Cum Swallowing

A New Day, A New Us part 5

Kori staying the night with me wasn’t even debated by anyone; she didn’t feel comfortable leaving me for my sake. It’s an interesting sleeping arrangement with Kori in pain and me not able to touch her without hurting her which left me in the awkward position of being in bed with her but not being able to hold her. I get to sleep at some point and wake up Saturday morning with Kori wrapped around me for a change keeping me on the bed. The majority of the day is me wanting to run out and bring hell with me but Kori keeps me grounded at my house and playing nurse to her requests for most of the day. Her parents give me a reprieve from duties and I get to chat with Liz as a distraction and find out that all communications from her about what happened have gone dark. Apparently Kori spoke with Katy at one point and wanted everything kept quiet.
It’s Saturday evening with Kori and I just talking about nonsense when my Dad decides to drop in with his thoughts on what to do about the Moralists.
“Okay you two, you’ve been resting against Guy’s need to go beat up someone so let me explain how to get into the heads of these little shits,” Dad starts in.
We sit quietly as he lays the whole thing out for how everything can go down, Kori doesn’t like the idea of fear until Dad explains a ‘family/pack’ mentality. We go over all the bases and Dad lets me in on the most difficult part of the whole thing for me, letting other’s do the work.
“Okay I’m not good with this,” I say with a little anger,” You don’t want me to go on the offense at all, I have to trust a giant teddy bear and Jun to wage a freaking war.”
“Boy everyone has learned that you can break most people your age in a fight. You need to make them fear everyone near you, you let the alternative message that you’re bringing be heard,” Dad explains trying to placate me,” Heather recruited by playing on people’s fear of being different, you give them freedom and they’ll flock.”
I don’t fully understand what he’s trying to sell me on but it’s sounding more like a screwed up plan but Kori seems to be interested and I let the two of them discuss some of the how’s and when’s as I sit and watch them plot, after Dad leaves I try to speak with Kori about Dad’s ideas.
“Baby I want them bad but this seems a little too goofy, I just let everyone else go out and attack but I stay back and do nothing,” I say frustrated.
“No honey, we get them to finally attack you then you tear them up. But everyone in this group needs to pull weight,” Kori says calming me down.
“Well if this is what you want then I’ll do it but baby it’ll be much simpler just to let me do what I seem to do best and go all out on revenge,” I say sitting down with her on the bed.
“Yeah well when you do that I seem to only see the effects after it happens and I want to see the fear and watch them run,” Kori tells me with a little bitterness in her voice.
While it occurred to me that she might want to get somewhat involved everything has been about me in the past up until now with Heather deciding to isolate me from my friends. Now it’s Kori who had to deal with the attack and where I would want blood in her place she wants something different. I relent with her request with the planning but I come back to one problem, Ben.
“Where was Ben,” I finally ask,” Ben didn’t show up to group and you said you were with him so where the fuck was he when you got dragged off?”
“I don’t know where he was but it’ll take me about a minute to find out tomorrow,” Kori says with a little grim determination,” We’re calling everyone together at the stone field, nobody is talking about what happened and as far as anyone knows you and I have been quiet for a day.”
I try to sleep that night but I’m not relaxing at all and having my girl next to me but I can’t really touch her is straining me more than I can deal with. I don’t know when I fell asleep but I wake up alone and after stumbling out of my bedroom find the rest of the family along with Mary and Carl sitting around eating breakfast.
“Hey sleepy, it’s almost noon,” Katy says trying to cheer me up.
“Yay, I wasted time sleeping,” I mock happiness as I get some food.
“He’s not a cheerful person in the morning,” Mary says trying lighten my mood.
“Boy has a mindset for something else honey,” Carl says explaining my sour mood.
I get fed and find that while I slept Katy and Kori got messages sent out to everyone including Ben to meet at the stone field. Everyone responded that they would be there and apparently my sleepy ass has kept us from getting there first. I throw on clothes from yesterday and my coat before leading the way on my bike with Kori and Katy following in the car. Arriving at the field is an interesting thing for me considering all that has happened here the past year and few days. Everyone is assembled and expectant as I get off my bike while Kori and Katy sit in the car and wait while I address everyone.
“I know that we’ve been pushing the ‘moral’ majority around a bit and it’s been fun up until Friday. Something happened and I’ve decided that I’m done playing games with these shit bags,” I start in getting nods,” Now while most everyone here has been down this road with me save for a few of you we have a problem, I don’t think anyone here has the stomach to do what comes next.”
“What the fuck are you talking about,” Natsuko asks a little shocked.
“We do what you need us to do so that you can get a hold of people involved and beat the shit out of them,” Jun adds trying to justify his position.
“No you all need to fucking step the hell up and do some damage for a change,” I say loud enough to quiet the back talk,” Every time something happens you all look to me well with this it’s going to be I point you smash.”
“I’m not much of a fighter Guy,” Devin says a little sheepishly.
“Bullshit Devin, you are a fucking giant. You don’t flock to me because I stood up once and made enough noise that people backed off. You stay because we’re a family of fucking monsters,” I raise my voice on the last word,” They may see me but they run from us and now it’s time you all follow my lead.”
“He’s right, we’ve made him our crutch,” Katy says getting out of the car,” the way things stand either you are with this family to the end or you’re out. That doesn’t mean you come back when it’s over either. Personally I’m in after Friday.”
“What happened Friday,” Ben asks confused.
“Ah Benny boy, I was wondering when you’d chime in,” I say going from angry motivational to sinister,” where the hell were you during final class?”
“I was at the glee club with Kori, I got distracted and when I looked for her she was gone,” Ben says matter of factly.
“Ben I saw you leave then a couple of guys came and told me that you were being backed into a corner and when I got to the parking lot to find you, you weren’t there,” Kori says stepping in front of me,” Now why did you leave me to Heather’s people?”
“I didn’t, I was talking to a girl and she wanted to talk in private,” Ben says on the defense,” we chatted and when I came back to the club you were gone.”
“So some random girl comes around and you just walk off and then conveniently Kori gets dragged out here by five guys and stripped down to her panties before they take belts to her back, legs and stomach,” I say covering the distance between Ben and I.
Everyone in the group freezes at my words and all eyes are on Kori who lifts up the front of her shirt to show her bandages. Ben’s eyes are all I’m watching as the shock sets in, I can see he didn’t know anything but that doesn’t stop Devin who goes from shock to a giant’s rage in less time than it takes to blink. Everyone in the field turns from Kori as Devin grabs Ben by the throat and starts to choke the life out of him. I let it go until Kori starts trying to call off Devin.
“Devin stand the fuck down,” I yell getting silence and causing Devin to slowly let go of Ben’s neck.
“Geez he was gonna kill me,” Ben says holding his neck.
“He was Ben, but Guy wouldn’t have. He would have made you suffer for it,” Kori says stepping in between Ben and me.
“I didn’t know they took you or anything like that,” Ben says desperately.
“We know that now Ben, but you failed the family,” I say getting everyone’s attention,” that means if you stay then you have to bring first blood.”
I see the decision being made and with a nod from Ben I smile and turn back gathering the group closer together and explaining what people at school will need to see when they look at us. Everyone in the group is more in the mindset for revenge than I could have hoped but its Devin who stops me as we break up the gathering to talk.
“I think I like a girl at school,” Devin says a little embarrassed.
“Dude that’s great but we can handle you and her after we deal with Heather’s friends,” I tell him starting to walk away.
“That’s my problem she’s in their group,” Devin says freezing me in my tracks.
“You find a girl you like but she’s on the other side, sorry man but I’m not sparing anyone,” I say readdressing Devin.
“Please man, can you try to win her over,” Devin asks with a pleading look on his face.
I shrug my shoulders and head back to my bike and watch everyone else clear out before I follow Katy and Kori out on my bike. I follow the car back to Kori’s house and give her a kiss goodbye before Katy and I head back towards home. We pull up to see Greg’s car leaving and Liz shutting the front door to the house. Katy shrugs at me and we both head inside, Mom and Dad aren’t home. Apparently both of them needed a day to let some stress out with the chaos that happened on Friday and the picking up of pieces on Saturday I honestly can’t blame them. I get into my room and don’t even close the door as Katy slides in after me and sprawls out on my bed, I sit down in my computer chair and watch as she kicks her boots off and relaxes. Katy has a long sleeve shirt with a black veil brides t-shirt over it and beat up shorts with tights on under those.
“Kori is really upset about not being able to have sex with you,” Katy says lounging.
“Yeah well it sucks for me too, I really want to let my girl know that nothing can keep me from her but I have bruising and bandages that prove me wrong,” I reply with a little frustration.
A knock on my door gets both of us to pause as Liz enters the room looking more frustrated than usual. I can see that Liz has changed out of her ‘church’ clothes and into a tight pink t-shirt and black yoga pants. Katy and I watch as she goes into a full on rant about her day.
“Well it’s official that if you have a boyfriend who goes to church they are fucking retarded,” Liz fires off with more venom than I’ve seen from her in a while,” I head over to his place to see him after fucking church and he decides that I need to reevaluate our relationship.”
“Okay Liz, something you want to talk about,” I ask glancing from her to Katy with some curiosity.
“We’re alone at his place and I ask him about us having sex, he says no and I try to leave. Finally after half an hour of talking I get his pants off and he won’t let me give him a blowjob, I get condom on him and we actually have sex,” Liz says continuing her rant,” we get done and he can’t look at me for five minutes then he tells me that we shouldn’t have done that and that it should have been something special and we wasted it. I get mad and tell him that it’s the person that’s special not the moment and he goes into this speech about how my friends are a bad influence and that I should disown my family because they aren’t using good moral values to raise me. The last straw was Kori, I asked about her without saying what happened and he told me that she dresses like a whore and that she will probably get raped if she’s not careful.”
The whole rant I’m trying to remain calm but now I want to kill Greg and use his blood to paint my room. Katy is up off my bed and coaxes Liz into calming down while giving her a hug. The whole venting process has Liz emotionally exhausted as they sit down on the bed.
“Worst part is during the half hour before we had sex I used my laptop to record the conversation just in case we had sex so I had proof he wasn’t a bad guy to you,” Liz says a little embarrassed.
“You recorded Greg losing his virginity to you,” I ask perking up a bit.
“Trust me it’s not worth watching, whole thing lasts maybe three minutes,” Liz says quietly.
Katy bounces up from the bed and rushes off to Liz’s room and quickly comes back with the laptop and starts trying to find the video. I take the laptop and put in on my desk and start to pull it up before stopping and turning my attention to Liz. Her whole expression is one of embarrassment with the situation and I move from my chair and get on my knees in front of her on the floor.
“I love you, you are a good sister and friend to Kori,” I tell Liz getting her mind off the video,” I want this video for later and would like to watch it now but I have to ask you for one thing. Are you and Greg done?”
