped right in front of her lips, she opened her mouth and sucked on the fingers, just as she had done to Matt’s dick a few minutes ago.
“Is this the first time you have ever tasted yourself?” Matt asked.
“Mmhmm,” she replied with the fingers in lips.
“What do you think about the taste of a pussy?”
“I like it. I don’t know what I thought it would taste like, but it is good.”
Matt couldn’t help himself now. Here was this sweet, young girl admitting that she liked the taste of pussy and he had to push the topic further. “Maybe one night we can involve one of your teammates and we can see how well you like the taste of another girl.”
“Who would you have in mind?” Courtney asked. She was so horny now that she could have been talked into just about anything.
“Anyone you want. Who on the team would you like to go down on, Courtney?” Matt was worried that he may push his luck and ask too many questions, but this was too good to let go.
“I don’t know. They are all so pretty. There are a lot of girls on the team that I would be interested in if they approached me. But if I were to ask one of them, I would probably ask Tara. She is one of my best friends so I would feel comfortable with her. And her body is so different than mine that it would be fun to explore.”
Matt swore he felt his dick grow another inch with that answer. He adored Tara almost as much as he did Courtney. And she was right, the girl’s bodies were almost opposites. While Courtney was shorter at 5’6” and very trim with small breasts, Tara was 5’10” and a little thicker with larger breasts. By no means was she fat; like all of the girls on the team she had a perfectly flat stomach from so many hours spent in the gym running and jumping. She just had more muscle to her. That was one threesome that Matt would be fantasizing about later…
He came back to reality and could no longer wait to have Courtney. “Turn around and bend over,” he commanded the girl. She readily obliged and bent over, sticking her butt in the air and bracing her arms against the side of the stall wall in front of her. Matt approached her bent over body and spread legs, grabbed one of her hips with his right hand and guided his penis to her opening with his left hand. He placed the tip to her young hole and in one smooth motion slid his cock deep into her soaking pussy.
The two took little time establishing a rhythm. He pushed his hips forward and she shoved her ass backwards as far as each of them were able to maximize the depth that Matt’s penis buried itself inside of her pussy. They were slamming into each other at such a pace that the wall of the bathroom stall that Courtney was holding herself up on was rocking with them a little.
“Oh god coach. Please fuck me!”
“I will fuck you anywhere and anytime you want, Courtney. Christ, you feel so good. I have never been inside a tighter pussy.”
Courtney loved feeling the length of Matt’s cock start at the opening to her pussy and push all the way inside of her womb. She felt so full, it was amazing! She couldn’t get enough of the feeling. She loved feeling his pelvis smack against her pert ass. She never wanted the fucking to end and would do anything that Matt wanted her to do. She would ride his cock in the middle of practice if he asked her to.
The fucking continued on. Matt was in a trance watching her ass piston back onto his member. He was staring at her ass so much that he began to look at her pink, empty ass hole just above his cock. He decided to test the girl’s threshold for what she would try. Matt slid his right hand from her hips to her ass cheek and stretched out his thumb to her tiny ass hole. He began running his thumb in little circles around the hole. When Courtney had not protested after a minute, he started to push the tip of his thumb ever so slowly into her ass. He pushed until the knuckle was in and, again, she moaned with approval. Matt pressed on until his thumb was all the way into her butt. “Oh, fuck” was her only response.
“Is that ok,” he asked?
“Yeah. A little tight. But ok.”
“Courtney, I would love to put my dick there. Would you let me fuck your ass?”
“Yes, if you want to, I will let you,” she said with a hint of fear in her voice.
Matt continued fucking her pussy and removed the thumb from Courtney’s ass. He spit onto her ass hole and pushed two fingers inside. He wanted to loosen her up a little to ease some of her discomfort she would feel when he pushed his dick inside of her ass. But at the same time, he was also excited at the prospect of causing the little girl some pain as he split her ass in two. After a couple of minutes of fingering, Matt pulled them out of her ass.
“Are you ready?” he asked.
“Um, I think so.”
He spat on her hole again and removed his cock from her pussy. He took his cock, soaked in her pussy juices, and lined it up to her ass hole. “This is going to hurt a bit,” he warned her. “Try to relax as much as possible. If you tense up it will be even more painful.” And with that last piece of advice, Matt grabbed her hips and thrust forward while at the same time pulling her back. The first two inches of Matt’s dick pushed into Courtney’s ass, causing her to scream out.
“Oh, fuck that hurts!” Courtney screamed at the top of her lungs. Matt reached around with one hand to muffle her voice. For the first time they remembered they were in a public place and they needed to be more quiet. They held their position, partly so Courtney could adjust to the size of the cock in her ass, partly to see if they could hear anyone coming.
After a few moments had passed and they didn’t hear anyone, Matt asked her, “How does it feel?”
“It hurts so badly. My ass feels like it’s on fire.”
