Cum Swallowing

A new day, a new me part 8

And on we go to part 8
Waking up to a cold bed is one thing, waking up with your Father opening your door at five thirty in the morning when you still have an hour left for sleep is not the most joyous ways to wake up. I look over to my Dad and see him wave me up and out of bed, he’s got his workout clothes on and I figure I’d better follow suit. I quickly get up and dress as he leaves the doorway. I get out to the ‘garage’, Dad converted it to a gym/fight room and by the time I get in he’s got pads on. I gear up for the onslaught and get on the mat across from him.
“Explain something to me boy,” Dad starts in with some easy left jabs I can deflect,” new clothes, new girlfriend, a lot of new girlfriends from what I can tell but no new friends. What’s the plan boy?”
“Plan sir,” I ask back keeping my guard up.
“You can think a lot of things about people son but don’t think I’m blind and dumb,” another volley of jabs,” Korinna is one thing but I know Katy and that Asian girl too. Don’t make me repeat myself.”
“Well I’m with Kori but all the girls choose me, I don’t force anyone to be around me,” I jab back with my right,” if they got problems with what I do and who I’m with then I don’t need them in my life.”
“And what do you do if I have a problem with it,” Dad replies.
Well shit, Dad not allowing my new life is about the one thing I can’t get past. He can put a stop to anything that happens in this house. No Kori or Katy or anything that I’ve done for myself over the past two weeks. The next thought to run through my head is I should have kept my left up as Dad catches me right in my temple with a sharp right. I hit the ground like a sack and roll to my back.
“Now that tells me all I wanted to know,” Dad says helping me to my feet,” You can do this Guy, you just remember to keep your guard up cause people are going to fight you for what you have.”
We continue sparring for another forty five minutes when Mom enters the gym.
“You are going to be later for work honey, and you Guy,” Mom turns to me,” School is cancelled for the day. Your sister and Katy are probably going to have some sort of plan for the day so I’m leaving you in charge while I’m out.”
The morning goes pretty smoothly, Mom trying to patch me up with the first aid kit. Liz and Katy start talking about what to do with the day when my phone blows up with text messages from Kori and Jun of all people. Kori is wondering if I can come over and Jun says he needs some serious help with his family. I tell Kori that I’ll be there but a friend needs help and let Jun know that I’ll have to come by this afternoon. Kori is fine but Jun says he needs me sooner, I tell him that I can’t leave now but I will as soon as possible.
I leave the girls to their plans in the living room and retreat to my bedroom. I flip my computer on to check the news about the school, Teacher’s Walkout. I chuckle and check a few shopping websites I can’t afford anything on.
After a few hours Katy pokes her head in my room. I’m still at the computer as she sprawls out on my bed.
“So I finally got the whole story from your sister,” Katy tells me, she’s wearing a schoolgirl plaid skirt black and blue colored and a black sleeveless tee with some band I don’t think the name is in English on it.
“The whole story or just the recent events,” I ask turning from my computer.
“Just the recent shit, you got fucked so you’re taking charge of your shit,” Katy says grinning.
“I just don’t let people fuck with me and mine,” I reply sharply.
“Well I’m just gonna guess that includes me so I have a question,” Katy starts propping herself up on her elbows,” Why did your dad hit you?”
“Honestly, I dropped my guard,” I manage to spit out while chuckling.
“Your guard,” She asks with a puzzled look.
“Yeah, my fists. Block punches and kicks, keep them from hitting you in the face,” I put my hands up like I’m fighting.
She starts laughing with me about it and we enjoy the moment. I decide to let her lounge and turn back to my computer and load my music off my computer. As soon as the first song hits I get spun around in my chair and I meet Katy’s gaze with a little surprise.
“Does your Dad beat you,” She asks concerned.
“Only on the mat, I’m too old for spanking,” I reply back with a smile.
“Does everyone have to fight with him,” Katy asks now getting on her knees in front of me.
“No just me, it’s training,” I reply as Katy starts pulling my shorts down.
Katy gets my shorts down off my hips and around my ankles, I’m not hard but that doesn’t last long as Katy starts stroking me with her hand. I notice her eyes, green eyes, and she’s got that wicked grin. I watch as takes the first three inches of my cock in her mouth slowly working back and forth. I lean my head back as Katy goes to work on my shaft, jacking the base with her hand and working her mouth on that last 3 inches. That tingle starts and I place a hand on Katy’s head to get more but she pulls it off and gives me the ‘no’ look with her eyes. Katy removes her hand from my shaft and starts bobbing her head up and down as almost as quick as I’d be moving her head if she let me move my hands, I try to put my hands on her head but as soon as I move them she grabs mine with hers. The rushing back and forth of Katy’s head hit frantic and I get that tingle way to fast. I start cumming hard and grit my teeth as I shoot ropes of cum down her throat as she pulls back to the head and takes the whole load in her mouth before letting my cock fall from it and swallowing.
“Now you can go about your day sir,” Katy tells me standing up and walking out of my room.
I marvel at the skill of the blowjob Katy just gave me and pull my shorts back up. I resume my searches for new shit I can’t get but start realizing I’m a little sweaty from Katy and have dried sweat from working out with Dad this morning. I head out to the bathroom and take a shower, afterward getting dressed in my jeans and a black t-shirt.
It’s about thirty minutes past noon when Mom gets back home. Katy, Liz and I are sitting in the living room when she drops a small mountain of files on the dining room table.
“Katy get over here cause I need your information with all this paperwork and you got to make this decision,” Mom tells Katy from the dining room.
“What is all this,” Katy asks as we all head into the dining room.
“This is freedom,” Mom says pointing to a pile of folders, then to another,” and this one is our family. You get to pick one of these but first, Guy you’re leaving.”
I’m stunned as Mom walks me out of the room, and hands me some cash. I want to argue but I can see she’s got the ‘Mom’ look on her face so I stomp off to my room throw my boots on and grab my leather jacket. I’m not in the best of moods being kicked out so everyone else can work on shit I started doesn’t help. I hear Mom try to ask where I’ll be but I slam the door on her and am off. I get about ten minutes away and Liz is blowing up my phone with her usual ‘what the hell are you doing’ bullshit. I delete the message to see another five from Jun who apparently forgot everything I told him yesterday and regrew his vagina. I text him to say I’m on my way to the school and to meet me there.
City busses are not fun and they leave much to be desired when it comes to speed of travel. After an hour of riding I hop off at the school, no picket lines here which makes the school a locked up graveyard. I’m still fuming from being kicked out and as soon as I get to the front of the school and see Jun sitting there, blue jeans and a t-shirt and no windbreaker.
“Well you want to tell me why the fuck I’m here at school when there are no classes,” I ask nearly spitting the words out.
“Well I need help man, you gotta convince my Mom that this is cool like it is with your parents, she’s flipped out and is gonna ship me and Natsuko to a boarding school cause we’re insane in her mind,” Jun blurts out frantically.
“Okay, first off you need to take the fucking tampon out and calm the fuck down. Second just talk to your Dad and have him fix her,” I reply sitting down on a planter ledge.
“My Dad is a bigger pussy than you and I were before this. She is in charge of the family not him, you need to get her to let me try to be this,” Jun tells me sitting down next to me,” Can you even do this or not?”
And now I’m taking care of everyone’s problems. I get up from the planter and start walking to Jun’s house, as soon as I hit the edge of school grounds I realize that Jun is following me.
“Okay I don’t know what I’m gonna do but either this is gonna hurt or it’s really gonna hurt so you are gonna take your sister and get the fuck out of dodge until I tell you otherwise,” I tell Jun as we hit the driveway to his house.
He nods in agreement as he opens the door to his place; we both take our shoes off once inside and I head up the stairs to the bedrooms. It takes a second to find the parents’ bedroom at the end of the hall. I don’t even wait for Jun to catch up I just head into the parents’ bedroom and start looking around, queen size bed with white comforters and pillowcases, a hard wood floor and old looking dressers and end tables. First thing that catches my eye looking around the room is the laptop charging on the dresser.
“Hey Jun, is this your mom’s,” I ask opening the laptop up and logging her in, no password, either way too confident or way to comfortable.
“Yeah it’s Mom’s,” Jun says entering the room,” What are you doing with it, she’ll kill you.”
I get a big grin on my face and wave him off loading up her internet history and email. I catch Jun pacing the room worried when Natsuko comes in the door and lights up when she sees me. I turn my head from the computer and smile to her when Jun pulls her aside and they start talking fast in Japanese, some days I wish I had subtitles for life. I get back into her email. Her first name is KImiko, lots of messages from a Cassie and fun they have out during the day. Then I see a couple links come up in the oldest emails, I know what it is almost immediately and my plan is set.
“Okay, how long till your Mom gets home,” I ask copying the history and emails then shipping them off to my computer.
“She’ll be back soon, what are you gonna do,” Natsuko asks me, she looks nervous.
“Trust me, I have a plan,” I say smirking,” but you two need to be gone and don’t come back here till I text you and only me.”
I see Natsuko wants to ask questions but Jun is trusting me as he leads her out of the room, I hear them get down stairs and shut the door after themselves. Now that they’re gone I strip down to my underwear and hide my clothes under the foot of the bed behind my boots. I move the pillows and sit at the head of the bed lay in my boxer briefs and wait patiently.
I must have been waiting 15 minutes when I hear the front door open downstairs and I woman’s voice calling out to Natsuko and Jun through the house. Another minute and the door to the bedroom opens and there I’m hoping is Jun’s Mom, 5’7” Asian milf goddess, C cup breasts in an athletic bra top and yoga pants with her black hair done back in a pony tail.
“Who the hell are you?! Why are you in my house,” I see her start to get agitated by my presence on her bed.
“My name is whatever you want it to be Ma’am,” I reply calmly,” Cassie says this if for the ‘favor’ you did her a while back.”
“What are you talking about, Cassie put you up to this,” Kimiko asks crossing her arms.
“I don’t know who Cassie is Ma’am, I get a phone call telling me that I have work to do then they give me a time and a place,” I stretch out a little,” So here I am Ma’am.”
“And what work do you do,” Kimiko asks me losing her hostility and starts to get curious.
“Honestly Ma’am, I’m here to do what you want me to do. Cassie’s instructions were ‘Male who looks young enough to be a teenager, must act the part and play along’. I’m here and if you don’t want me here I can leave, I get paid either way,” I tell her simply as I start to get up from the bed.
I don’t get far when she stops me with a gesture and motions me to get back on the bed; I comply like a ‘good boy’. I watch her step out of the room to her adjoining bathroom, I hear the faucet and Kimiko comes back into the room in just a very thin white thong.
“Two things, where are my children? And second, anything I say or want,” Kimiko asks me crawling onto the foot of the bed.
My brain freezes for a second, her eyes are locked onto mine and they’re so brown they look black.
Finally my words come back to me,” I told them that I worked with their father and needed get some papers from his office then gave them a twenty to get lost while I waited. And as for your second question,” I shift my demeanor to very innocent,” Yes Ma’am.”
Kimiko’s face broadens into a smile as she crawls up my body, kissing and licking her way up my stomach and chest finally stopping while straddling my hips with hers. I lean forward placing my face in her chest and latching onto her nipple gently. Kimiko gently grips the back of my head as I flick my tongue over her nipple; I grind my hips up against hers eagerly.
“Shhhhh, slow down boy we’ll get there,” Kimiko tells me pulling me off her breast and laying me back down on the bed.
Kimiko slides down my body like a serpent, dragging her frame down mine and slowly pulls my underwear off. My cock comes free and I see Kimiko’s eyes widen a little; she looks up at me and smiles then quickly lowers her head and shoves most of my seven and a half inch cock in her mouth. I lose myself in the sensation of Kimiko licking my shaft inside her mouth and sucking my cock like it’s a meat straw. I wrap my fingers in a handful of Kimiko’s hair and gently pull her mouth off my cock until the last 2 inches then push her back down to the base. She groans on my shaft and it sends a chill up my spine, I’ve had good blowjobs but this Kimiko is a pro and she’s taking me down with no gagging at all as she bobs up and down the length of my cock.
I have my eyes closed when she stops and drags her mouth off my rigid member. I watch her ass slide in the air as she pulls her thong off. I start to lower my body down the bed but Kimiko has a different idea as she moves me out of my spot on the bed and pushes the pillows to the floor. Kimiko stays on her hands and knees and I marvel as her near thirty four inch ass go right in the air and her face lowers to the bed. I take my cue to move up behind her and get in-between her legs, I rub my cock up and down her slit for a minute till she reaches between her own legs and pulls my cock against the entrance to her pussy. I push myself inside slowly as Kimiko gasps at the size, for a mother of two she’s tight. As soon as I get all the way inside her pussy Kimiko starts rubbing her clit and backing her pussy onto my cock, like mother like daughter.
“Just stay still and let me do the work baby,” Kimiko tells me speeding up her pace.
I let her work as I watch Kimiko’s ass move, her pushing back onto my cock. I decide to give her the fucking that I was ‘paid’ to give; I grip her hips with both hands and start pounding her pussy with deep hard thrusts. I hear her open mouth groans and gasps as I plow her hot pussy. I am staring at her ass and decide to spice it up a bit, I wet my thumb in my mouth then start rubbing it against her asshole. Kimiko pauses for a second as I touch her hole then lowers her head as I push up to the first knuckle in her ass.
“Oh god you are a bad boy aren’t you,” Kimiko purrs,” now stop playing around and fuck your new mommy hard so she can feel you cum.”
As hot as Kimiko looks the dirty talk hit that switch I needed, I leave my thumb in her ass and use my free hand to hold her by the hips for leverage as I start to pound her pussy with my cock. There is no holding back with either of us, Kimiko rubbing her clit and pushing her hips back, I’m fingering her asshole and trying resize her pussy hard and fast with my cock. I’m grunting along with her moaning, suddenly I feel her pussy clench up on my cock and her asshole clench up on my thumb as Kimiko lets out a long groan for her orgasm. I quickly pull my thumb and cock out of Kimiko and flip her over onto her back, as soon as she’s down it takes three strokes of my cock to get me to shoot my load all up her body and one good shot hitting her tits.
I feel great and not as tired as I thought I’d be, Kimiko just lays there as I start to get dressed after finding my underwear.
“I haven’t been fucked like that since before my marriage,” Kimiko tells me glowing from the bed.
“It’s defiantly a first for me Ma’am,” I reply zipping up my pants.
“You don’t have to do that anymore, we’re both adults here,” Kimiko says rolling to her feet and sliding off the bed.
“Not exactly true Ma’am, I’ve kinda been lying to you about that,” I tell her smirking.
“What,” Kimiko says freezing in place,” what have you been lying about?”
“Well I’m not some male escort, I actually go to school with your kids. Natsuko and my sister Liz are friends,” I tell her smiling.
“You little fucking bastard, I’ll tell your parents what you did,” Kimiko growls angrily.
“Actually you won’t. First off your children are gonna dress the way they want and do what they want save for school and homework. You’re going to let them be individuals and not little victims like you made your son into,” I’m building up to the big statement,” And you’re not going to ship them off to some boarding school where you can ignore their attitude that I’ve given your son.”
“You don’t tell me what to do with MY children in my house you shit,” Kimiko is furiously getting clothes on,” I run this house, not you and not my husband either, what I say goes around here.”
“Oh, so then when I get home I should just start emailing the entire PTA list with your web browser history,” I state watching the color drain out of her face,” Or how about the video that’s streaming to my computer from you laptop webcam to your husband and anyone else on your mailing list. You can tell my parents if you really want to but then again I’m not the one who took ‘advantage’ of a highschool student.”
Kimiko is frozen in place for a solid minute, then frantically rushes to her laptop and as soon as it kicks on she is looking at herself on the cam and sees the program streaming to another source. I see her face break from shock to tears as she collapses to the floor crying. I give her a minute and see that she’s really crying, I kneel next to her and pull her head onto my shoulder and let her cry and babble for a minute.
“You’re gonna ruin my life,” Kimiko get’s out in between sobs.
“No, I’m trying to help Jun and Natsuko,” I tell her wiping her hair from her face,” Let them be themselves, let them talk and date and fuck. You let them be people and they’ll probably love you more for the freedom.”
“But you’ll ruin my life,” Kimiko says looking at me with her deep brown eyes.
“No ma’am, I’m making your boy like me, and I won’t do anything to your life if you don’t mess with their’s. On that you have my word,” I state plainly.
I help Kimiko to her feet and walk her to the bathroom to clean herself up while I stand there and watch. After regaining her composure she turns to me with a very soft look on her face.
“I let them dress and act out what they want minus academics and all this stays private,” Kimiko asks me from the mirror.
I nod my head and finish getting dressed before grabbing my phone and texting Natsuko, I tell her to head home and that everything will be fine with her mom. Natsuko replies with a standard level of disbelief and joy. I head back into the bathroom and turn Kimiko around to face me, taking her by the waist and kissing her deeply. She is shocked at first but wraps her arms up in my coat and hood returning the kiss.
“Anytime you want to relive this you just email me or text me from your daughter’s phone,” I tell her breaking the kiss and heading down stairs.
I don’t wait for her to say goodbye or anything else and I get out the front door and head back toward the school. I quickly check my phone and see it’s two in the afternoon and text Kori asking her how she’s doing. I freeze when she replies that her and her mother are at my house with Liz, my mother and Katy. What the hell is happening?Still loving the comments, anyone with any ideas feel free to PM me and we can talk a little about them.

