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A professor of mathematics sent a fax to his wife. It read:
“Dear wife, You must realize that you are 54 years old and I have certain needs which you are no longer able to satisfy. I am otherwise happy with you as a wife, and I sincerely hope you will not be hurt or offended to learn that by the time you receive this letter, I will be at the Grand Hotel with my 18-year-old teaching assistant. I’ll be home before midnight. – Your Husband”
When he arrived at the hotel, there was a faxed letter waiting for him that read as follows:
“Dear Husband. You too are 54 years old, and by the time you receive this, I will be at the Breakwater Hotel with the 18-year-old pool boy. Being the brilliant mathematician that you are, you can easily appreciate the fact that 18 goes into 54 a lot more times than 54 goes into 18. Don’t wait up.”

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Secret Life [by Anonymous] PART 2

***CHECK PART 1***
My godfather (whose fortune I afterwards inherited) was very fond of me; somewhere about this time he used perpetually to be saying, “When you get to school, don’t you follow any of the tricks yourself, that other boys do, or you will die in a mad-house; lots of boys do.” And he told me some horrible tales; it was done in a mysterious way. I felt there was a hidden meaning, and not having knowledge of what it was, asked him. I should know fast enough, said he, but mark his words. He repeated this so often, that it sunk deeply into my mind, and made me uneasy, something was to happen to me, if I did something–I did not know what–it was intended as a caution against frigging, and it had good effect on me I am sure in various ways in the after time.
One day talking with Fred, I recollected what I had done to the governess. I had kept it to myself all along for fear. “What a lie,” said he. “I did really.” “Oh! ain’t you a liar,” he reiterated, “I’ll ask Miss Granger.” The same governess was with us then.
At this remark of his, an absolute terror came over me, the dread was something so terrible, that the recollection of it is now painful. “Oh don’t, pray don’t, Fred,” I said, “oh if Papa should hear!” He kept on saying he would. I was too young to see the improbability of his doing anything of the sort. “If you do, I’ll tell him what we did when the pedler woman piddled.” He did not care. “Now, it’s a lie, isn’t it, you did not feel her cunt?” In fear, I confessed it was a lie. “I know it was,” said Fred. He had kept me in a state of terror about the affair for days, till I told a lie, to get quit of the subject.
I was evidently always secret, even then, about anything amorous, excepting with Fred (as will be seen) and have continued so all my life. I rarely bragged, or told anyone of my doings; perhaps this little affair with the governess, was a lesson to me, and confirmed me in a habit natural to me from my infancy. I have kept to myself everything I did with the opposite sex.
We now frequently examined our pricks, and Fred jeered me so about my prepuce being tight, that I resolved that no other boy should see it; and though I did not keep strictly to that intention, it left a deep-seated mortification on me. I used to look at my prick with a sense of shame, and pull the prepuce up and down, as far as I could constantly, to loosen it, and would treat other boys’ cocks in the same way, if they would let me, without expecting me to make a return; but the time was approaching when I was to learn much more.
One of my uncles, who lived in London, took a house in the country for the summer near Hampton-Court Palace. Fred and I went to stay there with them. There were several daughters and sons, the sons quite young. People then came down from London in vans, carts, and carriages of all sorts, to see the Palace and grounds (there was no railway), they were principally of the small middle classes, and used to picnic, or else dine at the taverns when they arrived; then full, and frisky, after their early meal, go into the parks and gardens. They do so still, but times were different then, so few people went there comparatively; fewer park-keepers to look after them, and less of what is called delicacy, amongst visitors of the class named.
Our family party used to go into the grounds daily, and all day long nearly, if we were not on the river banks. Fred winked at me one day, “let’s lose Bob,” said he, “and we’ll have such a lark.” Bob was one of our little cousins, generally given into our charge. We lost Bob purposely. Said Fred, “if you dodge the gardiners, creep up there, and lay on your belly quietly, some girls will be sure to come, and piss, you’ll see them pull their clothes up as they turn round, I saw some before you came to stay with us.” So we went pushing our way among shrubs, and evergreens, till a gardiner, who had seen us, called out, “You there, come back, if I catch you going off the walks, you’ll be put outside.” We were in such a funk, Fred cut off one way, I another, but it only stopped us for that day. Fred so excited me about the girls’ arses, as he called them, that we never lost an opportunity of trying for a sight, but were generally baulked. Once or twice only we saw a female squat down, but nothing more, till my mother and Fred’s came to stop with us.
Fred’s mother, mine, the girls, Fred and I went into the Park gardens, one day after luncheon. A very hot day, for we kept in the shady walks, one of which led to the place where women hid themselves to piss. My aunt said, “Why don’t you boys go and play, you don’t mind the sun,” so off we went, but when about to leave the walk, turned round and saw the women had turned back. Said Fred, “I’m sure they are going to piss, that’s why they want to get rid of us.” We evaded the gardiners, scrambled through shrubs, on our knees, and at last on our bellies up a little bank, on the other side of which was the vacant place on which dead leaves and sweepings were shot down. As we got there, pushing aside the leaves, we saw the big backside of a woman, who was half standing, half squatting, a stream of piss falling in front of her, and a big hairy gash, as it seemed, under her arse; but only for a second, she had just finished as we got the peep, let her clothes fall, tucked them between her legs, and half turned round. We saw it was Fred’s mother, my aunt. Off aunt went. “Isn’t it a wopper,” said Fred, “lay still, more of them will come.”
Two or three did, one said, “you watch if anyone is coming,” squatted and piddled, we could not see her cunt, but only part of her legs, and the piddle splashing in front of her. Then came the second, she had her arse towards us, sat so low, that we could not even see the tips of her buttocks. Fred thought it a pity they did not stand half up like his mother. On other occasions, we went to the same place, but though I recollect seeing some females’ legs, don’t recollect seeing any more. Nevertheless the sights were very delightful to us, and we used to discuss his mother’s “wopper” and the hair, and the look of the gash, but I thought there must be some mistake, for it was not the idea I had formed of a cunt.
Fred soon after stopped with us in town, we had been forbidden to go out together, without permission, but we did, and met a boy bigger than either of us, who was going to bathe. “Come and see them bathing,” he said. My father had refused to take me to the public baths. Disregarding this, Fred and I paid our six pence each, and in we went with our friend; we did not bathe, but amused ourselves with seeing others, and the pricks of the men. None, as far as I can recollect, wore drawers in those days, they used to walk about hiding their prides generally, with their hands, but not always. I was astonished at the size of some of them, and at the dark hair about them, and on other parts of their bodies. I wondered also at seeing one or two, with the red tip showing fully, so different from mine. All this was much talked over by us afterwards, it was to me an insight into the male make and form. Fred told me, he had often seen men’s pricks in their fields, and in those days, living in the country as he did, I dare say it was true, but I don’t recollect ever having seen the pricks of full grown men, or a naked man before in my life.
It must have been in the summer of that same year, that I went after this to spend some days at my aunt’s at H…ds…e…, Fred’s mother. We slept in the some room, and sometimes got up quite at daybreak to go fishing. One morning Fred had left something, in one of his sisters’ rooms and went to fetch it, though forbidden to go into the girls’ bedrooms. The room in question was opposite to ours. He was only partly dressed, and came back in a second, his face grinning. “Oh! come Wat, come softly, Lucy and Mary are quite naked, you can see their cunts, Lucy has some black hair on hers.” I was only half dressed, and much excited by the idea of seeing my cousins’ nudity. We both took off our slippers, and crept along through the door half open, then went on our knees! But why we did so, to this day I don’t understand, and so crept to the foot of the bed, then raising ourselves, we both looked over the footboard.
Lucy, fifteen years old, was laying half on her side, naked from her knees to her waist, the bed-clothes kicked off (I suppose through heat), were dragging across her feet and partly laying on the floor; we saw her split, till lost in the closed thighs, she had a little dark short hair over the top of her cunt, and that is all I can recollect about it.
Mary-Ann by the side of her, a year younger only, laid on her back, nacked up to her navel, just above which was her night-gown in a heap and ruck; she had scarcely a sign of hair on her cunt, but a vermillion line, lay right through her crack. Projecting more towards the top, where her cunt began, she had what I now know was a strongly developed clitoris; she was a lovely girl and had long chestnut hair.
Whilst we looked she moved one leg up in a restless manner, and we bobbed down, thinking she was awaking; when we looked again, her limbs were more open, and we saw the cunt till it was pinched up, by the closing of her buttocks. In fear of being caught, we soon crept out, closed the door ajar, and regained our bedroom, so delighted that we danced with joy, as we talked about the look of the two cunts; of which, after all, we had only had a most partial, rapid glimpse.
Lucy was a very plain girl, and was so as a woman. She had, I recollect, a very red bloated looking face as she lay (it was so hot); she it was, who in afterlife my mother cautioned about leaving her infant son to a nursemaid.
Mary-Ann was lovely. I used afterwards to look and talk with her, thinking to myself: “Ah! you have but little idea, that I have seen your cunt.” She was unfortunate; married a cavalry officer, went to India with him, was left at a station unavoidably by her husband, who was sent on a campaign, for a whole year; could not bear being deprived of cock, and was caught in the act of fucking with a drummer boy, a mere lad. She was separated from him, came back to England, and drank herself to death. She was a salacious young woman, I think from what I recollect of her, and am told, was afterwards fucked by a lot of men; but it was a sore point with the family, and all about her was kept quiet.
One of Lucy’s sons, in after years, I saw fucking a maid in a summer-house: both standing up against a big table; I was on the roof. Many years before that, I fucked a nurse-maid, she laying on that table, in the very same summer-house, as I shall presently tell.
Fred and I used to discuss the look of his sisters’ and mother’s cunts, as if they had belonged to strangers. The redness of the line in Mary-Ann’s quim astonished us. I do not recollect having even then, formed any definite notion of what a girl’s cunt was, though we had seen the splits, but had still, and till much further on, the notion that the hole was round, and close to where the clitoris is, having no idea then of what a clitoris was, though we had got an Aristotle and used to read it greedily; the glimpse of the two cunts were but momentary, and our excitement confused our recollections.
Fred and I then formed a plot to look at another girl’s cunt; who the girl was, I don’t know, it may have been another of Fred’s sisters, or a cousin by another of my aunts, but I think not; at all events she was stopping in aunt’s house, and from her height, which was less than that of Fred and myself, I should think a girl of about eleven or twelve years of age. I scrupulously avoid stating anything positively, unless quite certain. Some years afterwards when we were very young men, we did the same thing with a female cousin (but not his sister), as I shall tell.
There was haymaking. We romped with the girl, buried each other in hay, pulled each other out, and so on. I was buried in the hay and dragged out by my legs by Fred and the girl. Then Fred was: then we buried the girl, and as Fred pulled her out he threw up her clothes, I lay over her head, which was covered with hay. Fred saw, winked and nodded. It came to my turn again to be buried, and then hers; I laid hold of her legs and pulling them from under the hay, saw her thighs, I pushed her knees up, and had a glimpse of the slit, which was quite hairless. My aunt and others were in the very field, but had no idea of the game we were playing, the girl romping with us, had no idea, that we were looking at her cunt, and an instantaneous peep only it was.
What effect sensuously, these glimpses of cunt, had on me, I don’t know; but have no recollection of sexual desire, nor of mine nor Fred’s cock being stiff. I expect that what with games, and our studies, that after all the time we devoted to thinking about women, was not long, and curiosity our sole motive in doing what we did. I clearly recollect our talking at that time about fucking, and wondering if it were true or a lie. We could repeat what we had read, and heard, but it still seemed improbable to me that a cock should go up a cunt, and the result be a child.
Then a passionate liking for females came over me; I fell in sort of love with a lady who must have been forty, and had a sad feeling about her, that is all I recollect. Then I began to follow servants about, on the hope of seeing their legs, or seeing them piddle, or for some undefined object: but that I was always looking after them, I know very well.