I let her think about it for a few moments before Liz nods her head and smiles at me weakly. I move back to my chair and load up the video file and play it right there. It takes a while being a forty minute video with most of the beginning being her and Greg talking, we skip it until I get to a scene where Liz is naked and laying on her back with Greg trying to line up with her pussy. The whole thing is the most awkward sex I’ve ever seen with Greg even asking if that was the right hole and once he’s inside it gets worse. He doesn’t slide in and out to get a feel of it he just lays there not kissing or even making eye contact with her, he just lays there and Liz finally has to start moving her hips against his like she’s milking him. About two minutes into Liz’s milking fest Greg goes rigid and starts making these high pitched whimpering noises as he cums inside the condom. Liz is calm and talking to him sweetly and after a few moments he pulls out and while I don’t see him till he’s been dressed again I stop the video and Katy and I just stare at each other before turning our attention to Liz who seems a little put off at our quiet reactions to it.
“Well I can honestly say that there are now people in the world who don’t know how to have sex,” Katy says getting all three of us to laugh.
I’m still in my chair chuckling when I hear the girls stop and opening my eyes I see Katy’s mouth locked onto Liz’s mouth and Liz wearing a wide eyed expression. I drop my coat off my shoulders and onto the chair and move to the floor next to the girls. Katy breaks the kiss on Liz and before Liz can react I move in and take her face in my hands and kiss her hard. Liz starts to kiss me back after a minute and with little effort Katy and I get her up onto my bed, I keep kissing her while Katy strips the both of them down till I have two naked girls on my bed. I pull back to strip and watch as Katy feeds Liz one of her breasts, it takes Liz a second to adjust with her head on the pillow but after a few moments I see Katy’s eyes close as she enjoys Liz’s mouth. I get all the way stripped down and am half hard when I nudge Katy to get her attention, Katy looks and smiles before taking her tit from Liz’s mouth. Katy takes her time slowly kissing down Liz’s body and finally gets to her legs spread; Liz has only been trimming and Katy wastes no time diving in tongue first. Liz is going frantic and doesn’t really notice that I’ve moved up have myself over her head and my near eight inch cock dangling in her face. I bump her with the head and watch her eyes open and like a hungry animal Liz grabs my ass with her hands and pulls my cock into her warm mouth. I can feel Liz moaning as she forces most of me into her face and while I didn’t plan on rough sex today I’m definitely not opposed to it.
I lower my hips closer to Liz’s face and enjoy myself as she works at fucking her face with my cock. I can feel her moaning as Katy eats her out and the vibrations along with her trying to force more of my member in her mouth has me hard and I’m done with foreplay. I pull my cock from Liz’s face and watch a drool trail between her lips and my cock fall on her chest as I move down to the foot of the bed. My bed isn’t long enough for both girls to lay length wise on it and it shows with Katy’s ass and legs hanging off the bed. I move behind her and start squeezing her meaty ass cheeks with my hands. I watch Katy pause as I line my cock head up with her asshole, a light push and I press my way into Katy’s asshole. I reach the base of my cock and back up to the head before slamming deep and hard. Katy’s ass is tight and she clenches a little every time I push all the way in. Katy moans into Liz’s pussy and Liz is biting her bottom lip while holding a handful of Katy’s hair. The scene before me is hot and I forgo any politeness with Katy’s ass and pound away hard. It’s not long into the assfucking that Katy stops licking Liz at all and is just moaning through me hammering her ass. I slap Katy’s ass getting a yelp and watch as Liz crawls over straddling Katy’s back and slaps the opposite cheek getting another yelp from Katy. With Liz pinning Katy down and me hammering her ass Katy gets quiet and locks up before grunting out an orgasm. I bury my cock in her ass and let her ride it out till she’s relaxed enough and pull out, Liz gets off Katy’s back and backs up to the head of my bed spreading her legs wide.
“Can I get some real loving today big bro,” Liz asks coyly.
“I’m gonna have to resize you for sex again aren’t I,” I ask crawling up Liz’s body.
As I make my way up Liz I start leaving kisses starting at her calf on the left leg and trail them past her midriff and start to suckle on her b cup breast. We’ve only had sex a handful of times and all those were about a year ago, before Greg. I can feel my cock lightly bumping against her warm folds and Liz decides to surprise me by hiking her right leg up and with some maneuvering puts it over my shoulder. I forget that she dances considering she never wants me to show up to her performances and she had cut back on them when she started dating Greg. All these thoughts keep distracting me when I feel Liz’s hand take hold of my cock and start pulling me into her. It’s tighter than anything I’ve had in a long time and I grunt and press forward forcing myself into Liz. Both of us grunt with pleasure and a little pain, I look down at Liz and see her face contorted in pain and pleasure. I hold myself inside her trying to let her adjust to my size but my lack of movement.
“Would you please not make me do all the work myself again,” Liz says with a little frustration.
I smile a little at her bravery and back up half way before sliding gently back inside her. I keeps a slow methodical pace feeling Liz’s pussy get wetter and wetter as I work her over. The pace feels slow but after two days of no love with Kori I’m ready to burst. I feel something pushing between us and see Katy move her hand onto Liz’s clit and start rubbing with the pace of my thrusts.
“Oh Jesus this is how you get fucked after church,” Liz blurts out.
I start moving harder and fast in and out of my step sister, Liz has coated my cock in her juices and I start to feel my own orgasm build and I know I’m not gonna last long if Liz doesn’t cum herself and soon. Katy reads me pretty well and as much as I like having Liz’s limbs wrapped around me Katy backs me off and out of Liz. I get on my knees and watch as both girls start jerking me and playing with my balls trying to force my orgasm out, I look down and see both girl’s faces wanting and expecting. It’s more than I can take and Liz is the first one to receive a blast from me as my orgasm has me in a rush. I close my eyes and let the two of them coax the rest out. I come back to my senses to see I got both in the face more because of aiming by Katy than luck and as I back off my bed and pull on a pair of underwear both girls giggle and joke about what it looks like on each other before they start to clean up and get dressed.
Our parents get home at in the early evening and find that while the girls have been relaxing and talking I’ve been in my room since my threesome brooding. Mom pokes her head in to tell me dinner is ready but I’m not hungry. I let the evening pass me by and decide on bed at about ten when I get a weird idea and turn my computer on. I get onto Facebook and pull up my account and go to the school’s page, I think about how to word what I want to say but simply write ‘We’re coming’.
Monday morning I’m up before everyone else getting dressed in beat up cargo pants and a plain black t-shirt. I rouse Katy awake and point out the clothing I grabbed for her. A long sleeve shirt with a plain red t-shirt over it and some baggy jeans, it’s the fingered gloves that get her attention. They’re the same ones that we train with in the gym. I start to head out with Katy and get stopped by Elizabeth, dressed much like Katy and I are. Dad doesn’t say a word and Mom looks at us with a little sadness as we head out to school. We arrive at the school’s lot and the rest of the crew is there except for Kori and Ben. I don’t wait for them as I lead the girls from our vehicles to Devin’s truck where the rest of the crew is gathered. All of us are hooded and the crew is quiet before me as I lead them into school and class. The first half of the day is quiet save for whispering around me about what happened to Kori and another student last Friday, someone was talking about it and like everything else it spread like wildfire with rumors as to how bad it was. People watch me for signs that I will snap and lash out and when I catch them looking out of the corner of my eye I smile big enough that they can see me.
During lunch I arrive at the cafeteria and the whole family is gathered around the table sitting. I approach and once at the table all stand up and I lead them out of the cafeteria amidst the whispers of students and to the baseball field. I climb the bleachers and take a seat at the top with my feet dangling off the side while the rest of my ‘family’ stands in front of me looking up and waiting. I almost start to talk to them as I would normally when I see a few of the punk crew and Hideo from Jun’s friends heading towards us; I bow my head and wait for them to get close.
“Family, we have people here who want to believe,” I say in a happy tone,” See them know their faces.”
My whole ‘family’ turns and stares at the few other students who followed out of either curiosity or for protection. I notice Vicki from the punks moving forward cautiously when Devin steps forward and stops her.
“Brother, this one wishes to believe. More than these first few she approaches with her fear but also with her will,” I tell Devin from my perch.
Devin steps back and motions Vicki to move forward and after a moment of hesitation she continues and looks up at me with confusion.
“There is a question in your mind that I will answer for you,” I say to her keeping my tone overly happy and friendly,” What happened to us, what changed? Let me tell you that we’re just being what we were all this time and you never saw it.”
“That makes no sense,” Vicki says confused.
“This is the mystery of me, open to the world’s interpretation,” I reply smiling down at her,” Tell the one you let hold the leash that I will come for him today.”
“You’re going after Johnny,” Vicki asks backing up.
“Yes, we’re going after everyone,” I say before dropping down off the bleachers,” Tell them we’re coming.”
I get up to Vicki and take her face in my hands, she’s scared and I must look like a maniac as I smile at her. I look to the rest of the people gathered and smile before walking back into the school with my family following quietly. The rest of the day goes by quiet and fast as we get into homeroom and see Coach Campbell talking with some of his team before noticing me, I get waved into his office off the court and once inside he closes the door after me and sits at his desk.
“What are you doing running around scaring students,” Coach asks a visibly upset.
“Coach I’m just bringing in people to hear my word, when they come for me then I’ll get you something better than names,” I tell him,” I’ll give you what you really want sir, revenge for your girl.”
“Not at school, you keep it off campus as much as possible but you better deliver,” Coach says sternly,” And I’m having my kids run with you as much as possible so nothing happens to them without someone to watch their backs.”
“Tracy yes but your boy will have to be seen as one who knows,” I reply cryptically before exiting the office.
We sit in silence in the Gym and school lets out on time as always. We head to the vehicles only to find a group of ‘moralists’ standing around my bike lead by pretty boy Kyle. I stop and motion to the ‘family’ to fan out and we walk up as a line to the near twenty ‘moralists’. Kyle tells his friends to stay back steps out of his group towards me.
“We need to talk about all this fighting, both sides have been hurt and it would be better if we all just made peace and went about making this place better together,” Kyle says with a little arrogance.
I can see some of the punks taking notice and more than a few nerds are starting to gather on the fringes. I let Kyle see my smiling face before I start to speak to my ‘family’ and the small gathering of people.
“The snake never cared about the feelings of the mouse until the mice realized they outnumbered the snake,” I say loudly,” you talk of peace but you chose something different. You chose be brought down by ones who are not anything like you.”
“What are you talking about? The people who follow you are going to get hurt if you go against this,” Kyle continues from his position of authority.
“I have no followers, only brothers and sisters in the name of cause,” I reply before getting louder,” Like a fool this one thinks that we fear pain, Brother Devin, Hit me.”
I turn to Devin who pauses for a second and takes me by the coat collar with one hand and slams his fist into my cheek hard. People are gasping and whispering but Devin has a hold of me and I get my full balance again and start laughing.
“You think pain is something we run from, we enjoy pain. You talk about pain but you cannot hurt us, now is the time to get your affairs in order Kyle,” I say with blood in my mouth,” Because this is your choosing, we are upright and we know that we were chosen.”
I watch as Kyle backs away from me slowly and his friends disperse amid whispers and talk about how I’ve lost my mind. Everyone gets into their vehicles except for Devin and me. I look at Devin and before he gets in his vehicle speak to him.
“Brother you are a monster today, but you are in a family of monsters and we will take care of you,” I tell Devin smiling.
