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Modern Mage – Chapter 15

Here is chapter 15 for those of you still reading this twisted story from my imaginations. I hope you like it
as much as the others before it. This is more of a cerebral part of the plot line but important to understand Andrew more than you already do. I appreciate the feedback I’ve been getting from those who have been leaving comments and those who have joined the site and PM’d me. Thank you again for reading the story and I’ll have the next chapter posted as it comes to me.
The silence and darkness were a welcome change from the fire in my blood until that sensation faded. I was adrift in darkness, weightless with no sense of direction. Things slivered and whispered in the darkness. I could feel indescribable caresses along my skin under my clothing. The stagnant oily taste of the air as I breathed; and the air smelled of rotting corpses and other sickly sweet scents I was unable to identify. The darkness was so profound that I couldn’t tell if my eyes were open or closed, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to see what resided in the space around me. There was no sense of time passing here; even my perfect Time Sense from that sphere wasn’t working. That worried me because it meant that I was in a space in which time was a meaningless construct. Most people even many Mages see time as a line flowing in one direction, a theory call Linear Time. To most this is true, however as you learn and work with Time Magick and your understanding of time you realize that it is an artificial construct created to allow people of all kinds to understand what is happening.
My spine crawled under my skin as felt some kind of hard chitinous tendril slither up my leg before it withdrew. My heart was racing as I tried to understand what was happening and where I was. I had a theory that I didn’t want to accept as it meant that I couldn’t get myself out. I reached out actively to sense what was around me with Magick and that is when I realized there was no connection to it. I could no longer feel my Avatar, the connection was there but no magick. That cemented my theory about where I was. Todash Space. The space between spaces where Cthulhian nightmares lived. Now I was glad that I didn’t have the option of shedding light on the situation. I was stuck here for how long I wouldn’t be able to tell as the Tellurian’s rules had no effect on that which existed outside of it. The only advantage to being stuck here was the same disadvantage; they had all of eternity to find me and I would be stuck here without changing. I was going to be stuck here until someone on the other side could figure out where I was and how to get me back from here. All I had to do was hope my sanity remained intact while I was here.
When you exist in a timeless state where nothing and everything is happening at the same time it is difficult to know anything for certain. I’m not sure if I had, am having or will have the thought that I now know how Schrodinger’s Cat felt about the box, but at some point in every when and no when the thought happened. I tried to focus on Sindee and my friends but thoughts and memory are fleeting in eternity. I believe that Hell would have been a better place to be stuck than in this dark nothingness that followed no rules or rhyme or reason. In order to protect my sanity I started to go over the events of my life in order from my youngest memories to my recent experiences. I was thankful that I had cast a Mind Magick spell on myself that gave be perfect recollection from that time forward as well as enhancing those memories I already had.
I drifted there lost in my memories for and indeterminate frame of reference. Going through my memories wasn’t helping as I lost sense of order in them as there was no frame of reference for time here and my mind was adapting to that fact despite my efforts. I worried that my memories weren’t real, that I only imagined everything; that my life was nothing more than a dream in a timeless place. The thought of that possibility filled me with a dread far worse than the whispers in the darkness ever could have. I mentally gripped the image I had of Sindee and held on for dear life, using that as a mental focus.
I focused on the memory of her eyes and the last time I had seen them. The silver flecks inside the grey storm cloud irises. From there images flowed to me or time we had spent together. If this was a dream that never happened I wanted to hold onto it anyway. Then the image of her coming into a hospital room passed through my mind. Then there was an image of her in a white gown, hair pulled up tight into a complicated braid, then the image of her in a green dress standing in the summer evening. The image of her in a sapphire dress under the moon and stars was next. An image I didn’t remember came next; she looked older and was walking with a dark haired young woman through a park talking. After that an image of her younger, dressed in jeans and white shirt. The shirt was stained red with blood flowing down her right side from a wound in her shoulder and chest. Then an image of her fighting some kind of magic user passed through my mind. The images flashed in an ever changing menagerie of possibilities from her with children and grandchildren running around and playing to her alone and angry at the world to her teaching medicine; images of her as a Mage, a Vampire and other things. Then an image formed of her pale, eyes closed and features completely relaxes; peaceful as seen only in death.