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My Perverted Family: 2. Amy’s Story

I come from a long line of sexually perverted individuals. My family is riddled with tales of incest and debauchery. My parents, my Aunts & Uncles, my nieces & nephews, my Cousins and most of my In-Laws have engaged in Incest and every other form of sexual deviancy. You name it, and someone in my family probably did it.

Control Geek-Chapter 2

If you like the story, please give it a positive vote! This helps other people find it, as stories are listed by rating as the default. If you like the story enough, and would like to see more chapters, contact me at: [email protected] or leave a comment at the end of the story. I love hearing from readers. Comments, criticism, and story suggestions are welcome.

The Harem Pt.2

All described persons are of legal age. This is my first story and I’m not a native speaker but I’m happy for your criticism – good or bad. Please comment if you want the story to continue.

From Friend, to Stepsister, to Lover? Part 2

I apologize for the long break between Parts 1 and 2. Dealt with writer’s block for a bit while writing this part. And I am starting classes soon, so I will not have as much time to upload/write anything. Please leave constructive criticism in the comments below so that I can improve the next part. And without further ado, here is Part 2.

Helping out a new friend

Before you read, forgive me for the length
Please rate and comment, but most of all, enjoy!
A few days ago I had just gotten my license, I was so pumped that I didn’t even remember that I had no car, and no money to buy one
I didn’t really have a job either, I babysat for some neighbors but the pay was crap.  I didn’t like any of their kids either, they were all little brats who pissed and shat everywhere.
My brother would occasionally lend me his car, a 1997 Pontiac, but it was crap and beaten to shit.  And plus, it never felt right driving someone else’s car… The individuality of having a license all kind of fades away when it isn’t even your car.
I eventually started mowing lawns and doing other house hold chores for my dads friend, David.
David was a nice man, nice house, great job, awesome pool, a NICE car, but no family. He also had a cute dog named Cookie
I envied the guy.  
I had saved up about $650 and was looking around the neighborhood for any cars to buy.  I saw a station wagon for sale, $479.
I laughed at myself, realizing that I was about to make myself into a soccer mom.  I quickly shook the idea of getting this girl-repellant car, and walked home.
One night during dinner, my dad asked if any car opportunities had popped up.  I told him no, and that I would keep looking. He quickly looked at me with enthusiasm, telling me about a car he saw for sale down the street.  
So after dinner, we walked down the street and saw the car he was talking about.
It was a nice SUV, pretty cool when you have a lot of friends to drive around.  
I immediately looked to my dad and told him I was ready for this car.
We walked up to the car and saw that there was a girl standing on the other side.
She smiled at us, “Hey! Are you guys the owner of this car? I’m interested in buying it!”
My heart jumped.  “Um no, we were also interested in getting it.”
She looked a little upset, “well I’ve been saving for 2 months to get a car and I was here first, so…”
I looked at my dad, who looked at me and chuckled
“Not my problem Son”
I quickly walked towards the door and rang the bell, and out came a elderly woman with a cane.  She looked at me and asked in a quiet voice “yes?”
“Hello miss, I’m interested in your car, I have about $650 and would love to buy it.”
“oh I’m sorry son, but I can’t sell it for that price…”
Fuck! This old hag was screwing me out of an awesome car!
I walked over to my dad who quietly whispered “$650? Really son? I thought you said $6,500”
He laughed and walked home.
I soon followed, pissed off at how this turned out.
I glanced over at the lady and saw her talking to that girl, she was smiling and nodding a lot, then the girl walked into the house and the doors shut.
That bitch… She’s buying the damn car. 
About a month passed and I kept saving up for a car, awaiting the day an opportunity would arise
I kept doing yard work and such for David, I hadn’t been in his house in a while, he hadn’t really been home much. He usually just came home, paid me, then ran off to God knows where.
One day he wanted me to take his dog for a walk.  I enjoyed time with Cookie, so I agreed, no questions asked.
We walked for about an hour, and then I decided it was a good idea to get on home before it was dark.
Cookie, being the little horn dog he is, noticed a Labrador retriever and ran after her, with naughty intentions I presume.  
Now I haven’t been to the gym in a while, so catching Cookie would be no easy task.
I sprinted after Cookie and the lab for about two blocks before seeing an SUV stop in the middle of the road. A girl popped out of the car and whistled with her fingers
“Here cookie! Come here boy!”
I watched as Cookie turned around, tail wagging rapidly.  He ran towards her and jumped into her arms.  She put him in the car and drove off.
“Holy shit!”  she just fucking robbed Cookie!
What would David say? I just lost his dog to some stranger, how would he ever forgive me? And more importantly, who would pay me a shit load of cash to basically do chores?
My head was spinning, but all my body did was run after her.
I chased her car down for about 5 more blocks, and as she finally stopped and parked in a driveway, she noticed me and laughed.
I ran up to the car and gasped for air, hands on my knees trying to gather up something to say.
I looked up at her with furious eyes
She looked at me, now slightly annoyed.
“What do you want?”
I was finally able to say something
“Give me… Back… The damn dog!”
She looked puzzled 
“Umm, he isn’t yours, this is my friends dog, I found him in the streets just now.”
“that’s because I was walking him for my neighbor! He’s my responsibility”
“Your neighbor?” she looked at the house she’d parked in front of
“You mean his?” she said, pointing at the house
I hadn’t noticed that I had ran all the way back to David’s house.
“Yea, he’s my dads friend, I work for him doing house work.”
“Oh… I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”
She got Cookies leash and handed it to me, then got back in her car.
I felt a little bad, maybe I had hurt her feelings by yelling at her
“Thanks for catching him… I chased him a good 2 blocks, I don’t think I would have caught him if it weren’t for you. ”
She smiled, “No problem, tell David I said ‘hey’.”
She buckled up, then drove off
I watched as she turned the corner and disappeared.  Right then, i realized that she was the girl who bought the car i wanted.  I just stood there in shock, and a little bit of anger hit.
I took cookie inside and then went home.
About a week passed and I was again walking Cookie.
Not even 10 minutes into our walk, that girl drove by again and slowed down to our pace. 
“Hey! It’s you!”  she yelled out with a huge smile on her face
I looked at her, and she instantly stopped smiling, I guess she saw the anger in my face.
“Hey… What’s the matter?”
We had both stopped now, and Cookie was impatiently pulling at the leash.
“Your the damn girl who bought this car I wanted!”
Now SHE looked pissed.
“Um, I actually HAD money, unlike someone.”
“Still, I haven’t been able to find any cars for sale, this was the best deal I could find!”
She looked away and laughed 
“Well that’s a shame, it’s really a great car too.  I would have taken you for a ride in it, but I guess you and Cookie can keep walking everywhere.”
She drove off quickly, and left a bunch of smoke in mine and cookies faces.
I hated that girl, and I wanted a car more than ever now.
I finally gave up and bought that shitty station wagon I had seen a while back, and tried fixing it up as much as possible.
I stopped working for David since the whole point of that  was to get a car.
I took the car out for a spin, it felt nice having my own car, even if it was a girl repellant.
I was trying to get used to driving again, since I hadn’t driven in a whole now.
I was fixing my mirrors while driving real slow, when suddenly-
Hit a car.
“Son of a bitch!!!” was all I heard 
I hit a hummer, and I prayed that whoever was about to get out of the car did not match the voice of that yell I just heard.
A huge 6’5 guy who’s had to have weighed about 220 lbs of pure muscle walked out and banged on my window
“Come on shit head! Get out here right now! Youre going to pay for this shit!”
I got out of the car slowly.
“I’m really sorry sir, I didn’t mean to, I was distracted”
“Well son of a bitch! you were distracted!? Look at this fucking dent fuck-tard!”
He grabbed my shirt and I swear I felt myself lift a few feet off the ground
My life was flashing before my eyes, I was about to get the beating of a lifetime!
“Put him down Joey!”
I opened my eyes and saw that girl walking over to us, she was walking Cookie.
“Jane, you know this faggot?”
“Yea, we’re friends, look I’ll pay for the damage, please just let him go.”
“Well, alright, if you say so… Tell your brothers and sisters I said hi.”
“sure will. Thanks.”
He dropped me on the hood of my car and drove off.
I was still in shock of what had just happened, I looked at her and she looked at me like my mom did when I failed a test in high school.
“Are you kidding me? You had this car for how long? A day?”
She puts her face in her palm for second and laughs 
“Thank God you didn’t buy the SUV”
“Hey lighten up, I was distracted, it couldve happened to anyone”
“Yea, whatever dude, just watch the fuck out next time. I can’t save your ass all the time.”
She started walking away with Cookie and I suddenly felt like an ass
She saved me from a serious beat down and I hadn’t even thanked her
“Hey listen, thanks for what you did, I was seriously about to piss myself.”
She looked back and smiled. 
“Be careful next time.”
And then she walked away.
I inspected my car, not to much damage, barely even noticeable.
I drove home safely, and went to bed, thinking about that girl…
The next day I went over to David’s house and asked him who that girl was
“Jane? She’s a friend of mine, she lives not to far from here.  She’s been walking Cookie ever since you stopped.”
“Sorry about that…”
“don’t worry about it, it’s not a problem.  She does it for free and Cookie really likes her.”
“Oh, we’ll I was just curious, she saved my ass by getting me out of an ass kicking last night.”
“Haha really? Well I hope you thanked her properly.”
“I didn’t really get too.”
“Well look, here’s her address.  Why don’t you go on over later, and thank her.”
“Thanks, I will.”
I hopped in my car and drove over to the address he’d given me, it was really close, about a 5minute drive.
I got to the house and walked up to the door.  I rang the door bell and heard kids screaming. Jane answered the door, she looked like shit.  She had food all over her, her hair was a mess, she was sweating and she looked exhausted.  
“Um, hey”
She turned around and yelled at what looked like a bunch of kids wrestling
“Hey guys, be quiet! I’m talking to a friend!”
She closed the door behind her folded her arms.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“I just wanted to say thank you for what you did last night, that was awesome of you and I feel really bad about how bad I’ve treated you.”
She looked down and smiled
“Look, it’s ok.  I just didn’t want to see you get your face beaten inside out.”
We both laughed, and then it got quiet.
“Those kids, are they…?”
“No, they are my brothers and sisters, I’m raising them.”
“Where are your parents?”
“They  left us here, told me that I had to be a big girl and raise them all.”
She was looking at her toes now
“They left us a bunch of cash, its lasted about 2 years, but its been running out lately. we were running out of options until David, your neighbor, walked by with Cookie and saw me crying on the door step.  He asked me what was wrong and i told him everything.  He’s offered to help us out.  He’s been paying bills and basically living here to help me with them.
So that’s why he was hardly home.  
“He’s really amazing, he helps so much and doesn’t ask for anything in return.”
She was crying now
She was fighting to hold it back, but I could tell she really needed to get the tears out. She probably hadn’t cried to someone in a long time. She was a tough girl.
Suddenly I felt like a bad guy, this girl needed that car and I hated her for taking it.  
“Look I’m sorry about how I treated you, and for yelling at you that one night.”
She wasn’t crying anymore, but her eyes were puffy and red.
“It’s fine, I understand. I felt bad about taking the car, but I really needed it-”
I cut her off, “It’s fine, I totally get it.”
I smiled at her and then it was quiet again.
A little girl opened the door from behind her and pulled at her shirt.
“Joshua hit me!”
Jane looked at me then back at the girl.
“ok ok, we will deal with him in a second. Go inside, I’ll be right there.”
I smiled at the girl who smiled back at me
“Is he your boyfriend Jane?”
We looked at eachother and laughed 
“No he is just a good friend mine.”
“He looks nice.”
The girl then quickly ran inside and left us alone.
“Well I really have to go, I have to take care of them.”
“Yea ok, I’ll let you go, thanks again.”
She rubbed my shaggy hair quickly, trying to mess it up
“No problem”
She smiled, then shut the door.
A few weeks passed and I hadn’t seen Jane in a while.  I guess she had gotten to busy to walk Cookie.
I went over to David while he was watering his lawn.  
“Hey David, where’s Jane been? I havent seen her walking Cookie.”
“Hey Steven.  Well Jane is really busy with her brothers and sisters, I can’t ask her to walk Cookie for me anymore, she needs to be at home taking care of them.”
I was a little disappointed, I actually missed seeing her around.
“Oh, yea I understand.  Well, thanks.”
I started walking home when David called for me.
“You know Steven, she could really use a friend HER age, you know? I can’t always be there for her, and she doesn’t really have anyone to talk to.  She had to quit school a while ago.”
Damn… I had no idea what this girl was going through.
“I guess I could help her with some chores?”
David laughed, “I said a friend, not a maid.  Someone to go out and hang with, see a movie, you know?”
“Yea, I get you.”
“Look Steven, that girl is an angel, I really want whats best for her.  I’m going to talk to her tonight and ask her what she thinks about me setting her you and her up on a little ‘play date’, she could really take a breather.”
“Who will watch her brothers and sisters?”
“I will. I’ll go babysit them, I’m not busy during weekends.  You guys could stay at my place, here is a key.”
He was trusting me with his house now? I guess he really did trust me.
“Like i said, she is an angel, so please take care of her. Show her a good time, ok?”
I nodded, I was actually getting really nervous at the thought of being alone with a girl for that long.  I only had one girl friend and she cheated on me with my best friend, so I was still kind of bitter.
David handed me the keys, then went over to Janes house.
I went inside, admiring the interior of the house.  It was super neat, well decorated, and smelled great.  