Matt smiled to himself. It had been a long time since he had been with someone so inexperienced, yet also so willing to try seemingly anything. “You will get used to it in a minute and it won’t hurt so badly” was his only answer, and he pushed forward again. Matt no longer cared if he was hurting Courtney. He could feel the cum brewing in his balls as he was fucking her ass. And, as he had told her, the pain subsided and she began to enjoy having her ass fucked. She began pushing her ass back on to Matt’s cock. Matt pushed forward again and began moving in and out of her ass. Just as they had done when he was fucking her pussy, the two began moving in unison as he pushed in and pulled out of her tightest of holes. She was so tight, in fact, that there was no way that he was going to last now. Matt had to cum!
He pulled his cock from Courtney’s outstretched ass, spun her around and pushed her to her knees. He stroked his cock a few times, held it steady, and shot his load all over Courtney’s pretty little face. She opened her mouth and caught a few strings of cum on her tongue. As Matt was finishing, he shoved his cock in her mouth. Courtney sucked on his spent prick, tasting a combination of his cum, her pussy, and her ass.
Matt pulled his dick from her mouth and looked down to see cum all over Courtney’s face and lust still in her eyes. He loved the sight and couldn’t wait to do it again. “How was that for a celebration?” he asked her.
“It was great,” she said. “And as an FYI, I wouldn’t make any plans after practice on Monday, Coach. I have a pretty strong feeling I will need some extra practice.”

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My Confession, a Love Forbidden

This is a work of fiction. None of the characters are real. No baby animals were clubbed in the making of this story. It was written out in one day and proof read that same day, so please excuse any mistakes or inconsistencies. I realize it’s a bit longer than most of the stories I see on here, so I apologize if it gets a bit boring, you can always skip ahead to the good bits. I hope you enjoy it. Be gentle, it’s my first time posting here.

Being More Social – Chapters 6-10

Thank you all so much for the warm reception the first five chapters got! I’m so grateful for all of you. I hope the next five chapters are just as entertaining! **No age is mentioned in this story and for all we know all characters are 18 or above for the story.** Also, fair warning, there’s still a lot of tropes. Enjoy.

“You missed a bit”

Mason ~ a computer programmer/Annalist. Wrote successful programs for the public sector making him very rich at a young age, now works for the Govt out of his home office. Old enough to have 3 growing girls and young enough to enjoy life with his young family. Wife no longer in the pitcher. Being a single parent keeps him busy and in shape allowing him to still have an active sex life.


College boy is hot for his English teacher so he writes about her in his writing assisgnments. Gradually he gets bolder and bolder and dangerously close to going too far and their attraction builds until they finally cross that line.

Actress & Me(Pt4 The Move)

This is a series on the Movie business, and it will take many parts to tell the whole story. it is based on my book called We Did It Our Way. If you enjoy the story please vote Remember that this purely fictional

Jack (chapter 2)

Those who haven’t read first part please do so.
Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.
I picked up the sheet to look down at her and instead of the green eyed beauty I had grown accustomed to seeing I saw her blue eyed sister. I nearly jumped out of my skin. “Tammy What the hell do you think your doing?
Tina would be pissed at both of us if she came in.” I cried.
“She left for work already and she seemed to have so much fun last night sucking on you I wanted to try it.” She answered pouting a little. “Just a little, Please.”
“I must be nuts.” I thought to myself as I said aloud “Ok just a little.”
It was so neat watching you guys fuck last night and I thought she was going to suck your dick right off for a while. Then when she wanted you to fuck her ass I couldn’t believe it. Do you do it that way a lot?” She asked as she washed me down.
“No, that was the first time we had anal.” I answered.
“It was cool! I came once while watching you, then I did it again so you could watch.” she giggled.
“You know Tina saw you playing with yourself last night.” I casually mentioned.
“You’re kidding.” She gasped
“No, I’m serious. We both watched when you came before you went to sleep. Then she made me fuck her again. She got so horny watching you. She said she needed it again.” I answered.
“Oh my God! How will I face her.” She asked.
“Just pretend it never happened. What the hell. She saw you play with yourself but you watched her get ass fucked and heard her beg for it.” I pointed out.
She giggled again and gave me a hug. “Let’s get out of here and get ready to go or we’re going to be late picking Tina up.”
We finished our shower and got the bags into the car. We made it to the Drug Store were Tina worked just as she was walking out the door. Perfect timing. She jumped in and we were off. I turned onto the road and headed for the highway to get to the beach as soon as possible. Since Tammy and I had had more sleep than Tina we were barely on the road before she fell asleep. I drove and Tammy sat in the back seat. We tried to be quiet so Tina could get some rest so I just concentrated on the road. After a while I glanced in the mirror at Tammy and she had her head back on the seat and was breathing heavy. I tilted the mirror down and as I suspected she was diddling herself in the car while we were driving. “God she is a horny little bitch” ran thru my mind as I looked back up at her face and saw her smiling back at me. I think she played with herself the whole trip. She certainly had me horny as hell.