“Yes brother, the one who wants to believe is waiting on you,” Devin says pointing behind me to Vicki who is at my bike.
I let Devin leave and take Jun, Natsuko and Lilly home before addressing Vicki. I can see she still has some fear but something else is driving her right now.
“I will go with you to see Johnny,” Vicki says trying to get on my bike.
“You do not believe and you certainly don’t know,” I say stopping her,” I solved the question in your mind that you couldn’t even find words for. Now you want to believe but to do so you need to see?”
Vicki nods her head lightly and I stick a finger in my mouth and get some blood on it before holding it up in her face.
“Did you see this,” I ask getting another nod,” Then you saw but don’t believe. We are more than them, worse than them because we do not have their illusions and labels. We are things that they will never understand because of the lies they were raised with. If you wish to believe then you must find the lies they pulled over your eyes and see what you are in the event to come.”
I can see Vicki is confused and I am a little myself but cryptic and charismatic has people talking and that’s the start of it. I hand her the spare helmet and once we’re both on my bike we head out to Johnny’s home/compound. My arrival so many times in the past two weeks cause my arrival today to be less dramatic but as I show up Johnny still makes his way out to greet me.
“Hey Guy, you coming around here so much I’m beginning to think I need to get you a place to sleep,” Johnny says being funny.
“Brother I need you,” I say throwing him off with the ‘brother’.
I follow Johnny into what I can only assume is his actual spot considering the nicer furnishings and what I can tell is paperwork. I let Johnny sit but remain standing with my hood on and my hands behind my back.
“Okay man, I got word of some bad shit happened and from what I hear there are some things in the works with you and you got hit in the face by your friend,” Johnny starts in.
“Yes, I needed Brother Devin to hit me to prove a point,” I tell him plainly.
“What is with the brother/sister crap,” Johnny asks confused.
“First Brother you’ve been a part of this family since nearly the beginning so don’t start casting down this family, you might not be around but we still consider you one of us,” I tell Johnny going from stern to happy,” and the family needs you brother.”
“Okay, well if I’m a brother then I’m probably going to have to say yes to the help,” Johnny says smiling,” But I’m guessing that it’s going to hurt me before it helps.”
“You are worldly in your possessions brother and this will cause some of that to slow down, you’ll need to not sell at the school till we end this,” I tell Johnny who gets disheartened,” But if you help I will get you something better, distribution.”
“Distribution to whom,” Johnny asks perking up.
“Who isn’t important, what is important now is your network. There are some people who want the family to die and I need their friends,” I tell Johnny,” I’ll have Brother Jun get you all the specifics. You heard about what happened to Kori?”
Johnny nods and I don’t let my emotions show but I burn up with the memory of it. Johnny leaves his shack for a few minutes before coming back to me.
“I think you should preach to the masses,” Johnny says closing the door behind him.
“Your meaning brother,” I ask for clarification.
“Well you lead us but we call you brother and you call us family, you say that the family knows but you’re looking for believers. You need to give them something to believe in,” Johnny explains.
I can see that he has a point with a mission statement but just telling people to follow me because I want to hurt people who hurt Kori isn’t going to work. I sit and think while Johnny handles some paperwork and before long I leave quietly and take my bike home to think. Getting home shows me something I haven’t seen before, the entire crew is parked in my parent’s living room doing homework while Mom serves up soup and sandwiches. I walk into the living room and everyone stands up before I wave them off.
“At in public only please, I don’t need to be the messiah at home too,” I tell them getting some goofy looks.
“Guy what happened to your face,” Mom asks rushing over and taking my head in her hands.
“He did,” I point to Devin who gets a withering look from Mom,” I told him too.”
“Why would you tell him to hit you,” Mom asks confused.
“Cause it scared an asshole,” I say smiling.
I get a look from Mom about my language and sit in with everyone to get my own class work done. After we all get finished I start to talk about what we’re going to be standing up for and ‘preaching’. I’ll be doing most of the speaking which relieves most of the group but my ideology has some confusion. Everyone leaves before nine and I’m finally relaxing in my room when my phone goes off with a text, it’s Kori. When I ask her where she’s been she replies that her mother wanted her to stay home for a while and heal. I tell Kori I’m not happy about her missing what I’m doing for her and she says that she’s got a watchful group of friends and to trust Ben since he’s doing what I told him. I don’t know what it means and after saying goodnight sleep comes nice and fast.
Tuesday morning and I’m up early like always but I’m not alone today, Katy is getting dressed as I get out of the shower and Liz is up next for it. I get dressed in the same basic clothes as yesterday and the three of us head out again, girls in the car and me on my bike. School goes by much as it did Monday but with more whispering behind my back and finally at lunch time when I arrive and lead my family out of the cafeteria I discover that we have about thirty students who have followed us including Vicki from the punks and Hideo from the nerds. I get up to the top of the bleachers again and see faces staring up at me with a little bit of expectation on their faces.
“You don’t know why you’re here. I call you believers because you haven’t known yourself,” I explain eerily happy,” but you know what I stand against, you saw it yesterday. They come and posture with numbers and words as if it mattered. I don’t care if you believe because I know.”
I see confusion and a little bit of fear in the faces of some students but most are trying to comprehend.
“Jun, take one from the crowd and bring them forward,” I command to Jun.
I watch him walk into the assembled group and look around, some of the friends of his back up but he settles on Hideo and taking him by the shoulder drags him to the front of the group.
“You are afraid believer,” I ask down to Hideo who nods,” I know you but you don’t. I see that you are not what they want you to be. They make you fear them by words and titles that they couldn’t aspire to. You believe that they are wrong but you stand idle by and be what they want to make you.”
I take the long way down watching Hideo the whole way until I’ve moved in front of him. I can see he’s a little scared but more ashamed. I point at Vicki and wave her forward till she’s just out of arms reach.
“You believer, if I told you that I will hurt this one if you do not have sex with him would you,” I ask Vicki while staring at Hideo.
“No I wouldn’t,” Vicki says quietly.
“And that is why you are an animal, the both of you,” I say backing away from the two,” You both are persecuted by the same people, they just use different names and yet you can’t even see the truth behind it. They’re ashamed they can’t know the world like you do. You girl are free and independent, you have no ties that you don’t want. You dress the way that makes you feel like what you want. You boy are smart and articulate, you have a future in a world that will try to grind you into paste but more than them you will earn it on what you know not because you were born deserving it.”
I watch the two look at each other and see the rest of the group looking around at each other’s faces before focusing on me again. I hold my arms out to my sides and lean my head back to the sky; the clouds are dark grey and light with rain.
“Will you be persecuted until you can prove that you are walking upright or are you walking upright now and just need to stand with something that is more than you, worse than you,” I ask bringing my gaze back to the crowd.
I can hear some of them talking about worse than them, I can see some are beginning to understand but I am seeing Hideo in quiet contemplation while Vicki has moved closer and is now next to him facing me.
“I know why they’ve chosen me,” I say quietly but happy,” You will believe once you enjoy the pain they caused you. Tell others that in two days I will bring my message to bear for those who want to believe.”
I head through the crowd and back to class with my family quietly in tow. The rest of the day goes by with more quiet whispers and people talking but the highlight is after fifth period when I’m leaving and I see Heather walking in my direction. I know she doesn’t see me and I wait there for her; she gets within arm’s reach before noticing me and backs up suddenly dropping some papers. I turn and look down at her as she cleans up the papers; I catch some of the words and guess at a speech. Heather finishes picking up her papers and composes herself to speak but I cut her off by chuckling. I walk away still chuckling and get to the gym ahead of some of the crew and head straight to Coach Campbell’s office and close the door behind me getting his attention.
“Coach are we having an assembly soon,” I ask quietly.
“Yes actually tomorrow, Principal Jackson caught wind of a few students who have been attacked and apparently there are a few groups concerned and one that is speaking,” Coach tells me leaning forward in his chair.
“I think I need to say something during the assembly,” I say with a visible smile on my face,” and I need your help to do it.”
“What about my boy and girl,” Coach asks concerned.
“They haven’t come to me yet but I will be waiting for them at the bleachers once we’re done here,” I tell him before getting back to my immediate planning,” I want to speak over them but not at them, any ideas on that sir.”
“Get with my boy and I’ll have something by tomorrow, but only if they get in this protection blanket you got,” Coach tells me skeptically.
I leave the office and head out to the bleachers drawing my family out with me. I get seated from my perch and turn my attention to the only people there.
“There’s going to be an assembly tomorrow, I have decided to say something during it since Heather’s group will be making a statement about what happened to Kori, I’m going to tell the school about my ‘vision’. Also I’ve brought Johnny on board and he’s ready to help so Jun I’ll need you get him information about Kyle and his Russian bride,” I dictate noting my last words make Devin scowl.
I see two figures heading up towards us across the field, I motion to my family that we have company and drop down to greet Tracy and her brother. I step in front of my family and greet our guests. I finally get to see Tracy after her altercation, most of her hair has been cut short and is matted to her head with some sort of hair product. I note the jogging coat and matching pants in blue and white but it’s her brother who is only six feet tall and noticeably younger than Tracy but it’s his clothing that probably has Jun feeling nostalgic with a black windbreaker slacks with a sweater vest underneath. I almost go after him first but decide to start with some love.
“Sister it’s been too long,” I say placing my hands on Tracy’s shoulders,” this family has missed your determination and I’m glad to see you again, come by my house after school today so we can talk amongst those who know in private.”
“Dad says that you’re really unhinged but I should just listen to you and do what you say,” Tracy says with a little determination,” But you get in the way of my practice and I’m gonna kick your ass.”
“I wouldn’t expect any less from you sister. You on the other hand are a quiet simpering little shit and I’m not even certain as to why I haven’t had Devin pull your arms off,” I say turning my attention to her brother.
“I’m Isaac, our dad said I should stay around you and follow your lead but why are you attacking me,” the boy says getting defensive.
“‘Why are you attacking me’ because you should be crawling on the ground not walking upright,” I sneer and mock,” you’re a pathetic excuse for the male species. My sister Tracy has more temerity in her than you do. You do know what that word means boy?”
I can tell Isaac is pissed and that anger makes him foolish and reckless, I watch him drop is bag and swing with a right that I see coming. I let the punch hit me but lower my head so that his knuckles pop as they connect with the top of my skull. Isaac recoils from the punch holding his hand and cursing; I start laughing and turn to my family.
“He has fire right Brother Jun,” I ask still laughing.
“He does Brother, should I help guide him,” Jun asks stepping forward.
“Of course, his fire is wasted and he doesn’t hesitate,” I say placing a hand on Isaac’s shoulder,” You follow Brother Jun’s lead and listen to what he says.”
Isaac nods warily and backs up from me, boy has spirit and honestly I like him now more than I liked Jun the first day. We gather and leave school heading straight for my house to work and lighten the mood. Once at home and inside all appearances drop and Jun gets a chance to talk to Isaac and explain how the family works and why we’re all acting the way we have been for the past couple days. Tracy looks confused but Isaac seems quick to pick up on what we’re doing and the fear I’m trying to put in.
“People are wondering about some sermon you are going to deliver on Thursday,” Isaac says keeping me informed on the gossip at school.