Then (I know now) my father got into difficulties, we moved into a smaller house, the governess went away, I was sent to another school, one of my brothers and sisters died; my father went abroad to look after some plantations, and after a year’s absence came back and died, leaving my mother, in what compared with our former condition, were poor circumstances, but this in due course will be more fully told.
I think I went to school, though not long before what I am going to tell of happened, but am not certain, if so, I must have seen boys frigging; yet as far as I can arrange in my mind the order of events, I first saw a boy doing that, in my own bed-room at home.
I was somewhere, I suppose, about thirteen years of age, when a distant relative came from the country, to stay with us, until he was put to some great school. He was the son of a clergyman, and must have been fifteen, or perhaps sixteen years old, and was strongly pitted with the small-pox. I had never seen him before, and took a strong dislike to him; the family were poor, this boy was intended for a clergyman. I was excessively annoyed, that he was to sleep with me, but in our small house, there was just then no other place for him.
How many nights he slept in my bed, I don’t recollect, it can have been but few; One evening in bed he felt my prick; repulsing him at first, I nevertheless afterwards felt his, and recollect our hands crossing each other and our thighs being close together. Awaking one morning, I felt his belly up against my rump, and his feeling or pushing his prick against my arse, putting my hand back, I pushed him away; then I found it pushing quickly backwards and forwards between my thighs, and his hand, passed over my hips, was grasping my cock. Turning round, I faced him; he asked me to turn round again, and said I might do it to him afterwards, but nothing more was done. An unpleasant feeling about sleeping with him is in my memory, but as said, I disliked him.
The next night undressing, he showed me his prick, stiff, as he sat naked on a chair; it was an exceedingly long, but thin article; he told me about frigging, and said he would frig me, if I would frig him. He commenced moving his hand quickly up and down, on his prick, which got stiffer and stiffer, he jerked up one leg, then the other, shut his eyes and altogether looked so strange, that I thought he was going to have a fit; then out spurted little pasty lumps, whilst he snorted, as some people do in their sleep, and fell back in the chair with his eyes closed; then I saw stuff running thinner over his knuckles. I was strangely fascinated as I looked at him, and at what was on the carpet, but half thought he was ill; he then told me it was great pleasure, and was eloquent about it. Even now, as it did then, the evening seemed to me a nasty unpleasant one, yet I let him get hold of my prick and frig it, but had no sensation of pleasure, he said, “your skin won’t come off, what a funny prick;” that annoyed me, and I would not let him do more; we talked till our candle burnt out; he stamped out the sperm on the carpet, saying the servants would think we had been spitting. Then we got into bed.
Afterwards he frigged himself several times before me, and at his request I frigged him, wondering at the result, and amused, yet at the same time much disgusted. When frigging him one day; he said it was lovely to do it in an arse-hole, that he and his brother took it in turns that way: it was lovely, heavenly! would I let him do it to me. In my innocence I told him, it was impossible and that I thought him a liar. He soon left us and went to college. I saw him once or twice after this, in later years, but at a very early age he drowned himself. I told my cousin Fred about this when I saw him; Fred believed in the frigging, but thought him a liar about the arse-hole business, just as I did. This was the first time I ever saw frigging and male semen, and it opened my eyes.
Though now at a public school, I was shy, and reserved, but greedily listened to all the lewed talk, of which I did not believe a great deal. I became one of a group of boys of the same tastes as myself. One day some of them coaxed me into a privy, and there, in spite of me, pulled out my cock, threw me down, held me, and each one spat upon it, and that initiated me into their society. They had what they called cocks-all-round: anyone admitted to the set, was entitled to feel the others’ cocks. I felt theirs, but again to my mortification, the tightness of my prepuce caused jeering at me; I was glad to hear that there was another boy at the school in the same predicament, though I never saw his. This confirmed me in avoiding my companions, when they were playing at cocks-all-round; being a day scholar only, I was not forced at all times into their intimacy, as I should have been had I been a boarder.
We had a very large playground; beyond it were fields, orchards and walks of large extent reserved for the use of the two head-masters’ families, many of whom were girls. On Saturday half-holidays only, if the fruit was not ripe, we were allowed to range certain fields, and the long bough-covered paths, which surrounded them. Two or three boys of my set told me mysteriously one afternoon, that when the others had gone ahead, we were to meet in the play-ground privy, in which were seats for three boys of a row, and I was to be initiated into a secret without my asking. I was surprised at what took place, there was usually an usher in the play-ground in play-hours, and if boys were too long at the privy, he went there, and made them come out. On the Saturdays, he went out with the boys into the fields: there was no door to the privy, I should add, it was a largish building.
One by one, from different directions, some dodging among trees which bordered one side of the playground, appeared boys. I think there were five or six together in the privy, then it was cocks-all-round, and every boy frigged himself. I would not, at first. Why? I don’t know. At length incited, I tried, my cock would not stand, and vexed and mortified, I withdrew, after swearing not to split on them, on pain of being kicked and cut. I don’t think I was one of the party again, though I saw each of the same boys frig himself in the privy when alone with me, at some time or another.
After this a boy asked me to come to a privy with him in school time, and he would show me how to do it. Only two boys were allowed to go to those closets at the same time, during school time. There were two wooden legs with keys hung up on the wall by string: a boy if he wanted to ease himself looked to see if a log and key was hanging up, and if there was, stood out in the centre of the room; by that the master understood what he wanted. If he nodded, the boy took the key and went to the bog-house (no water-closets then), and when he returned, he hung up the log in its place. Those privies were close together, and separate, there were but two of them.
“You wait till there are two logs hanging up, and directly I get one, you get up and come after me.” Soon we were both in one privy together. “Let’s frig,” said he; we were only allowed to be away five minutes. Out he pulled his prick, then out I pulled mine; he tried to pull my skin back, and could only half do it, he frigged himself successfully, but I could not. He had a very small prick compared with mine. How I envied him the ease with which he covered and uncovered the red tip. I frigged that boy one day, but finding my cock was becoming a talk among our set, I shrunk from going to their frigging parties, which I have seen even take place in a field, boys sitting at the edge of a ditch, whilst one stood up to watch if anyone approached. When they were frigging in the privy, a boy always stood in the open door on the watch, and his time for frigging came afterwards.
With this set I began to look through the Bible, and study all the carnal passages; no book ever gave us perhaps such prolonged, studious, baudy amusement; we could not understand much, but guessed a good deal.
Before I had seen anyone frig, I had been permitted to read novels, not a moment of my time when not at studies was I without one. My father used to select them for me at first, but soon left me to myself, and now he was dead, I devoured what books I liked, hunting for the love passages, thinking of the beauty of the women, reading over and over again, the description of their charms, and envying their love meetings. I used to stop at print-shop windows and gaze with delight at the portraits of pretty women, and bought some at six pence each, and stuck them into a scrap-book. Although a big fellow for my age, I would sit on the lap of any woman who would let me, and kiss her. My mother in her innocence called me a great girl, but she neverthless forbid it. I was passionately fond of dancing and annoyed when they indicated a girl of my own age, or younger, to dance with.
These feelings got intensified, when I thought of my aunt’s backside, and the cunts of my cousins, but when I thought of the heroines, it seemed strange that such beautiful creatures should have any. The cunt which seemed to have affected my imagination, was that of my aunt, which appeared more like a great parting, or division of her body, than a cunt as I then understood it; as if her buttock parting was continued round towards her belly, and as unlike the young cunts I had seen as possible. Those seemed to be but little indents. That the delicate ladies of the novels should have such divisions seemed curious, ugly, and unromantic. My sensuous temperament was developing, I saw females in all their poetry and beauty, but suppose that my physical forces had not kept pace with my brain, for I have no recollection of a cock-stand, when thinking about ladies; and fucking never entered into my mind, either when I read novels, or kissed women, though the pleasure I had when my lips met theirs, or touched their smooth, soft cheeks was great. I recollect the delight it gave me perfectly.
After having seen frigging, it set me reflecting, but it still seemed to me impossible, that delicate, handsome ladies, should allow pricks to be thrust up them, and nasty stuff ejected into them. I read Aristotle, tried to understand it, and thought I did, with the help of much talk with my schoolfellows; yet I only half believed it. Dogs fucking were pointed out to me; then cocks treading hens, and at last a fuller belief came.
I began then, I recollect, to think of their cunts when I kissed women, and then of my aunt’s; I could not keep my eyes off of her, for thinking of her large backside and the gap between her thighs; it was the same with my cousins. Then I began to have cock-stands and suppose a pleasurable feeling about the machine, though I do not recollect that. I then found out that servants were fair game, and soon there was not one in the house whom I had not kissed. I had a soft voice and have heard, an insinuating way, was timorous, feared repulse, and above all being found out; yet I succeeded. Some of the servants must have liked it, who called me a foolish boy at first; for they would stop with me on a landing, or in a room, when we were alone, and let me kiss them for a minute together. There was one, I recollect, who rubbed her lips into mine, till I felt them on my teeth, but of what she was like, I have no recollection, and I did not like her doing that to me.
My curiosity became stronger, I got bolder, told servants I meant to see them wash themselves, and used to wait inside by bed-room, till I heard one of them come up to dress. I knew the time each usually went to her bedroom for that purpose, the person most in my way was the nurse: she after a time left, and mother nursed her own children. “Let’s see your neck; do, there is a dear,” I would say. “Nonsense, what next?” “Do, dear, there is no harm; I only want to see as much as ladies show at balls.” I wheedled one to stand at the door in her petticoats and show her neck across the bedroom lobby. The stays were high and queerly made in those days, the chemises pulled over the top of them like flaps. One or two let me kiss their necks, a girl one day said to my entreaties, “Well, only for a minute,” and easing up one breast, she showed me the nipple, I threw my arms around her, buried my face in her neck and kissed it. “I like the smell of your breast and flesh,” said I. She was a biggish woman, and I dare say I smelt breasts and armpits together; but whatever the compound, it was delicious to me, it seemed to enervate me. The same woman, when I kissed her on the sly afterwards, let me put my nose down her neck to smell her. We were interrupted. “There is someone coming,” said she, moving away.
“What makes ladies smell so nice?” said I to my mother one day. My mother put down her work and laughed to herself. “I don’t know that they smell nice.”
“Yes, they do, and particularly when they have low dresses on.” “Ladies,” said mother, “use patchouli and other perfumes.” I supposed so, but felt convinced from mother’s manner, that I had asked a question which embarrassed her.
I used to lean over the backs of the chairs of ladies, get my face as near to their necks as I could, quietly inhale their odours, and talk all the time. Not every woman smelt nice to me, and when they did, it was not patchouli, for I got patchouli, which I liked, and perfumed myself with it. This delicate sense of smell of a woman I have had throughout life, it was ravishing to me afterwards, when I embraced the naked body of a fresh, healthy young woman.
From about this time of my life, I recollect striking events much more clearly, yet the circumstances which led up to them or succeeded them I often cannot. One day, Miss Granger, our former governess, came to see us. I kissed her. Mother said: “Wattie, you must not kiss ladies in that way, you are too big.” I sat Miss Granger on my lap in fun (my mother then in the room), and romped with her. Mother left us in the room, and then seating Miss Granger on my lap again, I pulled her closely to me. “Kiss me, she’s gone,” I said. “Oh! what a boy,” and she kissed me, saying, “let me go now–your mamma is coming.” It came into my mind that I had had my hand up her clothes, and had felt hair between her legs. My prick stiffening in thinking of a women. I clutched her hard, put one hand on to her and did something I know not what. She said: “You are rude, Wattie.” Then I pinched her and said: “Oh! what a big bosom you have.” “Hish! hish!” said she. She was a tallish woman with brown hair; I have heard my mother say she was about thirty years of age.