I really didn’t mind sleeping over at his place, I had a bunch of awesome stuff; the pool, the jacuzzi, the HD flat screen tv, awesome DVD collection,fridge with good food… Dude had it made.
About 20 minutes later, I see Jane pull up to the drive way.
She has a few bags, probably clothes and stuff.
I walk outside to help her, and she quickly displays shock in seeing me.
“umm, what are you doing here?”
“David told me to watch his place while he’s gone.  He wanted me to help you relax and have some fun.  He says that you should really take a break from babysitting.”
She looked at me a bit uneasy
“Oh really? And how are YOU supposed to help me have fun?”
I didn’t know what to say
“Um, well I don’t know… But if you want, I’ll just go home and let you relax on your own.”
She didn’t reply, she just stared at me
I started walking home when she soon followed
“Wait, I’m sorry.  Don’t leave me alone…”
I looked at her, and she was staring at me as if begging me to stay
She was really afraid to be on her own. 
“Ok, I’ll stay. Lets get your stuff inside.”
She suddenly became really preppy and giggly 
“ok! Here”
She said, Handing me one of her bags.
While she unpacked all her stuff, I made us some dinner and put on a movie.  She came into the kitchen quickly sniffing around, then looked at me
“That smell is from here? YOU can cook?!”
I laughed, “yes I can cook, pretty well too.”
“wow! It looks great! Spaghetti, meatballs, garlic bread, mashed potatoes… That’s a lot to cook in such a short time!”
“Well I usually cook for my family, so I’ve had a lot of practice”
She looked at me and smiled 
“Well maybe you can cook for us sometimes, my brothers and sisters haven’t had a good meal in a while, I can’t really cook”
“Haha sure thing, I’ll make them my special homemade mushroom soup!”
She looked at me and wrinkled her nose like if he just smelled something gross
“that sounds nasty.”
We both laughed, and I promised her I’d let her taste it one day.
The rest of the night was pretty nice, we spent the evening watching comedy movies with Seth Rogen in them, he’s one of my favorite comedians.  
The night was filled with a lot of laughter, something I’m sure she hadn’t done in a while.  After a while, I noticed she had fallen asleep on my shoulder.  I turned off the tv, and carried her into David’s room.  
I looked at her and noticed how cute she was.  She had a really girly complexion.  Cute dimples, a little mole above her cheek, soft smooth skin.  She was really beautiful.  I tucked her in, then grabbed a blanket and went to go sleep on the couch.  
After about an hour of trying to sleep, I woke up to use the restroom.  On my way back down, I looked into the room to check on Jane.  She was asleep, she looked really comfortable.  She probably hadn’t had a good nights sleep for a while.
I smiled, then went back down stairs and tried to fall asleep.
About another hour passed, and just as I was falling asleep, I was woken up by Jane coming down stairs and waking me up.
“Hey, boy, are you awake?”
“Yea. What’s up?”
“I heard a noise upstairs, I’m scared to go back up there.”
She was shivering, it was really cold that night.
“ok, let’s go check it out.”
I grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around her, then proceeded to walk up the stairs cautiously 
After about 5 minutes of inspecting, we found nothing.
“it must have been your imagination Jane, it’s safe”
She looked at me with a worried face
“Can you sleep with me? I don’t feel safe… I’m not used to being alone in bed, I usually have my sisters with me”
I was afraid to actually get in bed with this girl, I didn’t really want to make myself look like a pervert in any way.  She DID ask though…
“Yea sure.”
“yay! Thank you so much.”
She gave me a big hug which felt like it lasted for ever
She was so soft and warm, I didn’t want to let go.  She smelled really good, like strawberries.
I got in bed with my jeans and sweater, while she was in panties and a tank top.
“you sure your comfortable with this?” she asked
I smiled, “Anything to make you feel better”
She gave me the most cute little smile ever, then nodded.
“Thanks, but you don’t have to wear all your clothes! I mean who sleeps in jeans and a sweater?”
“Uh, well I don’t want to make things weird for you…”
“nonsense! I want you to be comfortable too you know.”
I did as she said, and took off my sweater and jeans, leaving me in only my t shirt and boxers.
She giggled, then tucked herself in.
I got in bed and faced to opposite way of where she was, and closed my eyes. This was way better than a couch.
I felt her moving around and squirming, then she finally came up behind me and put her arm around my waist.
“Thank you, I really needed this…”
I was so shocked, I actually stopped breathing for a second.
“You have no idea what it’s like to live in a house full of people, and feel so alone.  No one to talk to that isn’t a child.  No one who knew what I was going through, besides David.”
She was struggling to get the words out now
“I- I just really needed this.”
She layed her head on me and closed her eyes.
I didn’t say anything, and we both fell asleep.
I woke up and looked around the room.
She wasn’t here.
I went down stairs and smelled something terrifyingly gross
I walked into the kitchen to find Jane in front of the stove, with smoke everywhere.
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!”
I got the fire extinguisher under the sink and put out what looked like horribly burned omelette.
The smoke cleared and Jane looked at me with the saddest eyes I had ever seen
“I’m so sorry, I tried to make you breakfast to thank you for last night! But I couldn’t get it right, and-”
I grabbed her and held her tight 
“it’s fine… don’t worry about it”
“Now you probably think I suck at cooking, don’t you?”
“Haha of course not, I bet you can cook a mean bowl of cereal!”
She punched my arm and laughed.
We spent the rest of the morning cleaning up the mess, then took turns showering.
When I got out, I found all her clothes on the floor of the living room.  I walked out to the back yard, which was huge, and saw her inside the pool swimming.
“Hey! Come inside! The water is really nice right now”
I couldn’t say no to that!
 I took off my shorts and shirt and jumped in with nothing but boxers
“Woo! That a’ boy!”
I came up and brushed my hair off my face 
She looked at me then splashed some water around
“Haha I totally forgot he had this pool, it’s amazing!”
I had to agree with her on that one.
“Yea, he would let me come over all the time for a swim.”
“Lucky! I wish I had a pool, especially in those horrible summer days.”
We went on to talk about a lot of stuff, hopes, dreams, school, old friends, ect.
She started getting closer to me every few minutes, I guess she was getting pretty comfortable with me.
“So your girlfriend cheated on you?”
“Yea, back in highschool.  She was a real slutty type of girl.  Apparently everyone knew except me.”
“That bitch!”
Suddenly it was quiet
Then we both bursted into laughter
“Yea, she was a bitch haha.  So what about you? How was your ‘love life’ in school?”
“Well I never really experienced anything in the short time I was in High school, but in middle school, boys never noticed me.”
I couldn’t believe that, she was stunning, she had an amazing personality, beautiful features, and a smoking hot body
“I remember at a dance, back in middle school, the boys all had to choose a girl they wanted to dance with.  I had found the prettiest dress ever, and I tried my best to look cute so that a boy would choose me to dance with.  So I sat on the girl side for about an hour, and no one ever asked me to dance.”
“why not?”
“I don’t know, I guess they didn’t think I was pretty, no boy has ever really shown any sort of feelings for me.”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.
“But you’re so pretty, I totally would have danced with you if I was there!”
She looked at me,surprised. then she started getting angry.
“Shut up.”
Now I was confused
“Shut up!”
She stormed out of the pool, got her clothes off the living room floor, and locked herself in the bathroom.
I stayed there, completely unknowing of what I had done.
I got out, got dressed, and sat near the door of the restroom waiting for her to come out.
About an hour later she walked out, with an apologetic face.
I stood up and walked up to her
“What happened out there-”
Suddenly she grabbed the back of my head and pulled me close to her face and started kissing me
I kissed her back passionately, feeling my heart race with emotions
She stopped kissing me and put her forehead on my chest
“No one has ever called me pretty before.”
I froze up.  I guess she didn’t know how to react to what I had said before
“Well you are, you’re gorgeous.  I would love to have danced with you.”
She smiled back at me with a few tears in her eyes
“Thank you… Why are you being so sweet to me?”
“I don’t know, I guess I like you.”
“You do?”
I smiled at her, “Yea, your an angel.”
She looked at me and bit her lip, trying not to cry again.  
Again, she pulled me in for a kiss- but this time she was more aggressive about it.  She needed this badly
She wrapped her legs around my waist as I picked her up and carried her to the bedroom
She wasn’t paying attention to anything else except my lips
She was sucking them, licking them, biting them, everything
She kissed me like she had never been kissed… Which was probably true
She ripped off my shirt and started kissing my chest
She became a lot more gentle now, slowly licking and nibbling on my chest and nipples.  She made her way down to my crotch and look up at me, as if asking for approval.
I silently nodded, and watched as she slowly pulled down my shorts and boxers, revealing my fully erect penis.
She examined it for a second, trying to figure out what to do first.
She began kissing the tip of the head, gently  placing her lips on it.  She licked it softly, making my cock jump from excitement.  She noticed how eager my cock was, so she began licking up and down my shaft, and cradling my balls.
  She finally placed my cock in her mouth, going all the way down in one go, and staying there for about 5 seconds, slurping and sucking all the saliva and pre cum off. Her chin touched my balls, and she stuck her tongue out to lick them as much as possible while gagging on my cock and her saliva. She pulled her head up slowly, looked at me in the eyes and whispered 
“I want to please you better than anyone else ever will.”
She took my cock in her hands and began jerking be really slow, then finally took my cock in her mouth again, and started moving her head up and down my cock, progressively getting faster.  My cock throbbed in her mouth, and I felt my balls begin to tighten
She started slurping and sucking harder and harder until I finally couldn’t take it anymore, and I came into her throat, string after string of cum flowing down her throat. She closed her eyes as I pushed harder and stuffed my cock down her throat further and further. She gagged, but held her ground- making sure she swallowed every last drop.
I finally pulled out my cock and she gasped for air
She licked her lips and smiled up at me 
“Was it good?”
I smiled, picked her up, and kissed her.
She leaned in and grabbed my half hard cock and whispered into my ear
“I want you inside of me… I want you to be my first”
She was still rubbing my cock which began getting hard almost instantly
She licked my ear then bit my lobe.
She slowly backed up and turned around, facing away from me
She took off her shirt and unhooked her bra very slowly, I could tell she was nervous 
She slowly pulled down her pants and revealed her white cotton panties.  She then began to lower those too, and finally- she was completely naked
She stood still, not facing me.  
I waited about 25 seconds before she finally said, “Well? Say something…” 
I walked up behind her and put my arms around her waist
“You’re so beautiful…”
I couldnt see, but I knew she was smiling.
I reached around and felt her unshaven pussy.She was soaked
I felt her clit, gently rubbing it with my index finger- then inserted my middle finger into her
She held her breath a few seconds, then let out a sigh
“mmm, wow….”
I kept fingering her, speeding up and becoming more aggressive and pushing in deeper into her tight virgin pussy
“oh… God….”
Her moans started getting louder, her breathing heavier.
“oh god, oh god…”
She was beginning to whimper, letting out little cries that sounded so sexy and cute at the same time
Finally her pussy tightened around my fingers and her body spasmed 
She stopped breathing and moaning, she didn’t make a sound
Her mouth was completely wide open and her eyes TIGHTLY shut.
It looked as if she couldnt breathe, when she suddenly said…
I laughed quietly and turned her to kiss her
She grabbed me close and jammed her whole tongue down my throat. She was incredibly horny and needed more.
I picked her up and placed her on the bed, I slowly got on top and prodded her pussy with the tip of my cock
“It’s going to hurt…”
“Yea I know, every girl knows that… It’s ok”
I began inserting it, and about half way in… 
“Holy shiiiiit… Uuuunh, slower please.”
After I was in, she was crying a little, but she wanted to continue
I slowly moved my hips back and forth, going in and out of her tight pussy 
She groaned from pain, but she didn’t want to stop.
I sped up and the groans turned to moans, moans of love and joy
“mmm yes…”
I started to thrust harder, pushing as far as my cock could go.
“I’m going to cuuuuuum!”
He pussy tightened up and a bunch of her pussy juice poured from her and all over my cock.  
I wasn’t done though.
I flipped her over and got her on all fours
She looked back at me, smiled, then popped her ass in the air
I bent over and licked her pussy while jerking myself
God she tasted amazing
I quickly inserted my cock and started fucking her like crazy
Her ass was slapping against my balls loudly, and it felt great!
I reached around and began rubbing her nipples and her body began to shake
“Oh yea! Fuck me harder! Please!”
I started going as fast as I could, dripping sweat all over her ass and back
I pulled out my cock just as she came again, this time squirting on the bed sheets
She relaxed her body and layed her face on the bed with her ass still in the air
I grabbed her thighs and slowly pushed my cock into her asshole
She looked over at me in fear
“aaaah… Wait no! What are you- aaaah!”
I fucked her hard, not letting her ass adjust to the pain of my cock stretching her little tight pink asshole
She finally accepted it and layed her face on the bed, grabbing the sheets and pulling really hard and trying not to scream from pain
“I’m almost there…”
Her asshole was so warm and tight, I couldn’t hold it in anymore
With one finally thrust, I let out all my cum into her asshole, releasing stream after stream of cum into her
I finally pulled my cock out of her asshole, which made a loud “PLOP” noise from being so tight
She got on her back and sat up straight
“well I didn’t expect THAT”
“Yea me neither, I just kinda went for it… Sorry”
“it huuuuurt!”
“yea, sorry”
“it’s ok, I guess.  Next time go slow!”
We laughed, then cuddled up on the bed and began to fall asleep.
She looked up at me and said, “hey…”
“I just realized something”
“what is it?”
“I don’t even know your name”
“It’s Steven”