The topic gets everyone’s attention but my shrug ends any questions or comments as to what I’ll say and do. Homework gets done again among the watchful supervision of my folks and everyone heads out before my Mom starts setting up sleeping bags. I get into my room and shoot Kori a text asking how she’s been today and tell her that I miss her at school. I don’t get a reply for a while but when I do it’s just her telling me to be patient and she’ll be back before I know it. I don’t reply because I want her back at school now and not later. I head to bed ready for a grand interruption of Heather’s activities.
Third morning in and it’s like a well oiled machine, at school before classes there are people watching as now Tracy and her brother Isaac have come into the fold. We all bow are heads as if we’re praying and head off to class. What I hate more than anything is that point where you have something planned and yet you have to wait through the most boring shit in existence before you get to have some fun. At the end of second class I get a notice from Coach Campbell that we are having a meeting in the library during the assembly at home period. The news puts a bit of a spring in my step as lunch comes and goes with no real speeches or people who need to be adjusted. I let Jun know that I’ll need communication from him as to when to interrupt Heather and whoever is speaking with her. Last two periods drag on but mercifully pass and I watch as others head to the gym for the assembly. I take my note and get to the library where Coach Campbell is waiting in the office and the librarian hands off the keys to Coach before passing me and leaves us alone. I get into the office with Coach and he explains his plan.
“Okay meathead, they’re going to be speaking in the gym but you can use the PA system from here to interrupt them, you got some way to know who you are interrupting I take it,” Coach asks quickly.
“Yes sir, and thank you sir. I will remember this,” I say moving to the phone he pointed out.
“Well my boy is talking about how what he’s going to be doing is cool and at least I am less worried
now than I was last week,” Coach says taking out some files.
“I’ll keep him around after all this as well, he has fire,” I tell Coach Campbell taking out my phone.
I didn’t think I would need to wait long but I’m thirty minutes into the final hour of the day when Jun sends me a text saying that Heather and Kyle are heading up to the podium to speak. I give it a minute and after taking a deep breath punch the buttons to pull up the PA system, I hear the PA tone kick on and begin.
“I told you that we were coming but it was a lie, we’ve been here all along. They’re lying to you; they’ll tell you that they’re trying to make things better but how different are they from each other. So much of the same that they see you and you and you and you as so wrong because you are different from them. They are addicted to the idea that they are heroes; they want you to see them as heroes so they can feel better about the empty hole they live with everyday. They want to lead you like sheep to a slaughter, covering your eyes so you can’t see the end until its right in front of your face. But I think it’s time for the masses assembled to wake up, WAKE UP AND SEE THE LIE THEY WANT YOU TO LIVE! I watch them make people deteriorate and wither all around them, they whisper and wonder at it but they never do anything about it. They want you to crawl but you know you’re meant to be upright. You know my name, you know my brothers and sisters, you whisper and wonder about what comes next. I know why they’ve chosen me, I’ve seen it in my thoughts and in my waking dreams and I know that this is not the beginning of their new regime. It’s the end,” I get the last words out and chuckle for a few seconds before pressing the hang up on the phone then placing the receiver in its place.
Coach Campbell has me sit next to him and we start looking busy going over my file when I hear the doors to the library open behind me and a few teachers along with Mrs. Jackson come in looking for someone. Coach greets them and says that he brought me in here so that I wouldn’t do anything during the assembly and that I never touched the phone while we’ve been in here. Mrs. Jackson doesn’t push Coach but I can see Ms. Detress is fuming mad and ‘knows’ that I did it. I watch her call Coach Campbell a liar and that gets Principal Jackson to turn on her wonderful ‘No you Didn’t’ look. I let the whole proceeding play out and as final bell rings I calmly put all Coach Campbell’s files in order and quietly leave with my bag, no smile or laughing as I pass Ms. Detress or Principal Jackson.
I’m walking towards the parking lot and see the Gym is letting out from the assembly but more than that the students from the assembly see me walking and soon enough my family filters out to me and gives me a barrier as some cheer and others ask question. I get to our vehicles in the parking lot and can see that behind the assembled punks and Goth, past the nerds and outcasts there are the ‘moralists’. They’re watching and looking to see what I’ll do next and it has me smiling.
“I think that someone heard my thoughts today,” I say loudly but keeping my head downcast,” Are there people here who want to believe?”
I can hear some saying yes and there is more asking questions as I raise my head to look at all the faces staring at me for the answer.
“It’s not time yet, I’ll be where the storm gathers tomorrow at the end of the rush,” I tell the assembled cryptically,” If you can’t find me then find my family, they know and will guide those that want to believe.”
I can hear the talking and don’t wait for anyone to give me another chance to speak. I get on my bike and before I can get anywhere Tracy stops me with a gesture and after getting the spare helmet from the seat whispers ‘Johnny’ in my ear. I guess she has business there and decide to help out by driving us there. It takes a moment to realize that the whole family is following us and our arrival at Johnny’s is greeted with some happier faces than I’m used to seeing when I go somewhere. I waste no time finding Johnny in a side trailer and let Tracy have her time with him, I didn’t think she was into Johnny but it doesn’t matter to me as I am getting my phone blown up with a text message from Kori. Kori’s message takes some priority and I guess Jun or Lilly must have made a video because she’s promising me some serious alone time when she’s all better just for scaring Heather. I follow the link and check the video out, apparently I cut Heather off in mid sentence and before I was even finished she left the podium and Kyle had to talk about how they’re going to help change the student body. I smile and find Jun just to pat him on the back for the video. I tell the family that I’ll be along later and that this is just a personal stop for Tracy. Devin give me a look like I need to fix something and I remember that he’s still interested in some girl in the moralist camp.
“Brother you need to tell me who this girl that I’m supposed to help you with is,” I ask Devin privately.
“Her name is Masha. I’ve seen her hanging around whenever we gather but I don’t like the way they’ve been treating her, she’s like an attack dog as far as their concerned,” Devin says pleading.
“Okay but which one is… the bodyguard?! The damn Russian bodyguard that Heather keeps around to make sure one of the girls doesn’t take her fucking head off,” I say shocked by the realization.
“I like her okay, I have seen her looking at me too man but I just think that maybe if you could show her that she’s just a tool for them that maybe I’d have a shot with her,” Devin pleads with a puppy dog face I should not see on a large guy.
I pat him on the shoulder and let him get to taking Jun and some of the other’s home. My family leaves and I wait patiently by my bike for Tracy to get done with Johnny. I’m only waiting about ten minutes when Tracy heads out of Johnny’s shack looking about the same that she was when she went in, guess it didn’t take long for her get what she needed. I start to get my bike ready to go but Tracy stops me and pulls me into following her off to a cabin towards the back, it looks better than some of the makeshift ‘huts’ that others are using. I watch her take a key in her hand and unlock the door before we head inside. It’s pretty basic inside, crappy bed with blankets folded up on it and a small desk with a chair by the blacked out window.
“Johnny says this was the only building he didn’t put up on the grounds,” Tracy explains sitting down on the bed.
“Okay, thanks for the history lesson, so why the fuck are we here,” I ask taking the sole chair and sitting down.
“I gotta ask, are you really losing your mind or are you really good at fooling people,” Tracy asks a little angry.
“I thought we went over this with your brother, I’m just doing this to get people’s attention. I scare the moral majority and get people they’ve been picking on to start standing up for themselves,” I explain keeping it simple,” And when I get the names of who beat Kori with belts I start looking into renting a wood chipper and a boat.”
“Well that’s graphic and probably never going to happen. So my new problem, I talked to Kori and I’m guessing she hasn’t said anything but I need sex,” Tracy says with no subtlety.
“Well that’s wonderful but I have to ask, why me,” I ask plainly.
“Well you’re not bad at it from what I remember and Kori wants to make sure you’re in shape for when she’s ready to reward you for that speech today,” Tracy says pulling off her hooded athletic coat showing me her toned body in a lose tank top and sports bra.
“That’s great but no, people just don’t volunteer to have sex for a friend just to keep someone ‘in shape’, especially one who has girlfriends who are more than willing to take care of me. So what’s the real deal considering you and I haven’t had sex in almost a year and I heard that you were dating someone last summer,” I tell her keeping some distance.
“Nothing, I just thought you’d like to try something different but never mind,” Tracy says with a little frustration grabbing her coat and standing up.
Never mind, one thing I learned from having four girlfriends is that never mind is one of those things that when it comes out of a woman’s mouth it usually means either take cover or you’re pushing all the wrong buttons. I get up and block Tracy from leaving the shack, we have a bit of a staring contest and Tracy moves back to the bed and sits down and I move to sit next to her. I look at her hair and notice where the burned off patch is covered by the new hairstyle.
“So did I just kill your mood or can we talk about it,” I ask concerned.
“I asked Kori if it was cool if we had sex and she said it would be fine, I don’t normally go after a girl’s boyfriend but you were with me about the same time you and Kori hooked up for real so I figured it was okay to ask,” Tracy explains showing a rare bit of nervousness,” I’m just messed up after last week I guess.”
“I’m messed up after last year but look at me now, I have a good group of people around me and I’m working on driving my ex further insane,” I tell Tracy getting a little smile,” Come on, let’s get you home.”
I start to get up from the bed but Tracy grabs onto my shoulder and pulls me back down on the bed before kicking her leg over me and straddling my hips. With one move Tracy grabs the bottom of her tank top and pulls it over head and off taking her white sports bra with it. There in my face are Tracy’s wonderfully shaped large for a b cup breasts in my face sporting the same half dollar sized nipples that I remember from last year. I put my hands on her hips and pull Tracy hard against me latching my mouth onto one of her nipples and gently sucking. I feel Tracy put one arm inside my coat and the other around my head to keeping my head right where she wants it. Being an athlete is one thing but unlike Mathilda, Tracy is softer. I switch nipples and push my hand into the back of Tracy’s athletic pants to and grip an asscheek and squeeze it firmly. Tracy pulls my head off her breast and backs up off the bed and once on her feet starts stripping down until I see only tight pair of white athletic panties hugging her hips. I start to strip down but Tracy stops me again and starts to do it herself starting with my coat and shirt, then my boots and finally my pants just leaving me in my boxer briefs.
Now that we’re both down to our basic underwear Tracy backs me up the bed wordlessly until my head is resting on the pillow. Silently she shifts her body around until my face is staring at her cloth covered slit and I feel Tracy working through my underwear for a brief moment before pulling my cock free. I can’t see anything but I know she has one hand on the base of me and is trailing her tongue up and down my shaft; it’s a different feeling to have at the start of foreplay as opposed to it happening at the end of sex. I almost get to rest and let her work until her body pushes back bumping my chin, taking a hint I reach my arms up around Tracy’s hips and pulling the tight fabric aside start to slowly lick the length of her slit. I’m taking my time enjoying trailing my tongue around her pussy hole while in contrast Tracy is bobbing her head up and down on me fast and frantically. She has me hard and I can’t tell if she’s trying to get me off or not so I decide to shake her up a bit, I spread her cheeks wide and shove my tongue deep as I can get it into her hole. The first noise of the night comes as I start wagging my tongue in Tracy’s pussy, letting my cock drop from her mouth and moaning through what I’m hoping is a minor orgasm. I feel my shorts getting pulled further down and raise my hips to get the fully off, as Tracy crawls down to get my shorts off I hook a finger in the crotch of her panties and pull them off. For the first time I see her turn to face me and smile, I’ve never seen her smile before and it’s one of her new best features as far as I’m concerned.
