Suzanne and I get married, but first I have to meet her parents. Sorry about the formatting at the end, but I had a lot of trouble with this segment.


We rested through the afternoon and had a light dinner before retiring for the night. I read in bed while Suzanne watched TV. We had a queen sized bed with space we never used unless our sexual escapades messed up one side. Then we’d sleep on the other. We slept in extremely close proximity to each other, loving the touch of each other’s skin. We slept in the nude.

We went to the country club the following morning to practice. Neither of us had even held a club for more than a month. I was just getting my coordination back so I had no idea what to expect. The first few shots were terrible. I felt like a beginner—a rank amateur. I lost my balance several times and almost fell. Those were my good shots. The rest were sliced badly, going relatively straight for 150 yards before taking a sharp right-hand turn. I felt like crying. The one saving grace was that I was able to look at Suzanne’s ass clad in some really tight shorts the entire time. I had stopped and was checking her out when she turned around and said, “What? Oh, I get it—checking out my ass again, are you?”

“Of course; I haven’t hit even one decent ball yet, so

back to addressing the ball, we can address your interest in my ass when we get home. I do trust you, you know. Oh, by the way, I phoned my parents and told them I’d be coming home next weekend. For some reason I forgot to mention being engaged or that you’d be accompanying me. This way they won’t have time to plan some strategy to destroy us. Now—back to work.” She walked to me, planted a sweet kiss on my lips, and returned to her practice, wiggling her even sweeter ass as she did.

I took a few minutes to rethink what I was doing and decided to slow everything down, even if it meant swinging at half speed or slower. It worked. My next ten shots were much better—straight, if not as long as usual. Gradually, I built my tempo up and soon I was back. I suggested we try for a tee time. Being the middle of the week I thought we’d have a good chance.

We walked into the pro shop to see if anything might be available. We were able to play in another hour so we went to the putting green to practice. It was worse than the range. I was normally an excellent putter. Today I was average at best, but I could see it slowly coming back.

We played with members we’d never met before—a husband and wife—who wanted a small wager. Under other circumstances I would have, but I begged off claiming truthfully that I was recovering from an illness and that we weren’t even going to keep score. The hubby shrugged his shoulders and walked up to the tee box. He hit a decent shot—maybe 220 yards, but offline into the deep rough. I relaxed and swung slowly. The ball went down the middle, but only about 170 yards. Still, I was satisfied. Suzanne easily out drove both of us from the women’s tees. I gave her a congratulatory kiss. I played the rest of the hole, scoring a poor double bogey six. I had a bogey on the second and third holes. Then it all came together. I hit the ball as I had before my “incident.” I was able to par each of the next six holes. I played the back nine in two over par much to the amazement of our playing partners. We had returned our clubs to the staff when Suzanne kissed me again. “Nice to know I was the inspiration for your success.”


“I saw you checking out my ass every time I hit the ball.”

“Well, what did you expect? You have a great ass and you know how I love it.”

“Just you wait until we get home. I have a little surprise for you.” I tried to press her, but to no avail. I was resigned to waiting. Soon we were back in the car—with me driving for a change—on our way home. I opened the door and Suzanne laughed. “I can see you’re impatient. Okay, I’ve teased you long enough. Come into the bedroom with me.” Once there she showed me a box. One by one she removed series of graduated butt plugs. “If we start tonight we should be able to do it before we get married.”

“I think we should wait. Going to see your parents will interfere and I think we might go out there early and stay a few days. Do you want to stay with your parents or should I get a hotel in Seattle?”

“Would you like to sleep in a different room than me? That’s what will happen if we stay with my folks, plus we’ll hear over and over about how wonderful David is. I’ll take the hotel.” I went to the phone, making arrangements to fly business to SeaTac and reservations for the Sheraton in downtown Seattle. We left early Wednesday morning, flying from Asheville to Portland, Oregon and from there to SeaTac. I rented a car from Hertz using my company ID for a healthy discount. I may be rich, but I’m not stupid. Forty minutes later we were in our suite at the Sheraton.

“I have a suggestion for tonight,” I told Suzanne. “Ever go down to the Muckleshoot Indian Casino? I have several times and it’s always been a lot of fun.” Suzanne agreed and off we went, back down I-5 toward Auburn. I chose valet parking and strode confidently to the Players Club desk. My card received an instant response from the clerk and seconds later from George who had always been my personal representative. I gave him a voided check; he gave me a $10,000 voucher. Suzanne watched in amazement until I led her to the blackjack tables. We sat at a $25 minimum table and I handed over my voucher, eliciting a huge welcome from the pit boss. I sat Suzanne next to me and shoveled over a pile of chips.

“How much is this,” she asked.

“If I counted right it should be $3,000. If I were you I’d bet the minimum.” She pushed ten chips forward and had the black hundreds changed into green twenty-five’s. I put two black chips onto the square in front of me. We played for about two hours holding our own—losing only about $500—when we decided to break for dinner. We left the chips on the table knowing they would be safeguarded in our absence and walked to the Coyaba Grill for dinner. We were shown directly to our table despite the lengthy line—one of the benefits of being a relatively high roller. We enjoyed thick steaks with lettuce wedges and onion soup. I ordered a margarita on the rocks and was pleased when Suzanne just asked for the same. I knew now that I was all the way back. Our meals were comp’d, but I did leave a hefty tip for the staff—a hundred dollar chip. We returned to the table after dinner and had a great time, leaving
around eleven almost $2,000 ahead even after tipping the dealers $200. The ten thousand was returned to my account; I gave the $2,000 to Suzanne with a kiss. The look she gave me was priceless.