I began to hate myself for leaving her alone, with me gone and unable to protect her from the world I exposed her to. I was determined to be the first person to find a way back from Todash. I was not going to wait to be rescued; I was going to find a way out of the space between spaces if it killed me. I was a Mage and just because no one has accomplished something before didn’t mean it was impossible. It just meant that no one was smart enough to think their way around the problem. I tried to think about what Todash was and wasn’t when I hit the proverbial wall of my limitations. It’s is almost impossible to focus one anything this when you perceive an eternity and a moment as the exact same thing. When time doesn’t exist in a place it fractures your sense of the real.
And that thought gave me what I needed to work up a way out of Todash. I told you a while back or was it that I’m going to tell you about how reality works. Reality to most beings is consensual as it is formed by what the Consensus of those in it believe. No one believes in dragons anymore therefore they ceased to exist and any skeletons found are written off as being dinosaur fossils. For Mages reality in conceptual as what they can imagine and conceive they can create with enough power, skill, knowledge and will. I knew what I could attempt to do but thankfully I didn’t have to worry about time. I started to speak to the whispers in the darkness, telling the entities stories of Magick and Avatars. When the whispers quieted I knew they were listening so I spoke more of the planes of existence describing scents and sounds and how this felt and tasted. I spoke nothing of visual descriptions as there was nothing to see her in darkness and they would have no point of reference for the descriptions. I just continued to speak for as long as my voice help out, encouraging the listens to pass along my tales to everything else in this purgatory I find myself in. I didn’t know if this would work but I had to try something. I did everything I could to bring most of the laws of reality to this place leaving out the concept of time so that I would not need to worry about if having its effects on me causing me to age or to starve as the body wasn’t being supported in a physical sense.
I didn’t stop my talking, whispering, pushing the information out to the denizens of this pitch black nothingness that surrounded me in fear that if I stopped talking I would forget the idea. If I forgot what I was doing and why in this place it would be as if nothing had ever happened with no concept of time everything I worked to change would cease. There was no way to say how long I was speaking or what was said to push things to the point I needed and wanted. All of a sudden I felt as though I had never lost my connection to Magick and speaking aloud what I was doing to keep the sensation real in the mind around me as well as my own, I tapped into the magick and used Correspondence, Spirit, Life, Prime and Matter Spheres to yank myself back into the Prime Material Plane from where I left. As there was no sense of time the Time Sphere was useless in Todash. I felt fire along my skin, ice in my veins and though it is hard to describe the best words to convey the feeling is sandpaper on my brain and the inside of my skull as I pulled myself through. I hit something solid and felt gravity and that alone made told me I was out of Todash. Then I blacked out.
I awoke staring at a star filled sky. I was surrounded by trees and mountains as the rain fell upon me skin. I just laid there letting the sound of falling rain and the feel of the water on my skin slowly bring me back into a linear reality. After an eternity and a moment of which I had no idea how long each was I needed to readjust to the flow of time. After the rain stopped I managed to sit up against a rock. I opened my eyes to see the clouds traveling past and the evening sky clearing as the sun set over the ridges bring darkness and a star filled sky. I rested to regain some peace of mind, however it wouldn’t last. I needed to find out where I was and even more importantly when I was since there was still something wrong with my sense of time. My stomach took that moment to growl reminding me that the human body had limitations that I once again had to pay attention to. I drug myself to me feet and started walking toward the east as toward the west and the setting sun I saw more and higher peaks. It took me a few hours to find a mountain stream which would serve for water and a way to get my stomach filled. I crouched on the side of the stream looking into the crystal clear water trying to spot a large fish swimming near me.
I was crouching there for what felt like forever but was not really more than an hour when I spotted this huge trout in the water moving toward the edge nearest me. I reach out with Life magick and had it swim towards me. When it was right near the side and out of the currents I used matter to raise the fish out of the water then used forces to cook it instantly. I felt drained from such simple spells almost right away; I needed to replenish my body and my reserves of quintessence or primal energy to what they used to be soon. The food would help but I needed to find a way to replenish the quintessence. I continued to travel slowly on foot through the mountains for a couple of days. I had some food and access to water but I needed to find civilization soon or I would be in trouble. I stumbled out of the trees into a small town on the afternoon of the third day. I was walking towards a small diner when I collapsed on the side of the street from exhaustion, last thing I felt was my head hitting the sidewalk.