“Grab a thick blanket and get that ass over here,” I tell Tracy smiling.
It’s a bit chilly in October this time of year and with no real heat we’re gonna want to keep a little warm. Tracy pulls the thickest blanket up and throws it over her shoulders before crawling up my body and resting her clit and slit against my shaft. I feel her start to grind and with the lube she put on me orally and my work getting her ready I don’t want to wait much longer. Sensing that I’m a little eager Tracy shifts her hips and knees a little before taking me in hand and lining me up with her warm folds. A little pressure is all there is before I feel her warmth wrapped around me and it’s not tight like other girls but more accommodating and experienced taking a larger member.
“I think you’re a little bigger than last year,” Tracy groans out once I’m all in.
“I’d think you’d be disappointed that I’m not the size you’re used to,” I reply trailing my hands up her sides then back down taking hold of her ass.
“Well you’re big enough to get attention but not so much that I have to adjust to you. Also you’re not pushy making me fuck in the same position every time,” Tracy says starting a long rhythm of strokes on my member.
“Same position every time, your summer boyfriend must not have been much fun then,” I say licking her breast.
“He stopped seeing me because I wasn’t any fun, saying that I just lay there and don’t do anything. Kinda hard when if I move you… fucking bitch… like a…,” Tracy says speeding up her hips.
“Bitch,” I ask getting a nod.
Tracy starts groaning and with most of my cock working in and out of her fast it doesn’t take long for her to lock up and get a hard orgasm out. I let her breath and while she rests a little I get an idea to try something different. I get her to straighten her legs till they’re almost straight next to mine but I’m still inside her, I tighten my abs to make my member twitch inside her which gets me a look of surprise.
“What are we doing now,” Tracy asks once we’re adjusted.
I tighten my abs again and roll my hips up into her in more of a grind than a thrust; I do it again and can see Tracy’s eyes are shut and enjoying my new movement. I keep my grinding up and try to take my time with my new trick when Tracy takes my idea and does it against me, feels a little better than before and we’re soon in a solid rhythm that has me panting with the effort to keep from losing my cool to soon.
“Why are you slowing down, I’m gonna cum again and this time it’s not gonna be little,” Tracy asks not slowing herself down at all.
“I’m getting close,” I gasp out speeding up a little.
“Oh you don’t know where to cum. Here’s the trick, I am going to cum hard soon and you are gonna cum with me but,” She pauses with a wicked grin,” Am I on the pill or safe today or are you getting into more trouble than you bargained for.”
“No joking Tracy I’m really gonna cum,” I say gripping her hips and slamming my cock hard in and out.
“Maybe I want you to cum in me, you like that idea? Finally getting your white cum in my black pussy,” Tracy asks teasing.
I don’t know what comes over me but I latch my teeth onto Tracy’ breast lightly and start bucking my hips into her. Tracy pushes her body flat against mine and lets me do the work moaning while pulling my head off her tit. I get that rush and grunting shoot my first shot into her warm folds, the sensation makes Tracy’s eyes go wide and as I try to push more into her she starts pushing against me as my first shot must have triggered her own orgasm. We lay there grinding against each other trying to get the last bit of our orgasms out when Tracy takes my face in her hands and kisses me openly. It’s weird and brief but warm and wonderful. I figure we must have been just laying for ten minutes as I feel I’ve fallen completely out of Tracy. She notices it too and curls up onto my side; I wrap an arm around her and just wonder about what happened I have no clue how bad this could be.
“Hey, I’m on the pill so relax,” Tracy says after seeing my face,” besides if you haven’t figured out someone else has dibs on your first kid and it isn’t gonna be me.”
“Kori right,” I ask getting a little nod,” Yeah, she’s the only one I can see myself having a kid with immediately.”
“What about the other three or four girls you got pining after your juice,” Tracy asks propping her head up on her elbow to look at me.
“Well Katy maybe, Matty I’m not sure if she sees herself as ever being a mother but Imelda most definitely,” I explain reminiscing a little.
“And what about Natsuko,” Tracy asks.
“Not my girlfriend, she likes being a free agent and I like her a lot but I have enough girls I need to keep happy regularly,” I tell Tracy rubbing my hand on her flank.
We cuddle for a short while but while Tracy is in happy post orgasm land I get a dark thought about all the fear I’ve been trying to throw around. I’m gonna eventually back Heather’s people in a corner so bad that they’re going to try to kill me, and not Derek ‘tried’. Probably full on kill me with a gun at school or something. I register that one for the back of my mind and decide on the next best thing to tell the assembled masses tomorrow and remember that there is a park downtown that people have to walk to, yay hippies for your exercise trails. I have a plan but now I’m just wondering when someone is finally gonna punch my clock. I figure I should talk to Dad when I get home but for now I just enjoy warm woman and relaxed muscles.I’d like to apologize loyal readers for the massive delay. Yes I was sick but I also condensed 2 chapters into one and removed a lot of meaningless side talk so that you could have a more fluid read. I did get some questions and comments to my inbox and am going to answer a few now since they didn’t read my reply. Yes I am alive and continuing the series and have ideas for different stories but I will finish this one first before considering doing a new story or series. I am writing a story with sex, not sex with some story added, people like it and no I won’t add a character that you sent a bio to me just so you can see yourself in my work. Yes I have a vote troll and yes I do watch the votes but he doesn’t bother me, I may remove anonymous votes in a future series but I will always allow comments. Finally to my spam hater, bad move pal, it’s one thing to create a profile to harass me but you actually went after my Yahoo ID. That lag you got was a back trace, I’m not a computer whiz but I have a couple of good friends who write programs. Think on that for a while. Any way readers I have not abandoned you and if you are liking the bit more darkness to my story please let me know.

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Stepdaughter-to-be pt. 4

This is part four of the story. We get a little rough this time.
Amy and I had a few minutes alone on Sunday evening when Rachel was in the bathtub. We were able to talk a little about what had happened the night before, and where to go from here. She fully understood our predicament, and was on board with figuring out a plan. The middle of the night was problematic, since I have a day job and she’s in school, as well as the fact that Rachel could wake up and discover us at any moment. I have to admit though, the thrill of being caught was part of the attraction. A few times when Rachel was in another part of the house, one of us would just dive a hand into the other’s pants, taking advantage of every second we had. I was in the backyard shed getting the lawnmower out on Monday after work when Amy spun around the door frame from nowhere.
“Well hello there.” She said. “Got a minute?”
“Not really, your mom is gonna be home any second.” I told her, hoping like hell she would ignore my refusal. She walked up and pressed her body against mine, looking up into my eyes. She flashed me a wicked smile and told me-
“Oh come on, you don’t even have one….little….minute?” She said as she undid the button on my jeans and started undoing the zipper very slowly. My dick started to rise immediately.
“You need to be quick” I said, figuring maybe I could spare a minute or two. Maybe Rachel would hit all the red lights on the way home.
“No, you need to be quick.” She said to me as she hauled my cock out and dropped to her knees. Once again I was treated to the beautiful sight of her sweet, innocent eyes looking up at me as she stroked my shaft and licked my balls. She was jacking me with great speed, intent on getting an afternoon load before her mom came home. I looked up from her face to check the house, and my blood ran cold. Rachel was at the kitchen window, doing the dishes that were left over from breakfast. She hadn’t seen us in here. It was a bright day and the inside of the shed was dark. I could see out, but she could look right at me and not see me. I’m sure she figured I was out for a jog or something, she didn’t seem to be curious as to where everyone was. Amy was oblivious to the fact her mom was behind her and continued to work my cock.
“Cum for me, Mark. We don’t have much time.” If only she knew just how little time we had. Once again the thrill of being caught washed over me and out of nowhere I dumped another huge load down her loving throat. She didn’t miss a drop, just kept jacking me and swallowed it all, moaning in pleasure at her accomplishment. After I came, I looked down at her and told her not to get up.
“Why?” She asked, her devious smile returning again at the thought I might have more planned for her. I hated to disappoint her, but I had no choice.
“Your mom is in the kitchen.” I said, enjoying watching her eyes get wide as she spun her head around to see for herself.
“Oh fuck! What do we do?!? She can see us!” She said frantically.
“No she can’t. It’s too dark in here compared to outside. We are shadowed in here. We just have to get out of here somehow without her seeing us together.” As soon as I said that, I formed a plan. I would come out of the shed with the lawnmower, and mow the lawn as I do every week. Amy would just have to stay in the shed until her mom went upstairs, she usually changed into her regular clothes when she got home from work, and from what I had seen, she was still dressed up. Amy could go out the side gate unseen and go around to the front door so long as Rachel wasn’t right in the window. I came out of the shed with the mower and she saw me. Rachel smiled and gave a little wave, then came out through the sliding patio door.
“Hey, I saw your car out front, I figured you went for a run. What are you doing hiding in the shed?” she asked as she came over and planted a kiss on my lips.
“Oh, I couldn’t get the mower to start earlier so I pulled the plug and cleaned it up a bit.” I even impressed myself with my ability to lie on my feet. Until she asked me what I was doing in there, I hadn’t had a reason ready.
“Ok, dinner’s in about twenty minutes. I’m gonna go change. Have you heard from Amy? She’s not home yet, is she?” She said, headed back into the house.
“No, huh uh. She should be home anytime though, right?” I called after her.
Stopping and turning back to me, she said “She seems to be a bit detached these last few months, you know? I guess she’s just at that age where she’d rather be hanging out with kids her own age.” If only she knew how wrong she was! I needed to placate her if only to get her into the house and upstairs.
“She’s fine. She’s a good kid, it’s all part of growing up.”
“Yeah, I know. I’ll be back down in a few.”
“Ok” I said, and started the mower. I made a loop around the yard and saw that Rachel had gone inside and was going upstairs. The next lap, I saw Amy still in the shed crouched down a bit to stay out of sight. I gave her a look and nodded to tell her it was all clear, and she ran out of the shed and through the gate. We had to figure out a better way of doing this, it was hot, don’t get me wrong, but we were gonna get caught for sure.
Three days passed before I was able to be alone for any amount of time with Amy. I got home from work on Wednesday and came in the house to find it empty.
“Hello?” I called out to see if Amy might be home. I knew Rachel wasn’t here, her car wasn’t in the garage. I thought maybe I could get two minutes alone with Amy while we had time. “Hello?!?Anybody home?” Well shit….maybe tomorrow. I headed upstairs to change out of my work clothes. I walked into my bedroom and Amy was on the bed, half naked and smiling.
“Guess who’s mom isn’t coming home until at least nine tonight?” She said, flashing me a million dollar smile.
“Are you serious?” I asked, hoping to hell she was.