We arrived at the motel in mid afternoon got checked in quickly and started to settle into the room. Steve had taken care of me. The room was what they call a Jr. Suite. It had two king sized beds a couch and a couple of chairs with a TV in a sitting area a table and a huge bathroom with an enormous walk in shower. The girls started to unpack while I laid down. It was only a few minutes before I heard sounds of unhappiness. I opened my eyes and asked, “What’s wrong?”
“Neither of us thought to bring a swim suit so we have to go to the beach in shorts and t shirts.” Tina told me. “We just are disappointed because we wanted to get some sun. Go back to sleep, we’ll wake you in an hour.”
“No I’m awake, and I wanted to walk down to the liquor store anyway, to get some wine for later.” Both girls brightened at the idea of sneaking alcohol as both were under the drinking age. “and soda for those who aren’t 21 yet” I added, just to be a shit.
I actually had another idea. I had notice a women’s clothing store about a block away when we had been driving in and I figured to surprise the girls with swim suits. I got up and headed out.
The store was well stocked, small boutique type. A little higher end than I anticipated but that’s what they make credit cards for. I picked out a bikini that I new would make any red blooded male drool. It had a small triangle in the front to cover their pussies and just enough to keep from getting arrested in the back. (This was before the days of thongs and getting arrested for bearing too much was a possibility) The tops were not much more than strings with little triangles of cloth. I got two black and two white. One of each color for each girl at the same time I saw a little black dress that look so good on the mannequin that it made me horny, so I figured that it would be dynamite on the girls I got two of those also. I knew they did not have any dress clothes with them and I do like to go out for dinner and dancing when I am on vacation. I haggled with the shop owner about the price, threatening to leave it all until she knocked off 33%. She still made a bundle on me at $350 but I felt better.
When I got back to the room I handed the girls one of the bags I had. The one with the black bikinis in it and told them to try them on. Their eyes went wide when they saw them and wider still when they saw the price tags. They ran into the bathroom together and giggled and ohed and awed while they got dressed. After a few minutes Tina stuck her head out and said. “We can’t wear these we’ll get arrested. There’s not much cloth here”
“Come on out and let me see” I answered
With that Tammy pushed past her and said “I’m not afraid!”
She was a sight! It fit perfectly. I had got a size smaller than they needed. The girls thought they were tight but every crack and crevice was visible. Perfect!Tina came out behind her sister. I paid both of them some very sincere compliments and finally Tina agreed that they did look hot. So off to the beach we went for the late afternoon sun.
I admit to feeling 10 feet tall. A beautiful scantily clad girl on each arm. I felt like a real stud. The beach was nearly empty this late in the day. We laid our towels down and headed for the water. A few minutes of splashing and dunking and generally messing around and I felt someone swim between my legs and reach up and grab my cock and pull it out of my trunks. Then Tammy surfaces in front of me. She’s giggling and stroking my dick. Then just as suddenly she let go and swam away. I quickly stuffed my hardon back into my trunks and then Tina swam up to me. She put her arms around me and gave me a kiss. Then with one hand she reached down and freed my straining member. Now that it’s waving in the water she slowly slid down under the water and proceeded to give me a blow job on the beach. She stayed down for as long as she could hold her breath and then surfaced again. “I’ll finish that later.” She said as she stuffed me back into my trunks.
Now, I was exceedingly horny, I needed to cum now! But it was not to be. Just at this time they decided to head back to the room to get some dinner. We picked up our stuff and went back to the room.
“Tammy, you get the shower first then we’ll follow together, it’ll be faster that way” Tina said as we entered the room.
“Your just trying to get me out of the way so you can do the nasty, but that’s ok I’ll co-operate” Tammy laughed in response as she ducked into the bathroom.
She wasn’t wrong. As soon as the door closed I untied Tina’s strings and jumped her bones. Between Tammy playing with my dick in the water and Tina sucking me off under water, not to mention the two of them looking like twins in one size to small bikinis I was more than ready.
I stuck my hand into Tina’s twat and found she was as wet and ready as I was. I wasted no time in sinking my cock fully into her. She wrapped her legs around me and I plunged my meat into her until she came with a shudder and a gasp. She tried to push me off, but I wasn’t done. “I want to finish what I started on the beach”, she giggled at me. So I pulled out and sat on the edge of the bed while she got on her knees between my legs and took me into her mouth. She was working me expertly and I was close to cumming, then I glanced up at the bathroom door and saw Tammy peeking out watching me get my blow job. I just smiled at her as I blew my cum into Tina’s mouth just as she was on the down stroke. It went right down her throat as she pulled off and took the rest in her mouth drinking every drop. As she finished Tammy quietly closed the door. She gave us just enough time to get clothes on again before shouting “I hope you to sex fiends are finished because I’m coming out.” With no more warning she walked out wearing only panties and a towel in front of her drying herself.