A memorable episode then occured. There were two sisters, with other female servants, in our house. My father was abroad at that time; I was growing so rapidly, that every month they could see a difference in my height, but was very weak. My godfather used to look at me, and severely ask if I was up to tricks with the boys. I guessed then what he meant, but always said I did not know what he meant. “Yes, you do; yes, you do,” he would say, staring hard at me, “you take care, or you’ll die in a mad-house, if you do, and I shall know by your face, not a farthing more will I give you.” He had been a surgeon-major in the Army, and gave me much pocket-money. I could not bear his looking at me so; he would ask me why I turned down my eyes.
About this time, I had had a fever, had not been to school for a long time, and used to lie on the sofa reading novels all day. Miss Granger had come to stop with my mother. One day I put my hand up her clothes, nearly to her knees; that offended her, and she left off kissing me. One of my little sisters slept with her, in a room adjoining my mother’s room; I slept now on the servants floor, at the top of the house. Again I recollect my cock standing when near Miss Granger, but recollect nothing else.
I was then ordered by my mother to cease speaking to the servants, excepting when I wanted anything, though I am sure my mother never suspected my kissing one. I obeyed her hypocritically, and was even at times reprimanded for speaking to them, in too imperious a tone. She told me to speak to servants respectfully. For all that I was after them, my curiosity was unsatiable, I know the time each went up to dress, or for other purposes, and if at home, would get into the lobby, or near the staircase, to see their legs, as they went upstairs. I would listen at their door, trying to hear them piss, and began for the first time to peep through keyholes at them.

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The Mom Incident the next Week

The Mom Incident the next week.
Ginger was at the mall shopping for underwear. It had been a week since Al and Frank had started staying over. She felt like a school girl again as she was getting sex two or three times a day. I’m really glad cum isn’t fattening as I would have gained five pounds already with all the blow jobs I’ve given. Her ass was constantly sore as she was being double penetrated every night. Her pussy was wet all the time as cum and regular sex was what it needed to stay that way.
Looking for sexy underwear took time and was expensive to say the least. After purchasing several item she headed towards the food court for a coffee. She was sitting at the exact table where she had first met Al when she noticed Vivian Towers. Viv as her friends called her was a taller woman, about five six she had small perky breasts 36B’s large nipples, blond short hair, a bubble butt and great hips.
“Hey Viv, over hear”. Vivian saw her and headed for the table. “How have you been Ginger”? “Actually fine, no better then fine great”! “Well I’m glad you are doing that well”. “Why not sit down and have a coffee”? “Yes I think I will”.
Vivian was perhaps four or five years younger then Ginger they talked about there children, touched on current local events and then discussed there husbands. Ginger told her about Russell going to London for his company to work on a very big merger they were planning. Vivian raised her eyebrows gave her a coy smile “I guess your smiling is because you’ve got a fuck buddy while he’s away, right”? “Is it that apparent”? “Damn right you have the look of very well fucked women my dear”.
The two laughed, Ginger asked about her husband William. “He’s the same dull, boring pain in the ass he’s been for the last fifteen years”. “These days between work, golf and the TV set even when he’s home we don’t talk”. “You must tell me how you met your fuck buddy, where, when, does he have a nice size cock and does he have a friend”?
Ginger took a deep breath, should I be sharing this kind of info with her? If I do now the circle will have expanded and I will be the one to be breaking our secret. No I’ll give her some info and see where it goes but very little. After all the guys will have to agree to fuck her before I tell her anything of importance. Besides lets see if the does he have a friend comment was just BS or for real.
“Well to begin with I met him hear”. “Really you met at this mall”? “Yes, it took me a couple of weeks to get together with him but when we finally hooked up it was magic”. “The getting together with him was hard because of my husband”. “Fate stepped in for me and now he and his friend and I are regular fuck buddies”. Vivian’s face had a look of disbelief. “You are really fucking both of them”? Yes, we not only fuck regularly but at the same time in the same bed”.
Now Vivian expression changed, she looked at Ginger with the look of you better not be shitting me girl. “So since you have two you might be willing to share right”? Ginger sat back in her chair and stared deep into her eyes. Ginger explained that the guys wanted a woman for all night; a quick fuck wasn’t interesting to them. She told Vivian how they wanted her to dress, how they spent all night in bed and the panty stained with cum thing. Finally Vivian spoke “Look Ginger let me work on this as its Friday afternoon William will be calling me later with his plans for the weekend, I’ll see if I can get away for the entire night”. Ginger smiled at her responding with “Well I’ve got to check to see if the guys want another participant in our bed”. They both laughed; made sure they had each others correct cell numbers and left the mall.
On the drive home she called her son Terry to discuss the happenings. Terry seemed very excited. “Mom you think she will really let us fuck her”? “Well I’m not sure just yet, an awful lot depends on her husband, kids and how horny she really is”. “Please tell the guys about this and when you get home we’ll see what if anything has developed”. She hadn’t been home ten minutes when the phone rang, it was Vivian. “Hi viv I didn’t expect to hear from you this quickly”. “Ginger, I’m as horny as hell”. “After our talk and seeing the look on your face I realized I wanted to get laid really bad”. “Vivian how are you planning to get away from your husband for a day or two”? “That’s easy I’ll tell him I’m going to see my cousin, they live five hours away and he doesn’t really care for her or her husband”.
Ginger now realized she was serious about this so she would have to work fast. “Vivian listen I just got home give me an hour to make some calls, I’ll call you back to let you know if it’s ok for this weekend or next”. “Ginger try to make it happen this weekend I really need it”! “I’ll call you back”.
She headed to her room to change before the guys got home. She started wondering how they will handle two horny bitches, I clean all three of there nut sacks dry every day without any help. Fixing her hair and putting on a little makeup she opened her bag and chose from her newly purchased garments a pair of frilly pink panties. Black heels her robe she was ready for them to get home. She sat in her kitchen wondering whether telling Vivian was a good idea or not. The back door opened and the guys came in. Ginger stood up opened her robe and cooed “Do you guys like the look”? All three smiled broadly at her. “Al grabbed her hand “Let us show you just how much we like the look”.
The moment they got to her bedroom the robe came off. “Ginger would you remove your panties for us”? Smiling at Al she said “My pleasure darling”. Down came the panties and the three boys started kissing and rubbing her. Al got down on the bed, “Ginger would you like to get on”? “I sure would”. Her pussy lips were moist and swollen in anticipation. Rubbing the cock head on her pussy lips made her even wetter, she pushed the cock in until she was impaled to the balls on it. He started slowly pushing it up into her. Leaning forward she felt a cock at her rear entrance, it was her son Terry. He pushed it in and kept pushing until he was deep in her bowels and the two cock heads touched the membrane. It was like tiny electric shocks going off in her pussy as they started a slow steady pumping motion. The pumping started to quicken, she was breathing very heavily. The shocks were becoming more intense with every thrust they made. She dug her fingers into Al shoulders moaned with pleasure and felt a jolt shoot from her pussy through to her ass my god she screamed “Fuck me”! Terry pushed his cock as deep as he could and held it there as he started gushing cum deep into her bowels. Al held on for about thirty second then pulled her hips tight against his cock and exploded. Spurt after spurt of hot cum flooded her pussy canal.
It took several minutes for there breathing to return to normal. Terry’s cock plopped out and she rolled off Al whose cock was limp. Frank got between her legs, his cock slipped easily into her wet sloppy cum filled cunt. Looking down into her eyes he said “Ginger I’m going to fuck you senseless”. She looked up at him, moaned her approval as his cock was already pumping her pussy deep and hard. He helped her get another great orgasm before she felt him push as deep as he could pulling him to her face she spread wider wrapped her legs around his ass. She moaned in his ear “I need your cum in me baby”. He came with such force it felt like cum was being shot out of him and up into her cervix. This caused her to climax again.
After several minutes of allowing there breathing to return to normal Frank rolled off and she grabbed her panties, slipping them on she smiled coyly. “Guys we should talk about something.
They went into the den and sat down. On there way to the den she got a towel as she was leaking cum, her panties were already soaked front and back so sitting on a towel would save the furniture. Frank grinned at her “You really look sexy with big wet stains in those panties Ginger”. “Thank you Frank you guys certainly have a lot of cum for me to show off”.
Ginger explained the meeting and conversation between her and Vivian early in the day. They all looked pleased but a bit perplexed. Ginger explained that as they all knew she was capable of servicing the three of them till there nut sacks were dry. There was no way she was giving up one or two of them to Vivian for even one night. They all seemed to appreciate that comment it proved she belonged to them mind and pussy and she was possessive of there cocks.
“Ginger baby is she really that hot to get laid”? “Frank I think she’d walk on hot coals for a good fucking”. Al looked at the other two “We need more cocks, but whom do we approach”? Terry scratched his head, his eyes twinkled “How about Deon, Roy and Willie”? Frank shot back. Deon and Roy are black and Willie is Hispanic”. Terry seemed puzzled by that remark, “So what, I’ve heard Deon has a nine inch dick”. “He does but keep in mind if this Vivian thing doesn’t work out they’ll all be fucking Ginger. Ginger response was “They will, for real”? “I’ve never had a nine inch dick in me”.
They continued to talk about the problem. Ginger got up tits swinging cum dribbling down her leg and got the phone to call for pizza. After she ordered she looked at the guys, “So do I tell her to come over Saturday evening to get fucked or what”? “Mom until we talk to the new guys don’t do anything”. “The only part of this is if she backs out or isn’t really into sex you’ve got six cocks to drain”. Now the reality of that statement hit home. She had never had a nine inch cock in her much less a nine inch black cock. While she was picturing the giant cock going all the way in her pussy her cell rang. Damn it Vivian.
She told the guys to keep very quiet just listen to the conversation. “Hi viv what’s up”? “Did you get any news yet”? “No I spoke with him about an hour ago so now he’s going to call me back”. “Is there a problem”? “Well viv honestly there might be”. “What kind of problem Ginger”? “He asked a lot of questions about you and your sex drive”. “Like what kind of questions”? “Well do you swallow”, do you enjoy your ass being fucked things like that”. “I really don’t enjoy swallowing cum but if I have too”. “Oh believe me you have to”. “Ok so I’ll swallow it. “I’m not sure about my ass as I’ve never had anyone want to use it, how was your first time”? “I cried all the while.”Then I had an orgasm that almost caused me to loss consciousness”. “I’ve been hooked ever since”. “Really”? “Yup”. “Well please let me know if he calls back, I really need a good fucking”. “Ok talk to you the minute I hear”.
The guys were all smiles as it seemed there minds were made up. Ginger looked around the room “Well now what”? Terry and Frank headed upstairs while Al sat with her. “Give it about an hour and call her, tell her the party’s on for Saturday and Sunday. Ginger called and made the arrangements with Vivian, she was going to be at Gingers by around one in the afternoon. When she was in the driveway she would call so Ginger could open the garage door to let her hide her car inside.
Saturday at one ten Vivian called, Ginger opened the door she put the car in and both women went to the den. Vivian had on tight jeans a t shirt and boots. They sat and she asked Ginger “All I need for the next two days are panties, Garter belt, stockings and Heels right”? “That’s 100% correct”. Ginger told her the guys would be coming over around five so they had plenty of time to kill before they needed to get ready. They discussed how much sex Ginger had been getting during the last week. Vivian was getting wet thinking about it.
Ginger looked at her watch wow its 4:15 lets get ready; the party should be starting soon. They were getting dressed when Ginger open her bag and handed Vivian a joint. “What’s this for”? “It will help take the edge off us”. “I can understand me being nervous but you’ve fucked them several times”. “Tonight there will be a few new people so I thought we could both use these”. “Really” Ginger clicked her lighter as Vivian inhaled the joint to life. Twenty minutes later they were dressed or rather undressed to specifications. Both women were topless; Vivian was in red low cut boy shorts with a black garter belt and black stockings with black heels. Ginger had on a yellow thong with black garter belt black stockings and yellow heels. They were both stoned. Vivian looked in the full length mirror “Quite the look I must say”! “You know Ginger I’ve dressed for a lot of parties but never like this”. “You look great”, I hear them in the den are you ready”? “Ready and very wet so let’s go”.