We were back in our suite by midnight and it felt later because our bodies were still on Eastern Time—three hours ahead. We showered, but not together because the stall was small and went to bed. I was lying on my back with my eyes closed when I felt Suzanne crawl onto my body. “Don’t you ever get enough,” I whispered.

“You know I don’t. I’m in love with you. I have to take good care of you, don’t I?”

“Haven’t you been doing that? Who nursed me back to health, spoiling me rotten for weeks?”

“I didn’t mean that way.”

“I know, but why are we whispering? Are we afraid to wake the kids? Or how about your parents? I want you to tell me all about them tomorrow morning. But now
.” I felt around in the dark for Suzanne’s lips, pressing into them with mine as my hands found her breasts.

“Ooooooooh, Bob,” she moaned, lifting her body so I could suckle. I rolled her onto her side to give me more access to her body. I suckled one breast, massaged the other, and rubbed her pussy with my free hand. It was only seconds that she was soaked. That was my cue to roll her over and climb aboard. “I thought you’d never

“Patience, my love; good things come to those who wait and you’ve waited long enough.” I rubbed my cock into her slit. I could feel the arteries pulsing as I slid smoothly into her vault. We moved together, slowly at first, wanting to make it last—wanting the feeling to build until we could take it no more. Suzanne wrapped her long legs around my waist, locking her ankles and pulling me even deeper into her core.

We continued to kiss, our faces a mess from the saliva, but who cared? We were lost in each other, lost in our rapture as we pounded together—me torturing her poor cervix and Suzanne beating her hot hard bud into my abdomen. No lovers could continue at the pace we were keeping now. Only our exhaustion had prevented it from ending minutes ago, but even that was doomed to lose. Our bodies built to the edge, sustained themselves there for almost a minute and it happened. Over the edge we tumbled as our orgasms controlled our very existence. We fell together in a sheet of sweat. We panted for several minutes while we regained control, taking it back at last.

We had laid there for almost ten minutes too tired to even move. I was stroking Suzanne’s head when I whispered, “A perfect ending to a perfect day.”

“Tell me again why we’re whispering,” Suzanne said with a laugh then she continued, “I think we should move. This side of the bed is a mess.” It was one time I was thrilled we had a king sized bed. We scooted over and fell into a deep sleep.


We slept in, rising after nine and having a big breakfast at the Sheraton’s buffet before walking down the hill to the Pike Place Market. Years ago I had bought a beautiful sterling silver bangle bracelet with inlaid opals and onyx from a vendor here, but the shops come and go so quickly that I was never able to find that merchant again. We walked among the vendors sometimes stopping to look or sample and occasionally to buy some little item. We bought a pair of handmade glass earrings and a colorful set of placemats and matching napkins which I welcomed as Suzanne began to make my home hers.

We strolled down to the harbor to the Aquarium where we spent an hour or so before deciding to be real tourists. Like many natives to the area Suzanne had never taken any of the city or harbor tours. We just made the deadline for the combination harbor and locks tour. We sat in the sun on the upper deck and relaxed as we sailed from one end of Elliott Bay to the other, listening to the commentary coming from the PA system before the ship ran up the canal to the Chittenden Locks. I had always found the process fascinating and apparently Suzanne did, too. She stood at the rail as the lock was filled with commercial ships and private boats. Operating the locks was expensive so it made sense to move as many craft as could fit into the lock. Soon the water level rose and we were at the level of Lakes Union and Washington. It was an afternoon to remember.

We returned to the hotel, stopped at the concierge desk for dinner reservations and dropped our purchases in the suite. We’d gotten by on soup and sandwiches and snacks while I was recovering. Now I wanted to spoil Suzanne the same way she had spoiled me. We showered quickly and dressed, grabbing a cab up to South Lake Union and Chandler’s Crab House. En route, Suzanne told me she had heard of it, but never eaten there. She was in for a real treat. Chandler’s has been one of the best restaurants in the Seattle area for more than twenty years. We discussed what we would do tomorrow night with her parents. We’d take them out for dinner; that was a certainty because they weren’t expecting her until Saturday. I wondered if we’d wind up with her ex, too. I resolved to be on my best behavior. I knew this was important to Suzanne.

We went back to the casino the following morning, staying and gambling until we had finished lunch. Suzanne phoned then and told her mom she was in town and she had a surprise. She’d be there in an hour or so and—no—she wasn’t telling them about the surprise until she was there. Back up I-5 I drove, past Seattle and up to Arlington which was less than forty minutes beyond. It was almost an hour and a half later when she rang the bell. I knew she was nervous by the way she was squeezing my hand.

“Well, hi Suzy we weren’t expecting you until tomorrow. But
who’s this?”

“Good afternoon, Mrs. Robinson, I’m Bob Young, Suzanne’s fiancĂ©.” I expected a reaction, but not what happened. I reached out and caught Suzanne’s mom just before she hit the floor. She had fainted dead away. Suzanne opened the door while I picked her mom up and carried her into the living room, setting her carefully on the couch. Suzanne ran to the kitchen for some water while I rubbed her mom’s cheeks. She awoke with a start. “Just sit there a second. You fainted. I’ve been told I have that effect on women sometimes. Suzanne will be back in a sec
oh, here she is now.”