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My Endearing Angels: Part 2

Very long continuation of My Endearing Angels by Rightinthe. It’s quite long so feel free to pause after certain scenes. Below is a ‘what happened before’, but I highly recommend to read part 1 if you haven’t yet. Hope you’ll have a good read!

Picking Out a Girl for my Daddy

Picking Out a Girl for my Daddy
___I was all settled in bed when, here she came again. It was my daughter Darby. She crawled in bed with me, snuggled up tight behind me and began to rub my body. She always did that when she wanted to talk about the same thing. My hot bodied daughter had gotten a fixation on her daddy,… me.
It started when some girlfriends told her in confidence that they were having sex play with their daddy’s. Their dad’s, supposedly, were feeling them up, fingering them, licking their pussy and letting them jack them off and…., the girl were giving them blow jobs. They said they weren’t having sex with them….but in private whispers to Darby, they said they really were. True or not, Darby was envious and wanted the same sex thrills as they were getting.
They told her how it all started with them crawling in bed with their dads and started feeling them up. Sometimes with their moms asleep right beside them. A sleeping dad gets sleep hardons and if they were lucky, he would have one and they would slowly jack or even suck on them. After that, it was sneaking sex play behind moms back.
Darby told me all this to try and get me aroused so we could have some sex play. I had no wife now, so there was no sneaking around. I had told her I didn’t want to get into having sex with her, that she would be getting boyfriends and I would supply the birth control pills. Darby wasn’t in the mood to except that and kept on trying to get me to have sex play with her.
Darby thought up a plan. One night she snuggled up to me and said: “Daddy, what about having sex play with a girl like me….. that’s not your daughter? You two could have a great time and I….well….I would just kind of ’watch’?”
I told her to go to bed, but I’d think about it tomorrow.
If daddy won’t play sex with me, I’ll get one of my girlfriends to play sex with him. They all like him and on a sleepover no one will know. I’ll ask Morgan first, she’s hot for my daddy and has been for a long time. Daddy once held her across his lap and told her a story during a storm when the lights went out. She said that’s when she fell ’in love’ with my daddy.
I could see enough that night, sitting on the side with my daddy to watch him play with her long hair. As he talked low I could tell she was getting turned on. Her pajama top was part open and she felt her own tits. Daddy kept on talking but I watched is eyes looking down her top. She told me she felt him getting a hardon and it was big against her back. She slipped her hand down her pajama bottoms and rubbed her slit. He noticed it and began to feel her face gently as he told her a story. The story was kinda sexy about a man getting with a young girl. I was getting turned on myself.
She does a lot of sleepovers here. We’ve snuck in daddy’s bed before and he woke up with us snuggled up to him. He told Morgan that would be kept secret between all of us. She said one night he put his arm over her and snuggled up tight to her. She was in heaven and said he had a hardon. She pretended like they were having sex and pushed her pussy up against his hardon over and over. I envied her so bad.
I didn’t wait for daddy’s answer because he might take a long time to decide. I ask Morgan to sleepover that night. I told her what was going on and she got all excited. We planned an invasion of daddy’s bed that night.
I put off thinking about messing with some girl Darby would pick out for me. The only one that I ever got a rise out of me was that…Morgan girl. She had no daddy and got her brother to feel her up once, according to Darby. She was a very advanced girl. Nice tits, ass and so cute when she smiled all sexy at me. I had a dream about her one night and I was holding her and we were about ready to fuck, when I semi-woke up, there she was snuggled up to me. I had a big hardon and she was gently pushing her pussy up against it over and over. What a hot night that was.
I see Morgan is sleeping over again tonight. I wonder if Darby will pick her out for me to have sex play with. That would be very tempting. All I needed was for someone to find out and blab what was going on. ’If’…I decide to get into this I better have solid talk with the girl. Morgan can keep her mouth shut. I’ve met her mom and she’s happy that Morgan had a daddy figure to be with. She told me Morgan really likes me and to feel free to be her ’stand in’ daddy if I want. I got the feeling as we talked her mom was coming on to me herself. She stood so close to me and that smile of hers. Morgan sure got her good looks from her sexy mom.
I watched the girls that night whisper and giggle and I knew something was up. They were clever little shits, and both hung on me on the couch. They had on skimpy little nighties and Morgan….damn she was sexy looking with barely nothing on.
Bedtime came and lots of giggles and whispers from Darby’s bedroom. I figured I would find them both in my bed in the morning. I fell asleep hoping for a dream about Morgan.
I was really turned on thinking about what might happen tonight. I told Darby how excited I was. I whispered: (“…Darby, I’ve never been this sexually turned on before. Doesn’t it feel good!”) She agreed and hoped her daddy would let her do hot things with her. I took Darby’s hand and I said: (“…feel this.”) I took her finger and slipped in in my wet slit. She was a little shocked as she said she had never felt another girls slit before.
I said: (“Oh I have, it’s fun to do. Feel my clit and rub it. Then put your finger inside and feel how warm and slick it is. I reached over and felt her slit. This was our first time to feel each others slits. She began to breath heavy and said she liked the feeling we both were getting. We talked about fingering and how to get an orgasm if you do it just right. I said how I hoped I could get her daddy’s finger in me and more.
I became fixated on feeling Morgan’s slit. We laid down and she let me play with her slit all I wanted. Her finger in me was making me very horny. I ask her if I could feel her tits too. She said, sure and started feeling mine too. This was all new to me and she ask me If I want to orgasm with her. I whispered ’oh yes’. It was our first fingering together. She turned and put our pussy up to our faces. I felt so hot and nervous as she put her finger in me. I got to look close at her pussy in person. I played with her clit and rubbed it all around. She said: (“keep doing that daddy.”) and giggled. (“…lick your finger to make it all slick”)
I had never had a girl warm breath on my pussy before, and it was awesome.
Something just make my pussy tingle real good. I looked. It wasn’t her finger, it was her tongue. Oh my god…she was licking my pussy and it felt so good.
I had to try it. I gave her clit a lick. She jumped and said: (“…oh daddy…do that some more.”) She was pretending I was my daddy licking her pussy. I started doing the same. I said: (“…lick me daddy, it feels so good.”). We played sex with each other but now we wanted to go sneak in daddy’s bed.
I love to lick first time girls and get them all hot. Darby was so turned on now, I love the feel of a girls wet pussy.
Now on to her daddy. We quietly snuck in his bedroom. He was lying on his side. My heart was pounding with the kind of sexual excitement I liked. I carefully crawled in bed with him….oooo he was so warm. I snuggled up to him and stuck my finger in my wet pussy and got it all wet.
I held it under his nose. I rubbed it on his lips. His tongue came out to taste it. I snuggled closer. I felt his hardon growing between my legs. I gently put his hand on my tits. He slowly started feeling them. I started kissing him on his face.
Darby was watching all this and rubbing her slit. I reached down and gently felt his hardon. He made a soft ’mmmm’ sound. I gently put my hand in his pajama bottoms and started stroking his big hardon. His arm slowly went around me and gently pulled me to him. I now kissed around his lips. I let my tongue trace his lips. We slowly started tongue kissing.
He started moving his hips as I pulled his pajamas down and let his hardon out. I could hear him and Darby breathing hard. I started kissing slowly down on him. I kissed my way down and started gently kissing his hardon. Darby was all excited and fingering her self real good. I slowly turned and put my wet pussy by her daddy’s face. I lifted one leg and inched my pussy closer to his face. I felt his hand feeling my ass. I pushed my pussy to his lips. I waited.
I felt his tongue enter my wet pussy. That’s just what I wanted. As he began to lick me real good I put my lips over the head of his hardon. I was so hot for this I sucked him real good as he moaned along with me. His warm hands on my butt cheeks were awesome and I let my hips move my pussy on his tongue. Now for what I wanted next. I started jacking and sucking on his hardon. I see Darby’s hand reach over and touch her daddy’s hardon as I sucked it. She felt my lips moving up and down on it and now she began to quietly moan.
I had never sucked a guy before and it was making my pussy tingle along with her daddy’s tongue. I wanted his cum to shoot out like in the porn movies. I jack him and licked the head of his hardon. I started to orgasm big when I felt a big shot of cum land on my lips, then more and more in my open mouth.
I put my lips over it and still more shot in my mouth. It was hot and slick. My orgasm went way beyond like never before and my pussy twitched on his tongue. Darby was having an orgasm and we all moaned as it happened. Darby leaned over and put her mouth on her daddy’s hardon too. Her hands were now jacking him as she sucked and licked him. We had done it. A daddy to play sex with finally.
In the morning Darby and I were snuggled up to ’daddy’ as he began to wake up. He lay there and then began to smile. He put his arms around us and pulled us to him tight,…. then he mumbled:
“ Girls, I just had the best dream of my whole life.”