I opened my eyes to the smell of strong coffee and the sounds of classic rock playing overhead. I was sitting in a booth inside the diner; across from me was a sheriff deputy. She was blonde with it tied back in a ponytail, had bright royal blue colored eyes and wore little make-up. She was sitting there staring at me from across the table sipping from a steaming mug like the one sitting in front of me. There were clouds in the sky outside the window so I didn’t know the time, “Hello,” I said to her.
“Hello sir, how are you feeling after the bump to your head?” she asked in reply.
“I have a headache but that’s to be expected. I think I passed out from a lack of proper food and rest. Can you tell me where I am?” I asked her.
She smiled which was nice but nothing compared to Sindee’s before answering. “The coffee and a couple of Tylenol may help the headache. The food here will handle the second part. As for the where; welcome to Wolf Lake, Wyoming.” She took a breath and continued, “Now I gotta ask, if you don’t know where you’re at how did you get here?”
“I don’t quite remember. Around three days ago I woke up in the mountains out there and saw the sunset. I saw that in the west the peaks got higher decided to head east as the fastest way out of the mountains. I walked my way out of the mountains to collapse on your street out there.”
“Well stranger, do you have a name or do you not remember that either?” She asked.
“Forgive my manners,” I reached out my hand across the table. “My name is Andrew Graves, and do you have a name Deputy?”
She reached over and shook my hand, “Jacqueline Depree, most people call me Jaq Mr. Graves.” My stomach chose that moment to growl loudly again. She let out a soft chuckle incongruent with her hard edged deputy appearance, “Sounds like you haven’t eaten a proper meal in days. Doc said he’d be here in a few minutes to check you out from hitting your head and then we can let you eat. Maddie back there is the best cook you’ll find anywhere.”
“Well Jaq, that sounds like a positive endorsement if I ever heard one,” I reached for my back pocket to get my wallet when I realized it wasn’t there. I grimaced and looked at her, “You didn’t happen to find my wallet or phone on me by any chance?” Not that I was expecting her to have them because if memory served they were sitting in the new house on a small table in the basement.
“Sorry Mr. Graves but that would be a no.”
“Call me Andrew; Mr. Graves is too formal for this setting and the fact that you have me calling you Jaq.” I grinned, “I was hoping for a different answer but not expecting one. I’m gonna have to pass on Maddie’s cooking until I can get ahold of someone who can wire me funds for a bus ticket or flight home.”
The doctor took that moment to arrive. In walked a man right out of an old television show. He looked to be around fifty or so, stood about 5’7” and was a little soft and round in the stomach area. He was dressed in gray slacks and a wrinkled white shirt and tie. His salt and pepper hair was slicked back but a few strands were loose on the sides. He wore his stethoscope around his neck and carried a small back bag. “Hello Deputy Jaq, is that the stranger you called me about?”
“Yeah Doc, he just walked out of the mountains and passed out on the street. Cracked his head pretty good in the fall but seems coherent enough,” Jaq told Doc.
“I better check him anyway just to be on the safe side.” Doc walked over and set his bag and paper on the booth’s table and pulled a chair over. He sat facing me as he opened the bag. I looked at the date on the paper to see how long I’ve been gone as he started checking me over. He used a scope to check my pupils for signs of a concussion first which made checking the date difficult until my vision cleared up. I sat patiently through the physical exam as he made sure I’d done no permanent damage to myself during the trek through the mountains. He stepped back after completing the exam which is when I finally saw the date on the paper. It said July 2nd which was fine, but the year was the problem. In reading the last two digits it said 08 and I thought I had been gone for almost a century before seeing it was 2008. I was 3 days before the night that changed my life forever, the night I Awakened and lost most of my family.
The Doc started asking me questions about how I got out into the woods, where was I from and so on. I had to answer that I didn’t remember to most of the answers because my history wouldn’t match up to the reality. The Doc suggested that my memory loss would most likely be temporary and likely a result of whatever trauma put me out in the middle of nowhere. Jaq offered to get my lunch but I offered to do some cleanup or repair work around the place for Maddie to pay my own way. Maddie told me I could wash dishes and take out the garbage for my meal, so that’s what I did. The food was probably the best I’d had in forever.