“I heard that, Bob—and I thought you were going to be on your best behavior. I thought I’d have to introduce Bob, but I see he’s managed that on his own. Yes, Mom I am engaged and in about three weeks I’ll be happily married.”

“Are you getting married in the church?”

“No, Mom
I’d say sorry, but I’m not. I met Bob playing golf. He is the nicest, politest, and most considerate man I’ve ever met. No, he’s not Catholic. He doesn’t even go to church, but neither do I so neither of us thinks that’s important. Mom, I’m 36—old enough to make my own decisions and my decision is
Bob. I love him with all my heart and I know he loves me just as much. Here have another drink. Where’s Dad?”

“He went to get David. Oh, dear what a mess this is going to be.”

“Don’t you think it’s time you learned to mind your own business? David and I are never getting together again. Never! Ever! Marrying him was the biggest mistake I’ve ever made. However, I do want to speak with him. He won’t have to send me any more money. I’m sure he’ll be thrilled to hear that.”

“Your father will not be pleased that you’re not marrying in the church, Suzanne.”

“I don’t care, Mom. Can’t we even talk without your criticizing me about religion? Did you ever stop to think why I don’t go to church? Take a guess. Between you and Dad

“Don’t Suzanne,” I interrupted, “We came here so I could meet your family. We don’t need an argument before we even start. I’m pleased to meet you, Mrs. Robinson. Despite what Suzanne says you must have done something right to raise someone of her caliber. I recently had a
let’s call it an accident and she stayed with me twenty-four hours a day for more than a week doing everything for me. That’s what cinched it for me. I thought I was in love with her before, but then I knew for sure. I could see her love in everything she did for me.”

“What do you do for a living?”

“Actually, I’m retired. I was in investment banking—mergers and acquisitions. I have more than enough to provide for the two of us for the rest of our lives—maybe even three or four lives.”

“Have you ever been married? You know the church doesn’t condone divorce.”

“That’s an interesting comment considering that Suzanne is divorced. Yes, I do know that, but since I was raised as a Methodist I don’t worry about it too much. Fact is I’m married now, but will be divorced in three weeks. The judge has already told us she will marry us as soon as it’s done. Do I hear a car outside?” I did. Things were going to get even more interesting.

He dad came in with her ex. Truthfully he didn’t impress me very much; he was short and slender with stooped shoulders. Everyone stood there trying to figure out what was going on so I took the initiative to break the ice. “Hi, I’m Robert Young—no relation to the actor. I’m Suzanne’s fiancĂ©. I assume you’re
her dad and from what I’ve been told you must be David.” I extended my hand and they shook it, but they were still in a daze. Suzanne took a step and hugged her dad.

“Hello David. I’m actually glad you’re here. Bob and I will be married in three weeks so you can stop sending me money. I don’t need it any longer and, truthfully, I don’t want it. Don’t you think it’s time you moved on? We have been divorced for three years now. Find yourself another woman. Why don’t we sit down and talk like civilized people?”

I looked around and saw the couch was taken so I sat in a nearby chair. Suzanne let everyone know she was serious by sitting in my lap and giving me a quick kiss and hug. Silence may be golden, but this silence was deadly. Once again I took the initiative, “So, David what do you do for a living?”

“I’m an assistant manager at a local bank. What do you do?”

“I was just explaining to Suzanne’s mom that I’m retired. I was an investment banker for more than thirty years, rising up the ladder to Executive Vice President at my firm. Suzanne and I live in the same town now and we belong to the same country club. That’s how we met. I believe in being direct so I’m telling you up front that I’m not Catholic, I’m in the process of getting a divorce from my wife who cheated on me and split with her lover, and we’re going to be married by the same judge who’s handling the divorce on the same day it will be finalized.”

“I do not approve of any of that. It’s a violation of our religious beliefs.”

“Well, sir I respect your right to your religious beliefs, but don’t you think that you should respect ours? Anything less is hypocrisy to the nth degree. I believe in God and in living a righteous life, but I’m not big on organized religion. Apparently, Suzanne isn’t either. Ask yourself why you live here and your daughter lives more than 2,500 miles away. It’s not because of her job. If I were in your situation I’d want to have a relationship with my daughter. We haven’t talked about it, but I wouldn’t be averse to having a family. Suzanne is certainly young enough, but it’s something we’ll discuss and decide on our own.” Suzanne leaned down to give me another kiss.

Things thawed a bit once David spoke up. “I’m very happy for you, Suzanne. I’ll leave now. Truth is, I’ve already found someone else. I was just afraid to say anything to your parents. They can be intimidating sometimes—like now. I think your boyfriend has a lot of guts to stand up to them. He’s a lot braver than I am, that’s for sure.” He walked over to shake my hand and kiss Suzanne on her cheek before turning around and striding out the door.

I spoke before he left. “How’d you like to get your girlfriend and join us for dinner? Suzanne and I were thinking about Ruth’s Chris. I have a reservation for around six.”

“Thanks for the offer, but I think I’ll feel like a fifth wheel.”

“Well,” I responded, “you might if you were alone, but you’ll have your girlfriend. I bet she’ll be pleased to know you don’t have to pay alimony any longer. Really, it would be our pleasure. Just meet us there around six. If we’re not there yet just have a drink and tell them to put it on my tab.”

“Okay, I’ll think about it, but I think I need to make a phone call first. Bye
nice to meet you.” He turned and walked out the door. I liked him—a lot more now that I knew he wasn’t interested in my wife to be. Now all I had to do was thaw out her parents. Unfortunately, their first question to Suzanne set the tone for the rest of the visit.

