Consensual Sex

Predatrix One: An Education

In the prelude, Michael, a lonely middle-aged high school teacher, finds a set of pills which claims to help him sleep with any girl he wants. After a terrible wet dream where he’s sexually humiliated and dominated, he wakes up to rush to school for the Parent Teacher Conferences.

My Older Neighbor Part 1

My Older Neighbor Part 1
About 5 years ago I moved to a quite little neighborhood. After living in the city the change was welcomed. I had just turn 30 and was looking to move away from the partying life of my 20’s and invest my money and time in a home. The neighbors were nice, especially the older couple across the street. John and Debra were in their 50’s and you could easily tell very much in love. They helped teach me those little things that you need to know to own a home, proper lawn care, basic plumping, and general handy man tricks.
If it was not for them I really feel I would have sold after the first year and ran back to the city. I really enjoyed spending time with them. Debra was an excellent cook and being a bachelor I was never one to turn down home cooking. Every Friday John would host a poker night for his friends and invited me to play with them; needless to say it became a ritual for me.
I really enjoyed that first year that was until the day John passed away. Debra had gone out shopping and upon her return she found him in the living room floor dead. He had died of a heart attack. The doctors said it was instantaneous and that he did not suffer, but Debra blamed herself for not being there when it happened. Life for the neighborhood changed that day and was never the same again.
For the next 4 years Debra pretty much stayed to herself. I mowed her yard each week when I mowed mine. She would come out and always thank me and participate in small talk, but she was not the same bubbly and happy woman she was before. She always had a sad and lonely look about her. It was sad to see her like this but what could anyone do?
One evening after I had finished mowing her lawn Debra came out, as was customary, and as usual talked about nothing of importance. While we were talking in the front yard a UPS truck pulled up. Her sister had sent her a package. Debra was obviously frustrated that her sister had sent it. I asked if she was alright, she smiled at me and told me her sister always sends her the most god awful birthday gifts.
She said she hated to even open it. I asked when her birthday was and she said the upcoming Sunday.
I thought it would be nice to treat her to a dinner out for her birthday, especially since she had feed me so many times when I first moved in. She declined at first, but I was insistent. I had not seen her go anywhere other than to shop, since John had passed. After she realized I was not going to take no for an answer she agreed. I told her I would make reservations for 8pm Saturday night and asked what cuisine she would like. Italian was the choice.
I looked forward to spending an evening out with Debra. That first year I had gotten used to talking with her daily, since John’s death our interactions had only been fleeting minutes in the front yard. I knocked on her door a little after 7:30. She opened the door and I was pleased to see she was actually ready to go, I had feared she would stand me up at the last minute.
We chatted on the drive to the restaurant, she confessed that at first she did not want to go but once she thought about it she realized she needed to get out and looked forward to tonight. She had gone shopping for the outfit she was wearing and had her hair and makeup done.
I told her that she looked lovely, which was not a lie. I had not noticed, until that moment, that she had put such attention to her looks. I always thought Debra was an attractive woman, but had never paid that much attention as she was John’s wife and a close friend. But sitting there in the car her beauty was undeniable. She was wearing modest, yet stylish, light blue dress that came to just above her knees and an attractive pair of black heels. Her calves were shapely and sexy. Her blond hair had wisps of grey through it giving it a frosted look. Debra looked to be in her mid to late 50’s and was very attractive. She saw me looking at her and shot me an approving smile.
I chuckled to myself; she had enjoyed my eying her from head to toe. I guess it had been awhile since she had taken the effort to make herself up and liked the attention. I was glad to see her enjoying the evening. During dinner she laughed at the way everyone was looking at us. I had not paid attention, but once I did I noticed how some people kept looking our way and then speaking quietly to each other. Debra said they thought we were on a date and that I was her boy toy. I told her we should play it up, just to see their reactions. She agreed and reached her hand across the table to mine. I took her hand and caressed it lovingly.
Sure enough the looks on people’s faces were hilarious. I turned to Debra to see if she noticed, she was not paying a bit of attention to the people around us. She was staring intently at her hand as I caressed it; her cheeks were a little flush. It had been a while since she had been touched in this manner and it must have caught her off guard. I patted her hand gently and pulled mine away. She looked up at me and grinned nervously and a little embarrassed.
My rubbing her hand had quite an effect on her. I could tell she was wrestling with feelings that had long been dormant. I smiled at her and acting as if I had not noticed and ask her if she saw the looks form people. She laughed and recovered quickly.
She asked me “Why would people immediately think we were on a date?”
I replied “Why wouldn’t they?”
She laughed and said “Yeah right a man your age would be interested in an old woman like me.”
I smiled and said “Debra, you are a very attractive woman. Your age would be no issue. There is not that many years between our ages anyway.”