“Tammy, put some clothes on or Jack will see you.” Tina told her sister.
“Well he’s already seen you and we look just alike, so what. Besides if we’re going to be sharing this room for the next 4 days we will be seeing a lot of each other” Tammy answered.
“You’re turning into such a slut” Tina told her.
“Just like my older sister.” Tammy answered with a laugh.
Tina and I went into the bathroom and got quick showers, with only a minimum of feeling up and sucking. When we were through we pulled on our casual clothes for a walk on the boardwalk and a meal of junk food. We spent the next couple of hours walking the boards, riding the rides and eating the food. It was getting near 10 and we were all tired so we returned to the room and opened the wine I had bought for a quiet drink. Both girls thanked me for the trip and told me how wonderful I was and my head swelled so much that we were in danger of having to get another room just to fit it in. Soon the wine was gone and we were all sleepy. Tammy went to the bathroom to get changed into her oversized T shirt while Tina and I stripped down and crawled under the covers. Tina was a little apprehensive that I was sleeping nude but she didn’t dwell on it as she was too tired. I dropped off instantly, even before Tammy came out of the bathroom.
As usual when I drink, I awoke about 3 hours later needing to empty my bladder and get a drink of water. I made it to the bathroom and then slid back into bed. I snuggled up against Tina and found her T shirt had ridden up over her ass. I felt my dick slide into the crack of her ass and it felt good.
I knew I was taking a chance but I reached around under her shirt and put a hand on her naked tit. I gently traced circles around her nipple and then slowly stroked over top of the tip, just teasing it. They hardened almost instantly. So I moved my hand down over her ass and to her pussy. With her legs pulled up I had easy access from the rear. I found she was wet and ready for entry as I slid a finger in and gently worked it in and out of her hole, trying to get her hotter. I met with success as she pushed her ass back against me and started to wiggle around in her sleep. I worked another finger in and then a third. Now her juices were really flowing. I pulled my fingers out and slid my dick up to her hole. Manipulating it with my hand I worked it back and forth between her lips and then slowly slid it deep inside her. She groaned with satisfaction as I slowly pumped back and forth.
I was working her into frenzy and she was still mostly asleep. So I pulled out and rolled over on my back. She whimpered at having lost what she craved and rolled over onto me. She mounted me in a second, stripped off her T shirt, and was riding me with lust filled abandon. I looked over at the other bed and saw Tammy sitting up leaning on one arm, watching us. Her other hand was buried between her legs, working her own twat while she watched her sister fuck my dick.
By now Tina was fully awake but only interested in my cock in her pussy. I looked into her eyes and said, “Tammy’s awake and watching us.”
“Oh Shit.” was her only response as she looked over at her sister. But she didn’t miss a stroke.
“Tammy if you want to see better come over here.” I said.
Tammy slid right out of bed and joined us on our bed. Her face less than a foot away from my cock sliding into her sisters cunt. I reached over and turned on the bedside light and said. “Tammy if you’re going to watch then get naked.” She looked at me than at her sister and hesitated only a second before peeling off her shirt revealing her nakedness for all of us.
“Now lay back and keep fingering yourself so Tina can watch you.” I ordered.
By now Tina was in continuous orgasm mode, just one small orgasm after another non-stop. Tammy slid up on the bed so she was next to me and was plunging her fingers into her pussy and working her clit with her thumb. I reached over and tweaked her nearest nipple with one hand while I did the same to Tina.
We kept this up for a minute or so when I moved my hand down to Tina’s clit. I applied pressure and rubbed back and forth on her bud. She was building to a massive orgasm and I wanted it to be her best. At the same time I moved my other hand down to Tammy’s box and stuck two fingers inside her and manipulated her clit with my thumb. She was also ready. I knew I would not last much longer either and then it came. I shot my baby juice deep into Tina’s womb. The sensation of my hot cum slamming deep inside her pushed her over the edge and she came with a gush of girlcum and a scream, the sounds and smells that were released gave Tammy what she needed to finish also and she came with a shudder and a groan. We all collapsed in a heap and passed out.
I woke a few hours later with sunlight streaming into the room. I had an arm wrapped around each beautiful sister and their heads on my chest, each had a leg laying over mine, both sleeping soundly and smiling. What could be better, two beautiful sexy women in my bed sleeping contentedly. “Life is good.” I thought as I dropped back off to dreamland.