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Mr.Middlebrooks Spanks The Naughty Schoolboy

“Well it seems you’re not so tough after all, eh Banks?” came the voice of my English teacher to my ears.
At the moment I was unable to answer because I was biting his handkerchief to prevent myself from crying out in pain. Just then the metal edged ruler connected with my bare and exposed ass again almost making me jump but I was unable to move much, restrained as I was. My young body was bent over his desk with my hands tied to the seat in front with Mr. Middlebrooks’ silk tie leaving me helpless for all practical purposes.
Only two hours earlier if someone had said that I’d find myself in this position I wouldn’t have believed it. But here I was sore, red assed and powerless. It was too late now but I wished I hadn’t messed with my teacher earlier like I had. It wasn’t like I had anything against him but the school year was almost over and class was now more like a holding cell with finals already taken last week. For the most part we were just being babysat instead of learning so most of the kids were talking or goofing off during the last class on a Friday afternoon.
I was engaged in a contest with Brian Costello to see which one of us could hit the other more often with thrown erasers and wadded up pieces of paper. He had just tossed an eraser my way and I had managed to deflect it away from my head. Unfortunately for me when I redirected the eraser it had gone in the direction of Mr. Middlebrooks’ desk. In fact it struck a corner of the desk before ricocheting beyond. That certainly got his attention. Before that he had been ignoring his unruly class while paying attention to his open laptop.
“Banks – front and center now” he called out in his clipped English accent. (How funny was that – the English teacher actually being English.)
Dragging myself to my feet I sauntered to the front of the classroom. Brian was looking the other way as if he had nothing to do with what just happened. I approached his desk and stood there with a cocky grin on my face.
“Mr. Banks I believe you threw the eraser that’s now on the floor in the corner.”
“Incorrect Mr. Middlebrooks, what I did was deflect it like a hockey goalie does with the puck or they do in soccer which no doubt you know about” I replied with a smug expression.
“I see. You know Banks the school year isn’t quite over yet in spite of my allowing you students to act like it is. In fact detention hall is still open for another seven days. Perhaps you would like to spend your afternoons after school there until then?”
“No I wouldn’t but I really can’t control that.”
“That’s true Banks but at this moment I’m undecided. However either way I want you to pick up the eraser and put it on my desk. And in future when you speak to me you are to address me as sir or Mr. Middlebrooks if that’s not too difficult.”
“Yes sir, Mr. Middlebrooks” I sarcastically replied.
He arched an eyebrow over his hazel eyes but said nothing. Walking around the desk I was about to crouch down and retrieve the eraser when an idea came to me on how I could mess with him. Even before I was in his class I’d heard rumors about Mr. Middlebrooks and how he and another teacher, a male gym teacher, shared a house. The consensus was he was gay but it had never been confirmed. Just to mess with him I bent at the waist as I reached down to pick up the eraser so my butt was facing him.
Not being vain but I knew that it looked good. I’d been working out lately to add a little muscle and I had a nice six pack not that he could see that but for some reason I also had a muscular ass for my size. I was naturally on the lean side with a low percentage of body fat and weighed around one hundred and thirty pounds but whether due to exercise or genetics I did have an ass. It might not be a true bubble butt but it certainly filled out my jeans.
I fumbled around a bit before I picked up the eraser and when I did I turned my head back so I could see behind me. Mr. Middlebrooks’ eyes were glued to my ass as I was bent over. Slowly I straightened up my body and as I did I thought that my experiment was a success. As far as I was concerned Mr. Middlebrooks might as well have yelled out he liked guys. For what other reason would a man stare at a guy’s butt? I turned to go back to my seat and as I passed him I heard Mr. Middlebrooks almost whisper to me his voice was so low.
“Oh you think you’re clever Banks, do you?”
With a serene expression on my face I ignored what he said and strolled back to my desk. For the remaining fifteen minutes of class I chilled and did nothing. The only thing that bothered me was that every time I looked up Mr. Middlebrooks seemed to be looking my way. It got to the point I was feeling uncomfortable about it all. Its not like I was trying to attract him or to piss him off. I was just having fun but he seemed to be all obsessing. The bell finally rang and I headed for the door as fast as I could. I was just about to slip out when I felt a hand grab my arm.
“Not so fast Banks” Mr. Middlebrooks said as he kept a hold of me.
As we stood there the rest of the class filed out of the room leaving us the only ones remaining. He then closed the door and led me toward his desk. Once I was besides it he released me and sat and for the next few minutes he ignored me while busying himself with his laptop. I remained quiet but as time dragged on I began to shift my feet around. My guess is he noticed as a moment later he raised his face and looked at me.
“You know Banks being its almost summer recess I was going to be lenient about the eraser but you had to push it further. So now you can cool your smart ass in detention the rest of the year. Have anything to say in your defense?”
“What for? You’ve made up your mind already. I don’t think I did anything worth getting detention over. I’m sorry that when I protected myself from an eraser it hit your desk. But other kids were goofing off as much as me…Sir!” I said leaving a long pause before saying sir.
“We both know its not the eraser but the fact that when you picked it up you shook your bum in my face” he retorted.
“My what?” I said acting all confused though I knew what he meant but I played it dumb.
“Oh that’s right, you Yanks don’t understand the proper King’s English. What I meant was your arse, understand that boy! No, then how about your butt. Better now Banks?”
He became all worked up during this outburst and his pale face reddened considerably.
“No need to get upset Mr. Middlebrooks – now I know what you mean by bum. Okay” I told him raising my hands up with the palms facing out.
He narrowed his eyes as he stared hard at me and I saw his lip curl into a sneer.
“I’m quite sure” he said as he brought his hand to his chin and stroked his neatly clipped beard. “But believe you me Banks, back in my homeland I would still be allowed to properly punish you. There would be no need for detention. In fact I’ll offer you a deal if you like. Thirty minutes of your time and in exchange no detention. Since each session is an hour that will add up to a lot of time cooped up in school when you could be out with your friends in the sun.”
“Sounds good, but there has to be a catch. What would I have to do?”
“Do? Very little Banks. In fact I’ll be doing most of the work” he replied as he stood.
Once he did he towered over me. Mr. Middlebrooks was a tall man, around six foot four I would guess while I was a few inches shy of six feet. On top of that he was a big man, neither fat nor muscular appearing but just a naturally large limbed person. As I watched his hand took hold of his tie, first loosening and then removing it.
“Banks stand here” he ordered indicating a space directly in front of his large, wooden desk.
Once I sidled there I looked at him as if to say what now when he caught me off guard. Moving faster than I expected from one of his size he jammed his leg against the back of my knees. To remain standing I was forced to throw my hands against the desktop and in spite of this I still almost lost my balance. Before I was able to say or do anything he pressed his much larger body against my back preventing me from moving while forcing my chest toward the desk. Quickly he wrapped his tie around my wrists a few times then knotted it leaving one end dangling.
“What do you think you’re doing?” I sputtered out indignantly.
He didn’t answer but instead he took the tie end and tied it to his chair which was an old fashioned high backed style made of solid wood with four legs rather than the kind with wheels. Once he was satisfied I was securely bound I felt his body rise off me at which point he walked to the front of his desk. The first thing he did was move his laptop to the far end of the desk away from me. Now he had a smirk on his face as he opened the drawer and removed a wooden ruler. It was eighteen inches long with a metal edge to it.
“Though I’m not a math teacher I still strongly believe in using rulers with troublesome students like yourself Banks.”
“You aren’t planning on doing what I think with that, are you?” I asked my eyes suddenly wide.
“Well if you’re thinking that I plan on spanking your bare bottom with this ruler then you would be correct Banks. A little corporal punishment goes a long way in keeping naughty schoolboys in line and more importantly obedient. Now lets pull down those trousers so that we may begin.”
“That’s not a good idea Mr. Middlebrooks” I said trying to sound more confident than I felt at the moment “at the least you could lose your job teaching and maybe even be arrested.”
My words seemed to have no effect on him as with me helplessly restrained he reached under me and unbuckled my belt, then unfastened my jeans. Grabbing my waistband he yanked downward, not only lowering my jeans but also pulling my briefs down as well. He followed that with a low whistle and to my shock his hand cupped then squeezed one of my ass cheeks.
“Mr. Middlebrooks you better stop now before you do something you’ll regret. I swear I’ll call for help if you don’t let me go right now” I demanded of him.
“Oh will you now Banks. Not very nice of you trying to get me in trouble. I believe I will have to up the ante so to speak” he said but he took his hand off my ass.
The next thing he did however was to grab my briefs which were around my knees. I heard a tearing sound and I felt some pressure against my leg and the next thing I knew he was holding up what was left of them.
“Fuck this, there’s no way I’m going….” was all I could get out before he forced his wadded up handkerchief in my mouth muffling me.
He then wrapped the remnant of my briefs around my face over my mouth and tied it at the back of my head holding his handkerchief in place. Now I was getting a little scared. I was bound and gagged with my jeans near my ankles and my teacher had already felt me up and was now planning on spanking me. I attempted to cry out but for the most part I was silenced and though I struggled I was unable to free myself. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain as Mr. Middlebrooks delivered his first blow to my bare unprotected ass.
I cried out but due to my being gagged all that was heard was a muffled squeak. My lower body moved as far away from him as possible under the circumstances but he easily connected with his next blow to my upturned ass. He paused after each blow he delivered, allowing me to feel the full impact before giving me the next. Though I writhed about from the pain with the added hope that I might lessen their impact Mr. Middlebrooks was having none of that.
“Enough with your squirming Banks, take your punishment like a man. All you are doing with your gyrating is extending the length of time this will take. In fact the more you move the longer I’ll spank you so its up to you really. I don’t mind dragging this out as watching your delightful bum tremble and shake is having a profound effect on me.”
After he said this I managed to turn my head and look his way and if I wasn’t gagged my jaw would have dropped. He stood to the side of me with the ruler suspended over me in his right hand while his left hand was fondling a large and growing bulge in his trousers. Seeing me looking he winked at me before delivering another swat to me, all the while continuing to lasciviously rub himself.
The skin on my butt felt red and raw from the repeated blows but at that moment I had a bigger problem so to speak. The fact was that as he continued to spank me I was getting an erection. As I felt myself hardening my face reddened as much as my ass and I prayed he didn’t notice. Maybe it was because those things just happened at my age. It was hardly the first time I had gotten a woody at an inopportune or embarrassing moment. Often me and my friends would joke about such things but this was much worse than getting one in church or in a public place where anyone could see. Mr. Middlebrooks had shown himself to be gay and that he found my ass attractive and he was now playing with himself as he spanked me. Terrified I shut my eyes tightly and a moment later the blows ceased.
“Well, well Banks and what do we have here?” I heard him ask in his cultured voice and the next thing I knew I felt the touch of the ruler against my half hard dick. “It seems that either young Mr. Banks enjoys being spanked – a lot! Or he is thinking about what’s in my trousers and what I’m going to do to him with it.”
As he pushed and prodded me I felt it stiffen further until it felt fully erect. Mr. Middlebrooks again walked to the front of his desk and reached into the open drawer. This time he removed then placed a bottle of skin lotion on the desk near me. He squirted a generous amount onto his left hand and moved next to me. I felt like a mouse that was helplessly awaiting a rattlesnake’s bite and unable to escape it. With a wicked grin he reached down and wrapped his large, warm hand around my shaft forcing a muffled moan from me.