I had never really known how old Debra was. When I met her she looked in her 40’s so I was guessing she was now mid, maybe upper 50’s.
She chuckled and said “I’m too old to think I could attract someone in their 30’s.”
I exclaimed “Well I recently turned 35 and I bet there is not 15 years between us.”
With that she let out a laugh. “Jeremy, you surely are not that blind? I am 62 years old.”
I was speechless. I told her that she did not look in her 60’s what so ever, which was true. Again I would have placed more in her mid 50’s. She thanked me and told me I was really blind. Throughout the rest of the meal I started to see Debra in a different light. Before she was my neighbor and friend, now she was a mystery woman and quickly becoming one that I desired. My cock started to tingle and expand. I was getting a boner over Debra. I am sure she noticed the changed in the way I looked at her. I could tell she was nervous, but at the same time intrigued. Could it be that at the same time she was realizing her desires for me?
I had to find a way to know if she was feeling the same urges as I was. After dinner I asked if she was up to having a drink somewhere, she hesitated for a moment and then agreed. There was a quaint piano bar around the corner. As we exited the restaurant I held the door open for Debra so she would walk out ahead of me. I took the opportunity to check her body out more.
She was a small woman, maybe 5’3” to 5’5” and weighted no more than 100 to 110 lbs. She had nice curvy hips and a shapely ass. I could tell she was probably a knock out when she was in her 20’s. At 62 she still had a lot of game. I took my time to catch up to her as I was mesmerized with her ass. I was absolutely amazed how turned on she was making me.
We selected a curved both toward the back of the bar. This would place us side by side and the bar was a typical piano bar with low lighting. We ordered our drinks and I brought the topic of how people reacted to us earlier back up.
“I bet those people back in the restaurant are trying to figure out where we went” I stated
Debra replied “I watched a few stare at us as we left. I am sure they thought the worst.”
I quickly said “Well I do not think it would be the worst, you are a beautiful woman.”
The boldness of my statement took her by surprise. She must have been thinking the same thing as she turned red. I figured now or never and took her hand in mine.
“Debra, I am sure you have been told how beautiful you are many times in your life. I must admit I always knew you were, but I had never paid attention to it until tonight.” I calmly explained. “The reason is that you were John’s wife and until now I had never thought of you any different. Being here with you now I see you as the woman you are and the beauty you exude.”
Debra looked at me for what felt like an eternity. I started to get concerned that I had misread her and that she was thinking of how to tell me to get bent. I noticed a tear escape her eye and roll down her cheek.
She smiled and said “Until tonight I had not considered myself anyone other than John’s wife. Jeremy, you have made me feel so good tonight. I really needed to get out. Look I know you are attempting to make me feel attractive, believe me I appreciate it and have enjoyed it, but why would you want to be with someone my age when you could spend time with a younger fresher woman.”
I thought carefully before answering “I have spent time with younger women and women my age. If you notice I live alone. I require more intellect and maturity; I realized tonight that is why I always enjoy talking with you. You are also beautiful as or more so than they are. “
She again looked at me trying to assess if I was for real or not. “You are serious? “She questioned
I calmly replied “Yes I am. I would love to spend more time with you and get to know you better.”
She then pushed the envelope on me “And have sex with me?”
I must admit I was a little thrown by her directness, I had not expected that. “Well, if the opportunity arose yes.”
Debra took my hand and grinned. She leaned forward and quietly said “Then let’s get out of here and go to your place. It has been 4 years since I have done anything sexual and you have me so turned on I want to go before I lose my will.”
With that we headed for the door and to the car. Once in the car our urges took over, I had to kiss her and she was more than wanting me too. Our tongues entangled themselves as they darted around each other. The heat and desire in us burned away any inhibitions we might have had about this. I pulled back and told her we had to get home.
On the drive home Debra got a little concerned as to what the neighbors would think if they saw her entering my house. I told her she could go into her house and I would go to mine. Once we knew the busy bodies we lived by was not watching she could walk across.
After about 30 minutes went by I started to get concerned that Debra had second thoughts and was not going to come over, just as I was about to give her a call I heard a soft knock on the door. When I opened it Debra walked in, she had changed out of her dress and had a robe on with the same black heels. Just as I made a comment about her changing of attire she removed the robe and let it fall to the floor. Beneath the robe was all woman. She walked up to me and rose up to kiss me. As I kissed her I ran my hands up and down her naked back, her skin was so soft and silky. I moved my hands farther down to her ass rubbing and caressing it like it was a piece of heaven.
Debra let out a soft moan when my hands cupped her ass, and moved in closer pressing her hard little nipples into my chest. The desire in both of us was overwhelming; I took her hand and guided her to my bedroom. Debra seductively crawled onto my bed, pushing her lovely little ass into the air as she moved along it. I slowly undressed.