“How is your condo working out, Suzanne,” her mom asked.

“I have it on the market, Mom, although Bob thinks I should just donate it to some charity like Habitat for Humanity or the Salvation Army. It’s only worth about $45,000. The condo market was badly hit by the housing crash.”

“How could you even think about a loss like that? That’s a lot of money, you know.”

Suzanne was flustered so I gave her a quick hug and responded for her. “I’m sure you won’t approve, but Suzanne and I are both adults, capable of making our own decisions. She has been living in my house with me and, yes, we have been sharing the same bed. The house was appraised at almost a million and I have no mortgage on it. Even though I’m officially retired I’m still getting my salary and will for another four years. I also have several million in investments so there’s no doubt I can provide for Suzanne. Truthfully, we can use the tax deduction if Suzanne decides to donate it. I know that $45,000 is a lot of money to most people, but it’s not to me
to us.”

“Bob’s right, Daddy. Have you noticed my ring? It’s worth almost as much as my condo and it’s a lot better looking, too. It was a decent place to live as long as you don’t like hot water. You can come to visit us once we’re married. I’m sure you’ll like the house. It’s right on the golf course and the property owners association has a beautiful pool and clubhouse.”

so your wife was cheating on you?”

it’s kind of a long story that I don’t like telling, but I will—once. We met a couple from the neighborhood and learned that they were swingers.”

“That’s disgusting.”

“I have to agree. I didn’t want any part of it, but my wife wanted to try it. I went along basically because she was going with or without me and I couldn’t let her go alone into a potentially dangerous situation. Bottom line, he has a huge penis and she fell in love with it. She cheated every opportunity until I came home from golf one day and found a letter saying that she had left me. It was a low time in my life, but if it didn’t happen I would never have met Suzanne.”

“That’s terrible. How long were you married?”

“Thirty years, but that’s in my past. I’m much more interested in my future with Suzanne.” Things were better after that and we chatted amiably. I was sure that they disapproved of almost everything about me, but I didn’t really care and neither did Suzanne. We left at 5:20 for dinner.

I was surprised, and I guess everyone else was, too to find David and his girlfriend Lea in the bar. He introduced everyone and we went in to eat. Lea was a tiny little thing, probably not more than five feet one and if she weighed more than a hundred pounds I’d have been astounded. However, she was pretty and it was obvious that she was head over heels in love with David.

We enjoyed a wonderful meal with lively conversation and lots of laughter, especially when Suzanne told about our first time at the range after my “accident.” Fortunately, nobody asked what kind of accident so I didn’t have to explain. We all had a bit too much to drink and I didn’t want to drive so we put Suzanne’s folks into a cab. We walked up the block to the Sheraton after paying the valet to drive the rental to the hotel. We promised to meet her parents again the following afternoon.

We were in the suite when I asked, “What did you think?”

“I thought they were jerks—no, worse than jerks. They were downright rude.”

“They’re parents. They love you and want the best for you.”

“I have that.”

“Yeah, but they don’t know that. What did you think of Lea?”

“Nice enough, but she reminds me of junior high school. She’s just so small.”

“Maybe, but it’s obvious she’s in love with David.”

“I’m glad; it’ll be good for him and he can escape my parents, too. He was right about one thing—you do have a lot of balls. Really—talking to my parents like that. Shame!” It was all Suzanne could do to keep a straight face. “Truthfully, if David had ever done that I’d probably still be married to him. He let my father walk all over him. There were times I wondered if he had any backbone.”

“I have arthritis in mine.” She shook her head with a smirk, but came to me, wrapped her arms around my neck and drew me in for a long sensual kiss, mashing her lips into mine.
She pulled back a minute or so later and whispered, “I know something else that has a big bone in it—at least it feels that way when it’s in me.”

“Just so long as you’re satisfied with it.” I brought her back for another deep kiss. Her soft plump lips ground into mine as our tongues dueled and danced together. I broke it a few minutes later to ask, “Why are we dressed?” Suzanne just shrugged her shoulders and began to shrug out of her blouse and slacks. I stood by—amused—as I watched her rush to make love to me. She wore only her panties, a tiny garment if ever I saw one, when she came to me again this time to slowly undress me. She had an evil grin on her face. I had no idea what I was in for, but I was looking forward to it.

Suzanne pushed my naked form back onto the bed as she knelt between my legs. “I’ve been hungry all night.”

“Didn’t you have enough to eat?”

“You didn’t let me finish
for this. I love you, Bob. You’re the most wonderful man I’ve ever met.”

if only I were Catholic I’d be perfect.” Suzanne scowled and slapped my thigh, laughing as I cringed in mock terror and pain. She was shaking her head as she reached out to touch my sensitive cock with the tip of her tongue. It throbbed and jumped in response.

Suzanne chuckled, “Geez, I wonder what it will do when I really suck on it.”

“I think I have a good idea based on past experience.”

Suzanne probably would have chuckled again if she hadn’t taken me deep into her mouth. Her lips pressed into my pubic hair as I entered her throat. She had incredible muscle control. I could feel her throat muscles ripple up and down my cock. It was heavenly. She slowly pulled back until only the head rested on her tongue. “This is your reward for being so good with my parents.”

“I appreciate the thought, but don’t I get to take care of you?”

“Not tonight; you can fuck me tomorrow morning if you’re in the mood.”

what’s the chance of that I wonder?”