“She called and said she had a meeting that would go until at least eight or so and then they were going for drinks after that.” I couldn’t believe my luck, or my eyes. She looked amazing. She was sitting up against the headboard with her arms stretched out at her sides, her hair flowing down over her shoulders and coming to rest at the top of her chest. She was wearing a little white sheer satin nightie and I could see through it just enough to see she had on a pair of string bikini panties underneath. As she uncrossed her long tanned legs I saw that the panties were a nice lace pattern, I couldn’t wait to pull them off of her. And here she was in her mother’s bed, no less!
I pulled my shirt off and laid down next to her, pulling her to me. She was so amazingly soft and warm, I found myself not wanting to let her go. She immediately slid her hand down and undid the button on my pants, then slid them down off of me. I gently pushed her down onto her back and kissed her on the lips, slipping my hand inside her nightie to pinch one nipple as I moved back to kiss her on the throat. She gasped a bit as I nibbled on her earlobe and moved my hand down her taught waist and let it come to rest on her pubic mound. I pulled her nightie up a bit and put my hand inside her panties to stroke her pussy. She sighed with pleasure as once again my fingers came into contact with her clit.
“Mark?” She asked, giving me a hesitant look.
“Yes Sweety?” I said, hoping whatever news she had for me was good.
“Um, I was kind of hoping that since we had the house to ourselves, and we don’t have to worry about getting caught, we could be a bit more adventurous than the other night.” she said, looking kind of embarrassed.
“Absolutely! What did you have in mind?” I asked. I couldn’t wait to hear what this little devil had in mind.
“I was hoping you might want to be a little rough with me. I’ve seen a lot of porn videos on the Internet and I kind of like the stuff that’s a bit more risqu?I guess I just wa-” she said, kind of stammering in her embarrassment. Her shyness was so hot, I almost couldn’t stand it. She continued, “I just like it when the guys take charge.”
“Well I think that’s just what you need. You haven’t really been doing what has been asked of you around the house, and maybe you need to learn a lesson.” I said, as I increased the pressure I was applying to her left nipple. She winced just a bit as I did it, and it turned me on even more. I wouldn’t have thought I could be more aroused than I was when I first saw her on my bed, but here we were.
I moved my hand once again down her flat stomach to her panties just long enough to grasp them by the thin side strap. I yanked hard on them and the strap gave way, tearing free on that side. Once again I pushed her flat on her back and reached over to her left side, doing the same with that string, until they were free. I pulled them out from underneath her ass, balling them up and stuffed them into her mouth. I got up on my knees and looked her over. Now naked from the waist down, her nightie pulled up past her belly button, her pussy fully exposed to my every whim. I pulled my own underwear down and off, throwing them to the floor. I grabbed her by the ankles and roughly pulled her down the bed away from the headboard so I would have room to pin her arms above her head. I crossed her arms at her delicate wrists, holding them down with my left hand while I lined up my cock with her entrance once again.
I slammed into her full force and she groaned loudly through the panties in her mouth. I fucked her good and hard for a few minutes, enjoying the muffled sounds coming from her mouth. She was whimpering as I repeatedly shoved my cock into her as hard and as fast as I could, but her eyes didn’t lie. The look she was giving me was unmistakable, she was loving it a bit harder, and I was willing to give it to her. I decided to switch up my assault a bit. I quickly yanked out of her, pulling the panties out of her mouth as well. I climbed up her body, sat on her chest and shoved my cock hard into her mouth.
“You like that? Huh? You like having a cock pushed into your mouth like that, tasting yourself on me?” I said, as I thrust into her mouth over and over.
“Unh hugh” She groaned, her mouth now muffled even more than before. I picked up her casually discarded panties and used them to tie her hands together above her head. They were a little stretchy and there was just enough fabric to secure her. I could feel the beginnings of my orgasm building up and I wanted to hold out a bit longer, so I pulled out of her mouth and slid back down to bury my tongue in her cunt. Again I marveled at the sweet taste of her juices as I fucked her with my mouth. I reached my hands up and pinched both of her nipples at the same time as I gently bit her clit.
“Oh God! Mmmmm that feels good! Please don’t stop” As she said the last word she was lost in a flurry of grunts and groans, and as she began to cum I reached my hand up further and put two fingers in her mouth for her to suck on. I could feel the muscles in her pussy contract as she came with my tongue inside her and her thighs clamped down on my head. She hollered at top volume as it happened, an interesting contrast to her earlier silent orgasms. I couldn’t tell which one I preferred, the silent kind or this one. She sucked on my fingers for a minute and then I pulled my them out of her mouth so she could speak.
“Oh my God that was awesome. Thank you so much!” She said, her soft thighs still resting on my ears. She was about to find out that I wasn’t done yet. I sat up from her crotch and grabbed her by the hips, flipping her over onto her stomach, her hands still tied together above her head. I rammed three fingers into her pussy to get them nice and wet and then pulled them out and put just my middle finger into her ass.
“Oh!” was all I heard, she was face down and her voice was once again muffled.
I slid another finger into her ass, stretching it out to get ready for my cock. I pulled her up so she was on her knees, her face buried in a pillow. Once again I rammed the full length of my cock into her now soaking wet pussy to lubricate it. I pulled out of her pussy and rested the head of my slick cock at her asshole. I slowly pushed forward and felt her give way just a little as the head slid in. She moaned again into the pillow as I started to slide the full length in. I put about four inches in and then pulled it back out a bit, letting her get used to the feeling. She wanted it rough, but I didn’t want to genuinely hurt her, we were just playing rough, after all.
I pushed back in most of the way a few more times before finally sliding my entire shaft into her ass until I bottomed out. She turned around a bit and looked at me out of the corner of her eye, and her eyes were smiling and wet with tears. She did her best to watch me, but she couldn’t move too well as her hands were still tied together above her head and she was pulled up on her knees. She gave me a little nod to tell me she was ready and right away I began hammering her ass. Again and again I slammed into her ass as I reached down to put my forearm under her throat. I pulled her up so she could support her own weight with her arms under her, and then lightly started to squeeze her throat with my arm.
“Oh yeah! Fuck me! Fuck my ass hard!” she called to me as I rammed into her over and over.
“Touch my cunt! Can you touch it?” She asked me. I used my arm to pull her up so she was kneeling on the bed in front of me, her back against my chest. I wrapped my fingers around her throat and squeezed as I put three fingers of my right hand into her pussy. I kept fucking her ass as hard as I could, knowing I wasn’t going to last much longer. Without warning she started to cum. She slipped out of my grasp and slammed back down into the mattress as she went off. I looked down at this beautiful sight, her hair wild, her smooth back coated in sweat, her tiny waist flaring out to her ass that was wrapped tightly around my cock as she climaxed and it was more than I could take.
“Cum in my ass, baby! Cum in me!” She screamed as I started to cum inside her. I grabbed her by the throat and pushed her face down hard into the mattress as I shot streams of cum into her tight ass. I swear I must have dropped a gallon of cum into her, I thought it would never stop. It eventually did though, and I laid down on top of her to kiss her on the back of her neck before eventually pulling out of her.
“That was amazing! I have never cum like that.” She said quietly as I pulled out of her ass and rolled over onto my back to lay next to her. She just laid there face down in the pillow in her exhaustion, a big smile on her face. I reached up and untied her hands so she could move around better. She laid there for a few minutes and then slid over to me to rest her head on my chest. I loved the feeling of her tiny body on mine, her perfect skin covered in a sheen of sweat as she slowly fell asleep.
We laid there sort of dozing in and out of sleep for about a half an hour before we decided we should probably get up and take a shower and then clean the room up. Rachel would be home in an hour or so. We decided to shower first, and we headed naked into the bathroom. I turned the water on and leaned down to kiss her as we waited for the water to heat up. We stepped into the shower and she began to soap up my body, spending a large amount of time on my cock.
“Gotta make sure we get this part extra clean, huh?” I guess she was right, though it felt great to have her soapy little hands on my cock, it also made sense that we might want to clean it extra well in case Rachel was in a loving mood when she got home. The combination of her slippery hands on me and the sight of her perfect tight little body covered in slick soapy water caused my dick to rise once more.
“Got one more in you, old man?” She teased. Oh I had one more in me alright. I spun her around and ran my hands all over the front of her soapy body as my cock rose up to come to rest pressing into her lower back. Once more my left hand found her throat as I bent her over to rest her hands on the edge of the tub and rammed my cock into her tight pussy until my balls were slapping her ass. She cried out in pleasure when I roughly smacked her ass cheek.
“You like that, huh?” I said through gritted teeth.
“Yes baby, I like that a lot!” She told me, holding herself up against the wall as I rudely plowed into her from behind. She wasn’t kidding, she really did like it rough. I gave her a few more swats as I increased my tempo and told her to get ready for another load. She gave me a simple ‘uh huh’ through quick sharp breaths. I grabbed her by her soap slicked hips and buried myself as deep as I could in her cunt, blasting my cum as far as possible into her. She was rocked with her own orgasm as well. I loved how quickly she came, it makes a guy feel like the world’s best lover when he can make a girl cum over and over, and with her it was no problem. She seemed to cum with very little stimulation.
“Bravo, sir. You are amazing.” She said as I slowly withdrew my cock from her.
“I think it helps to have the right partner.” I told her, and enjoyed her blush at the compliment as she turned around to kiss me. We rinsed off and finished up in the shower and then set about cleaning the room. There were some cum stains to attend to, and I had little time until Rachel came home. After we were mostly done, Amy came to me and kissed me one last time and then told me she was going to her room to dry her hair off and act like usual. She no sooner closed the door and I heard the garage door opening downstairs.
We were gonna need to figure out a long term plan that was better and more foolproof than what we had going. I loved fucking Amy, but I also enjoy my freedom. Maybe she and I could join a father daughter bowling league. I guess I could stand sneaking around for the next few years until Amy was old enough to move out of the house, it could be worse, right?
I am going to change tactics a bit with the next (and I think, final) chapter of this story. This is my first story and it all began with the image in my head of catching her on the stairs. I feel like I’ve gone as far as I possibly can without veering from reality, which is what I’m now gonna do. This story is pure fiction, but I’d like to think it’s been fairly realistic so far. The next chapter I am going to involve Rachel somehow in the sex. So far she has just been in the way, and I think I’d like to bring her in on it. People that don’t care for that idea should consider the story over at this point. Thanks for reading!

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“RUNAWAY” Chapter 13 “Consequences”

Holly, continues her journey by the name Sammi Shepherd, with more ‘dreams’ of the memories of horrific degradation and humiliation by Roger her mom’s boyfriend and his ‘friends’ as he does everything he can to destroy her self esteme. Not until the end of this chapter does she wake back in the present. The other chapters to this story and my other stories.

The Cuckold – Part 2

It started when Ben allowed his bookie to fuck his innocent young wife to excuse a gambling debt. Problems developed when she enjoyed it too much and wanted more.

A New Waitress in Town

Moving to a new community is always difficult, especially when you’re alone, with no friends or relatives to turn to. The advantage though is that you can be anyone you want.
My name is Robin and I recently graduated from a Boston University, where my family has lived since coming to the US from Ireland. I was only two years old when we came here and have no recollection of Ireland at all. I was very settled in Boston, a good school, swimming competitively on the school team, an excellent job as a waiter at an upscale restaurant, girls, you name it. Things were about to change though, as I decided to do post graduate work at a specialized tech collage in Kentucky. It would be a two-year program, which would launch my career in electronic design. I had not carefully considered the change in atmosphere from the big city to a small hick town off the interstate.