As I removed my clothes Debra paid close attention, her cheeks were turning redder by the second with lust. As I removed my pants she became fixated on the bulge in my boxers. She reached out and stroked it. I paused and let her fell my member; the look on her face was that of a child in a candy store. I slowly pulled down my boxers and let my stiff cock out. My cock is by no means a monster, but it is no small thing either. This night it was standing to its fullest attention.
Debra slowly rubbed her hand up my chest and down my legs. I work our regularly and stay in fairly decent shape. I do not have washboard abs, but I am not carrying a spare tire around either.
As Debra was inspecting and enjoying my body I took the time to do the same with her. Mother Nature had been kind to her as she aged. She and John never had children, so her body was never stretched and pulled out of shape. Her skin was blemish free. Her breasts were no more than B cups, but were firm and not sagging at all.
Debra laid back on the bed and shot me an erotic inviting smile. Again I took a moment to admire her nakedness. I placed my hand on her thigh, immediately causing her to rise a little from the bed. She was extremely turned on and my simple touch was sending waves throughout her body. It had been a very long time for her, so I knew I had to be slow and gentle so as not to overwhelm her. I slowly stroked her thigh, causing her to close her eyes and lay her head back. Her body started to sway with my caressing.
As I gently moved my hand more toward the inner parts of her thighs, she slowly opened them granting full access to all her womanhood. Her pussy was pure art work. I could tell she had been a natural blond in her early years. Her mound was lightly covered with the thin wisps of blondish/grey hair. She had shaved around the hood and down. Her pussy was a perfect little camel toe, all tucked up. The lips were puffy and engorged with blood, it longed to be kissed.
I gently crawled on the bed, straddling Debra but not placing my weight directly on her. I wanted her to feel my warmth and desire for her. She placed her arms around my neck and pulled her body up to mine. The heat between us was indescribable. We kissed passionately and deeply. I slowly placed my right leg between hers, she opened immediately. I placed my other leg between hers and slowly lowered myself onto her.
I moved down so my abdominal region was pressed against her pussy, for which she was grinding toward me. My face was just over her breasts. I flicked my tongue toward one of her nipples, her body shivered as I made contact. Debra was so hot and wanting. The look on her face was pure ecstasy.
Debra raised her head and watched as my mouth and tongue seduced her breast, her mouth open breathing heavily.
“Oh Jeremy you are wonderful.” Escaped between her deep breathes. She placed a hand on the back of head and pushed it into her chest.
“Oh god it has been so long. I have missed this so much.” stated Debra.
I rose from her breast, smiled, and said “Debra, all this is for you. It is your birthday. I want nothing more than to give you orgasms one after another all night long.”
With that I moved slowly down her body, kissing all along my way. Each kiss received a thrust upward from her body. Once my head was between her legs I gently raised each one over my shoulders and let her feet rest on my back. I placed my hands under her ass and pulled her to me. She moaned gently and gasp for air as I pulled her toward me. Her body was tense and shaking slightly. I started by kissing her inner thigh, to which she immediately placed a hand on my head and started to stroke it unconsciously. I could resist no longer and moved over to that beautiful little camel toe. With her legs opened and over my shoulders the lips had parted showing the pinkest parts and a swollen little bud at top. Her scent was intoxicating. The hole was flexing open and closed with each of her heavy breathes.
Lost in my own lust I had not paid attention to Debra’s reaction to where I was focusing all my attention. Her breathing had become heavier, but she had become still and almost apprehensive. I thought to myself surely she had experienced oral sex before. I let the thought trail off and got back to the task at hand. Her little bud was screaming kiss me, and when I did Debra let out a deep loud moan. The type that lets you know you just turned every switch she had to full on.
From the reaction to my kiss I knew I had to be slow and gentle so as not to overwhelm her. With that I lightly placed the tip of my tongue to her opening and flicked it back and forth. The result was immediate, as she let out a louder moan, but this time pressed her groin into my mouth pushing my tongue into her. I moved my face so I could keep my tongue lodged in her hole, while my face would apply pressure to her swollen clit.
Debra slowly started to grind herself harder and harder into my mouth, pushing the back of my head more and more. As the tempo of her grinding increased the pressure of her pussy muscles increased on my tongue. I could hear a low deep noise coming from her chest. Her entire body started to tense up. I knew it was only seconds before her orgasm hit. I moved my hands back under her ass and pushed upward increasing the pressure to her groin. The result was immediate; her head threw back, her hips shot forward, and her pussy opened wide and shot a stream of hot sweet fluid into my mouth.
Debra screamed out and her entire body started to shake. Her orgasm was now in control of her actions, she pushed my head as though she wanted it inserted in her. My face was becoming sore with the amount of force she was applying. Slowly the intense wave subsided and she released my head. Her hands went straight to her breasts where she caressed them and flicked at her nipples.
I rolled out from between her legs and moved up so I was eye to eye with her. She opened her big blue eyes and tears were coming out. I asked if she was ok.
She replied “Oh sweet Jeremy, I am more than ok. I have always wanted to experience that, and I had no idea it would be as good as it was.”
I was right she had never had oral sex performed on her. I asked “John never did that to you?”