They entered the den to Ginger’s surprise Deon and Roy were as black as coal. Willie was short but wide and all muscle. They all introduced themselves to each other and everyone got a fresh joint. Terry leaned over to Ginger whispering quietly he told her “Deon and Roy want you first”. “Al will be going with you or maybe it will be Willie were only sure about D and Roy”. By the time the joints were finished they were all talking about how tight Ginger pussy and ass were. She a moaner they heard someone say. Terry looked at Vivian “What about you viv, moan, scream or what”? Her response was “Well honey you will just have to find out for yourself”. Terry took her hand and gently tugged her towards the guest room with Al and Frank right behind.
The door closed Ginger smiled because she was stoned just asked “So who has nine inches”? “I do” replies Deon. “Would like to feel it in that tight pussy”? “I sure would just go slowly at first as I’ve never had a cock that big in me before”. The three headed to her bedroom.
They were on the bed and her tits were being sucked while Deon rubbed her clit through her panties. She was wet before they went in the bedroom so with stimulation now she was really wet. Deon asked her to remove her panties which she did with a smile handing them to Roy she said “Keep them close by as later I’ll need to put them on to keep the cum where you guys put it”. He got between her legs, she spread wide for him as the large purple head slipped past her swollen pussy lips. He worked the cock like an expert pushing it in then backing out a little so she could adjust to the size. As he finally gave one last push she realized he had pushed past her cervix. His cock felt wonderful deep in her pussy she knew this was going to be great. Willie got on her chest and feed her his substantial cock in her mouth. She gagged as he pushed it way down her throat. She could feel the giant cock moving in and out with a tempo building. The cock in her mouth was working at the same tempo. She felt her pussy start to tingle as if being shocked by electricity. She was moaning and thrashing her hips wildly as the climax continued until she felt the cock in her mouth fire a very large burst of cum into her mouth. She tried to swallow but it was way too much. The cock deep in her cunt stiffen, he pushed down deeper held still for a moment. Then she felt a river or cum flowing in he pussy. Moaning with pleasure she lay there as both cocks continued to empty cum into her.
Vivian had been sitting on the edge of the bed, Al was sucking her tits while Terry gave her pussy a fingering. She was really wet and it seemed like she was ready for an orgasm. Terry pulled her panties down and kept messaging her pussy lips, and clit. She yelled “I’m cumming”! The next thing he knew she was squirting all over. Terry pushed her down got between her legs; she spread wide and wrapped her legs around his ass. She pulled him close “Fuck me hard, please baby”! She just kept repeating it for a dozen times. Terry’s dick was balls deep in her; he was getting a good slow in and out motion. Frank put his cock to her lips; she hesitated for a moment saw the look on his face then opened her mouth wide and took over half the cock in her mouth. Terry pace quicken as did Franks. Frank grabbed her head and fired a good sized load of cum in her mouth, he pushed his cock in deep so she had no choice but to swallow the cum. She was feeling an orgasm coming up from her pussy like a bullet. It hit her she started moaning with a cock still in her mouth. Terry pushed as deep as he could and grunted as he shot a healthy load of cum in her pussy. Her eyes shot open when she realized he was cumming in her unprotected pussy. It felt so good it caused her to climax again. Her mouth free she screamed “Oh fuck yes”! They all lay there catching there breath. She had cum all over her face, as she attempted to wipe it off the boys pushed her hands away. Terry smiled “You look great with cum all over you, leave it there”. “Ok baby, if you want me too”.
Vivian realized Al’s cock was rock hard, he lay down next to her, “Viv would you like to get on my cock”? “Yes I would Al very much”. Her pussy was sloppy wet from the fucking she had gotten so his cock slipped in easily. She pushed down until it was all the way in. Even though her pussy was sloppy wet her pussy muscles milked the cock slowly trying to get it to cum. She felt pressure at her ass hole. Terry was behind her, he pushed his well lubed hard dick in her ass. There was pain as she was a virgin back there till today; she started crying as it hurt. Terry went slowly but kept pushing deeper into her rectum. Then like a bolt of lightning she felt the two cocks get together in her separated by her anal membrane. She felt the pain but from deep in her womb there was a gigantic feeling of pleasure building. Both cock worked a slow rhythm, they kept the pace quickening until the cock in her ass pushed deep, twitched and for the first time in her life cum filled her bowels. It sent her over the edge moaning, screaming and wiggling her hips in passion. The cock in her pussy was pushed deep and a blast of cum flooded her unprotected pussy. The sensation of her pussy being flooded caused her to keep her orgasm going for what seemed like thirty seconds. The three collapsed totally drained.
They laid there for several minutes allowing the bodies to return to normal. Terry gave her a grin “You no longer have a virgin ass my dear, any regrets”? Looking into his eyes she replies “None sweetie”. Frank was standing over her looking down; they rolled her on her stomach. Franks well lubed cock went deep into her cum filled ass. She started crying again but pushed her ass up so he could get in deeper. He pumped her for ten minutes; it hurt like hell but at the same time felt good. She felt a sudden twinge between her legs, Frank pushed in deep and she felt cum flowing again into her bowels. Wiggling her ass to help him enjoy the pleasure she felt an orgasm take over her and she shook was pleasure.
Finally with all the cocks with her limp she asked, “Terry baby give me my panties so I don’t flood the bed with cum”. She wiggled into her panties, looked at the three limp cocks, crooked her head to the side and said “That was wonderful do you think later after you recharge we can do it again”? For sure was a unanimous reply.
They went back into the den where Ginger was with her three new friends. Ginger was standing by a table, her panties were soaked with cum and it was running down her leg. Vivian was leaking from both holes as well. Vivian called out, “Hey Ginger how are ya”? “Well I guess I’ll be walking funny for a few days but believe me it was worth it”. “I’m already walking funny, sore but feel great”. After Chinese dinner Deon looked at Al. “Is her pussy as tight as Gingers”? “Every bit as tight, you guys want a little”? “Yes we do”. As viv went with her three new companions Ginger yelled “See you in the morning. The door closed and Vivian’s panties were off. Deon laid down his nine inch cock rock hard, “Would you like to get on”? “Would I ever”. He pulled her deep; she couldn’t believe the size of the cock or the way it felt. Roy’s well lubed cock was at her ass hole as he pushed his large cock in she started to cry. She was sobbing as he pushed deep until the two cock heads touched. Crying moaning thrashing her ass like an animal as the heat between her legs boiled over she screamed with pleasure. The orgasm almost took her breath away. Roy pushed deep from behind while Deon sunk deep and they both exploded at the same time. Cum was flowing in both her orifices at the same time she burst out with another violent orgasm, All three collapsed, exhausted. Willie feed her his cock she licked the head like an ice cream cone. Liking, kissing and sucking for fifteen minutes. He was breathing heavily, he groaned, she placed the head between her lips and sucked. Spurt after spurt of cum shot into her mouth. His dick stopped spurting so she let it slip out. She opened her mouth wide to show them the full mouth full she had then closed her lips and swallowed.
Sunday morning the women sat in the kitchen drinking coffee. “Well Vivian how are you”? “My pussy is so sore I need lube just to walk, my ass will probably be sore and leaking cum for a week”. “I really want too get use a regular fucking schedule”. ”Do you think the guys liked me enough to want to fuck me again”? “Well Terry asked me if I thought you could get away a couple of days during the week for a couple of hours of fucking”. “That would be great, I love fucking them especially Terry”. Ginger they don’t use rubbers doesn’t that concern you”? “Yes but the regular fucking keeps clouding my good judgment”. “How did you like Deon”, especially the black nine inch cock”. ”Loved it”. “You got that right girl”. Both women heard noise from the bedrooms. Ginger stood up, “Its time for there good morning blow jobs before they leave”. Vivian smiled at her “I’m glad cum isn’t fattening”, and headed for the guys room.

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The new Director finds out the truth about Melanie – and loves it

The Voyeur and the accident

Jacob had not seen or been with Nick for two months after Nick declared his love for him in the Library. Jacob had felt horrible and was dying for Nick’s touch, he decided to go to Nick’s house to see him…

Whores for the Fatherland-Part 1

Sister Klara Wiese,was no pushover and she stood her ground firmly. The Obersturmbannfuhrer was growing weary of the nun…..”Dear Sister,you seem incapable of understanding that you have no choice in the matter.There orders come from as high up as Reichsfuhrer Himmler himself.For the final time read the letter again and do what is ordered !”
There was no need for her to read it again.She had understood it’s content the first time she had perused it.Halfway through the old ladys hands had begun to shake.Sister Klara sat facing the tall blonde man in his immaculate black uniform with the SS lightning strikes on his collar. She pulled her face in disdain at the horrible looking deathshead on his cap.Sister Klara Wiese grasped the crucifix at her neck and closed her eyes.
”Sister you must understand there is a war on.To the East we are facing difficult times.Of course under the leadership of our Fuhrer the situation will change in the summer.Moscow will fall and victory in Russia will be ours……….Rations are short.An army marches on it’s stomach !You should be thankful that the state supplies you with food to feed your orphans…..Who knows,someone may just forget about your rations and the children would starve.OR (He emphasized the word)…..One night you could possibly all be rounded up and sent off to a camp.I’m sure you have heard rumours about the camps,Sister?….Not the most fashionable of places to be.In times of war.Anything is possible,Dear Sister”
Sister Klara Wiese,stared at the man through her thick lenses as if the devil himself was sitting across from her.Her stare made him smile wryly.Obersturmbannfuhrer Helmut Schneider,clicked his tongue.He was not renown for his patience.He slammed his blackgloved fist down on the desk…..”Now Sister !Wake up your girls and let me inspect them !”A fine spray of spittle flew across the desk and drizzled down on the elderly nun’s face.
Sister Klara,maintaining her dignity,opened the top draw and handed him the file…..”Thank you Sister.Your compliance will not go unrewarded !I will inform the relevant authorities that you need cows to provide your orphans with milk.Now,let me see…….Ummm,how many girls do you have here? (The nun didn’t reply)With his gloved finger he counted the list of names.Sooo.. I get a tally of seventy-two.Now sister,get them up so I can see what we have here”
”Herr Officer,may I remind you it’s past midnight and the children are sleeping !”
The man gave her an icy glare that sent shivers down her spine.
The building was a three storey,old and decrepit .The children had their rooms on the second and third floors.Living three to a room.He allowed the nuns ten minutes to awaken them.
They stood at the doors to their bedrooms,sleepyeyed and wearing nightgowns.The first three were of no intrest to him.Helmut gave them each a sweet and a pat on the head.Motioning them back to bedThe three young girls looked pettrified.
His jackboots were loud on the polished tiles as he made his way down the corridor.Echoing loudly in the still night despite the young womens hushed whispers.Two of the second lot,were too young ,barely ten.The 16yr old was big built and ugly.
He smiled broadly when he reached the third door.Sister Klara,a few paces behind him smiled at the girls reassuringly.The young lady he was staring at grew nervous.Her hand came to her mouth and she chewed at her nails…..”Name Angel?”
Her big brown eyes widened……”Charlotte,Herr Officer….Charlotte Bruin”Helmut ate her with his eyes-MAGNIFICENT!…..”Age?”The girl gulped….”Fourteen,Herr Officer”He grinned at her….”Excellent !”.He found and placed a tick next to her name.
The following two rooms yielded no return.He sent the youngsters back to their beds clutching sweets.He hit the jackpot at the sixth room.They would all do just fine……”Names ladies?”
”Anke Straub,Herr Officer”She was gorgeous !Tall with long blonde hair and blue eyes.A true Germanic beauty,Helmut thought to himself.She would be his favourite……”Age?”