His hand fully engulfed my erection, covering its whole length easily. He slowly stroked me, paying extra attention to just below my head and unconsciously I spread my thighs allowing him greater access. His hand coated me with the lotion as he resumed spanking me but I barely felt it due to all my attention being centered on the pleasure his hand was giving me.
It seemed obvious to me that he knew what he was doing, no doubt he had handled many before mine. I had jerked off a lot since I’d discovered the joy of masturbation but I couldn’t remember it ever feeling so good this quick before. He’d been stroking me for less than a minute and my breathing was already rapid and I could feel my heart beating fast. Mr. Middlebrooks seemed to know just the right amount of pressure to apply where it greatly stimulated me without being too tight. When he slid his hand over the head he managed to do it with an upward sweeping flourish that had me on the edge in no time. He clearly perceived what he was doing to me and was enjoying himself greatly.
“Its plainly evident that you like what I’m doing Banks, no point in denying it. You’re leaking pre-cum like mad and I don’t think you’re going to last much longer.”
There was no way I could refute him even if I wasn’t gagged and anything I might say would come out garbled. My body was clearly signaling its approval of what he was doing by its reaction. And he was certainly right about me being close. It took less than a minute from when he spoke for me to feel the familiar sensation of my balls drawing up towards my body and my dick swelling. I moaned into his handkerchief as my cum shot out of me like a torrent.
The first shot of my cum hit the floor with a splat as Mr. Middlebrooks had me pointed down as he stroked me. He continued milking me of all my cum, not slowing his movement until no more came and the floor below was marked by multiple white droplets. He gave me one last stroke and he made sure to squeeze my now overly sensitive head making me shudder from the feeling.
“Enjoyed that Banks? Good. That was some nice cum you had. Very impressive amount you produced. Quite frankly I’m surprised considering the size of your equipment. Back when I was young in England we used to talk about everything being bigger in America. Obviously that isn’t always the case” he said with a smirk.
My face turned red as a beet from what he’d said to me as I knew it was accurate. The fact was at four inches erect the best I could be considered was on the smaller end of average and I wasn’t very thick either with a circumference of just over four inches. My balls were also on the smaller size too if I could go by the average size I saw while in the showers after gym class. I had hope that I could still grow there but while my body continued to mature my private parts had a spurt where they got bigger and sprouted hair at twelve but in the time since then had stayed the same.
“Well don’t feel bad Banks. Not everyone can be hung and in your case nature gave you a cute bum as compensation. Believe me I don’t care how big you are, my interests are more focused on other parts of your anatomy. However if you would like to see what a man’s cock looks like…”
He moved to where I could clearly see him at which time he unfastened his trousers and pushed them down freeing his own cock. His hand grasped it and he stroked it for my benefit as I stared dumbfounded. It was the biggest I had ever seen in person but then I hadn’t seen any except for other teens in the locker room and none of them were hard. Of course I had seen porn on the internet but those guys tended to be freaks of nature and it was still hard to guess their real size from videos.
Mr. Middlebrooks might not have been as large as the real freaks but from what I could see he was plenty big. On top of that he was uncut which I had never seen before in person. His hand was stroking himself and as he did his foreskin slid up and down over his swollen head. The head was red and coated with his pre-cum and as I watched he stepped close to me so that he was standing right by the side of my head.
His free hand untied my briefs and dropped them before he plucked his handkerchief from my mouth and put it on the desk. I worked my jaw around after he freed it making sure everything was still in good working order. A dry mouth was all I seemed to be suffering from when I felt Mr. Middlebrooks’ hand touch my cheek. I turned to look at him and I was almost poked by his stiff cock it was so close.
His hand was still wrapped around it stroking and I could now see that it had a slight upward curve to it and I’d certainly been right about it being large. His was certainly two or three inches longer than mine but it was the girth that was truly impressive. When his hand was wrapped around my much thinner one his fingers had easily overlapped it but on his shaft his fingers barely met his thumb. Meanwhile his balls were at least twice as large as mine and where my pubic hair was light and sparse his was a thick jungle of wiry coarse hair. His voice snapped me out of my musings about his superior cock size.
“Well Banks I gave you a nice cum and now its time for you to return the favor. Be a good lad and open wide for me” he told me while pressing the mushroom head to my lips.
Just because he’d masturbated me to orgasm was no reason for me to give him a blowjob I decided. It wasn’t like I asked him to or even had a say in the matter. He had taken advantage of me while I was tied up and helpless. Plus I had never sucked a guy off before and had no desire to honestly. I was attracted to girls not that I’d had much success with them but that wasn’t the point.
Managing to twist my head away first I answered him. “I don’t know about that Mr. Middlebrooks. I’m not into guys and I don’t want to.”
“Oh that’s how it is then. I show you a good time and you don’t want to reciprocate, hmm? Two things Banks, I believe you are in denial about liking guys. You came far too fast and hard for someone who’s not into it. Two if you don’t want to suck me I won’t make you. I’m not going to spank you again or anything else to force you to do so. But I do plan on cumming and since you have closed one path it seems I have to use what’s left available to me.”
While continuing to stroke his cock Mr. Middlebrooks reached out with his other hand and felt my ass. He slid it down until his finger was between my butt cheeks where it pushed against my entrance.
“W-w-what are you doing?” I asked though it seemed plain what he was attempting.
“You’ve left me no choice Banks” he said as his fingertip managed to push a tiny bit into me “if you won’t cooperate then I’ll do what I must to get off. To be honest with you I believe I’ll enjoy buggering you more than a blowjob anyway. You probably don’t know what you’re doing so how good could it be. For this it doesn’t matter, I’ll just pound that tight bum of yours until I can’t take it anymore and cum in you.”
While he talked he continued to force his long finger deeper and as he did he began to wriggle it around. I realized he had me good. If I didn’t do what he wanted he would just do as he pleased with me, in fact that was what he’d been doing anyhow since restraining me. One way or another he planned on getting off using me and I was unable to do anything about it. But it seemed to me that giving him a blowjob was the lesser evil.
“Wait Mr. Middlebrooks, maybe we can, you know work something out” I said hopefully.
“And how would we do that Banks?” he replied as his finger continued to probe me when he touched a part of me that made me shudder and my still erect cock twitch. “Oh I see I found your prostrate Banks. You appear to like this” he continued as he kept massaging it and he was right about me liking it. It felt weird yet good at the same time and as he did it my erection moved of its own accord, dancing to an invisible song that he directed. “Wouldn’t you rather I fill your arse with my hard cock?”
In spite of his finger feeling good in me I didn’t think his much thicker cock would have the same effect. It was so large I was afraid it could severely damage my virgin ass.
“No, no Mr. Middlebrooks, I think you would hurt me if you did that. Maybe I can do for you what you did to me” I suggested.
“Not really a fair offer Banks. I doubt you could do as good a job wanking me as I could do myself. Besides at this point I need more than a hand job. I suppose I could let you suck my cock but you have to do a good job of it. Agreed?”
“I’ll do my best…” I began but that was as far as I got as his head slid between my lips as I replied to him.
My lips stretched wide to accommodate his girth as he pushed more into my mouth. The taste of musk and salty sweat almost overwhelmed me as I tasted a man’s cock for the first time ever but it somehow seemed appropriate. Mr. Middlebrooks groaned with pleasure as my mouth engulfed him. He kept his right hand wrapped around his thick base while his left hand finger continued fingering my ass.
“Okay Banks, start sucking my cock. Use your lips and tongue. Don’t think I’m going to do all the work for you. And mind your teeth, I don‘t want to feel them.”
I did my best to follow his instructions but it wasn’t easy. My mouth was stretched wide already just to accommodate his thick cock not giving my tongue much wriggle room to move. On top of that Mr. Middlebrooks had begun to work his hips back and forth. He wasn’t going fast or deep but still it made things that much more difficult. All I could do was suck a little as he slid his hot flesh between my lips.
Maybe he realized this so he started to thrust deeper with his large head hitting the entrance of my throat with each forward move almost making me gag. Suddenly he pulled his cock from my mouth while also removing his finger from my ass. His left hand now grabbed me by my hair as he slightly shifted his position.
“Suck on my balls Banks. Take one in your mouth” he ordered me in a no nonsense voice.
I opened my mouth and managed to take one of his large hairy balls inside. He groaned as my tongue rolled it around as I also sucked on it. I could see that he was now rapidly pumping his cock and he seemed to be concentrating on the big head and right below it. He started groaning more the longer this went on when without warning he pulled back freeing his ball from my mouth.
“Oh yes, I’m going to cum! Open wide Banks” he cried out loudly.
I opened my mouth as much as possible as Mr. Middlebrooks frantically stroked when with a grunt he erupted. His hand held me in place and as I watched his first blob of cum came directly at and into my eye catching me off guard. It burned a little and I blinked trying to get it out. Meanwhile the second spurt hit my nose and cheek before he was able to perfect his aim. The third and subsequent shots found their way into my waiting mouth.
It tasted bitter to me as I swished it around on my tongue. Mr. Middlebrooks produced a lot of cum befitting someone with such big balls and by the time he was done I had quite a mouthful. Looking up at his face with my good eye I saw that it was red and that he had an expression of pure ecstasy on it. Once no more cum came from him he pushed his cock into my mouth. I knew what he wanted so I sucked on the head while running my tongue across it provoking a moan of pleasure from him. His hand stroked my hair as I did so until with a gasp he pulled out of my mouth.
His fingers found the stray drops of cum on my face from when he missed and he brought them to my lips where he fed me with a laugh. He even removed what he could from my eye and gave me that as well and I swallowed it down with a sour expression.
“Well you passed your test on cum eating Banks. Unfortunately your grade for cocksucking is incomplete at best. You will need a lot of tutoring to pass I feel. While I did cum it was more because of my own hand then anything you did with your pretty mouth. And if I hadn’t been so excited due to everything else we did I wouldn’t have cum so easily. So it seems to me that you didn’t live up to your part of our bargain.”
“That’s not fair” I replied.
“Life isn’t fair. Deal with it. These days all people talk about is self esteem and fairness as if by throwing those words around everything can be made perfect. Well it can’t and fair or not you didn’t make me cum with your mouth so to my mind you still owe me a cum. However I consider myself a decent chap so I believe we can work this out to benefit us both.”
He walked behind me and delivered a sharp slap to my sore ass which caused me to jump a little before he leaned down and kissed me in the same spot. His hand snaked around my leg and again encircled my erection and gently stroked it making me gasp. Mr. Middlebrooks then slid a finger from his other hand back into my ass to its full length.
“You like that Banks, me stroking your young hard cock as I finger your tight little bum. Feels good no doubt. Maybe you’d enjoy another finger there, hmm?”
I didn’t answer so he worked another one in me forcing a groan from my lips. He proceeded to build up a matching rhythm where he timed stroking me as he finger fucked me until I thought I’d go crazy from the feeling. On top of that his hot mouth was kissing me all over my ass while he did this. Between my youthful horniness and his skillful handling within a few minutes I was moaning like crazy and on the verge of cumming again.
“Yes Mr. Middlebrook don’t stop! It feels so good, please don’t stop!” I begged him.
Whether it was because of what I said or he sensed how close I was to orgasm he suddenly stopped all his movements leaving me to cry out in frustration.
“No! Why did you stop? Please Mr. Middlebrooks!” I implored him.
“You want to cum again I see. Well so do I Banks so I’ll tell you what is going to happen. I plan on giving you the best orgasm of your life and in return you will give me a great one in return.”
As he said this he gave my young prick a gentle squeeze causing my body to shudder with delight. Then he released it and also slid his two long fingers out of my ass. Next his hand grabbed the bottle of lotion from the desk. Twisting my body at the waist I turned so that I could see what he was doing. Mr. Middlebrooks squirted a generous amount onto his hand and began to work it into the skin of his smooth hard cock, adding a little more as he did so. Then he held the bottle over me and let some go. I felt the smooth lotion drip onto my ass crack including some right on my hole. His fingers then smeared it around even slipping back in me to coat my anus so it was fully lubricated.