She said “Our sex life was good, I am not complaining, but he refused to perform oral sex. He thought it was gross.”
I had to ask “And no one else ever did it either?”
She grinned and said “Other than John, you are the only other person to ever have sex with me”
Wow is all I could think. Here was this beautiful woman that has been so sheltered all her life. I knew at that moment I would help her experience anything she wanted. I leaned down and kissed her fully on the lips. As she was kissing me her hand took hold of my erect cock. Her touch sent shock waves through my body. After a few strokes she pushed me back and told me it was my turn.
She worked her way down my stomach to my cock. She examined it as if she was trying to burn the image of it in her mind. It dawned on me that she may have never done this before as well.
I gently placed my hand on the back of her head and asked “Is this your first time doing this as well?”
She turned a little red with embarrassment and said “Yes, I hope I do it right.”
I said “You do not have to do it.”
She quickly replied “Yes I do..I want to. I have always wanted to do it but again John was not into oral sex. I feel like such a little school girl. Here I am 62 and the experience off a teenage schoolgirl.”
I grinned and replied “I am sure you will do great and as far as experience of a teenager I am sure you have tricks in other areas I have never heard of.”
She grinned and stated “Oh I am sure I know a thing or two that will make up for my lack of experience in other areas.”
And with that she leaned forward and kissed the head of my cock. The touch made it pulse and bulge upward. She grinned opened her mouth, and slowly slipped about half of my cock in. Until then I had forgotten it had been about 3 months since I had last been laid, and the feeling of her warm mouth wrapped around my cock just about made me blow. I had to work to calm down.
Debra started darting her tongue around the shaft and slowly pulled it in and out of her mouth. For someone to had never performed oral sex she sure knew how to do it. I thrust up gently giving her access to more of my cock; she eagerly took what was being offered. By this time about three quarters of my cock was in her mouth. I could feel the back of her throat and knew she was probably at her limit. I doubted if she could push the rest in, since she had never given a blow job before.
Debra picked up the pace. She was moaning as she pushed my cock to the back of her throat. I told her get on all fours and turn her ass toward me. She quickly obliged. Once back on my cock I slowly inserted a finger in her hot and very wet pussy. She froze for a second taking in the new sensation. When she returned to her work a new aggressive attitude was apparent.
She enjoyed sucking cock and was going to make up for lost time. Her pussy started to clamp down on my finger and she bounced her hips up and down in a frenzy. I could feel her second orgasm building, her pussy was engorging and her breathing increased. I pushed as much of my finger in her as I could. She was once again controlled by her orgasm. The second one hit much quicker than the first one, but with no less intensity.
She slammed her pussy down forcefully onto my hand, swaying back and forth while humping up and down. My hand was quickly filling with her juices. The whole time her mouth never broke contact with my cock, she kept at least half of it in at all times. She was bobbing up and down on it and licking like mad. It felt wonderful. I was not going to last too long. I told her she was about to make me cum and to my surprise she started driving more of my cock into her mouth.
I felt her push the tip of the head into her throat, a small gag reflex occurred and she pulled back. The feeling was unbelievable, only one woman had ever taken my whole cock in her mouth and I so wanted to feel it once again.
Debra either sensed that, wanted it herself, or both. The next think I felt was my cock being pushed into her throat and Debra’s lips engulf the base. She paused there for a second to get used to it, and then pumped her head up and down. The head of my cock was popping in and out of her throat. I could not take it any longer.
I yelled out “I’m going to fucking cum”
And with that started dumping what felt like a gallon of cum in her throat. The first blast shot straight down her throat, as when I yelled she shoved it as deep in as she could get it. She pulled it back to catch her breath just as the second blast erupted and filled her mouth full, some of which started to leak out the sides of her mouth. She pulled it completely out to swallow and the third blast exploded onto her chin and breasts.
Once I came to my senses I asked if she was ok.
With a big cum soaked smile on her face she said “Absolutely. The question should be are you? From the amount you just shot you sure you are not light headed”
I laughed “Oh I’m fine. Actually I am great now. You were unbelievable. That was by far the best blow job I had ever experienced” and I was not lying.
She giggled “I was hoping I was doing it right. I always wanted to do it and I would dream of a man cumming in my mouth and on my body just like you did. You my friend are a bad bad boy, and I love it.”
I quickly replied “Well you have just started to find out how bad I can really be and I want to show you all my bad little tricks.”
She grinned and said “MMMMMM and I want you to show them to me.”
It was getting really late and I could see that Debra was really worn out after 2 powerful orgasms and working my cock over with her mouth. She was a trooper though, as tired as she was she would have let me fuck her. But I knew it would not have been as good as if we waited until the morning. I suggested she stay the night with me and in the morning I would show her as many of my bad boy tricks as I can.
She smiled and cuddled up to me, her head was on my chest and in no time she was asleep. I knew from that moment on I would have her in my bed.