I thought I was still in dreamland later when I awoke. I could feel a set of lips sliding up and down my dick and a tongue swirling around it. Over and over it was a wonderful way to wake up and I was getting used to it. I let out a groan of pleasure and the blowjob stopped for an instant and then started again asTina wrapped her arms around me and gave me a kiss. “Wait a minute you’re up here kissing me, who’s sucking my cock?” even as I asked Tina the question I knew it had to be Tammy giving me the blowjob while her sister was in bed with me. I was still groggy and my brain was not quite working yet.
“I didn’t think you would mind, I decided to teach Tammy how to suck cock.” Tina answered. “How’s she doing?”
“Either you are a great teacher or she is an excellent student.” I groaned in response. “I’m not going to last much longer.
“That’s OK go ahead and cum in her mouth. But wait until I get there I want to watch you blow you cum into my sister’s mouth. This is so hot!” she said as she slid back down.
I pulled the sheet off so I could also see. The sight that greeted me was breathtaking. Tammy was on my right with her lips wrapped around my dick, working it up and down and Tina was on my left with her nose and mouth only inches away from my dick. I stared for a few seconds and then I felt the familiar swelling in my prick and the rushing of cum from my balls and down my shaft. Then the release as it gushed into Tammy’s mouth.
“Don’t swallow, hold it in your mouth.” Tina ordered her sister.
I was soon finished and my dick slipped out of Tammy’s mouth. She was looking at her sister with chipmunk cheeks, all puffed out. “I want to taste it too”Tina said as she leaned over and kissed her sister, opening her mouth and pushing her tongue between Tammy’s lips.
Tammy hesitated at first then relaxed as Tina’s tongue worked around her own as they shared my cum. They soon broke the kiss and each girl swallowed what they each had in their mouths. Tammy looked at me and like an excited kid seeking approval asked, “Did I do it right? I love sucking cock. I could have kept it up forever but I wanted to taste your cum in my mouth too.”
“You did just fine and with more practice you’ll be as good as your sister.” I answered.
She beamed with pride at the compliment and reached over and hugged her sister to her. “Thanks for sharing Sis.” Tammy said.
“Your welcome, just remember, he’s mine, I got dibs. Don’t try to steal him. If you want just ask.” Tina answered as she hugged her sister back.
“You did just fine and with more practice you’ll be as good as your sister.” I answered.
She beamed with pride at the compliment and reached over and hugged her sister to her. “Thanks for sharing Sis.” Tammy said.
“Your welcome, just remember, he’s mine, I got dibs. Don’t try to steal him. If you want just ask.” Tina answered as she hugged her sister back.
The sight of two naked women hugging each other over my naked body worked on me and my dick started to come back to life. It wasn’t long before the girls noticed. It was hard not to as it rose up and poked them in the ribs.
“O good, I need to get fucked again after watching you suck him off I am so horny” Tina exclaimed as she straddled me and began to work my cock into her waiting box. She took hold of me in her had and worked my meat back and forth thru her slit teasing herself. Occasionally rubbing the head over her clit. When she was ready she sat down and impaled herself on me and began rocking back and forth. Her eyes were closed and her head tilted back as she moaned “That is so good.”
Tammy crawled up next to me and lay with her head on my shoulder stroking my chest as her sister fucked me, slowly rocking back and forth. Her gaze and attention were focused on her sister, watching her sister’s naked body with her perfect tits riding my cock. I took Tammy’s naked ass in my hand and began stroking it. Perfect flesh so soft and willing. I moved my hand down to between her legs and she parted them for me giving me access to her wet and waiting pussy. I allowed a finger to slide into her and slowly worked it back and forth. She let out a loud sigh. We were all content each getting sexual attention, slow and gentle, lovingly.
Having just cum in Tammy’s mouth, not to mention the activity of the night before, I could have kept fucking for hours without cumming again, but I could tell that Tina was getting what she needed and would soon climax so I concentrated my fingers on Tammy’s G spot to increase the speed of her climax and in a few minutes both girls were creaming one into my hand and the other on my dick.
As we settled down I drew my cum covered hand to my mouth and sucked Tammy’s girl cum from my fingers. Tammy watched me and finally asked “What does it taste like?” She asked me.
“Here try it.” As I offered my hand to her.
She tentivly licked my fingers, Then again she licked and finally started sucking her cum off my hand. Once she had cleaned me up I asked “Since you cleaned my hand why don’t you try cleaning your sister off my dick?”
She glanced at Tina for approval and received a smile and a nod. She hen wasted no time diving onto my dick and cleaning her sister’s cum off of my cock and balls. When she had me cleaned up she looked at Tina and said “You taste a little different from me. Both are good but different. Is that because I’m still a virgin and your not?”
“I don’t know.” Tina answered. And both girls looked at me.
“All women taste a little different than each other.” I said
Both girls laid down next to me and we cuddle for a while all well satisfied. After a while I reminded them that if they wanted to get any sun today we had to get our lazy asses out of bed as it was after 10AM already.hand why don’t you try cleaning your sister off my dick?”