“Mr. Middlebrooks wait…” I began but he cut me off curtly.
“Hush Banks! This is going to happen. It will hurt some to begin with, possibly a lot as I am quite thick but I promise you it will get better and before we’re done you’ll be loving it. I’m not going to gag you now but if you make too much noise I’ll be forced to. Now the best thing you can do is relax as much as possible and breathe in a slow and deliberate manner.”
After saying this he again reached around and took my prick in his hand and held it while his other hand pushed my chest flat against his desk. He didn’t stroke me now as much as he gently squeezed it then loosened his grip. Following his instructions I tried to relax as best I could but I was very nervous about what was coming. Still I regulated my breathing, taking in slow deep breaths and then slowly exhaling.
“That’s a good boy” he said as he pressed his large head against my puckered hole “just keep doing what you’re doing.”
After he said that he again squeezed my erection as I continued to breathe. We must have been like that for a minute standing there still. He continued to gently squeeze me on and off while his cock patiently waited at my hole. Though I knew it was going to happen I was able to relax some and when I next took a deep breath Mr. Middlebrooks thrust his hips forward very hard.
With all the lubrication and the fact that his fingers had loosened me some already he was able to drive his head and a few inches of his shaft into my tight ass immediately. I cried out from the pain while at the same time Mr. Middlebrooks let out a gasp of pleasure. It felt like I was being split in two and as he attempted to push deeper I couldn’t take anymore.
“Please stop Mr. Middlebrooks! Its just too big! I can’t take it, it hurts too much!” I gasped out and I already felt my eyes tearing up.
“Calm down Banks. Stop being such a crybaby! I won’t try and go any deeper for now. Keep breathing and relax.”
“I’m trying but it really hurts Mr. Middlebrooks. Please take it out” I begged him.
“You’ve got to learn to handle things with a stiff upper lip like we do in Britian. Really I’m sure its not that bad Banks.”
He stroked my hair softly then without warning clamped his hand over my mouth as he forced the rest of his thick cock into me. It hurt even more than before and I attempted to scream but his large hand muffled me so it came out as a low moan. He pushed forward just a little more and I could feel his pubic hair brush the raw skin of my ass. He leaned down and whispered in my ear then.
“I’m all the way in you now. You’ve taken my whole cock boy. I’m going to stay like this a minute while you get used to it before I move. Keep trying to relax.”
True to his word he didn’t thrust or move his cock in any way. He did however begin kissing my shoulder and back and his hand started to stroke me again. I’d lost most of my erection due to the pain when he’d forced his way up my ass but he kept stroking me and in spite of the pain he managed to cause me to start growing again.
“Good boy! Get that little cock of yours nice and hard for me. Just think how good it feels while I play with it, concentrate on that.”
His hand soon had me fully erect at which time he moved the hand off my mouth and turned my head to the side. He leaned in and his lips found mine in a kiss. He was insistent and demanding and soon his tongue had slipped into my mouth and explored it. All the while his hand continued to play with me and I could now feel pre-cum oozing out my hole. Reluctantly he broke our kiss so he could speak.
“Very good. Here’s what I’m going to do now. We’re going to move our bodies together to start so you can get used to it. Nice and slow to begin with.”
The hand that had been on my head he moved to the top front of my thigh and after that he pulled me back while at the same time moving his own hips backward. For the next minute or so we continued with this, moving our hips in rhythm with each other so that though he moved slightly in me I was able to bear it. All the while he did this he continued to slowly stroke me until there was more pleasure than pain.
“How are you doing Banks? Are you ready for a little more?” he asked.
“It still hurts sir, but its getting better I think. Your hand feels really good though.”
“You like me stroking your little cock then, good. I tell you what I’m going to do. I’m going to start to fuck your tight ass now. Slowly to start with and as I do I’m going to speed up my hand. Would you like me to make you cum again?”
“Yes I want to cum Mr. Middebrooks. But please take it easy on my ass. This is the first time I’ve done this and you are sooo big.”
“Yes I am Banks. I’ll do my best to go slow but I’m using all my willpower as it is to not pound you like you deserve for waving your bum in my face. Now hold onto the chair and don’t move.”
My fingers grabbed hold of his wooden chair as he moved his hand from my hip and placed it on my lower back right above my ass and pressed me into the desk. Then he slowly pulled back until around half of him was in me before slamming the rest back in. I let out a loud moan but he didn’t seem to care. He kept sliding back and forth in me driving his full length into me with each thrust while pulling out halfway.
Mr. Middlebrooks was now stroking me rapidly while doing his best to keep from fucking me as hard as he wished though it was plain he was still enjoying himself. With each forward movement his large balls slapped my flesh and his hairy legs collided with mine.
“Your bum is so tight on my cock Banks. It feels delightful let me tell you. I haven’t felt one so tight since, well since my last virgin schoolboy. Now listen up! You have a minute to cum and after that I’m really going to let you have it whether you’ve cum or not so do your best.”
I did my utmost to think of how good it felt as his hand stroked me and I was beginning to enjoy the feeling of his big cock in me as well. His hips had increased the speed of his thrusts also but he was still partially in control of his body.
“Come on Banks you can do it. Hurry now, time’s running out!”
“Don’t stop please!” I cried out “I’m so close sir!”
“Well do it boy! Shoot your load!” he said with his hand now a blur on my hard prick.
“Yes! Yes! I can feel it!” I managed to gasp out before letting out a long drawn out moan. “Yes I’m cumminggg!”
“That’s it Banks! Cum for me” he ordered as he buried his impressive girth with each thrust.
I felt my balls tighten as the feeling overwhelmed me and as Mr. Middlebrooks continued fucking me I lost it. With each thrust of his a shot of cum erupted from me and hit the side of the desk as his hand milked me. My mouth was just making unintelligible noises by now as my whole body tightened up. With every spurt I came I felt my cock, balls and ass contract though his thick cock kept my ass wide open. My breathing was ragged while my legs now felt like rubber. Only my chest resting on the desk and his cock deep in my ass kept me on my feet.
He squeezed me a few more times to force the last bit of cum from me at which time he released me. Placing that hand on the desk beside me Mr. Middlebrooks was true to his word. Now that I’d cum he began to fuck me in earnest, greatly increasing his speed. For the next few minutes he pounded me like there was no tomorrow. If I thought he had been going hard before then I was set straight by him now. My legs went on me though I remained in place due to the other factors in play. While technically I was still on my feet it was more the sides than the soles and my legs just trembled and shook as he thrust in and out of my ass. By now the saliva was running freely from my mouth and pooling on his desk.
Seeing what condition I was in Mr. Middlebrooks stopped what he was doing and slowly pulled out of me. When he did we both let out a groan at the same time due to the feeling. His hand grabbed my leg and with an effort he lifted my lower body and muscled it onto the desk. He yanked my sneakers off and then removed my jeans as well.
“Let go of the chair and roll onto your back boy and be quick about it” he ordered once he’d put me on the desk and stripped the clothing from my lower half.
With a groan I managed to comply so that I was now flat on my back with my lower legs hanging over the side. Mr. Middlebrooks then reached out with his handkerchief and wiped the drool that covered my lower jaw and chin from me.
“Banks you are a mess” he said simply as he also looked at my slimy half hard cock.
“Yes sir, I am” I answered not that I cared how I looked then.
“Don’t get me wrong. You look very hot when you’re well fucked boy. Now answer me this and truthfully. Did you enjoy that last orgasm?”
“Yes very much sir! Thank you sir, I enjoyed it a lot.”
“I told you that you would. How did it feel cumming with my big, thick cock fucking your tight ass?”
I paused for a moment before answering as I wished to get it right. “You were right sir. I never felt like that when I came before. It was…incredible!”
His face broke into a broad smile but he didn’t let it slow him down any. First he lifted my right leg in the air and gripped his fat cock right below the purplish head. He pushed it to what was now my fuck hole and slid it in. Though I still felt discomfort and it still seemed to be tight for him it went in much easier now. Once his cock was partially in me Mr. Middlebrooks took hold of my other leg and raised it as well then drove balls deep.
“Uuuhnn” I groaned as he filled me fully with his wide cock.
Putting his weight on my legs he again pounded me hard and fast. This time it seemed to be getting to him more. The sweat was dripping from his face and his complexion was reddening as he drove in and out of me.
“Oh yes Banks! Your hot arse is squeezing me good. Its going to be my turn now. I’m getting close boy. I’ll fill your bum with my cream. Ohh yes!”
Mr. Middlebrooks didn’t stop but continued relentlessly thrusting until it finally proved too much. With a loud gasp I felt his large cock swell inside me then I felt him ejaculate in my ass. I clearly felt it throb with each shot as a virtual deluge of hot cum filled me. He came a lot but eventually it stopped shooting though he remained buried in me. After catching his breath he spread my legs wider and then leaned down and kissed me. I eagerly responded and when his tongue entered my mouth I sucked on it hard.
We kissed a bit but all good things must end. He pulled away and then withdrew his softening cock from my ass with a slight popping sound. When he did I felt some of his cum escape and roll down my leg. Dropping my legs he managed to retrieve my torn briefs which he used to wipe his cock clean with. Once satisfied with his efforts Mr. Middlebrooks moved to where his chair was at which time he untied my hands.
Though I was now free I was so spent that for a minute I didn’t move but just lay there. It wasn’t until he beckoned to me that I reluctantly sat up before sliding from the desk and standing on shaky legs.
“Come Banks. You’ve done well but there is another task for you remaining. First kneel down.”
I did as he said and once I had he stepped right before me. His hand held his half hard cock and he brought it close.
“Pay the proper respect to my cock! The cock that claimed and defiled your virgin ass. The cock that fucked the cum from you. The cock that taught you your place. Kiss it!”
I didn’t hesitate but instead eagerly bestowed his still mighty member with the respect it deserved. In fact I even opened my mouth and sucked on the head making him groan as it still was quite sensitive. Finally when he felt it was sufficient he pushed me away playfully.
“So how did you enjoy your first lesson in all male love Banks.”
“Words fail me sir. It was incredible and I’d say unbelievable except since it happened I have to believe.”
His hand absently pet my head as his other pulled his trousers up and in a minute he looked presentable though I preferred him with his glorious cock free.
“Get dressed lad” he told me as he sat heavily in his chair.
Looking at him now shyly I did as he told me while he wrote something on a piece of paper. When he finished he looked up and his eyes met mine.
“Well boy you know that in sucking cock your grade is incomplete. How do you think you did on taking a hard cock up your bum?”
“I know I greatly enjoyed it sir but I’m not qualified to grade myself. You are in as much better position to say sir.”
“I have to say Banks you certainly get an A for obedience. You have properly addressed me since I corrected you earlier. Good job.”
“Thank you sir” I said blushing from his praise.
“As far as your other grade now is not a good time to give it. Due to the situation I’m afraid that I might be unfairly biased in your favor right now. I do believe you will need much more tutoring on theses subjects this summer though. Any thoughts?”
“I agree sir. I still have a lot to learn if I can find the right tutor.” When I said this I looked straight at Mr. Middlebrooks.
“Quite correct Banks. For your first lesson report promptly to this address tomorrow at seven in the evening. If you are late even one minute you will be disciplined. No questions now. You are dismissed” he said brusquely handing me a slip with an address printed on it.
“Yes sir, thank you sir” I said taking it from him and leaving without another word.
That night after dinner I didn’t go out and when my parents asked why I was staying home on a Friday I told them I felt a little sick. I went to my room and thought about what had happened earlier and I became very excited. I had to masturbate twice in order to be able to fall asleep but I knew that tomorrow my education would continue. I smiled before rolling over and closing my eyes.
The End?
If you liked the story and want more let me know and give me comments and messages and stuff.