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An old girlfriend’s sister

He was fifteen she was thirteen and this was to be a night of first.
He found her sitting on her bed playing with some dolls. She was trying to glue pubic hair onto them and was so engrossed in what she was doing that it took a while for her to realize he was even there. Finally she looked up.”
“Oh hi, how long you been there?”
“Long enough.”
She held up her doll and asked;
“What you think?”
“Looks pretty good. Where’d you get the hair?”
“From my head, I cut some from the back where it wouldn’t show.”
“Oh, I thought maybe you got it from someplace a little lower.”
He was sure she hadn’t, do to her age but liked to have fun with her in this way.
“I could have but there isn’t much there to start with and if I cut it there wouldn’t be any.”
She was very matter of fact about it.
“You have hair there?”
“Yes, you want to see?”
This caught him a little off guard, but was quick to recover. He didn’t really think she would show him her young pussy.
To his amazement she stood up and lifted her night gown. She wasn’t wearing any panties and there was a nearly bald pussy. Just a hint of hair was covering her pubic area. What really caught his eye though was her pussy. It was so inviting, so young and virgin and he wanted so much to reach out and touch it. She was just two years younger than he and now he found that he wanted her sex.
“Very pretty and nice looking.”
“You think so?”
“Yes.” was all he could say.
“I would like to see you down there.”
He said nothing but started undoing his pants. When they fell to the floor he pulled his shorts down so that she could see his rising hard on.
As she looked at him she saw it grow right before her eyes.
“It’s getting bigger.”
“It wants you.”
One of her hands went between her legs and unconsciously started to rub herself there.
“Want me to do that for you?”
She looked down to where he was pointing and just nodded. He stepped over and stood at her side, the placed a hand over her small mound, letting a finger press between the folds of her pussy lips.
“It feels so different when you touch me there.”
“Yes, much better.”
“Lets set on the bed, I’ll take off my cloths and you do the same.”
She did as he asked and they both set on the bed. Then he lay back with his head on a pillow, his cock standing tall when he tighten the muscles in it. She lay down along side of him. Without saying a word he reached over and started robbing her again, this time pressing his finger a little further into her now damp pussy.
“Oh I like that, it makes me feel so hot inside. You going to put a finger in me?”
“If you want.”
“I want to feel what it’s like to have a guys finger in me there.”
He took his time as he got up, turned around to face her and kneeling beside her knees he spread her legs apart further then she had them and inserted one finger up to the last knuckle and started a slow in and out motion. She was getting wetter by the second. Her legs lifted spread even further and he inserted a second finger. It was tight and he almost could not do it but as he put steady pressure against her pussy it slowly parted he was able to enter her body. She showed signs of pain but said nothing. He kept pressing into her and when he was as far as her pussy would allow started withdrawing and reentering, like a piston driving a locomotive, until he had her moving her hips up to meet his thrust into her. She was being finger fucked for the first time in her life, and she was loving it. His rock hard pecker was standing straight up, pre-cum oozing from its tip and running down his six inch shaft. Now he was jerking that shaft as he finger fucked her, trying to bring relief to himself as well as her. How he wanted to shoot his load into her but that would have to come on another day, this was their first sexual encounter and he didn’t want to press his luck.
Suddenly she popped up off the bed and slammed her legs together, holding his finger tight inside her.
“Oh God that feels to good!”
She had reached her first ever orgasm with someone else and not by her own hand. He stopped what he was doing and she relaxed her hold on his hand. Removing his fingers from her he saw they were covered with her juices and licked them. He was tasting a women’s juice for the first time and liked it. He then put his fingers into his mouth and sucked all the juice from them. Then before she knew it he was down between her legs sucking her wet pussy, sucking the juice from deep within her. She was shocked but did not try and stop him, after all it felt good to have him it do that. Soon he bent back and set on his heels, looking at her, wet juice all around his mouth. She just looked at him in return, neither one knowing for sure what had just happen here, but both knowing they were going to be doing it again.
He leaned over and kissed her on the mouth and she had another first, the taste of her own juice. She did not find it unpleasant and in fact liked it. She wondered what he would taste like. Looking down towards his cock she saw the pre-cum leaking out and took a finger to it, placing it into her mouth she sucked the thick stuff. It was salty but nice. She could get used to drinking this stuff. She worked herself up and around so that she was able to bend over and take his pecker into her mouth. Now she had no idea that this was just pre-cum and was in for another first. She sucked his head in and he let out with a moan.
“Oh sis, that is so good I’m going to cum.”
She instinctively swallowed in more of the head and pulled back as though her mouth was an extension of her pussy, it had the desired effect.
“Here go’s sis.”