“Probably about a hundred percent.” Now it was my turn to chuckle. Suzanne knew me too well. I relaxed as she went back to work sucking and licking my cock. She fondled my balls and surprised me when she pushed her finger into my asshole. Thankfully, she had moistened it first. A touch of my prostate was all it took to send me over. My cock felt like it had exploded. River after river of hot slick semen flowed into Suzanne’s throat and stomach. Finally, she pushed my legs up onto the bed and climbed on top of me.

She had just kissed my cheek when she spoke again, “Were your ears burning when we went to the ladies room?”

“Why? Were you talking about me?”

“Yeah—Mom reacted to your comment about Frank’s huge penis. She thought you meant that yours was small. I corrected her, of course, but the surprise was Lea. She’s thrilled that David’s is small. Apparently, she’s really tight down there. She told us that her previous attempts at sex were all very painful.”

I shook my head—the things women talk about—just amazing. We talked for a while about what she wanted to do tomorrow. She suggested going to some park up near the border, commenting that it was one of her parents’ favorite places. Then we’d go back to their house for dinner. I closed my eyes and the next thing I knew it was morning and Suzanne was leaning over me. I looked up, smiled, and pulled her down for a quick kiss. Ever playful, Suzanne climbed onto my body, trapping my cock between us. She only had to rub it a few times against her abdomen to make me granite hard. Her lips pressed into mine as her hips rose to engulf me. She broke the kiss to arch her back and begin her ride, one that would prove fantastic for both of us. Her little nub was red and hard as she pushed it into me with surprising force and ever increasing pace. I knew she wouldn’t take long after denying herself last night and I was right. I could see tiny tremors beneath her skin growing larger and stronger every second until she froze in place for almost ten seconds before going absolutely crazy on my cock. She turned and jumped and pounded and shook. Her arms flailed uselessly until I grabbed and held her tight. I caressed her face and ran my fingers through her hair while I told her over and over how much I loved her.

We showered and dressed before dining once again at the breakfast buffet. It was included with our room, so why not? We returned to the suite to clean up and use the toilet before driving up to Arlington to see her parents. Her mother smiled when she came to the door. “I guess it really is satisfying, Suzy. It’s written all over your face—you had a wonderful time this morning, didn’t you? Don’t let your father hear us talking like this. He’s really old fashioned when it comes to sex, you know.” She let us in and I was surprised when she gave me a peck on my cheek.

Her dad walked down the stairs a few minutes later and we walked out to the car en route to the park. We strolled through what seemed to be virgin forests, but what would I know? I grew up in suburban Long Island and there were no woods anywhere nearby. All I knew was that I was in beautiful surroundings with a beautiful woman who, for some reason, loved me.

We returned home in mid-afternoon where I joined my future father-in-law in watching a ball game while we slugged down a few beers and ate some nachos. Suzanne walked into the den around five to warn me not to eat too much. “Mom’s making her pot roast. It’s one of Dad’s favorites and mine, too. I hope you like it. Mom’s been showing me the recipe.” She leaned over and kissed me before returning to the kitchen.

I must say the dinner was great. It had been ages since I had a decent pot roast. It was one of my favorites, too. I especially loved thick gravy and Suzanne’s mom didn’t disappoint. I prayed silently that Suzanne could cook this well, but even if she couldn’t I was going to marry her anyway. We left around eight for the drive back to the Sheraton. We had an early flight back to Asheville.


The flight was uneventful. We took off on time and we landed almost on schedule. It was great to sleep in our own bed again even though I expected to replace it in a few days. Suzanne surprised me the following morning by bringing the smallest butt plug and a bottle of lube to me while I was shaving. She was wearing a huge grin on her face. “Okay,” I told her, “We’ll try it, but the first time you experience any pain we’re done and I don’t want you hiding pain from me. Okay? Agreed?” Suzanne nodded, kissed me, getting a smudge of shaving foam on her nose before turning around and bending over.

I asked her if she had to go, but she said, “No; I did it last night, remember?” I did. Suzanne and I had no secrets from each other. We peed and pooped in each other’s presence every day.

I rubbed some lube over the plug and told her to press as though she were moving her bowels. I pushed the plug in easily. She smiled when I asked her if she was okay. I kissed each one of her cute butt cheeks leaving foam on each one. We both laughed and went out for breakfast.

We rented a storage locker and moved all of Sandra’s remaining clothes, shoes, jewelry, and cosmetics over the next few days. I rented a truck and moved all the pieces of the bedroom set except the mattress. It was kind of fun sleeping so low, except when we had to get up in the morning. Suzanne climbed out easily, but it was a struggle for me. She teased me mercilessly about being so old and feeble. Then I’d grab her, pull her down and fuck her madly until she laughed and came at least once and sometimes twice as I drowned her poor pussy in semen. Then she told me how much she loved me. We were ready to shop the following Saturday. We rose early and drove first to Hickory where there are a ton of furniture showrooms. From there we drove another two hours to High Point, arriving in mid afternoon.

I always found shopping for anything tedious, but that was before Suzanne. Her energy and enthusiasm were contagious. After being disappointed in Hickory we found several excellent sets in High Point before deciding on one.

“I like this one,” I told her, looking at the sleigh bed. “I could brace my feet against this big foot board and
.” I got an elbow in the ribs for that one, but she was smiling and there was a twinkle in her eyes so I knew she agreed. It was expensive, but I loved the armoire (for me) and the dresser and night tables, too. Best of all, it was in stock and we could have it in a month or so.