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THE BOSS’S SLUT 11: Bitches In Heat

After the experiences at the convention, Tina is again invited to share the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Woodburn. Besides other play, Tina has conspired with Mrs. Woodburn to try the dogs with anal knotting.

She had a Dick and a Pussy I

She had a Dick and a Pussy I
I’m Ron, and I never believed there was such a thing as a person with a dick and a pussy. I had seen fake dicks on girls on the porn sites. Guys dressed as girls with dicks and other shit.
I was fucking the girl in the apt. next to me Jenny, who like to drink and fuck all the time. One night she told of a girl she knew, who had a dick and a pussy.
I said bullshit. Jenny insisted it was true. I said ’prove it’, and If it’s true we’ll have a threesome. She can fuck you with her dick while I fuck her pussy from behind, and I laughed.
That really perked her interest up. The thought of having three-way with a ’hermie’ (short for hermaphrodite) as she called her, got her all excited. I still felt a ’hermie’ didn’t exist and laughed about it.
Jenny said that she would try and contact this Janice and arrange a three-way for us. I chuckled and said to ‘go for it.’
She told me she had gone to a party late one night and hooked up with a guy. They went looking for a bedroom to fuck in. She opened a door of a bedroom and there was Janice fucking a girl with her dick. She quick closed the door, shocked at what she saw. I said, oh come on, that was a strap-on she was fucking her with. She insisted no way. I said I bet this Janice is a guy, trans, or whatever. Jenny said she talked to the girl who Janice fucked later and the girl whispered: (“..she has a pussy too, I even fingered it.”). I laughed and said the girl fingered her ass hole, Janice is a guy.
Jenny said: “There is only one way to find out. If Janice is a guy, we’ll pass on that….let me contact Janice and try to arrange for her to come over here some night…ok?” I said: “ Sure, go ahead, but….if this Janice is a guy, you have to cook me dinner…ok?” Jenny smiled and said: “…and if she’s real…you can take us both out to dinner!”. I said: “ …sure sure….it’s a deal.”
About two weeks later Jenny knocked on my door. She was all excited and said Janice had been found and was game for a three-way, tomorrow night! I said: “Prime Rib, with baked potato and real butter.”……
Jenny thought…I’m sure this Janice is the real thing. I saw enough when I saw Janice with her dress up to her waist and I could see her dick fucking the girl. She had no balls, no straps and the girl had her fingers between Janice’s legs in her pussy, not her ass hole. I’m gonna love this, showing Ron up. He’s really calling me stupid, and that I’m a fool. What will he say when he sees for himself? Mr. Smart Ron will have no choice but to admit he was WRONG. That will kill his little ego….but to bad. When I talked to Janice on the phone, she ask me to ‘go along’ with her little plan for Ron. She outlined it to me.
Janice lay in bed that night stroking her dick and fingering her pussy thinking….
I’ve met up with a ‘Ron’ type before. They always get embarrassed. The cool ones back down and then want to play with me. I love 3 ways. I know what pleases a girl and a guy. After all I am a girl, only I been born with a dick too. I can cum with all the feeling of a guy, and I shoot cum like a guy. I have balls that make cum, but they are inside me, and I can climax with my pussy. I have sexual desires for both sexes. I really have the best of both worlds sexually.
I have a ‘special’ thing I do for guys like Ron, then I may…or may not…. let him fuck me….depends on him. I’m getting in the mood for some good pussy and good dick tomorrow night. Ron and Jenny both sounded hot to me, but his Ron was going to be the fun part.
I arrived and Jenny welcomed me in. Ron sat on one end the couch, not impressed. I had dressed very feminine. White fake fur jacket, tight black dress, pearls around my neck and earrings to match. My black hair was done up, plenty of makeup and very high heels. I dressed like a T-girl on purpose. I sat next to Ron in the middle, Jenny sat next to me. I had on tons of cheap perfume. He just sat there with doubt written all over him. I held out my hand real dainty and said in a low voice: “Hi…I’m Janice.” He took my hand to shake it, but looked it over real good, looking for masculine signs. He found none.
Ron thought …well, this guy has girls hands for sure, but we’ll see if he has a real pussy tonight. Keep the drinks coming, Jenny and let’s get this guy to loosen up so we can get him undressed.
Janice thought… I kept smiling as Jenny and she kept the drinks coming. I stood up and slowly started taking my fur jacked off. Jenny stood up to, she helped me off with it. I kissed her slow and with my hand drifting over her tits, all in view for Ron to see. She carefully ran her hand over where my dick should be, but not showing any bulge. I had on tight panties to hide it from showing. I held out my hand to Ron and said again in a low voice: “Let’s do a slow dance Ron honey.” He just sat there for a minute. Jenny said: “Come on Ron, dance with the lady.” He finally stood up and I quick held my self close to him. I could feel no boner from him at all.
Ron thought… this has to be a trick on me, this is a girl. She looks like a girl, smells like a girl but now….she feels like a girl. Anyone can be fooled but where is the dick …if….she has a real one. Jenny turn down the living room lights. Ron was starting to respond a little. I pushed my tits into him and put my cheek to his. I had no facial hair growth. I felt his heart speed up. I reached up and lowered the zipper on the front of my dress. This dress I picked out zipped up all way from top to bottom.
I lowered the zipper to just below my tits. I had no bra on and my medium size tits are real, no boob job. He got the hint and soon I felt his hand slip in. He slowly felt all around carefully. He felt my nipples all erect. I lowered the zipper down some more. He felt my tummy and the top of my panties. That was Jenny signal to come over. She said: “Looks like you two are having a good time, my I cut in?”
Ron was all ready to reach for my dick. He was not sure I had one and Jenny interrupted it all.
Now the kicker.
Instead of dancing with Ron…..Jenny started dancing with me. Ron stood for a minute and then sat down. Jenny and I danced so close with our hands feeling us up. She unzipped my dress further and slipped her hand inside my tight panties, and inched them down past my dick.
She started getting all hot as her trembling fingers felt my now hard protruding dick. She stroked it as it stuck between her shorts. She had never before felt a hermie and it was turning her on. Ron still couldn’t see my dick. He moved over on the couch, but we kept turning so he saw nothing.
Finally he’d had enough and came up to us and said: “A-hum, may I cut in???” Jenny and I kissed a tongue filled kiss and she smiled and stepped back. Ron’s eyes bugged out staring at my dick sticking out. I pulled him to me as my dick went between his legs. His hand went immediately to my dick. He felt every inch of it. He felt for straps, or any other tricks. His hand went lower to my wet pussy. Again he felt it completely. Both all real.
I liked the way he felt me. Gentle and sensuous. He removed his hand and held me close. He felt good in my arms. I liked the excitement he was experiencing. He finally whispered: (“…you’re the most amazing person I ever been with. I want to be with you.”) I whispered back: (“…I’m very attracted to you…but I’m also attracted to Jenny. If you two can handle that, I picture us having sex that will blow our minds.”) Ron called Jenny over. I explained to them I’d had a lot of girls who liked me and the bi girls wanted to be with me the most. I wasn’t into gay guys or regular lesbians. I wanted a couple who I could be with the woman and the guy, to satisfy me. Maybe this was it. There was only one way to find out.
I went to the bathroom as Ron and Jenny had a little private talk. When I came out Jenny said: “Janice, I think your the most special person I’ve ever met. Ron and I want to be with you.”
That said, they both started kissing me at once. My heart jumped. This was a first for me. Both a guy and girl making me hot. I knew now this was going to be a very special sexual adventure. We all stood there. I felt Jenny’s nice tits and Ron’s boner. They began to take turns tongue kissing me and feeling my tits, dick and pussy.
Jenny thought….
I’ve never been fucked by a girl, I can hardly wait. I can feel her tits and every thing while we fuck. I’ve never seen Ron so excited, he’s already got her dress unzipped and is fingering her pussy. I wonder how he feels about touching her dick and maybe stroking it, or even jacking her off. This should be interesting.
Ron’s mind was full of thoughts…
Damn Janice has made me so hot. I’m sure glad I turned out to be wrong…she’s got me on fire with that dick of hers and a pussy too. I’ll stroke her and jack her off and maybe more. I still prefer women but this is not a choice when a girl has both, it’s just more fun have sex with. There are so many things I want to do with her and Jenny. She gotta be with Jenny and I, we’ll give her what she’s been looking for…..
Janice’s head was buzzing with thoughts….
They’re treating me like a queen or sex goddess. I’ve never been treated this way. Jenny even held my drink up to my lips to let me sip it. Ron is undressing me, he won’t let me do a thing. I’m dizzy with all this attention and treatment. Oh my god, he’s carrying me into the bedroom. Wow…. his big strong arms are so warm on my naked skin. My dick is rock hard and my pussy is so wet….wait…he’s taking me into the bathroom? Jenny is running the bath water. Oh my god, their going to give me a bath. Jenny is putting in ….bubbles? Ron said her shower is being fixed so it’s bath time for me. Oh god…that warm water feels so good. I can get all this make up off my face. They’re both washing me…I so dizzy, I might pass out.
Four hands washing me with kisses and feels all the way. Ron’s even jacking me as he washes my dick. I can’t hardly take this…..
I’ve lived in fear of being called a freak, the fear of teasing and being called a ’weirdo’, not being treated special like this. I grew up pretty normal to outsiders, but I liked seeing a bulge in a guys pants and the tits on a girl both. I wanted to fuck a girl and have a guy fuck me too.
I was 18 when I got my first sex. She was a bi girl who I became friends with. She walked in on me standing up taking a piss. Of course she stared and ask if it was real. She had me exposed now, so we went in her bedroom and I lifted my skirt and showed her all of me. She begged me to let her touch my dick. She got really hot and dropped to her knees and stroked me. I felt wonderful to have her jacking me for the first time. She didn’t ask, she just started sucking on my dick.
My very first blow job….ooooh…yes, that feels so good. We got naked and in her bed. I got to lick my first pussy….I loved it. We lay there 69 as she started fingering my pussy. I now had both sex parts of me going crazy. She really knew how to finger me good. I felt an orgasm building big, plus….she sucked and jacked me to where I had to cum. I sucked on her clit and fingered her pussy’s G spot. We just about came together. She bucked her pussy as I shot my first blowjob cum in her mouth. My pussy orgasmed like never before. I got dizzy and felt faint with the pleasure, as it felt so damn good.
My whole body shook and squirmed out of my control. I moaned loud for the first time. Her pussy was bucking on my lips and dripping wet on my fingers. We tried to keep it going, but we were both exhausted in a euphoria world. We rested a long while, but I wanted to fuck her with my dick, and she wanted it too. We played with each other until we turned and I put my dick in her warm pussy. I felt her sweet tits as I started pumping her. She reached under me and in went her fingers in my pussy, with her thumb on my clit. We tongue kissed as it built up to us both moaning at what was coming.
My dick had never been in a pussy before and I was feeling out of the world. She knew just how to work my pussy and clit and she and I climaxed together along with me shooting a beautiful load in her. We lost it in the moans and squirms. We both shook and trembled gasping for air. I remember the feeling going on and on and then I guess I passed out. My first double cums were almost to much for my mind…….
…back to the present…
Jenny is washing my face and all around. She loves to get my tits all slick with the soap and play with them. I feel like I’m their ’special’ adult toy.
Ron’s fingers in my pussy are making me so hot.
It was a long wonderful bath, the best of my life. I was very relaxed as Ron lifted me and stood me up. They started drying me off. I kissed them both….I just felt so good. They kept kissing me and feeling my body. Ron picked me up again as he took me into Jenny’s bedroom this time. I said: “Oh…let me undress you both.” Ron set me down standing by the bed. Now it was my turn to play with them. I loved undressing a guy or a girl slowly.
I stood them side by side as I alternated taking off their clothes slowly, piece by piece. I felt them as I went. Jenny had some nice tits, and I unhooked her bra and slowly felt them. Ooooo she had big nipples….back to Ron. He had a great build, I kissed his chest as I unzipped his pants. I dropped his pants to the floor. Now he had a boner, and a big one. I inched his boxers down over it. Wow, was it ever hard. I rubbed my dick on his, causing him to jump a little. Of course, since he’d never done that before. We felt each others dicks and began some slow stroking.
Back to Jenny. I slipped my hand inside her little thong, and my fingers found a very wet pussy. Just the way I like them. I was stroking Ron while fingering Jenny. This was my kind of heaven.
(continued in part II)

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Mom Caught Me pt. 2

Thanks for the encouraging comments on part 1. Again, this story is a stretch on the true story that these are based on, but the stories are intended to be read with the notion that they did in fact happen.