And a load of hot, white, thick cum erupted into her mouth. She gagged on it as it hit the opening of her throat, choking her. But she soon recovered and he felt her start to swallow his remaining cum. This was not what he had expected to happen this night but he sure as hell liked what she was doing. So this was what a blow job was like, he sure could get used to having it done on a regular bases.
After swallowing all she could get from him she set up and this time she kissed him on the lips. It was time he got to taste his own cum. To his surprise it wasn’t all that bad, but nothing he would be going out to look for. He liked the taste of pussy juice much better.
When she set back from kissing him she said;
“What do you think”
“I’m not sure how all this happen but I sure did like it. How about you?”
“I liked it to.”
“Even when I shot off in your mouth?”
“Yes. That caught me by surprise but I liked it after. I like the taste of your cum too.”
“I liked having you suck me like that. Would you do it again?”
“Right now?”
“No, some other time, I’m a little tinder there now.”
“Sure thing, any time you want, but you have to do me too.”
“No problem, I like sucking the juice from you.”
They just looked at one another for some time then he reached over and touched her small breast for the first time. She shivered at the touch but said nothing. He bent over and kissed one of them and again she shivered but said nothing. Then he sucked a nipple into his mouth and this brought an ‘Oh!’ from her and he felt the nipple start to swell between his lips. His pecker was starting to grow again. He pressed her back down on the bed and started sucking in earnest, first one nipple then the other. The moans were coming more frequent now and becoming louder. She was calling him by name as her body responded to his touch. He felt down between her legs and found them spread apart, her pussy dripping with wetness. He slid his body over hers and worked his pecker to her opening and then pressed into it. Her eyes popped open at what he was about to do. Was she ready for this?
“Go easy pleas.”
He said nothing but took his time as he entered a women for the first time. He knew that there was going to be a barrier he would have to brake through and he knew it would hurt her but there was no stopping now, he had to have her.
“When I pop your cherry we both know it’s going to hurt. I’m going to go in as far as I can and then just hold there until you say go on okay?”
She just nodded her head. There was no way she had thought about going this far, this soon, but she felt she wanted too. He was in her now and that felt to good to stop. She was as full as she had ever been down there and while it hurt a little to be stretched so much it felt good at the same time.
H pressed in further until he felt the barrier and stopped.
“You ready for this now?”
She said nothing but looked into his eyes, looking for something but did not know what. After several seconds she said;
“Yes, make it fast and maybe it won’t be so bad.”
So he did, pulled back about two inches then drove in as hard as he could, busting through the one time barrier.
“Oh ! God! Oh! Oh God that Hurts!”; She screamed.
Tears streamed down her cheeks as she wrapped her arms around his neck and held him tight, biting into his shoulder. She was holding him so tight he thought she was going to choke him to death. He said nothing though and held her tight right back, he loved her for letting him do this and wasn’t about to let her think otherwise. Soon she settled down and her legs and arms relaxed some as the pain started to subside. She had her eyes open again and was looking at him, as he was her. She just nodded her head to indicate that she was ready to go on. He slowly withdrew his cock a little and stopped. She winced some as he did so then relaxed again. He pressed in again then back out, a little more this time. Again she winced, not so bad this time. In he went and this time he pulled out until just the head of his pecker was in her, then slowly all the way in. Just a slight moan came from her. He didn’t know if this meant she liked it or was still in pain. He withdrew again and when he pushed in this time she put her arms around his body and held him snug against her chest, her small breast pressing against his chest, adding to the feeling he was already having deep in his groin. How long would it be before he shot off another load. Some times it was quick the second time and some times not. As much as he wanted her to like this he wanted to climax inside her. He wanted to know what it felt like to cum inside a women.
He manage to reach around her butt and finger her love button when he was just trying to feel her pussy lips. This brought a sharp cry from her.
“Oh God! Touch me there again!”
So he did and the end results were her hips coming up to meet his thrusting into her . The pain was obviously now gone and he started thrusting in and out of her with great speed. She was matching him with her hips.
“God honey it’s going to happen again!” she said.
And he was there too. Two more strokes and all was well with the world. He shot off a load almost as large as the first and she was banging her hips to meet his while at the same time her head was twisting from side to side, her fingernails were digging into his back as she screamed.
“Oh God! I’m Cuming again!”
She came off the bed holding him tight in her arms as she started to settle down. Their sweaty bodies sliding on one another, the smell of hot sex permeating the room, the last of his hot thick cum leaking into her love cannel. This was to be a night they would both never ever forget. It was their first encounter with hot, deep sex with a member of the opposite sex. And it was a start of a life long relationship.