We all got up and started our morning routine, no longer worrying about who was dressed and who was in the bathroom. I was shaving when Tammy came into the bathroom and sat on the toilet to pee. As she sat there peeing and watching me Tina came in. Looked at her sister smiled and said “What a shameless slut you are becoming. Peeing in front of Jack like that. Hurry up I have to go to.”
“Look who’s calling who a slut.” Tammy retorted. “You’re the one who fucked your boyfriend while I laid in bed with the two of you, twice.”
“I know, wasn’t it great” Tina answered.
Both girls giggled as they switched places on the toilet and all the while I kept shaving. I still had a hardon.
Once we all finished in the bathroom the girls started to put on the suits I had gotten them the day before. I pulled the second set of suits, the white ones, out of the drawer I had hidden them in and suggested that they wear these instead.
They were thrilled and awed at getting another set of matching bikini’s as another gift and I got another round of hugs and kisses as I watched their naked bodies fill the suits meager offerings. Each girl slipped on matching wraps and we were ready. I gathered up the towels and other items we needed an out we went. By this time I was hungry and we stopped at a restaurant on the way for breakfast or brunch if you would rather call it. We had a hearty and filling meal. The place was nearly empty due to the time of morning it was. There were two other couples eating at two separate tables, late risers like ourselves and a table with 8 college kids (5 boys and 3 girls) out enjoying their vacation.
I went to pay the bill and hit the head before we got to the beach and on my return I heard an interesting exchange. Apparently one of the college boys had come over to the table to try to pick my girls up once I left. I missed the opening statements but what I heard went like this
Boy: So are you girls going to join us?
Tina; No thank you. We are with someone.
Boy; Yeah I saw him. An old guy like that can’t take care of you girls.
Tina: Thank you, NO. We are quite happy the way things are.
Boy; Like what is he your father or something, man he’s like ancient.
Tammy; He’s our boyfriend! Right Sis. We share him and he keeps us very satisfied!
Now up to this point the conversation was fairly quiet. But as the boy’s eyes bugged out at Tammy’s implied revelation she continued in a voice loud enough for the entire place to hear.
Tammy; Besides we didn’t bring magnifying glasses so we’d never be able find you dick.
The two other couples each snickered at their tables and the boy’s friends were roaring with laughter at the put down and brush off he received. I walked up behind them and said, “What’s everybody laughing about? Do you girls want to back to the room for another session or to the beach for some rest?”
Tina knew I had heard at least part of the conversation so she played along by answering “You wore us out between last night and this morning we need to rest on the beach for a while.” The girls rose and headed for the door. Leaving a gape mouthed college boy behind. I dropped a couple of bucks on the table for a tip and looked at him. “Don’t worry son, one day you’ll grow up to be a man and have beautiful women too.” At that his friends started laughing all over again and the other couples in the restaurant were near hysterics as I walked out.
What shocked me most was the way Tammy had referred to me as “our boyfriend” and since Tina had not even flinched when she said it I could only surmise that, sometime earlier the girls had decided to share me, not that I was complaining. My only real worry was that I would survive the continued sexual use.
I put the worry out of my mind as we walked to the beach. A pretty girl on each arm, oh well at least I’d die happy. We arrived after the short walk and spread our towels then headed for the water. We frolicked in the surf for a while, the girls teasing me the whole time. Tammy stood with her back to the beach and faced Tina and I as she pulled her top up and exposed her beautiful breasts to us and proceeded to rub them. “Slut” Tina called laughing as she was standing there with her hand down my trunks jacking me off. The play continued for a half hour or so before we came out to lay in the sun.
The girls put on a show of rubbing suntan lotion onto me. One working the right and one working the left. All the while every guy within sight was watching these two scantily clad women pay attention to me and then to each other. I was eating it up and my ego was growing by the minute. We laid down for a few minutes but the girls were both restless and shortly headed back to the water. I fell asleep watching them play in the water. Sometime later Tina woke me up. “We’re thirsty, Tammy said she’d go get us some drinks.” I dug a five out of my pocket and handed it to her and told her I could use something too.
Tammy skipped off in search of soft drinks for us and Tina lay down next to me. She leaned over and gave me a long tender kiss before she said “Thanks for being wonderful and teaching me that I had a great sister, I just had to give her a chance.” With that she curled up next to me and just laid there stroking my chest down to my thigh.
Finally she said, “Tammy and I were talking and she asked me something. I told her she had to ask you.”
“What did she ask?” I responded a little curious.
“She wanted to know if you would make love to her. Take her cherry” She answered.
“How do you feel about that?” I asked Tina
“Well a week ago I would have been really pissed. But now I think it would be really hot to watch you fuck my little sister. Just thinking about it I’m getting horny.” She said
“So when is she going to ask me?” I queried.