The girl looked at him startled…..”Um,aah sixteen,Herr Officer”
Obersturmbannfuhrer Helmut Schneider,had picked out twelve girls.Ranging in age from 13 to 18.Wearing their winter coats and holding their humble belongings they were loaded into the awaiting truck.Helmut,greeted Sister Klara with a smug grin and a click of his heels.The small convoy sped off into the cold night.It was 1:10am and 72yr old,Sister Klara Wiese stood in the dark of the steps of the century old building and wept.
Helmut,disliked Baron Karl Von Treskow intensely.The man however had friends in high places.In his study the Baron had a photograph of himself shaking hands with the Fuhrer from the early thirties.Scrawled across the bottom were the words……’To a good friend and host.Regards,Adolf Hitler’
Helmut stared at the photo as the Baron,spoke……..”Herr Obersturmbannfuhrer from what I have heard you have done a superb job !Apparently,you have an eye for livestock.Good !These young woman don’t know how lucky they are.The hierachy of the Third Reich also have needs. To service these needs is an honour,wouldn’t you say?…..Herr Obersturmbannfuhrer?”Helmut looked at the rotund little man….”Yes,of course Herr Baron”
He smiled at Helmut wickedly and entwined his podgy fingers.Even with his manicured nails they reminded Helmut of thick pork sausages.
”Herr Obersturmbannfuhrer,these young delights need to be broken in.Pick one and take her home for the weekend as your toy.You may have the one who most catches your fancy”The Baron winked and laughed.Resulting in his hanging jowls shaking.
Helmut drove from the Barons vast estate with the girl sitting apprehensively beside him.Her nervousness excited him and as they drove through the gate.Ubersturmbannfuhrer Helmut Schneider,possessed a huge erection.
Anke Straub stared straight ahead.Her mind raced and she was afraid of the man.Something about the way he had smiled at her at the orphanage terrified her.She glanced at the fields as they flashed by,thick with snow.Anke’s coat was threadbare and her teeth chattered.She felt his eyes leave the road on occasion and study her intently.He made her body shiver even more when he looked at her.
Helmut turned off the road and down a country lane,parking next to a snow drenched hedge.Leaving the motor running to keep them warm.He turned to the girl who was clasping and unclasping her boney hands.Helmut could smell her perspiration in the cab and he breathed in deeply.It was the smell of fear.
Removing his cap he tossed it on the back seat and then slowly unbuttoned his trenchcoat.The girls eyes darted about in her skull…….”So,Anke.How did you end up at the orphanage?”
Anke,grudgingly turned and faced him for the first time……”My parents were killed in a bombing raid…..with my younger sister and brother.I had gone to get vegetables and ran to a shelter.I arrived shortly after the bombers had left……..The apartment it had,ummm… been flattened”
She had stammered as she spoke and Helmut could tell the memories were still fresh and vivid.She had a beautiful mouth and white teeth.He wanted her mouth.
”You sixteen right?Ever had a boyfriend or been with a man?”…..She felt her cheeks grow red and swallowed audibly.Anke suddenly felt hot and felt her sweat dripping down her sides.Feeling uncomforatable she fidgeted with her coat.She took awhile and then answered him….”Is that not a private matter,Herr Officer?”
Helmut laughed he was feeling anything but a gentleman.Her answer angered him and he slapped her hard.The blondes head knocked solidly against the window.As he watched the side of her face turned an angry red.Anke in slow motion raised her hand to her jaw and turned her head to face him,fearing another blow.Shocked she felt tears brimming in her eyes.Helmut lit a cigarette and inhaled deeply,ignoring her.He sat quietly for half a minute allowing her to gather herself….”SOOO?” he asked sharply as he exhaled.Anke hated him.She could tell life had been easy for him.He had never tasted the deepths of sorrow and despair like she had.Beside everything the SS man terrified her to her wits end.Anke licked her dry lips…..”The answer is NO”
Helmut casually stubbed out his fag,reaching down he unzipped his trousers.Feeling around he took his manhood and freed it,exposing it to the girl.Anke stared down at his penis open mouthed.She looked comical and Helmut laughed aloud……”Suck and play with it or you die and get buried here”Helmut rasped as his organ began to fill and flower.
Anke struggled to fight back her stinging tears she had a swelling tender bump on her head from the window.His dick alarmed her,bulging and growing right before her eyes.Her basic instincts rang out a warning not to disobey.With a heavy heart she reached out her hand and enshrouded his thing.The organ felt hot,twitchy and large.As she held him the man closed his eyes and moaned.
Helmut savoured the moment.The power was delicious !It was all encompassing.He held the girls life in his hands the way she held his cock.The thought made it twitch violently and the girl gasped.He looked down at the little hand that held him……”Put it in your mouth,Anke.I want you to suck me dry”
Anke groaned dispairingly and bent over.It was a horrid looking thing,hard and ugly ! The head peeped out of it’s thick foreskin at her like a one eyed tormentor,it was the most unsavoury thing she had ever laid eyes on.Anke forced herself to do it but as his crown touched her lips.Her tongue involuntarily recoiled violently.Inadvertently swipeing his knob erotically and wetly.Helmut raised his butt off the seat with the sensation,mashing his knob against her lips.Anke cried out ”Naaaah !”He grabbed her by the hair,viciously twisting her blonde locks in his hand.Ignoring her protests he shoved her head down into his lap.Anke breathed heavily through her nose as his prick banged against the back of her throat.The girl felt her bile rising,he tasted vile and sweaty.Helmut pulled her head back,fearful she was going to hurl all over his groin.Anke’s body spasmed and she started to sob again.
”Shut up bitch !Suck on it,NOW !”.His tone was full of menace.Scaring Anke so badly that she farted loudly.Resulting in the SS officer bursting out with laughter.Having never experienced oral sex,Anke tried her best but her technique was clumsy.Helmut shouted out ”SHIT !” when she knicked him with her teeth.It was enough of a warning for her not to do it again.Anke encircled the Obersturmbannfuhrer’s knob with her lips and went to work.Her cheeks were flating and deflating with the effort.Anke imagined that his organ was one of the big round rainbow coloured candys the nuns sometimes gave the girls as a treat.Helmut held onto her hair,basking at being the subject of her first sexual encounter.
After about ten minutes just as Anke’s jaw started to ache.The man spurted violently,raising his hips and forcing his penis even deeper down her oral cavity.His crown twitched sharply between her lips.Then all hell broke loose.His cock slammed against her already bruised palate and then moved to the back of her throat.The next thing Anke knew it was spraying hotly.She was forced to swallow the jets or choke.She gulped it down and the jism burnt her throat.She pulled back when he released her head and the awful thing exited her mouth.Still shooting it’s final salvos.She raced to open the door and without a moment to spare,hurled her bile mixed with semen into the snow.
Helmut arrived at the villa just before dark.It was his familys country retreat.At this time of year he was the only one in residence besides the servants.His family were in the steel business and one of the wealthiest in Germany.They had been ardent Nazis since the early days of National Socialism.His fathers connections kept him away from the front and for that Helmut was thankful.
His butler took his coat whilst Olga,who had served the family for years lead the young lady off to a hot bath.She would find Anke some warm clothes and Helmut watched the girl walk up the stairs.The night held much promise.
The study was adorned with hunting trophies and Anke found the staring dead eyes of the animals eerie.A fire raged in the huge fireplace.It’s light flickered over the Officers face,making him look even more cruel and evil.She was huddled in the chair wearing longjohns,lengthy socks and a thick furry coat.Anke had smelt the man’s scent on the longjohns,they were obviously his and miles to big for her.Helmut sat with his tunic unbuttoned and his boots on the antique desk.If the old man were here he would have a fit at those boots.
Helmut filled the two small glasses with schnapps and motioned her to take one…..”I don’t drink” the girl said without emotion.Helmut eyed her she looked exquisite…..”You are a rare beauty Anke.Undoubtedly the most gorgeous young lady I have ever seen…….Believe me I don’t give compliments often.Under that coat I’m sure is hidden the most perfect female anatomy.Right now Anke,you drink !’It made her eyes bulge and stung her mouth.Anke fought to get her breath back,wipeing the strong remnants of the alcohol from her lips.
”Silly,girl !Don’t keep it in your mouth and savour it.Swallow it down quickly,here have another !”
Helmut puffed on the cigar and blew a cloud of smoke at her.Anke was unsteady in her chair.Helmut clicked his tongue and looked up at the mural adorned ceiling as he exhaled.He chuckled and turned in his chair……”Six glasses of schnapps and you my dear,are dead drunk !”
Anke felt so warm and was finding it difficult to focus.She hadn’t understood what he had said…..”Huh?” she asked dazed.
Helmut went to the study door and yelled…..”Kommen,Max !”He heard the German Shephard’s approach by his nails clicking against the floor.Max the 4yr old,greeted his master with a doleful look and a waging tail….”Sit Max,sit!”The dog dutifully sat down panting and watching his master.
The room was snug and cosy and he felt no chill when he undressed.He helped the girl to her feet.Anke battled to keep her balance and leaned on him.Helmut laid her out on the thick mat near the fire.Anke moved her head from side to side,feeling so lightheaded.Squinting at the man she noted he was naked.For some strange reason instead of finding the spectacle frightning she thought it was rather funny and giggled loudly…………”Ha,ha,HA !”Helmut mimicked her laughter,he knelt down his cock dangling between his legs.
Helmut took one of her socked feet and held up her covered foot.He hastily stripped the sock,revealing a slender size four.He studied it intently…..”Beautiful !”He moaned and licked the heel.He lingered on her instep and bit at the ball of it.Taking her toes in his mouth he sucked hard.Anke struggled to free her appendage from the man’s suckling mouth.He held her easily and he roamed over her foot.
”Hey !What you doing !”she whispered as Helmut manouvered her body to the side and got the coat off.She saw his eyes misty with lust…….This was the moment then?She thought.Did God hate her so much?What had she done?.As he peeled the longjohns from her she felt selfpity and a tear flowed splashing on her bare shoulder.
Helmut stared in wonderment.Whistling through his teeth softly.He gulped so hard he felt a tinge of pain in his throat.She was so young,wholesome and fresh a artists masterpiece.Pale breasts,firm and perked,they didn’t even move when he tried to make them wobble.He took one in each hand and squeezed experimentally,pinching her rubberlike nipples.She groaned……”No,don’t touch me.I don’t want you to !”Helmut took in her taut tummy and little navel.He moaned in appreciation of what the 16yr old had to offer.Her pubes were light brown.A skintight hood leading down to a tightlipped fanny.He placed a hand on her warm upper thigh and traversed her leg down to her ankle……”Your legs reach right up to your ass”
Knowing it was inevitable,Anke murmured defeatedly …..”Just,don’t…..Okay”
Helmut slowly eased her legs apart his hands on her inner thighs.He groaned audibly and excitedly as his nose touched her labia.He breathed her in,musky with a hint of body soap.He lashed her with his tongue. The tip just managing to open her petals and taste her.He dug his mouth into her near the hood and took her clit between his tongue and top teeth.
”NAAAAAH !Hey…..NO ! the spreadeagled teen gasped.Anke beat her fists against the mat as the man devoured her and made her wet.Helmut rubbed his hands up her body and took her tits.Over and over she said it ……..”No,nooooo !” as he teased her between the legs.Against her will,Anke’s young pussy was responding to the sensation of his working mouth.A mixture of her juice and his saliva ran down and collected in her anus.
His face smeared with their fluids,Helmut took up position to fuck her.He placed a foot on each of his shoulders,opening her even wider.He felt her heels against his skin and the whole picture took him to dizzy heights of arousal.He placed his madly twitching dick spout against her wetness……”They will put you on a contraceptive before they make you their whore. However tonight you are going to take the spewing of an officer of the SS in your body !”