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My Buddy’s Sister

‘Hey bro whats up?’ My buddy Jake had just texted me. It was Friday night and I was just sitting at home playing Call of Duty. What else would you expect from a College student that didn’t have a girlfriend nor was looking for one. I had just gotten out of a bad relationship that lasted two years to long.
‘Playing Cod. You?’ I replied back as I resumed my termination of the terrible player of Call of Duty. Buzz buzz buzz, I answered the phone.
‘Hey Dick head, whats going on?’ I said to my buddy.
The reply was one I did not expect. ‘Hey to you to Kyle’ It was not my buddy Jake, although the voice seemed familiar. ‘Who is this?’ I asked. ‘It’s Jess, you coming tonight or what?’ she asked. I had no clue what to say. What was she talking about? So I asked. She told me about the party her brother was having at his new apartment. Hell yeah I was down, especially if I got to see her. Only a year younger than I, she was easily the prettiest girl in our small town. She had a smile that could cheer up Sarah McLachlin after just seeing a puppy being executed. Blue eyes and brown hair that fell curly to her shoulders. She stood at a petite 5 foot and had curves that turned even the teachers heads. She had amazing tits, d cups easily, as if she wasn’t good looking enough, her ass was something guys drooled over. The perfect bubble butt that stretched all of her clothes perfectly. She was very fit, and had nicely tanned body.
‘Yeah ill come, what time?’ I said trying to hide my excitement.
’10 o’clock and be ready to party’ she replied. I told her bye and that was the end of it. I glanced at the clock on my wall, it was 8:44 and God knows that I haven’t been in the best condition to impress. I had a 4 day old beard and was wearing sweats and a hoodie. I ran to the bathroom and started shaving. I looked at myself and thought I wasn’t too bad looking. I had a strong jaw, blue eyes and sandy blonde hair. I wasn’t as fit as I was in High School, I put on some weight since my athletic career had ended, but for the most part I was in shape. I jumped in the shower and into jeans and a tee and headed to my buddies apartment.
I called him when I was just a few minutes away and he told me he’d buzz me up. I walked into the apartment to a round of applause and slaps on the back.
‘Bout damn time you come party, its been to long you motherfucker.’ I guess it has been a long time since I went out with my friends and drank. I scanned the room looking for Jessica, and I quickly spotted her sitting on the couch next to some hopeless guy trying to put the moves on her. I walked over after I said my hellos and what not and motioned for the guy to scoot over so I could sit next to her. He wasn’t budging one bit.
‘Hey Derek, move over, I haven’t seen Kyle in a long time.’ Jessica said, Derek scooted over.
‘Hey, we got next,’ I told Jake, pointing to Jessica as I said so letting the beer pong table know we had the next game. We caught up with each other and started to talk about her future plans and what not. Before I knew it we had next game. She got up before me and I sat there frozen watching her leave. She was in a white mini dress that hugged her hips with a light pink shirt accentuating her breasts perfectly with just the right amount of cleavage. She was absolutely drop dead gorgeous.
‘Earth to Kyle, lets go.’ She told me and she waved her hand in front of my face. I got up and followed her to the table.
We were on a roll, 4 straight victories. Crushing every opponent, I credit all of our wins due to her distraction abilities, she was wiggling her ass in front of our opponents, showing more cleavage whenever necessary. We were having fun, we were winning and we were flirting. After one win we celebrated and high fived. I walked to the kitchen to get more beer and she followed. I opened the fridge and felt her come up behind me and wrap her arms around my waste. I then felt her hand snake through my pants to my penis. ‘Hey guys, hurry up’ we heard her brother call. I walked back into the room with a raging hard on. 3 more wins until we finally lost. It was now midnight and we were almost out of booze, people were leaving and not twenty minutes after we had lost, it was just me, Jess, and Jake. I was in no shape to drive, and didn’t feel like walking into my house drunk. Jake showed me the couch, Jessica went to the guest room, and Jake to his own.
I tossed and turned on the couch. I was way to horny to sleep. I decided to jerk off, and did so. It relaxed me just enough, and I began to drift off to sleep. I awoke to Jessica nudging me to scoot over. ‘Scoot over.’ She told me. I obliged, I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her in closed. Her perfect ass was now directly in front of my growing dick. I knew it before it happened, I was gonna get hard and she’d run back to her bed. It was only a matter of time.
My dick was completely hard and nudging against her ass. She shuffled around, getting comfortable, I expected her to freak out when she felt my dick, but instead she nudge back into it. She turned around and we were now face to face.
‘I couldn’t get comfortable with the monster attacking my ass.’ My face was completely red. I had no clue what to say. ‘Uhh, sorry, its just that your so sexy and uhhh.’ I was like a fish out of water, I had no on how to respond.
She put a finger to my lips to shush me, then leaned in for a kiss. Our lips met and it was passion from then on. Our tongues met in fiery passion. Her hand quickly found the sides of my shorts and pulled them down. I pulled her shirt off and unhooked her bra, letting on her beautiful tits. I quickly latched onto one of her nipples. I snaked my hand through her skirt and began to run my fingers over her pussy. She moaned in acceptance as I inserted a finger into her pussy. ‘oh Kyle.’ She moaned as I kissed down her stomach to just to where her skirt was. I slid my hands to the side of her waist and pulled her skirt down leaving on her lacy black thong. She scooted herself up to the side of the couch and rested her back onto it so her hips were up in the air.
I grabbed two handfuls of her luscious ass as she pulled her thong to the side. She pulled my face with her free hand into her beautiful pussy. I began my attack, eating her out like it was the only thing I knew how to do.
‘oh Godddddd, Kyle.’ She moaned. I continued to eat her out and then began to play with her pussy while doing so. ‘ Oh my GOddddd, I’m going to cummmmmmm.’ She said loudly. I hope Jakes a sound sleeper. She then began to grind her hips into my face, I stuck my pinky into her pussy in order for it to get lubed up. I then stuck it up her ass, that was the final straw. My face was flooded with her juices as she started her orgasm.
‘Kyle, that was literally my first orgasm, I think I should repay my debt now.’ And with that she pushed me onto my back and lowered herself onto my awaiting dick. She began to ride my dick to no avail. I slapped her ass hard, causing her to moan loudly. ‘I want to your slut so bad Kyle. Your dick feels so good in my pussy.’ She told me.
I pushed her off of me and onto her knees. I lined my dick up to her awaiting pussy and began to thrust in and out of her. ‘Fuck me harder.’ She demanded. I then began to fuck her faster. ‘ I want it harder, baby, I love the way your dick feels.’
‘I’m going to cummmm.’ I told her. She quickly dropped to her back and opened her mouth and said. “I want to taste it, so give it to me.’
I squatted over her face and began to jerk off. I then began to cum, my first burst shot all over her face, my second one landed directly into her mouth. She then sat up as my third shot hit her directly in her tits, before her mouth could find my dick. She began to suck me dry. She pulled off. I told her, ‘That was amazing Jess.’ She replied with, ‘ You taste delicious.’ She then used her finger to scoop the cum off her tits and swallow it. ‘oh yeah, and this is only just the beginning.’ She told me with a smile.