The school was stately and old with character. It had a pool which I would make use of as I would swim every day. Classes were to begin in ten days and I had flown in to get an apartment, get a few things, and find a job. I had sold my car in Boston so I could buy one here. Every thing worked out except the job. In Boston there was plenty of good jobs for students. Working as a waiter in a five star restaurant paid for four years of my schooling. But there were no such places here. There were only a couple of fast food joints, a small cafe, and a drug store in this town. Then I heard about the Fifth Wheel. It was a roadhouse at the exit ramp off the expressway. It had a small motel next door and was a haven for truckers passing through. The clerk at student services said the waitresses there did very well, but since they only hired women I was out of luck.
I decided to check the place out. Maybe they had work for men as well? It was early and the place was empty, but what a barn. It was huge. The kitchen was a giant BBQ, for steaks and ribs, the only menu items. There was stage for bands and a big dance floor. A couple of waitresses were getting ready for the late shift, and I couldn’t help but notice how beautiful they were. They were all tall, leggy, with great bodies and long gorgeous hair. The uniforms helped too. They wore black silk western shirts like Johnny Cash, a black leather mini skirt, black stockings, high-heeled boots and a western scarf, like sexy outlaws. I bet they hauled in great tips.
One of the waitresses asked me if needed anything, so I inquired about the job opening they advertised. She said there were no openings in the kitchen, or for bus boys, but the boss has been looking for a new girl to wait tables for a while. That left me out. She said most girls were either intimidated about their looks, didn’t like the uniform, or were too squeamish of the boss. She did mention that he was a pig and that any self-respecting girl would never work for him. She got back to work when he entered the room. He was about forty, tough looking, with a couple of scars on his face, gray hair in a brush cut, smoked a cigar, but wore an expensive looking suit without a tie. I left feeling vanquished.
Back in Boston I gathered the last of my things. My family was watching Mrs. Doubtfire on the television when it dawned on me. I had done some acting in high school. I stood in front of a mirror and did a quick assessment. I was very slim, one hundred twenty-five pounds, from running and long distance swimming, yet my legs looked strong. I have a fair complexion, no hair on my chest, a small nose, but full lips, green eyes, and my blond hair I keep short for swimming. I tried to imagine myself as a woman. To think of it I was never the brutish masculine type at all.
Later that night when everyone was asleep, I put on my sisters dress, pantyhose and bra. I stuffed the bra, and donned an old wig off my moms. I applied makeup from sister’s kit in the bathroom. Once more I stood before the mirror and I liked what I saw. It needed work but it could be done. The next morning I did some shopping downtown in the gay district. I bought some special items like panties which conceal the obvious, custom high heels, and a magnificent redhead wig. The wig actually gets glued to the skin to stay in place and look more realistic. I also picked out a sexy dress for the interview. One stop at a lingerie store and another at the drug store for makeup and I was set.
I needed an extra suitcase to fly back to Kentucky. The two big problems I would face now were my adams apple and my voice. Although mine doesn’t stand out that much, any adams apples show a little. Since the waitresses wore western scarves around their necks, mine would be hidden, so I decided to where one for the interview too. My voice is far from deep, but trying to squeak up an octave all the time would be real tough. That’s were Mrs. Doubtfire reminded me about the accent. The accent threw everyone. Since I was well practiced mocking my mother all my life, I was able to do a pretty mean impression of an Irish woman. I figured since my birth certificate states I was born in Ireland that it would be believable. My name is gender neutral so I wouldn’t need to fake one. It seemed to be working out.
Once in Kentucky, I finished moving into my new apartment, bought a car, and went to check the Fifth Wheel. The job was still available and school was five days away. I immediately practiced walking about the apartment in the high heels. They were tough getting used to. I did my makeup several times for practice. With false eyelashes, mascara, lipstick, the works, it took over an hour to put on.
Finally the day of reckoning came. I was nervous but remembered to be confident like my old drama teacher had taught. I used to shave my body hair for swim meets so this was not new to me. I clean shaved my armpits, legs, even my crotch, for full effect. Then I carefully shaved my face very close taking my sideburns away too. I covered myself with body lotion, powder, and a hit of perfume. I applied my false fingernails, my wig and did my makeup. I put on a black pushup bra over my foam tits which I had placed silicon inserts in. They gave me a nice 36C bust. I also wore a small corset, not that I needed to be thinner but it gave my hips a feminine flair. The black panties forced my dick up in the crotch so no bulges would show. I then rolled on black, seemed stockings attaching them to my garters on the corset. I picked out the black and white gingham two-piece dress. I wore a white blouse under the tight waistcoat and pulled up the skin tight, mid thigh skirt. I put my high heels and a scarf on and viola, instant babe. I did look great, no shit! My ass looked exceptionally round and squeezable with the help of the corset and high heels.
My backdoor goes out to the parking lot, so I snuck out to my car. At the Fifth Wheel I confidently strutted in, turning lots of heads, hopefully for the right reasons. The waitress who greeted me was the same one I spoke with the week before. She showed no signs of recognizing me or of catching my act. When I told her that I was here for the job she said she loved my accent. She said the boss was going to like me but warned me that he was a letch. She wished me good luck and went to set it up with the boss. His office was on the second floor overlooking the lounge. He opened the door and looked down at me. He stared at me expressionless for a couple of minutes. I posed femininely, crossing my legs giving him a good look at my long legs. Finally, he waved me up, and I demurely went up to his office.
His office was full of hunting trophies, and fish on the walls and stunk of cigar smoke. He had me sit on a leather sofa. I handed him my resume and references, which he perused. “What’s your name sweetheart?” he growled.
“It’s Robin, sir”, I gave back trying best to sound like my mother.
“I’m Carl, not sir, and what are you? Irish?” he shot back.
“Yes, from Dublin originally, came to Boston for a university”, I replied confidently.
“And you end up in this shit hole looking for a table job, lot a good that school is. I never finished high school, and look at me.” His manners were deplorable. Satisfied with the quick glance of my credentials he said,” All right, let’s get a look atcha”, signaling with his finger to do a twirl. I felt awkward but kept in mind what he was looking for. I did as he asked.
“Nice, good body, great ass, and I love your red hair. Don’t got a redhead on staff” was his approval. “Bet the customers go for that fancy accent of yours too”, he continued. Confidently I gave another voluntary turn but this time he grabbed my ass on the way by. He chuckled and smiled. For a split second I had to decide to react or not, it was momentary shock. I just gave him a coy smile to keep him happy. He really was a letch.
The real shock however came next. He had bought my act completely, but said,” I like you Robin, a whole lot, so how bad do you want this job?”
I wasn’t sure what he asking and said, “I’m sorry, I don’t follow ya.”
He continued,” I mean what are you willing to do to get the job?”
I didn’t like the sounds of that but was in too deep now. “Anything, of course”, I replied.
With that he stepped closer to the couch, still puffing on a cigar saying,” Good, let’s see what you can do with this”, unzipping his fly and whipping out his penis.
I thought again about bailing, but I had gone too far to back out and thought, ” How bad can it be?” I had blowjobs from several girls and none of them seemed to mind. Besides, it’s not gay if I am a woman, which I was at the time. And that big dick stared right at me with its one eye. I mesmerized at it. It was about seven inches long, but really fat, with angry looking veins bulging from its skin. A drop of pre come glistened on the monstrous purple head. It was already hard. I felt complimented by that and slowly leaned forward to kiss my new friend. He sighed his pleasure as I ran my tongue down the length of his shaft and kissed his bull size balls. I took each one in my mouth and gave it a suck. I then grasped the base of that shaft with my hand as I slowly licked my way up to that head and licked away the fluid in the eye of that mighty knob. Although the same length, it was easily twice as thick as mine.
I put that thought away as right then I was a woman sucking a man’s cock. I opened wide and took it into my mouth until it touched the back of my throat. I sucked hard on it and pumped the base at the same time. “Your a great cocksucker Robin, you must have been doin this for a long time.” Little did he know that I was a rookie. With my spare hand I massaged his balls and continued sucking him like that for ten minutes. I looked up at him and saw him looking at me. I maintained eye contact as I pushed the head of his cock passed the back of my throat until I had completely engulfed him. He moaned, closed his eyes, held on to the back of my head and pumped a gusher of warm creamy jism down my throat. I nearly gagged, but he eased off enough to let me swallow. He came for about a minute and I drank it all down. For a moment I was proud of my accomplishments as a woman.
I licked Carl’s shrinking dick clean, then he put it away. He told me to pick out a uniform and that I should start the next night at eight. He poured two shots of bourbon from his private stock and handed me one, which I pounded back. He told me that I would get a hundred dollar bonus for that and if I came by his office the day before payday to repeat the performance that I would see yet another hundred dollar bonus on my check.
Neatly, I wiped my chin and got up to leave. I could feel his gaze still burning into my ass. Just before stepping out, he remarked,” That is one sweet ass! If your ever lookin fer someone to fuck it, or yer pussy, let me know.”
What gaul! I simply retorted playfully, ” Sorry Carl, I’m not that kind of girl.” He was howling hysterically as I left.
I introduced myself confidently to the other waitresses, being careful not to say too much, and picked out a tight fitting uniform. The other women bought my act as well, not one giving so much as an inquisitive look. My adrenaline was still rushing when I arrived home as I snuck back in. When I was finally safe and sound I took a deep breath and surmised. I still could not believe that I just gave a man a blowjob. And did he honestly think that I would back each week before payday to do it again? Huh!
It was about that time when I realized how excited I was. My dick was straining against the tight material of my panties. I pulled up my skirt, dropped my underwear and my exposed member sprang free. I rationalized that the thrill of not getting caught turned me on and masturbated to a very quick orgasm. I stared at myself in the mirror for an hour in disbelief that the woman I stared at was me.
Working at the Fifth Wheel was all it was cracked up to be. Everyone has a great time, the people are all real friendly, and I made more in tips my first night than I made on my best night at Chez Pierre. It was a major success. As a woman there are a lot of differences on this job. I had no idea how much ass grabbing, pinching, and propositioning there would be. On an average night, about fifteen to twenty guys would ask me to have sex or go out with them, all of whom I had no choice but to turn down. I also felt a hand on my ass about every fifteen minutes or so. I tried to handle it all gracefully as the other girls did, with a smile and a hand smack, but never pissed the customers off. If you wink at them after rejecting them they keep coming back. The bouncer kept the serious drunks off of us.
One weird thing happened one night when I spied a heavenly brunette at the bar trying to get picked up. She had a long skirt on with a slit up to her hip and a low cut blouse. She was definitely hot and I was unconsciously staring at her. Suddenly she made eye contact and smiled. I had momentarily forgot that I wasn’t a man and quickly had to turn away. Later, when I was clearing she came up to me and slipped me a note saying ‘I want to eat you! Call me, Amy’ and her phone number. I really wish that I could have taken her up on the offer but alas had to forget about it.