Anke squeeled as he entered her sodden puss and slid home.She raised her hands drunkedly and tried to push him off.Helmut Schneider buried his wick with a guttural groan.He tore her hymen asunder with ease and invaded her canal.Helmut kept his body dead still as the girl thrashed under him.He let her spasming moving inner walls milk him.Her face was animated and her eyes showed her pain of being raped by him.His power over her and her cunt made his cock expand inside her and burst forth his seed.It fairly blasted out of him and inundated the young womb with thick milky jism.
Anke kicked against his shoulders and scratched at the mat as she felt him hoseing her down.She felt every throb and spurt.
Helmut withdrew.His orgasm had been so overwhelming that he had a headache.Max had been patient panting as he watched.The dog charged forward when beckoned by his master.Humping a women was not new to Max.Helmut had partaken in animal sex before with one of the servant girls and found it invigorating and erotic.Helmut felt his heart drumming in his chest with excitement.Anke started screaming in unbridled terror as he got her on all fours.She sensed she was going to be the subject of some perverted outrage.She fought with all her strength but it didn’t take much effort for him to hold her.Helmut pushed her cunt up so that her ass was raised high.Max mounted her with his doggycock unsheathed and searching.She felt his cock thunder against her ass and thighs.The probeing member made her beg Helmut for mercy……….”Nooooooo.How can you?A dog dammit!”
Max found her wet box and yelped as he humped with vigour.Anke stiffened markedly when she felt herself being taken……..”OH SHIT ! Noooooo his fucking me…….”
Her squeals and racking sob made Helmut hard.He felt as if his cock was about to burst as he watched,absobed.’…..’Owwwwwww.Herr,heeeelp me it’s sore..OUCH!”She intoned in a helpless whimper as Max thrusted like only a horny dog can.Anke’s eyes rolled when he attacked her with his knot.She cried in absolute defeat when the red ball was forced into her by her ravisher.Swellling inside her and putting her vaginal walls under stretched pressure.
Max suddenly growled deeply from inside his throat.The beasts body shivered and jerked,withers rippling under his skin.The dogs hindlegs lifted off the mat and beat crazily at the air.His grip on Anke tightened and he orgasmed mightly.Max moaned and groaned when he saw the dogs jism drip from Anke’s puss where the two of them were connected.It rained down on the mat .Anke opened her mouth in a silent cry and froze as she felt her depths flooded.Fountaining inside her and rocketing against her canal.The girls ass strained as Max withdrew.Helmut reached out his hand and placed it under her drenched fanny.Collecting some of the jism that streamed from her.He noticed her pubic hair was matted and glistened with droplets.Helmut smeared it all over her puckered and winking anus and then climbed aboard.The more the girl struggled below him the more rabid became his desire to fuck her butt.
Sheer bliss as he entered her rearend,feeling her cunt still dripping against his legs.Helmut punished Anke’s rectum.Anke thought she must surely pass out,she had never felt such a gut wrenching fiery pain……”Oh…..You hurting me inside !”
Helmut dominated her as she wept.Ignoring her intensefying pleas for respite from the pain.Using her degradingly to get his rocks off.He untangled from her and forced the traumatised girl to take him in her mouth.Making her swallow the gory mess down.
End of Part 1

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At a party a woman tells a Marine in uniform, “You military guys are so rigid and single minded. You really should lighten up, life is about sex, when did you last have sex?”
The Marine replies, “1955.”
The woman frowns and says, “See what I mean, that’s nearly 50 years ago.”
The Marine says, “No ma’am,” and looks at his watch and adds, “It’s only 2130.”

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Best Friends Part 5 Conclusion

Part 4 was the hardest part for me to write. I knew I had to create a separation for the sake of the characters and the story but I didn’t want to separate them by anger because the real Alex and Emma had never fought or argued about anything so it didn’t make any sense to have them fight or argue in the story. Hopefully the final chapter makes sense and ties it all in together for the reader.
Looking back, it was a pretty big gamble moving back to the states after so many years but it was a gamble I was all too eager to make. There were a lot of unsure emotions going through my head at the time. Was I doing the right thing? Would I find what I was looking for when I did arrive? I knew in my heart that I was making the right decision.
Before I had left, the company I had worked for was also a global company meaning they had plants all over the world so the one I worked at was simply one of many. There had been a corporate tour group from the states that came through my plant one day. The president of the group stayed behind my area after the rest of the group carried the tour on to the next stop. He was a pretty nice guy and with both of us being Americans on foreign soil, the conversation eventually turned to him asking what brought me all the way to Australia. I was honest with him and explained that I had moved there with family several years earlier but admitted I had been strongly interested in moving back very soon. He had then explained that the company had a plant in the state that I had come from. When he told me the town, I was stunned. It was towns about fifteen minutes drive from where I grew up. He had then gave me the information on the plant and told me when I got back to look the place up and he would help me get a job there by giving me permission to use him as a reference. I couldn’t believe my luck. One day I am having anxieties over how things would work out and the next day the cards appear to be falling in all the right places like it was meant to be. My mind was now made up and I was finally leaving Oz.
When I landed in the US, I was picked up at the airport by my grandparents who were my only relatives I still had from back home that were still local. I had talked to them before leaving and they agreed to let me stay with me until I was able to establish myself with a new job and a place of my own.
After establishing a US driver’s license, I immediately looked up the company I had worked for and saw by a sign on their door that they were not hiring for production positions but they were hiring for data entry. I was qualified for that position as well so I went in and filled out an application, not expecting much but to get my foot in the door anyways. I did use the president’s name as a reference like he had offered and it worked. A week or so later I was contacted for an interview and was immediately given an office position.
I didn’t have much of a new life yet besides going to work and come home for dinner and sleep but very often I would get off work and just drive around to familiar places for me, hoping to reacquaint and hoping to maybe run into familiar faces. I would even drive by Em’s house hoping her family had still lived there but I had found out that they had moved quite some time back when I had finally gotten the nerve to just get out of my car and ring the doorbell.
I had been on the job now for a few months and was having just one of them days. It was late morning so I hadn’t fully woken up yet, not in a bad mood and not in a good mood. Just…there, but not necessarily into things that particular day. Unbeknownst to me, things were going to drastically change for me that day. Typing away, I could see through my peripherals that our office manager had come upstairs and had brought someone with him. At first I didn’t pay much attention but I could hear him talk as he made his way around the office that he was clearly showing around a new employee. Again I didn’t pay much attention to what was going on…until I heard him say her name when they got to my desk.
“Alex. This is Emma. She will be joining us starting today as our new receptionist.”
I looked up while holding out my hand to shake hers out of polite habit when you are introduced to someone. Our eyes locks and it took a second to actually register with both of us. After all these years, it was really my Em!
There was so much I wanted to say to her but I obviously couldn’t since she was preoccupied. If one was sharp enough, they could tell by the looks on our faces that there was a connection and a history between us. She smiled as she instantly recognized me too. I could see in her eyes that she was dying to talk to me as much as I was dying to talk to her. It was going to be a very long day and my mind was no longer on my work.
All I could think about was how and when I could talk to her but my mind was put at ease when late in the afternoon I suddenly had an email pop up on my computer from “emmap.” It was brief but to the point.
“Hello stranger. Meet me at the park behind the library after work.”
The library was just a couple of minutes drive away from work but I found myself not being able to get there fast enough. When I pulled up, there was just a few cars in the parking lot that overlooked the peaceful park. Her car was an early nineties model Firebird and was easy to pick out since she was still in her car when I pulled up next to her left. She wasted no time jumping out of her car very quickly and into the passenger seat of mine.
“I can’t believe it. After all this ti…”
I didn’t even get my first sentence out when she threw her arms tightly around me.
“You said you were going to write me everyday you were gone.”
“Em. I did write you all the time. I wrote you while I was on the plane. I wrote you every day after that until I started getting all of my letters sent back to me saying you weren’t at your address anymore…I eventually got one in a strange hand writing saying you hadn’t been eating or sleeping until you had finally moved on to someone else. I had even brought the letters all back with me…Em? What happened after I left?”
She was quiet as if she was wondering where to start.
“I did have trouble eating and sleeping at first because I was missing you like crazy but the birthday present you gave me got me through it in anticipation of your letters. I didn’t move on though. Not for a long time anyways when I thought I was never going to hear from you again. I don’t know who would be terrible enough to tell you such a thing.”
“Like I said, I still have the letters. Maybe you would recognize the hand writing because they didn’t bother to sign it. They said you started seeing Steve. The only Steve that came to mind was seven-minutes-in-heaven-Steve from junior high.”
She suddenly looked like she was going to be sick at the thought.
“Steve? Eww! Never in a million years would that have happened. Things did change dramatically though. A few days after you left, my dad informed me that Anna and I were being enrolled in Catholic school for the following year.”
“Catholic school? What was his reasoning behind that?
“To this day we still don’t know and he would never tell us but I believe it was because he somehow found out about the things you and I used to do.”
“Well that would explain his mood change towards me before I left.”
Not wanting to talk about her dad, I was quick to change the subject.
“So, tell me about yourself. Did you marry? Did you have any children?”
I wasn’t sure I wanted to know that either. She seemed a little uncomfortable talking about it but she finally spoke up.
“I did get married about ten years ago. He treats me OK and I have two kids, a girl and a boy. How about you? Did you ever marry? How long have you been back?”
“I have been back for a few months now. I am staying with my grandparents right now until I establish myself in a job and place of my own. After work, I still have a lot of free time on my hands so I like to drive around and see places I hadn’t seen in a long time like our neighborhood. I had been hoping that I would run into you on one of my outings but it is weird seeing familiar neighborhoods and houses but knowing that someone else is living there now. I think a lot about the times we both had growing up and I can’t help but wonder if what happened with us is now happening with two other kids now. I did eventually get married after several years but that lasted about five years before we realized we should have never been together in the first place. We divorced amicably and thankfully we never had any kids together.”
She was quiet for a moment as she listened to my back story before finally making a suggestion.
“Would you like to see some pictures?”
“Of course, I would love to.”
She seemed a little apprehensive at first but slowly pulled out her wallet while flipping her photos open. I saw her son first and noticed him to be about nine in age and looked a lot like his mom.
“Your son?”
“That would be my little guy Travis. He just turned nine back in June.”
“He’s got his momma’s looks.”
I flipped the page and came to a photo of her daughter. She looked about fifteen and the closer I looked, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something seemed a little different. I was silent as I tried to figure it out and Em had patiently watched my every facial expression to see if I would figure it out. After a minute of concentrated silence, she finally snapped me out of the trance I was in.
“She is your daughter Alex.”
I looked at Emma and then back to picture and that’s where I had finally realized what it was that seemed different to me. I had suddenly realized that I had been looking into my own eyes. It was then that I had started to cry. Emma moved in closer, held my hand, kissed me on the cheek and hugged me close.
“She is so beautiful. What is our daughter’s name?
“I named her Heidi.”
“That is a beautiful name. Does she know about me?”
“Of course, I have told her a lot about her dad. She keeps saying that she hopes she gets to finally meet you someday.”
“Looks like I have a lot to catch up on huh?”
She looked up at me as if recalling that special night so many years ago.
“I remember that last night we had together. I said to you that I wanted as much of you as I could possibly have. I woke up one morning and was a bit nauseous but I didn’t think too much about it. It got to be an everyday thing until I bought a test from the drugstore out of curiosity. It came up positive and I was happy but scared at the same time. I wanted so much to tell you and for you to be here with me while I was going through it.”
My heart sank in a matter of seconds. As she said that, I went from being happy to know that I had fathered a child with the only woman I had ever truly loved to realize that because of someone else, we were robbed of what should have been a very special moment in our lives.
“By the time I found out I was going to have a baby, my dad had already enrolled Anna and I in Catholic school so I kept that a secret from him until I was already at the school. Mom was kind of happy but dad was livid when he found out. For the first time in my life I didn’t care what he thought. I just knew I was blessed to have this connection with you.”