That’s when I took the salesman aside and suggested we receive it in a week. I had opened my wallet and taken out two hundreds as an inducement. “Let me see what we can do.” He held his hand out for the money, but I gripped it tightly.

“Let’s see what you can do first.” He was disappointed, but nodded and went to find his manager. They returned together and we spoke quietly. Fifteen minutes later they were $300 richer and our furniture would be delivered the following Thursday. They agreed to take the old mattress and box spring so I was well satisfied.

We found a nearby hotel and relaxed at last after a long and tiring day. Okay, it was long and tiring for me, but Suzanne was still full of energy. I sometimes thought that there was a shopping gene on the X-chromosome—you know–the one that determined a woman’s sex.

I was lying on the bed, my eyes closed, when Suzanne informed me that we needed to do some more shopping. I groaned as she continued—sheets, pillows, and a whole bunch of other stuff. I groaned again, but I was only kidding and she knew it. She fell on top of me, gripping my head before leaning down for a sweet kiss. I would have continued, but she broke it to tell me, “Let’s grab a bite while you’re still awake. I know how much you love shopping.” She gave me friendly poke in the ribs and pulled me vertical. A minute later we were out the door to the lobby where we asked about local restaurants. I let Suzanne decide what kind of food to eat while I paid attention to the directions. She picked an Italian restaurant, one on the high end with dishes like veal parmigiana and steak pizzaiola, but no pizza. We ate heartily and returned to our room.

One thing about hotel rooms—they’re all about the same. I would usually take a suite if one is available, but this was High Point, not Charlotte and certainly not Seattle. Suzanne helped to undress me and led me to the combo tub/shower. She washed me, dried me, and put me to bed. “See you in the morning, darling.” She kissed me and went to take care of her own needs. When I saw her next it was a beautiful sunny morning.