I was all nervous that day before my first payday. I didn’t know why. After all, I had no intention of repeating the blowjob. Since that interview though, it was all that I could think of, every night, eventually masturbating myself to sleep. Every day I saw Carl, smiling at me, relishing that moment. “What a sick, ugly man he is”, I thought to myself as I knocked on his office door.
“Come on in darlin, I knew you’d be back”, he giggled as I shut the door behind me.
Twenty minutes later, I was swallowing Carl’s salty load of cum for the second time. Again he offered to fuck me and again I turned him down, as this scene would become our weekly ritual. After each time I gave him head, I went to the ladies room to freshen up, and my dick would be so hard that I had to jerk it off to keep it from getting in the way. I had to admit to myself that I really did enjoy doing it, that it wasn’t just for the money, which scared me.
Luckily, I finally met someone at school. I met Sandra at the pool, while doing my morning workout. She was a regular swimmer too. We got along great and started dating. We could only go out in the afternoons because I worked five nights a week. I told her that I did night deliveries for a large bakery to throw her off. If I said I worked at a place she might be inclined to come visit. Sandra was perfect though. She had blue eyes, shoulder length blond hair, stood only five foot two and had a killer hard swimmers body. She complimented me often on how slim and smooth I appeared. Being a swimmer she knows that the serious male swimmers shave off all their body hair.
After a few dates, we were having wild sex, and I would often fuck her in all conceivable ways, lots of oral sex too as she loved the way I used my tongue on her clit. Sixty-nine was a favorite for her and we usually ended up a session buy taking each other to a shattering climax with out mouths. I would bang Sandra to reassure my masculinity, fucking her with every fiber of energy that I had. We would meet between classes, or just after classes, have wild heart stopping sex then, I would have to go to work. We were in love and our relationship worked for three months but the one problem she always had was the lack of evenings and weekend time I had to spend time with her. It was frustrating when she would want an evening out and I could not do anything about it. I wasn’t going to quit my rewarding job. She got mad with me a few times on the subject and our relationship began to show some strain.
Meanwhile, work was never better, the tips were rolling in, and I had many admirers other than the boss. This one driver, Roy, was a regular on Friday nights, was especially sweet on me, asking me out every week. He was good looking as far as guys went, in a Harrison Ford kind of way. But every week I continued to reject him.
Then one Friday it happened, Sandra and I had a big fight again because she wanted me to go with her and some friends to a party. She was furious with me when I refused to call in sick for the night at my ‘bakery’ job. After she stormed off, I got ready for work as usual, donning my feminine persona for The Fifth Wheel.
At roughly 11:30 pm I noticed a group of college kids come in for a few drinks, they were already pretty loaded. Horror seized me when I discovered that one of them was my Sandra, and that they were being sat in my section. My heart was racing, and panic was setting in. I quickly grabbed one of the other waitresses and asked to swap tables claiming one of the boys had given me a rough time before and handed her $20.00. She agreed thankfully for me. As much as I tried to avoid them, I couldn’t help but notice one of the guys was all over Sandra. He was touching her, put his arm around her, whispered in her ear. She was drunk and giddy and pulled the guy, Steve, I think his name was, on to the dance floor. They were like a train wreck from being so drunk.
When the band played a slow song she was hanging onto him tightly, pressing her body against his. At one point he leaned down to kiss her and she responded by giving him a long soul kiss and greedily sucked on his tongue for all to see. I was pissed, but could nothing about it, so I took it out on the customers. I could blame it on PMS later. Finally Sandra, Steve and their friends all left at 1:00 am and I cringed thinking what they would do next. Roy was there that night and noticed my dismay. He offered his help in any way and when I looked into his deep blue eyes, I said,
“Will you still be in town tomorrow?”
“Ya, I usually don’t head out til later, no rush to get home on Sunday,” he replied.
1. “Think you can take me out to dinner tomorrow, around seven? Not here, out of town?” I asked batting my big eyelashes.
“Sure!” he stumbled in disbelief. I told the boss I was feeling ill and might have the flue. They would not likely expect me the next night.
I didn’t hear from Sandra at all the next day. I followed through with my date with Roy, enjoying dinner 15 miles away from town. I had bought a new dress, a sexy blue number that concealed the chest well, but was very leggy. I wore my black seemed stockings, and 4″ pumps to highlight my nice ass. I also bought a 2″ wide pearl choker to wear around my neck. I really looked delicious and Roy told me every chance he had. We danced for a while and he got a chance to let his hands feel up my rear while I pressed my fake boobs against him. We kissed several times, and I did become caught up in the moment, feeling like a real woman. I to constantly fix my lipstick from all of the making out we were doing.
Back at the motel, I had planned to just call it a night, but I was as horny as he was and did not want to stop. While making out in the car I could feel his hard on pressing on my thigh through his pants. I would be too cruel to leave him like that. As a guy I felt sorry for him, hell I felt sorry for myself. My dick was cramped up inside my tight panties with no room for movement. I stopped us for a minute and I told him that I really wanted to have sex with him but was on my period. I could see the disappointment in his eyes and decided to do what only my boss knows about. I pulled out Roy’s erection.
It was massive, maybe 10″ long and thick. I gave it a few kisses and long licks like an ice cream cone. Roy was in heaven; I could tell he liked it so I gave him my best effort at sucking his cock better than I ever did Carl’s. He was hard to deep throat but I eventually got most of it down. I don’t think he ever had head like that and when he came I thought I would drown. I swallowed desperately. His red-hot man sauce ran out the corners of my mouth, down my chin and onto my dress. It was beautiful. I cleaned him up with my mouth and wiped the remainder from my face. He gave me a goodnight kiss on the forehead and I left him and went home. I masturbated for two solid hours and came several times thinking about my evening.
For the next few days I was depressed. I figured that I lost my girlfriend for good and that I was in falling in love with a guy I could never be myself with. I was a mess. This lasted a few weeks until in early January. The boss was giving funny looks all day, not looking very pleased and it was getting me worried. It was the day before payday and that meant the usual blowjob in the office. I was scared when I went up to his office.
He had some documents scattered on his desk that he was leaning against. Usually we sat on his couch and I would lean over and do him but something was different today. I just wanted to get it over with and get out of there so I sank to my knees on his hard wood floor and unzipped his pants and took out his ugly cock. I went right to work. He seemed to take a while to get hard this time. As I sucked him as best I could he eventually got stiff and started fucking my face like he usually did. This was a good sign. He soon popped his load, right on queue right down into my stomach. As I was getting up, ready to get out of there, he stopped me.
“Robin, that’s a boys name right?” he asked.
“Girls or boys, I suppose,” I nervously added.
“Ya, but you’re a boy, right?” he pursued. “Or at least one of them queeny fags, right?” I looked at the hunting trophies on the wall and pictured my own head up there. I was silent and shaking in fear.
He went on, “while doing the tax forms I noticed this thing here, stating that your previous returns were filed as a male. I thought it was a mistake so I called your last employer in Boston to tell him. He assured me that you were very defiantly a boy. So I thought about it for a while and needed to take another look at you. I’ll give you credit, you had me fooled. I don’t like being fooled. Who else knows about this?”
“No one! No one, just me I promise.” I pleaded still using my feminine voice. I was horrified that he would kill me or beat the shit out of me at the very least.
“Stop, I ain’t gonna hurt ya,” He said. I was getting ready to leave and asked,
“So I guess I’m fired then? I’ll not say a word to anyone on my way out and you’ll never see me again, promise.” A look of disappointment came over his face.
“No, your not fired! Hell you’re the best waitress this place ever had. Not to mention, you suck cock better than any waitress I ever had. If you can keep up the act and keep your mouth shut about this, you can keep working as long as you want,” he continued much to my relief. I was about to go and fix myself up when Carl stopped me again. I was confused. My relief was beginning to slip away.
“There is just one more thing,” he said. “Now that you don’t have to hide what’s under your skirt from me, I believe it’s time that I finally get to fuck that hot little ass.” He had his brawny hand on my arm and wheeled my around to his desk. As I slammed into it Carl pushed me face down onto the desk. My skirt was hiked up to my waist and I felt him pull my panties down to my thighs.
I thought about yelling for help but realized that I preferred not to attract any attention. I heard him haucking back in is throat before spitting a big gob of spit on my ass. He probed with one of his meaty fingers at my anal entrance finding the mark and working the saliva in. After a minute of that he unzipped and pulled out his rejuvenated cock, ready for action. He spit again into his palm and worked the saliva over his angry member. Soon his familiar cock head was pressing against my sphincter. It hurt like hell as he shoved it in rather quickly. He didn’t let up until I could feel his hairy balls slapping against my sac. He grunted his approval of how good and tight my ass felt around his dick.
Carl began pounding in and out of me while holding onto my hips. I was in tears from the pain that he chose to ignore. Slam! Slam! Slam! His cock was relentless in its anal assault. It was quite rough and my own cock was free and rubbing against the leather of my skirt, which was pinned against the top of the boss’s desk under both our weight. He had just had an orgasm less than ten minutes before and at his age I knew that I was in for the long haul.
I was surprised to find that my dick was equally as hard as the one plowing my bottom. It was about ten minutes into the fucking that the pain I was feeling turned to numbness. I started to enjoy the feeling of being filled. I concentrated on trying to get Carl off as quick as possible. I started fucking back. I met his thrusts with mine and worked my ass in a circular motion. I found myself panting,
“Fuck me! That’s it baby, fuck my sweet ass!” Carl loved this talk and shifted into high gear, fucking me with everything he had. I loved it too. Finally after almost twenty minutes of drilling, my boss buried himself to the hilt and released his blistering hot sperm into my rectum. We were both panting like we just ran a marathon. He pulled out of my bum without ceremony. I suddenly began to feel somewhat empty. Carl brought his wet, flaccid unit around the desk to my face. I obediently opened my mouth as he pushed it inside. I dutifully cleaned his nasty cock up for him until it was spit shined. As he was fixing himself up he said,
“Good piece of ass, I’m gonna love fucking that every week before payday from now on. Don’t worry, you’ll get the two hundred I promised. Hurry up and clean up, I need you back to work before the rush. Don’t forget to clean my desk too.” What did he say? I soon realized what he was talking about. I had not noticed that I had cum all over his desk and my skirt. I must have been paying so much attention to his orgasm that I didn’t notice my own at the same time. Wow! Like a kitten I lapped up my jism from his desk and swallowed it down. I used Carl’s private bathroom to tidy up my cloths, hair and makeup. My ass was so sore, I didn’t think I could finish working but somehow I managed.
I was Carl’s bitch from then on; fucking and sucking his angry looking cock anytime he pleased. I did negotiate more free time as compensation. The one thing lacking in my life called me a couple weeks later. Sandra was very apologetic for being so selfish to me. She admitted that she had sex with someone else but regretted it. She said that she loved me and wanted me back and said she would be more understanding from then on. I was happy about that and told her that I would have more free time for her as well. I couldn’t wait to kiss and make up and told her so. She told me to meet her at her place right away for make up sex. But before I could hang up the phone to leave she said,
“Oh, one more thing, could you come dressed as the waitress, I have always had this lesbian fantasy.”

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