Tina laughed “When she gets up the nerve. But it won’t be long because she really wants you to and is a little upset that you haven’t tried yet. I told her that that was because you didn’t want to hurt me.”
“You’re right about that.” I said. “I was real tempted to fuck her this morning after I did you. But I held off. I didn’t want to do that and hurt you.”
“That’s why I love you.” She said as he kissed me again.
The rest of the afternoon we played in the sand swam in the surf and laid in the sun. Around 4:00 we headed back to the room. I told the girls I had gotten us late dinner reservations at a dance club and it would be 9:00 till we ate so we grabbed a hamburger on the boardwalk to hold us over. When we got back to the room Tina suddenly decided she was thirsty and went back downstairs to get drinks for us. I knew she was giving Tammy the opportunity to ask me her question.
I unlocked the door and we stepped inside. Tammy looked at me and said “I have a favor to ask. I asked Tina and she said it was up to you, but she thought you’d say yes.”
Playing dumb I said “What’s the favor? If I can I probably will.”
“I’d like you to make love to me the way you do Tina.” She blurted out.
“How does Tina feel about that?” I asked her.
“She said it was OK and that she would help so I didn’t get scared or anything” she answered.
“Are you scared?” I asked.
“A little. I know it will hurt a little because it’s my first time. But I see the love you and Tina share and I want to share it too, if you’ll let me.” Tammy answered me.
“OK but when the time is right. It will be better than if we plan it and say, that at 6:00 we are going to do it. Just when we both want to and when Tina’s here to help.” I said.
With that she started to cry and threw her arms around me. We were locked in that embrace when Tina came in.
“Tammy asked me her question.” I said “I told her I would be happy to when the time is right.”
Now Tina joined into our hug. After kisses all around I suggested “Why don’t we jump in the shower and rinse off the salt and sand.”
“Can I get in with you guys this time?” Tammy squeaked.
“Of course.” I answered.
With that we all stripped each other naked and headed for the bathroom. It was play as much as shower. We got all the salt and sand off and I got my dick sucked a little by both girls individually and in unison and I fingered both of their pussies for them along with stroking them and sucking their tits. I even got them to wash each other with the soap. Seeing that was a real turn on for me and I could tell that they enjoyed touching and being touched by each other.
Once we were done we dried off and crawled into bed for a nap. We were all tired from the sun and surf so we just cuddled up under the sheet, the three of us naked in one king sized bed. There was a lot of touching and gentle kisses all round before we drifted off.
I woke about an hour later. Still plenty of time before our dinner reservations. Tina was already awake and resting her head on my chest, gently stroking my chest and losing her fingers in all the hair. I leaned down and kissed her and she smiled back at me. Tammy was still asleep curled up tightly against me in my arm. I took hold of one of her tits with my hand and traced circles around the nipple, slowly teasing it to life. It was only a minute or so before both her nipples were fully erect. Tina looked at me and asked, “Now?”
“I think so I whispered back. She smiled and leaned up and kissed me. “Thanks for being so sweet to my sister.” She whispered.
“I’m sure it will be my pleasure.” I whispered back.
“I know, but you’re not a letch about it.” She answered me and kissed me again. Then she sat up and moved to the bottom of the bed. She sat there Indian style, with her pussy spread wide open for me to see.
I tried to ignore the sight as I went about gently waking Tammy.
I put my head down and started to tongue her nipples, sucking one than the other into my mouth and flicking across the tips with my tongue. She started to stir and soon grabbed my head and clamped it to her chest. I slid away, still allowing my fingers to pay attention to her sweet tits but moving my head down and licking my way down toward her belly, then running my tongue through her belly button and down to her fur. I gently kissed her mound all over until I found her clit. Once located I flicked my tongue out and down into her slit to the sensitive love button. She let out a loud gasp and “Oh my god!”. I moved my tongue into her slit, sucking her lips into my mouth and working up and down her pussy from her hole to her clit. She was withering in ecstasy as she reached her climax and came all over my face. Now I was certain she was good and wet as I crawled back up to her and kissed her lips. Allowing my tongue to caress her lips and then slip inside her mouth. She responded hungrily and started to lick her girl cum off my face. By this time I had positioned myself for an entrance. My cock was fully erect and rubbing against her pussy lips. She had spread her legs giving me full access and then I slid the head inside her. She gasped and her eyes flew open. I pushed about two more inches inside before I stopped again.
“It feels so good to have you inside me. I can’t believe it feels this good.” She said as she stared into my eyes.
“Just wait I’m not all the way in yet.” I answered. “Tina, come up here and help your sister.”
“What should I do?” She asked sliding onto the bed next to her.
“For now just be there for her.” I replied. “Because the next inch or so may be a little painful.”