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The Island, Chapter 24

Author’s Note: This is a serial novel. It mixes actual experiences, fantasies, and outright lunacy. It is not a quick lurk-and-jerk. I believe in a slow build, in order to have a better payoff at the end. (Like Sting, I’m Tantric…). I plan to release a new chapter every week. Hopefully the response will be good! Enjoy.

Wicked Ties Chapter 2

A Rockstar and a Journalist. A drinking game. This couldn’t end well, even if it had started out that way. Which it hadn’t.

Wicked Ties Chapter 2

A Rockstar and a Journalist. A drinking game. This couldn’t end well, even if it had started out that way. Which it hadn’t.

Wicked Ties Chapter 2

A Rockstar and a Journalist. A drinking game. This couldn’t end well, even if it had started out that way. Which it hadn’t.

Wicked Ties Chapter 2

A Rockstar and a Journalist. A drinking game. This couldn’t end well, even if it had started out that way. Which it hadn’t.

Wicked Ties Chapter 2

A Rockstar and a Journalist. A drinking game. This couldn’t end well, even if it had started out that way. Which it hadn’t.

Wicked Ties Chapter 2

A Rockstar and a Journalist. A drinking game. This couldn’t end well, even if it had started out that way. Which it hadn’t.

Wicked Ties Chapter 2

A Rockstar and a Journalist. A drinking game. This couldn’t end well, even if it had started out that way. Which it hadn’t.

Wicked Ties Chapter 2

A Rockstar and a Journalist. A drinking game. This couldn’t end well, even if it had started out that way. Which it hadn’t.

Hell Hath No Fury…Ch3

Sorry it took so long to post. I don’t seem to have nearly as much time as I used to. I’m working on chapter 4, but don’t expect it very soon. I’ll do my best to finish it quickly and get it on here, though. Hope you enjoy!