Jaq had waited while I ate and made a radio call. Around the time I was finished another sheriff’s deputy came in with some paper and an Ink pad. “Going to get your prints and run a search for them, see if we can maybe find more information to help you with your memory Mr. Graves.”
I couldn’t exactly say no, that I didn’t want to know where I came from or how I got here. The only thing that put me at ease is that at 16 I hadn’t been fingerprinted for anything so nothing would come up when they ran the search. “Thank you deputies, I’m starting to wonder if my name is even Andrew at this point. Hopefully you find something.”
After I ate and cleaned up for Maddie to pay for my meal, I walked over and picked up the doc’s paper and began reading it. It was the same article I remember seeing on my way through Cheyenne when my family headed to the mountains. I sat down and tried to figure out a few important items. First was how I got to here in this place and more importantly, this when. I knew that as far as anyone knew traveling back in time and changing the past were never heard from again. This is assumed to have many possible reasons. My personal favorite among these theories is Branching Universe Theory. In this model of time every choice creates multiple timelines, a branch for each possible choice and all these branches have their own branches as more choices come up. We perceive only the timeline for the choice we made, but there are duplicates of us experiencing the other choices we made. Thus a Mage going back and changing anything ceases on this timeline and switches to another branch of reality.
I came to a decision that I might regret but I had to at least try it. Jaq came back shortly before the diner closed and told me that nothing came up from the prints. She explained that it just meant that I hadn’t been arrested or printed or professional reasons such as law enforcement or military service. Since I had no record she offered to put me up for the night since locking me in a cell would be wrong to do to anyone not under arrest. She set me up in her mother’s Bed and Breakfast in town. I meditated that night instead of sleeping, opening myself to the Quintessential energy that existed everywhere in the world, drawing it in to recharge my deplete reserves as I had some serious ground to cover if I was going to do what I felt needed to be done.
Come morning, I got up with the dawn and took a quick shower. I didn’t have anything but the clothes I was wearing to put on so I did so. I walked down the stairs and smelled something good coming from the kitchen. I walked into it and asked the woman in there if she needed assistance with anything. When she replied in the negative I headed outside and went to the sheriff’s office down the main street. When I got there it was to see Jaq sitting at a desk searching on the computer, “Any luck finding anything else about me?”
“Sorry Andrew but no. When I search for Andrew Graves I get an Actor and a District Attorney. You are too young and look nothing like the actor and D.A.s are printed and in the system just like cops.” She said the last pointing to the paper with my prints on it.
I reached out with Matter to ink used in printing me and accelerated the decay of the ink a paper so that they would be gone by that evening. I didn’t like doing it as Jaq had been nothing but respectful and helpful to me since I stumbled into her town, but I didn’t need a set of prints floating around that boredom might prompt her to pull out a file and run them again. Being the Fourth of July this town planned to celebrate in small town style with a community event at the local park that evening and that is when I would be heading out. When everyone was distracted by the night events I’d slip into the darkness and leave with me as just a memory.
It was a wonderful celebration for the holiday and I may have enjoyed it more if I hadn’t been so distracted with my plan. All the townsfolk showed up for the celebration, everyone wore their summer clothes and there were your farm girl fantasies all over the place. Jaq showed up to the party looking nothing like the deputy she was. Jaq was wearing a twilight blue linen dress that stopped halfway down her thighs showing off her long slender legs. Her hair was hanging loose like waves of blonde sil framing her face. She was wearing a pair of cowgirl boots that looked custom made for her that just accentuated how long her legs really were. In meeting up with her and dancing for some of the night I round she was 5’10 or so and could have been a model. I respected her even more as she chose to protect people instead of living off her looks. We spent the better part of the night dancing and she talked to me about her childhood in this small town.
I felt relaxed and at peace with her as we danced. It was a nice way to spend the evening, in the arms of a beautiful woman dancing. It was a sensation I missed and when she leaned in and we kissed I realized that I needed to get out of there soon. I was letting what I felt and missed cloud my judgment. When we broke the kiss I spoke up, “Jaq, I can’t do this. It feels somehow wrong. I don’t know why, maybe I have someone waiting for me or it could be something else. I wish I knew or that we met when I had my memory.” I stepped back away from her and headed into the shadows outside of the celebration area.