I pushed in a little further until I felt the resistance of her hymen. I held it there for a second and backed out a little and stroked forward then back. Tammy quickly got into the feel of it and was groaning and loving the feeling when I suddenly rammed forward, fully impaling her on my dick. I held myself all the way inside her. Waiting for the pain to subside and her to get used to me filling her up. She stared up at me her eyes wide and her mouth frozen in an “O”.Tina leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Now you’re a woman, baby sister.” Tammy turned and looked at her as she started to relax. She leaned her head out and both sisters kissed each other gently on the lips. “Thanks for sharing this with me Tina. Even though it hurt it’s going away already and now I can understand why you like it so much. I like when someone touches my tits or pussy and I really like when he licks them, I have fun sucking cock, but nothing feels as good as when Jack puts his dick in me like this.”
Tina smiled at her sister and said “you think it’s good now wait until he starts sliding it in and out.” With that she nodded to me and I slowly withdrew and pushed in again, then withdrew till just the tip was inside then pushed in again. Tammy was in heaven and began to orgasm on the 5th stroke. I just kept going. In and out.
“Oh God it’s wonderful.” Tammy cried through her orgasm.
“Just wait until you feel his seed shoot inside you Sis.” Tina told her.
I was able to keep going for about 10 minutes before I needed to cum. It had been building in my balls and I had been able to keep it away but no longer. I sped up my pace and grunted out “I’m going to shoot” and with that blasted my seed into her virgin womb. Tammy gave a little cry of delight as my hot sperm splashed into her over and over. The feeling of my sperm blasting with force into her was all she needed to push her into her final orgasm. As I shot my cum into her she came with a force I had rarely experienced with women. She shot juices out all over both of us. Even with my cock filling her completely she blasted squirt after squirt so that it splashed all over my chest and stomach and onto her tits and legs pooling on her stomach.
Tina stared at her sister. “I never came like that. You shot juice all over the place some of it got on me. But you drenched Jack and yourself.”
“It was so good. I love to fuck. Can I fuck him again Sis?” Tammy asked.
“If you want to, but I’m next.” Tina answered staring at the puddle of girl cum on Tammy’s belly. Then she leaned forward and licked her sisters cum off of her stomach. “That is good.” Tina said as she leaned over for more. She started licking her sister’s stomach and before long had worked her way up to her tits. Tina was swirling her tongue over Tammy’s mounds and across her nipples. Trying to get every drop but, I believe caught in the moment of lust and enjoying the feeling of licking her sisters tits.
As I watched this show my dick started to harden again and I was slowly pumping in and out of Tammy’s pussy once more. She just groaned “I love cock.” And took the fucking I was giving her while her sister sucked her tits. A few minutes of this and I wanted a switch so I slid out of Tammy and moved off the bed. Tina’s ass was hanging off the edge of the bed and as I stood behind her I was able to slide right into her pussy, she was so wet from the excitement of watching her sister lose her cherry and the stimulation of sucking her first tit. I started to pound away at her and she immediately started to cum on my cock.
“Tina, do you like my cock in your pussy?” I asked.
“Yes” she answered breathlessly.
“Do you like sucking your sister’s tits” I asked.
“Yes” she answered breathlessly.
“Did you like the taste of her cum on her belly?”
“Yes” she answered breathlessly again.
“Then eat her pussy while I fuck you”
She looked back at me and I slammed into her extra hard. Surrendering she moved down to Tammy’s fur covered mound. “I don’t know what to do.” She said as she hovered over her sisters open legs.
“Just do to her what you like to have done to you.” I responded.
She put her head down and started to lick her sister snatch. She went to work with a vengeance it was obvious in a minute that she was enjoying the pussy she had her face buried in. She came again and her juices were running down my legs as I pounded her from behind. I let her keep eating as I pulled out and moved over to Tammy.
I dangled my dick in her face and she immediately opened her mouth and sucked it in. Tammy sucked me into her mouth and sucked and licked me until all of her sisters cum was cleaned from my dick.
“Tina, are you sucking my cum from your sisters cunt?’ I asked as I slid back around to prepare to fuck Tammy again.
A muffled “Mmm Huh” was all I got as a response.
“Good now let me fuck her again. You can lick her clit as I slide my dick in and out and we’ll see if she can cum like that again.” I said.
She moved her face out of the way and I slid my cock into Tammy’s pussy and began to pound her like I had her sister. Tina went to work tickling Tammy’s clit with her tongue while I fucked her. All that was left for Tammy to do was lay there and scream “Oh my God I’m cumming, I’m cumming.” Together we worked Tammy for a few minutes more till she begged us to stop. “I can’t take anymore, please stop. Please stop”
I pulled out and rolled Tina over I was close to cumming again and need to finish, so I plunged into Tina and fucked her till I shot my juice into her. She shuddered as she felt the hot cum splash into her and orgasamed again herself. Then we all collapsed onto the cum soaked sheets. Each of us sticky with the others juices.

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