I kissed her on her forehead as I remembered how much I had loved her so much and why.
We talked for a long time until she informed me that she finally had to get going since her husband was probably wondering where she was at.
“It’s my first day on the job today. I will just tell him I stayed later to learn some things. Not exactly lying right?”
“I guess not.” I agreed.
The next day at work was the start of us having many, many, email conversations back and forth. On one hand I loved the conversations we had and they made the day a lot more tolerable. On the other hand there was now a sense of having limited access to a woman I had never been limited to before. She was now married and even though I hated that fact, I had no choice but to accept it because of the hand of fate we were dealt. We still had each other though which was better than nothing. In a way it was like we were spending a lot of time getting to know each other all over again. She told me a lot about our daughter and she also informed me that her parents had divorced several years ago.
Because of our email conversations, I know it put me on the borderline of being fired a few times because my supervisor would walk by in the middle of me typing. All he would have to see was her name on the screen and he would be quick to remind me about company policy. I couldn’t care less. We weren’t hurting anything or anybody and we still got our work done. As friends, the two of us had become inseparable once again.
Because of our many conversations, I had found out that her marriage was good but not entirely a happy one. They did spend a lot of time doing things apart rather than together. She would spend a lot of time with her sisters and friends while he spent a lot of time with his buddies or with his head wrapped around baseball coaching Travis’ little league.
Emma was honest with her family by sitting her husband and Heidi down to let them know that I was back and she was in contact with me. I don’t think her husband was too entirely thrilled about it but she reminded him that there was always a big possibility of it happening someday from the time she met him. Heidi on the other hand was surprised but excited that for the first time she was going to meet her real dad. Emma had arranged a meeting for us to make it official by letting Heidi and I have the time together to ease into things with as little pressure and awkwardness as possible. She had told her husband about it before hand and although he was uncomfortable with it, he accepted the reunion quietly. After our meeting, I would then meet with her whole family so that her husband and her son could finally meet me.
By this time I had already had my own place so I invited Emma and Heidi over for a nice dinner that I had prepared for them. My heart was absolutely pounding before their arrival, not knowing how Heidi would take to me.
When the doorbell rang, I paused and took a deep breath before opening the door. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. On my porch stood the two most beautiful girls I had ever seen. Emma always made my heart skip beats while Heidi stood before me standing a petite four foot ten or so and she had her mother’s thick beautiful hair. Taking a long quiet look at my daughter, I drew her close to me and hugged her tight. With tears in my eyes, I had hoped I didn’t make her uncomfortable but when I felt her hug me tightly in return, I could tell that she was just as happy to see me as I was to see her.
As we broke our hug, I acknowledged Emma with a hug and a kiss on the cheek and invited my girls inside.
“Mmm. Something smells yummy. What are you cooking us?” Asked Emma.
“Just my specialty, chicken enchiladas. Would you ladies like a beverage?”
I already knew Em was a diet coke girl. I was a little curious as to what Heidi preferred not having raised her to find out.
“Mountain Dew for me thanks.”
Yep. She’s definitely her father’s daughter. Mountain Dew is the nectar of the Gods in my longtime opinion. I wondered what other ways she took after her old man.
While dinner was in the oven, we sat in the living room and talked. I was pretty excited to get to know my daughter finally.
“Your mom tells me you are a freshman in high school now. How is that going? You have any favorite subjects?”
“I’m not an honor student or anything but I do ok. I am enjoying high school better than middle school. Less drama anyways.”
Em and I looked knowingly at each other and I could tell we were both suddenly thinking back to our own middle school days and Tonya’s party so many years ago.
“My favorite subjects are creative writing and journalism. I absolutely hate math.”
Yep, definitely her father’s daughter. Math was my worst subject too.
“What kind of things do you enjoy doing?”
I really like music, hanging out with my friends, dancing, and watching movies.”
Ahh music. More common ground that we shared. Did she inherit my taste in music?
“I love music too. Who are your favorite groups?”
“I love Gwen Stephani, the Black Eyed Peas and the Pussycat Dolls.”
Damn. Oh well. We can’t have everything in common I guess. Like all fathers and daughters we have to disagree on some things.
As the evening wore on, we talked a lot more and listened to some of Heidi’s favorite music while her mom and I broke out old photo albums to share with her. We also had many stories to share with our daughter of how we met and the things we used to do together.
As comfortable as we all were, I had excused myself to go to my bedroom and bring out a box I had kept with me for many years. Placing it on the coffee table in front of Em, she had an idea what was in the box although Heidi hadn’t a clue as we both watched Em open it with uncertainty. As she opened it up, she peered inside and immediately recognized the stacks of envelopes as all of the returned letters I had sent her so many years ago. Pulling them out, she showed them to our daughter as she explained what they were.
“You were serious. These are all the letters you wrote to me from Australia.”
“I thought you would like to finally have them after all this time. Better late than never huh?”
Reaching into the box, I pulled out the letter that explained to me that Em had moved on.
“Here is the one letter I had told you about.”
When she took it, she examined the envelope and the postmark carefully as she recognized the hand writing.
“That’s my dads writing.”
She removed the letter from the envelope and started reading as a storm of confused emotions swept her face.
“I am confused. He had always liked you, or so I thought. Why would he write such a letter? So if he knew where to send you a letter, he had kept all of these ones from me. But why?”
The why wasn’t as important to either of us the moment. That was a question best answered from the source itself when the time was ready but for now, we concentrated on enjoying each others company and reading the existing letters out loud.
Heidi seemed to genuinely enjoy the time we were all spending together that by the time Em said it was time for them to go home, it was around midnight and Em wasn’t in the mood to leave which made me feel pretty good. I could tell by her body language and facial expression that Em didn’t want to really leave either but she knew it was late. I didn’t want her to leave either.
Since our meeting, I had taken financial responsibility for my daughter, she would also spend time with me and now had her own room at my house.
I had also finally met her husband and her son Travis at one of his little league games that her husband also coached. He was friendly with me but clearly didn’t have much interest in getting to know me more. Travis on the other hand took to me pretty well. I also got to see some of Em’s family that I hadn’t seen in many years. Her twin Anna was at the game and we got a chance to talk and catch up. I had found out that she had left her husband and had two young boys. Like Em, the years had been very good to the both of them.
Also with the family was their mom who was just as warm friendly and friendly with me as she had always been while Heidi brought along a few friends of hers that she had introduced me to. The game itself was very exciting and the evening was warm and relaxing when I realized that I was happier and content than I had been in a long time.
The day is still just as fresh in my mind now as if it just happened yesterday even though it occurred about four years after we had been reunited. It was a day I saw Em in a great deal of emotional pain at work and of course that always got my attention. When I had confronted her about why she was upset, she had then told me that her husband has been having depression issues lately and has been pushing her away. They sought some medical help for him and his doctor believed him to be bi-polar. After seeing her pain and the hell it put her through, I wouldn’t wish that shit on anyone.
Almost as if she was being put through a test of strength and courage, she had also found out that her dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer. It was a devastating blow that took a lot out of her and I would gladly absorb every bit of the pain she felt if I could.
In the many months that followed, she stuck with it as best as she could and even though she had her good days and very bad days I had always tried to be there for her to fill the void and to ease the pain. Her birthday came up and I had some nice gifts waiting for her on her desk when she got to work that morning. She loved what I did and most likely thought that was it when late morning arrived and a beautiful bouquet of flowers were delivered for her. I wasn’t trying to outdo anyone, least of all her husband. I did it because I genuinely love her, she means everything to me and she deserved it. It wasn’t until the next morning I would find out that I completely made her birthday very special. Her husband on the other hand had totally forgotten her birthday, never even acknowledged it and preferred to roll over burying his nose in a book about baseball and refused to even talk or make love to her. That wouldn’t have even happened to her if I was the one she had gone home to last night. I would have made love to her all night and as badly as I want to sexually ravish her again, that is not something I preferred to act on. I am a close friend, not a home wrecker. I knew in my mind that her marriage wasn’t going to last much longer but if it was going to end; it would be by his hands and not mine.
With summer also came our state fair. Em and I learned that Daughtry would be playing this year in support of his first album. Both of us being big fans of his as well as a mutual friend and co-worker, we all had made plans to go. Her husband by this time was officially bi-polar and was putting the family through a lot of shit. He had become obsessed with religion and he and Em spent even more time apart now than they did before his diagnosis. Mainly it was an escape for her. She told him that she was going to go to a concert that night but she of course didn’t mention that I would be with her. Only our friend Dawn would be going with her.
When we met up at the fair it was early evening. We had gone to the beer garden before the show and had a couple of drinks and socialized.
The show itself was great. We sat in the first several rows while Em had some difficulty seeing because she was five foot two. What can I say, I love short women but I helped her out by trading seats with her for a better view. When he sung “Home”, Em had been standing directly in front of me. I couldn’t resist wrapping my arms around her. She responded by grabbing my arms and wrapping them tighter around her while we both just lost ourselves in the song.
Daughtry put on a fantastic show and proved himself to be about the only decent American Idol to ever come off that show.
After the show, the three of us hung around and took in the carnival sights and sounds looking at all the booths. I couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she truly looked under all the multi colored lights. She must have noticed me looking closely at her as she returned my gaze with a smile just as beautiful as she is. The atmosphere must have been getting to her too as she suddenly slid her arm through mine and moved in as close as she could. With a contented sigh, I could tell she was more relaxed than she had been in quite a while. One thing was clear. Neither of us was in hurry to leave that night so we walked around, holding hands, and shared a funnel cake before we closed out the fair for the night.
I remember feeling a little discombobulated as we walked Dawn to her car. I didn’t recognize the parking lot we were suddenly in until I remembered that we exited from a different place than where we entered so it was no wonder I didn’t recognize the lot. As we said our goodbyes, I walked Emma to her car where the lot was clearing out fast.
We got to her Santa Fe which was parked next to a fence on the far side of the lot. Most of the cars had already cleared out in that area. She still had a hold of my hand and instead of walking to the driver’s side; she walked me around to the passenger side where we were between her car and the fence out of view from anyone else and in the dark. She stood with her back against her car and wrapped her arms around my neck once again pulling me closer into her and our lips met in a passionate kiss that neither of us was in a hurry to break. Oh how I missed the softness of her lips against mine, the taste of her tongue and the warmth of her sweet breath. There was no husband that night, just the two of us the way it used to be and I didn’t feel a damned bit guilty about it.
I broke the kiss only to set the mood by opening up her passenger door, taking her keys and slipping them into the ignition to find some mood music on the radio. “Faithfully” by Journey. Perfect!
Taking her back into my arms, we began to dance to the soft music as a peaceful calm drifted us off to a place all our own. The music played, our bodies swayed and before I knew it she had turned her body around in my arms so that her butt was grinding seductively into my groin. It didn’t take long for my cock to harden in my shorts to the point of her taking notice which of course made her grind harder against me. With one hand firmly on her hip, my other hand dropped down and was rubbing her pussy through the fabric of her shorts. I was not surprised that her crotch was damp and radiating a lot of heat.
The hand that was holding her waist had slowly moved north until I was now cupping one of her soft breasts underneath her t-shirt. When I kissed her neck and nibbled on her ear, I could feel her nipple harden in my hand and her breathing was rapidly increasing until she wasn’t able to take it anymore. She broke free and turned around to face me with a look of hungry lust in her eyes. Grasping the front of my shorts, she undid the snap and the zipper pulling my shorts to the ground and freeing my very hard cock. She then undid the snap and zipper on her shorts and removed hers as well. When she smiled and turned around, she bent herself comfortably over the front seat. Feeling the damp heat of her crotch moments earlier, I already knew she was very wet and ready for entry.