We drove home—it was a Sunday morning so traffic was light. This was the week I’d been waiting for—the week I’d finally be free of Sandra and the week I’d marry Suzanne. It was also the week I expected to stick my cock into Suzanne’s beautiful tight butt. I knew she was concerned about the act being “dirty” so I assured her it wouldn’t bother me. All the same, she wanted to have an enema first. Of course, she wanted me to give it to her. She had started with a tiny plug—only one inch at its widest and a half inch at the neck. Now she was up to two and a half and one inch respectively. She only had two more plugs and she was pressing me to move forward. All I had to do was make sure it was an experience to remember—one she’d want to do again and again.
She pulled me into the bathroom and bent over. “You’re getting to be a real pain in the ass. You know that?”
“I hope so. Now pull that out and push in the bigger one. I must be made for this. You haven’t hurt me even once yet.”
“Well, at the rate you’re going we should be able to do it by Wednesday or Thursday. How’d you like to break in our new bed?”
I’m thinking of Wednesday after you finish playing golf.” This had been our one and only argument. I wanted to play, but with Suzanne. She wanted me to keep my existing friends and make new ones. You know who won that discussion.
I was up early to join the Men’s League—the first time since my incident. Everyone was glad to see me. The whipping and the subsequent arrests had been front page news for more than two weeks. Even now there were still updates occasionally on page two or three. The descriptions of my wounds were horrific. Fortunately, there had been no mention of their attempt to force me into chastity. The guys shook my hand, but nobody came anywhere near my back even though I had completely healed more than a month ago. I had a decent warm up, but nothing special so I was a bit apprehensive as I approached the first tee.
Everything came together just as it had during my first round back with Suzanne. I had six pars and three birdies on the front nine and seven pars, a birdie, and an eagle on the back, sinking a 120-yard wedge on a par four. I had shot a six under 66, my best round ever. I couldn’t wait to get home to tell Suzanne. Actually, I couldn’t wait to get back to Suzanne—period. Unfortunately, I had to stick around for an hour as my teammates were big winners in addition to my personal victories. I drove home that afternoon with $80 in my pocket. I felt like a pro.
I rushed in, ripping off my clothes en route to the bedroom. Suzanne was there naked and waiting for me in the bathroom. We prepped her enema while I excitedly reviewed my round with her. She was thrilled for me as I filled her ass with two quarts of warm water then watched as she expelled it into the
bowl. We showered together, kissing and touching each other in our nervousness. Once we were dry she led me to our bed. I looked down at the bed only twelve inches above the floor wondering how we were going to do it. Then I remembered how limber Suzanne was. I laid her on the bed, a big pillow under her hips, her legs up and resting on my shoulders. I lubed one of the fingers of my left hand and gently pushed it into her rectum. By now her ass was well used to being intruded. Soon I had two and then three in her. While she was occupied with my fingers I slipped my cock into her pussy. I didn’t think I’d ever seen her so wet. There was a puddle under her and we had barely even started.
I had pumped my cock into her maybe ten or twelve times when I pulled out and replaced my fingers with my cock. The transition took less than a second. I was so excited, but so was she. “This certainly is your lucky day, Bob.”
“It’s been a great day, darling, but my luckiest day was the one when I first met you.” I looked down at her smiling face. We both knew I was half way into her and she was still smiling—actually grinning like the Cheshire cat would have been more accurate. I pushed all the way in and, as I did, I leaned forward to massage her breasts and tweak her nipples. Suzanne loved a little rough play, but I was always sure not to hurt her.
I was pumping her furiously when I lightly grazed her clit with my pinky. Suzanne shook and her body leapt from the bed as her orgasm began. It seemed to go on forever, but was probably not more than twenty or thirty seconds. She was done—wasted and covered with a sheet of sweat—when I erupted into her bowel. “Ooh, Bob I can feel it. Oh God, that was so intense. I’m a mess. I don’t think I can even move. Thank you, Bob. I loved it and I love you.” I released her legs and eased my shrinking cock from her butt. I climbed onto the bed with her, caressing her tenderly. We fell asleep only a few minutes later.
We were up early in the morning, starving because we had slept right through dinner. Suzanne made a big breakfast of pancakes with bacon and sausage while I stripped the bed, throwing the linens into the hamper to be washed later in the day. We sat together naked in the kitchen while we stuffed ourselves. We were finished and cleaned up by 8:30. We sat impatiently awaiting our furniture. I spent much of the time online reading emails and checking some financial information. I was disturbed by what I read and saw, but hardly surprised.
The truck pulled up around three in the afternoon and it took the two men almost half an hour to unload, uncrate, and move the furniture into the bedroom where the bed was assembled. I tipped the men generously and joined Suzanne to make the bed and move all our clothes into the new dresser and armoire. Fortunately, we each had our own walk-in closet, Suzanne’s with all kinds of drawers and shoe racks for more clothes than she could imagine. We were drained by dinner time so we called for Chinese take-out, asking for their free delivery. We ate at the coffee table in the living room. For the first time since we had met each other we were nervous, knowing that we’d pledge ourselves to each other tomorrow. We were almost done when the phone rang. Suzanne answered then sat silently for several minutes. Finally, she said, “Okay, see you then.”
She turned to me, “We have to get up early tomorrow. My parents will be at the airport at eight. They flew in to Charlotte today—I can’t believe it they’re coming for our wedding.”
“I’m not surprised. We Methodists can be very attractive—veritable people magnets.” She took one look at me in disbelief and broke out laughing. I joined her a second later. We laughed and hugged and then we laughed some more. We cleaned up, showered, and went to bed. No sex tonight—we were too tired, but tomorrow would be another day.
We were up at six for a quick cup of coffee. Suzanne insisted that we make the bed using the new comforter and pillow shams. I assumed she planned to show off for her parents. I had a few ideas on that front, as well, but they could wait. We hurried out the door to the airport not wanting to be late.
We had been standing at the airport exit only four minutes when we saw my almost in-laws. Suzanne hugged her folks while Mrs. Robinson hugged me and her dad shook my hand. They had no checked luggage so we were off in a second for the courthouse. We stopped en route for donuts and coffee at Dunkin Donuts, arriving ten minutes before our court date at 9:00. Joe Berger was waiting for us on the steps.
My case was called at exactly 9:00. Judge Jamison spoke as soon as we walked through the gate to our table. “Mr. Young—have you heard anything from your wife?”
“No, your honor—not a word; truthfully, I haven’t tried to contact her. I couldn’t see any reason.”
I can’t say I blame you for that. In the matter of Young vs. Young I grant the divorce for the petitioner and further grant the request for sole ownership of the domicile. Do you still wish me to marry you, Mr. Young?”
“Absolutely, your honor. My fiancĂ© and her parents are here behind me.” Joe opened the gate, allowing Suzanne to join me. We stood together holding hands and shaking slightly. It was short and sweet. I had the license in my right-hand suit pocket and the rings in the left. Mine was a simple platinum band with a single diamond. Suzanne’s was also platinum, matching her engagement ring with a row of five diamonds. I had hers laser engraved with a special message. It was so small she’d need a magnifying glass to read the tiny writing: “Suzanne, I was dead until I met and fell in love with you. Now I have never been more alive. I will love you always, Bob.”