I took my hard cock in hand and lined up to her tight womanhood and slid into her as deep as I could penetrate. A loud moan echoed from her lips the deeper I went and I took hold of her waist while finding the perfect rhythm for the two of us.
This was the first time Em and I actually had sex since our reunion and I was determined to make it last as long as I could because I wasn’t sure when or if it would happen again. All I knew was, being back inside of her like I was now was just like being back home where I belonged. Her muscles were gripping me tightly with each stroke.
“It’s been so long. Fuck me Alex. I miss your hard cock so much. It was always such a perfect fit.”
I knew from one of our many conversations that her being a diabetic, she had a very difficult time giving birth to her son so she had her tubes tied after having him so I knew there was no chance of me getting her pregnant. In a way I was sad about the idea of not being able to conceive another child with the woman I truly loved but at the same time I was also very grateful for the one child that we did create together.
Things were now feeling overwhelmingly good and we had been screwing for several minutes when suddenly we heard a few voices in the close distance. We had froze with my cock still deep inside of her as we hoped to figure out how close the voices were. Since Em had her head comfortably splayed across her passenger seat, I was in the best position to see where the voices were coming from since I was still standing behind Em with a better view of the rest of the parking lot. As we were both very quiet, Em’s pussy gave my cock a few tight noticeable squeezes to get my attention.
“Who is it my handsome man?”
“It’s ok. It’s just a family across the way walking to their car. They don’t even notice us.”
Once the coast was clear, we resumed fucking and if I didn’t know any better I would say that the thrill of almost being caught was a big turn on for Em. Her moans grew louder and she started bucking wildly into me until she was soon overcome with an intense orgasm that would have carried across the rest of the parking lot if she hadn’t been using the seat cushion to muffle her screams. I had kept thrusting into her during her orgasm to keep her as stimulated as possible and to increase the sensation for her.
After she came, I wasn’t far behind her. She had tightened her muscles around my cock and was causing a more intense sensation on the bottom of my shaft every time I was on the out stroke. My balls soon tightened and I had passed the point of no return. Pushing in until my pubic are was firmly pressed against her firm butt, I started to fill her with my cum in a seemingly never ending torrent since I hadn’t had sex for a while. When I had finally finished and slowly pulled out, a little of my spunk had followed the exit and dribbled onto the ground. Em had stood up and we kissed for several minutes before finally putting our clothes on and reluctantly leaving each other for the night. Not because we wanted but because it was very late and Em needed to finally get going.
In the days that followed, things at home were not improving with her husband. In fact they were getting worse. He had moved in with his parents so his mom could take care of him because he was still rejecting his family. Em had finally confessed to me that she was probably done and that she was tired of trying to make it work without success.
A week or so after the concert, we were both at work. The morning was fairly quiet but it didn’t take long for things to change. Em had received a call that led to her running out of the building in tears. Running after her, I already knew what had happened. Her father had passed away in his sleep. As we stood by her car, I took her into my arms and held her tight as she cried on my shoulder.
With her marriage and losing her dad, she was in a pretty dark place and I wanted nothing more than to pull her out of it and give her the comfort that she desperately needed. Especially when I knew her husband wasn’t going to give it to her. It was killing me to see her in the tremendous pain that she was in.
She had taken work leave for almost two weeks between the funeral and other arrangements with her dad’s estate. Work was very lonely not having her around to talk to like I always did but I was there for her nonetheless whether it was to talk to her, lend an ear, or lend a hand. Whatever she needed, I made sure I could provide it for her. We would spend our evenings talking on the phone as long as possible. On one particular conversation she had brought up her dad and one of the last conversations that they had before his passing.
“You know, I finally had a talk with dad a couple of days before he passed away.”
My curiosity was now piqued.
I asked him about the letter and the whole catholic school thing.”
“What did he tell you?”
He didn’t want to say anything but I made him tell me. Apparently he had an idea that you and I were having sex. He had heard us early one morning when you walked me home and immediately thought the worst although he didn’t want to come out and talk to me about it. He talked to mom and he also talked to your parents but was met with mixed opinions. My dad and your mom were the only ones that were against our being together sexually. My mom and your dad were reasonable ok with.”
“I still don’t understand why they didn’t feel like they could come and talk to us if they had issues with it.”
“He had also confessed to me that your move to Australia and my enrollment in catholic school were orchestrated to separate us for good. My dad and your mom planned the whole thing.”
I was stunned. After all these years, the truth finally came out. I was livid that these two individuals had bitterly robbed us because they were too blind to understand what she and I had together. Hate and grudges were tempting but not an option. They may have robbed us of the life we could have had together, but we were back and still just as close as we were when I left. If anything, we proved that true love can never be permanently separated.
It took some time but once the dust had settled, her dads house had finally sold and the sisters were able to get back to some semblance of normal now that they had time to grieve and say goodbye in their own ways.
Em had made one last ditch effort to save her marriage by agreeing to go to a church marriage counselor at her husband’s request. The first visit went better than she had expected with the counselor backing her up saying that her husband needed to put more effort into courting his wife back into his life. As good an idea as that may have been, I couldn’t imagine him wanting to put that kind of effort into saving anything much less his marriage. As far as Em was concerned it was too little too late. Deep down in her heart, she knew it and even her kids knew it was over.
It was about eleven thirty at night when my cell phone on my night stand rang. I hadn’t been asleep long but I blindly reached for it and saw it was Em when I looked at the display.
“Hey beautiful, what’s going on?”
By the sounds I was hearing, it was obvious that she had been crying before I heard her speak.
“Em. What’s wrong? Where are you at?”
Through her tear choked voice, she finally answered.
“I am at home. Just having a hot bath.”
Is everything OK? You don’t normally call me this late. Not that I am complaining or anything. I always love to hear your voice no matter the time of day.”
I could hear her smile a little bit through the phone.
“I’m OK…I am doing it Alex”
A million thing could have gone through my head at that point and I am pretty sure I knew exactly what she was talking about. I just needed to hear her say it.
“What exactly are you doing Em?”
“I am leaving Chuck. I can’t do it anymore Alex.”
I wasn’t sure what to say or how to respond to that without sounding overjoyed when she was obviously hurting. I said the only thing I could think at that moment.
“I am proud of you babe. You deserve a hell of a lot better than what he has been handing you. Have you told him yet?”
“Not yet. He is still living with his mom and dad. We rarely talk anymore.”
“Do you have a plan yet?”
“Not yet. I just decided it tonight. I was going to talk to my sister and see if she would let the kids and I stay with her until I could figure things out.”
“That’s not necessary you know?”
“Why do you say that?”
“Because you have a safe haven here. You always have, you know that. I have plenty of room for all three of you. If you are interested anyway? Heidi already has a room here anyways.”
She grew quiet as she was obviously contemplating my offer.
“You always were so good to me.”
“We always were good to each other. And we were also always there for each other.”
“That’s true.” she agreed.
“If you are absolutely sure this is what you want to do, just say the word. I will help pack you up.”
There was more silence before she finally spoke.
“I love you Alex. I always have and always will.”
“I love you too baby. I never stopped.”
The next day was a Saturday and as it so happened, Chuck was off halfway across the state on a family camping trip which worked out perfect since he wouldn’t be in our hair. I had rented a U Haul so we were able to get everything her and the kids wanted in one trip. It only took about half the day so by days end, I treated us to a nice dinner for the hard work.
The day itself had been somewhat hot and humid so with some air conditioning, we worked late unpacking and getting everybody settled in. The kids had crashed in their rooms about eleven while Em and I turned in about midnight where we both fell asleep rather quickly from a long exhausting day.
Having Em in bed with me once again after all these years was an incredible feeing. Knowing neither of us had to wake up in the early morning hours so I could quietly walk her back to her house across the street was an even better feeling.
About three o’clock in the morning, I opened my eyes to the sound of a loud thunder storm in progress. No longer seven years old, I laid in bed peacefully enjoying the sounds when I felt Em snuggle closer to me laying her head on my shoulder and draping her arm across my chest. I reciprocated by putting my arm around her to hold her close. When I heard her soft contented breathing, one thing was for certain. Neither of us were seven anymore. What used to bring us fear now only brought us calm in a very familiar way.
I had long been in the habit of sleeping in the buff. Not only was it much more comfortable but on a warm evening like what we had, it was also cooler. Em apparently had the same mindset as I was enjoying the feel of her soft bare skin pressed to mine.
I was not surprised when I felt her hand slide down my chest and softly fondle my balls. In the dark, we were facing each other as her hand roamed my body. When a brilliant flash of lightning lit up the room, we discovered that we were both smiling at each other obviously remembering and ready to recreate that same stormy night so many years ago.
As Em took my cock into her hand, we could both feel it harden in her hand as she gently stroked me. Pressing my lips to hers, I kissed her deeply while I fondled one of her breasts and she moaned softly as her nipple hardened in my hand.
Craving more of each other, we broke our kiss and re-positioned ourselves into a 69 position. Em took my cock in hand giving it a series of seductive licks before taking the fist couple of inches into her mouth. With her delectable pussy just in front of my face, I was more than ready to taste her sweet juices that were already starting to leak from her honey hole. My lips completely covered her womanhood as if I was passionately kissing her but I used the opportunity to drink up her secreting fluids by swabbing her lips and slit with my tongue before poking into her wet opening. At the same time, my thumb had found her clit and was gently massaging it.
Her hot lips slid slowly down the length of my hard shaft creating the most amazing sensations enhanced when her tongue would swirl around the head of my cock and teasing my frenulum. When the head of my cock would reach the back of her throat, I was sucking on her clit creating a humming sound that sent a vibrating pulse through her love button that had her cumming onto my tongue.
When Em gained her breath, she swung around and climbed on top of me. With a hungry look in her eyes, she took hold of my cock, lined the head up to her wet opening and sat slowly down until I was completely inside of her. As she started a grind, I began a thrust until we found a beautiful rhythm.
Outside the storm was still raging but was showing signs of settling while an occasional flash of lightning would illuminate the naked beauty riding me into the night. He pussy muscles would grip me tight on each upstroke while my hands fondled her bare breasts.
Switching positions, I held her by her ass and turned us over where she was now laying on her back with her head resting on the pillows. Her legs splayed open exposing her beautiful open pussy for my taking. As I moved between her legs, I took my hard cock in my hand and slid inside of her as far as I could go.
Lightning illuminated the room to show me her head tilted back with a look of ecstasy washing her face.
As I thrusted into her, I reached down and massaged her clit once again with the pad of my thumb while her legs draped over my shoulders.
Lightning flashed once again and I was overcome by the sudden sight of her breasts swaying back and forth, up and down with each thrust.
As her muscles squeezed me tight, I was now over the edge. My balls tightened and the head of my cock inflated inside of my lover and I filled her with spurt after spurt full of my creamy seed.
When we finished, I collapsed by her side holding her face in my hands and kissing her deep while we drifted off back to sleep with the rumbling storm now in the far off distance. We were no longer seven but two people who were still very much in love.
Chuck was certainly not happy that Emma had filed for divorce and showed it by trying to make things very difficult every step of the way which both angered and confused me. He spent so much time pushing her away and now that she has moved on he has now realized that she’s no longer going to be there waiting for him to get his collective shit together. I guess that’s what happens when you take things for granted. With Chuck’s logic, she was only worth fighting for now but not when she was still with him putting up with all of his shit. He was too stupid to realize that if he had put that much effort into his marriage he would probably still be married to her.
Em’s divorce became final about four months after she filed. Em and I married a year later in a nice beach side ceremony surrounded by close friends and family. As I placed the ring on her finger, I leaned in and whispered softly to her;
“I told you I would be back to give you the real thing.”

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“The Routine” – Chapter I

My first story here. Sorry about any misspelling and such – English is not my native language. Chapter 1 is sort of an introduction into the world of Robert White and how he is able to do the things he do. For the other chapters to work you have to have read this one first. Well, here we go: Hope you like it.