We exchanged rings and listened carefully as Judge Jamison said, “By the power invested in me by the State of North Carolina I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.” I leaned down to give Suzanne a quick peck when I heard her honor say, “You can do better than that!” Suzanne grabbed me by the hair, pulling me into a long and passionate kiss. “That’s better,” her honor commented. She shook my hand and hugged Suzanne as the bailiffs, Joe, and her parents applauded. I was blushing as we exited. Joe shook my hand and kissed Suzanne’s cheek before leaving. I drove us home, ready to spring my surprises as soon as I had parked in the driveway.
However, Suzanne insisted on showing her mother the house. I brewed a cup of coffee for my father in-law and another for me. We sat patiently while our women wandered aimlessly through the house.
Finally, they reappeared and I led Suzanne to the living room. I sat her down and left for a minute to retrieve two boxes from my desk. I sat next to her and handed her my gifts. “Oh Bob, I didn’t buy anything for you.”
“That’s okay; I got my best present ever earlier today. Here, open this one first.” Her mouth dropped when she saw the diamond pendant and matching earrings.
“Look Mom, they’re beautiful.” I watched as she removed her gold studs and replaced them with the diamonds. I clasped the chain around her neck. She rushed to the hall mirror to see herself and the expression on her face was worth every penny I had spent. She rushed back to hug and kiss me, ignoring her parents sitting only feet from us.
“Don’t forget your other present, Mrs. Young.” She ripped the gift wrap from the box, pulling a small black box from the mess.
“What’s this, Bob?”
“What does it look like?”
“It looks like my garage door opener.”
“So take your mom out and open the garage door. Go ahead, your dad and I will wait here.” We sat quietly while Suzanne and her mom walked outside.
Suddenly, we heard her yell, “Oh my God! I don’t believe it.”
Next thing I knew she had jumped into my lap, hugging and kissing me face, neck, and anything else she could reach. “I didn’t like that old Chevy you’ve been driving. I didn’t think it was safe. This one is; just don’t drive too fast. I want to grow old with you.” She kissed me again, on the lips this time, and jumped back up to pull her dad out with her. A minute later I heard the doors to her new BMW 435i convertible open and close. I walked outside to join her as she took us for a short ride to the country club. She parked at the far end of the lot to avoid any dents so we had to walk almost fifty yards to the entrance.
It was too early for lunch so we gave her parents a quick tour of the facilities. The staff was surprised to see me in a navy suit and tie and Suzanne in a long flowing dress. They asked and we gave them the reason. The restaurant manager promised us lunch on the house. The club pro gave us matching golf shirts. We couldn’t thank them enough. Finally, at 11:30 we walked in to eat, surprised that everyone in the restaurant rose to applaud. Several friends rushed over to congratulate me. “You old coot, how the hell did you ever marry a beauty like Suzanne?” I heard the remark and turned to see one of my partners from Wednesday behind me. He hugged me then pulled back. “I’m sorry, Bob. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just got carried away.”
“It’s okay, Steve. I was completely healed more than a month ago thanks to Suzanne.” We continued our entrance and were shown to a table overlooking the eighteenth green. Lunch was wonderful.
Suzanne and I had the club sandwiches, our favorite. Mom had a chef salad and Dad ordered the jumbo cheeseburger and fries. It was almost two by the time we left.
Suzanne’s dad asked how old I was on our way back to the car. “I’m 57, why?”
“Well, because I’m 69 and I think you should probably call me Stan and Suzanne’s mom, Margaret.”
“Okay, that works for me
Stan.” Once back at the house they asked for a cab.
“We’re not going to intrude on your wedding day any more than we already have,” Margaret told us, “besides we need to get a decent night’s sleep. Just call us a cab and we’ll see you tomorrow.” They were resolute so there was no talking them out of it. We waved good-bye twenty minutes later.
“Now what?”
“Simple, Bob—you pick me up and carry me to the bedroom where we make beautiful love all afternoon and night long. We might take a short break for a sandwich—emphasis on the word ‘short.’ So, Mr. Robert Young, no relation to the famous actor, what are you waiting for?”
“Yes, Ma’am,” I replied as I pulled her onto my shoulder and into a fireman’s carry. Suzanne kicked her feet all the way to the bedroom as we laughed and laughed. I had rarely laughed before meeting Suzanne. Now I laughed every day. Damn! I loved this woman.
“No, not on the new comforter.” I ignored her and threw her down, joining her a moment later. We stopped laughing and stared into each other’s eyes. We fell together, our lips finding each other and grinding together, our tongues demanding as they dueled and danced with ever increasing passion. We rolled from one side of the bed to the other and back again. Our clothes were thrown into the air, falling wherever in our quest to love each other.
At one point I managed to throw the comforter to the floor. As I did I felt Suzanne mount me as she would a stallion. Using her groin she rubbed me to even higher states of yearning and need. In seconds I was desperate to make love to my wife. I still couldn’t believe it—Suzanne was my wife! Sensing that I could take no more she rose above me and slid down my pole. I watched spellbound as my throbbing cock disappeared into her.
She began to rock, taking her time to slowly build us to the brink. I looked up into her face, seeing only love and lust as she brought me closer and closer. Finally, knowing I was beyond the point of turning back she fell to my chest to give me the best, the sweetest kiss of my life. I blew, spurting what seemed like a gallon of spunk into her. She lifted her head for just a second to tell me how much she loved me then she kissed me again and again.
We alternated between making love and catching quick cat naps all night. I never thought that I could cum so many times at my age. At one point Suzanne was teasing me, but five minutes later she gave up. “I can’t do that, Bob. Just seeing your cock pulse and throb makes me so hot I just have to fuck you. You don’t mind, do you?”
“No, Suzanne I’ve never been happier than when I’m making love with you.”
“Oh Bob, do you really mean that?”
“Yes, I really do. I thought I was happy with Sandra, but it was nothing in comparison to you. I love everything about you.” Her response was to give me a long passionate kiss. I checked out the clock when we broke it—dear God, it was 5:00 in the morning. I pulled her head onto my shoulder and we drifted off to sleep.
We were awakened by the ringing phone. “Oh, hi Margaret, what time is it? OH! Here, I’ll let you speak with Suzanne.” I staggered into the bathroom to shave. Once Suzanne was off the phone I pulled her into the shower with me. I was having trouble moving my legs this morning. When I looked down I saw the reason why—I was covered in a thick layer of semen and pussy juice from my navel to my knees. It had hardened during the night. Suzanne howled when she saw me, but stopped when she saw herself. She was even worse than I was. We hurried knowing that we were late. It was a wasted effort; there was no way we could make up more than two hours.
We went to the Biltmore, the fabulous estate of the super-rich Vanderbilt family. After the tour we went for wine tasting, buying several cases with a promise to send some off to Washington. All told Suzanne’s parents stayed for four days. We had a lot of fun, but I wasn’t sad to see them go. I had some business that couldn’t wait. Suzanne wanted to accompany me, but I told her it was better if I handled this myself. I was being mysterious, but I was pretty sure I’d be able to explain shortly. I hated keeping a secret from Suzanne, but I did it to protect her.

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