On I made it into the tree line, I headed deeper into the woods and mountains until I was too far away to even see the light coming from the celebration. I focused on Correspondence and Life spheres and focused on my own DNA to give myself a direction of travel by locating the presence of a second, or I guess the original version of myself. With correspondence it is possible to learn to travel great distances instantly, however this is not something I could risk. If you don’t know your target location perfectly you could wind up in a tree or underground or any number of other unpleasantness happening as a result of the spell. I chose a different approach and use the Life sphere for my next effect. I had always loved wolves and had studied them even before knowing that werewolves and other things existed. I altered my physical form to that of a wolf, keeping my mind intact and human by tying in the mind sphere. I bound time around myself to allow me to move faster and go longer than anyone else could have. I started running on all four legs headed toward where I sensed my other self.
I ran for the rest of the night, racing to get where I needed to be. I stopped at streams and rivers only long enough to drink and continue running. I tapped into the primitive side of my own mind when it came to eating as hunting wild animal and eating raw wasn’t something I felt comfortable with in my consciousness. I managed to choke down a couple of rabbits and a squirrel as I traveled. I was moving towards the cabin quickly when I came out into a clearing in the woods where there were deer grazing. I jumped as a loud bang rang out and the head of the deer closest to me exploded into a cloud of fine red mist. I turned quickly and spotted the hunter aiming his rifle at me to protect his kill. I jumped sideways left and landed poorly as I wasn’t used to fighting with four legs. I landed on my side and continued to roll that way until my feet were under me again. This clumsiness saved my life as the next shot hit the ground where I was trying to land missing me by a hair. I got back to my feet and using all the speed of my magick I charged the hunter. He was swinging his rifle in line with me as I ducked under it at bit down onto the arm holding the trigger housing. Warm blood flowed slowly into my mouth as he screamed. The rifle fell across my back and hit the ground. I released the hunters arm and reared back on my hind legs using my weight to knock him to the ground on his back. I bared my teeth and growled at him. He froze in place, staring with eyes full of fear. I padded over to the rifle he dropped and grabbed the strap in my teeth. I lifted the rifle the strap and dragging it across the ground I dumped it into the stream where the deer were drinking before he fired the shot that scattered them. I trotted back over to the wounded hunter and placed my forelegs on his chest. I moved my head down so my mouth was inched from his face and neck. I bared my teeth, colored red by his own blood and growled directly in his face. He pissed himself before passing out from the fear. I did a life scan on him using magick and saw that he would be fine and come to in about ten minutes or so. I left him there and continued along my path. I doubted he’d ever hunt again and wouldn’t be shooting at defenseless animals any longer. I’m no vegetarian and ever understand hunters, but I wasn’t big on being shot at as we’ve discussed before. I finally made it through a fight without injury so I was elated and had gotten my second wind. I traveled faster than previously and came to the area around the cabin just a night fell.
I laid myself down under the trees and brush outside the clearing around the cabin to rest. I kept my mind and senses alert even as I rested my tired body. I released the spell holding me in the form of the wolf. I cleaned myself and my clothes before resting. It was getting late when I saw the monster of my nightmares for the past 5 years drift out of the darkness to appear outside the cabin. I had to decide now if I was going to alter my future and past here and now. If I changed the past I could create a time space paradox and cease to exist, or I could ensure that the self-fulfilling prophesy occurred exactly as it was supposed to. It was not as easy a choice as one would think. On one hand I could save my family, causing myself to possibly never fully awaken to the potential of a Mage. Allow myself and my family to live out our lives blissfully unaware of what may have happened this night. I would however lose Sindee forever as our paths were unlikely to cross after this, I would most likely simply cease to exist in this world and any other in my current form. Simply destroyed by the fact that what created me never happened. Or I could ensure things happened the way they did and should again and simply find something to do for the next five years until I could rejoin my friends after I disappeared into Todash. That would force me to let my family be killed, to allow my father to suffer the loss when I could do something to stop it right here and now. Allow my younger self to endure what I went through all over again. However doing so would allow me to be the man I am today, would allow Sindee and I to come together and have the future together that we were trying to.
It was the hardest choice I ever had to make and I knew what I wanted to do, but I also knew from visions and dreams what the right thing to do was. I reached out with Prime and Mind Magick and practically shouted to myself and my Avatar that they were in danger and need to wake. Then I disappeared into the night to stop myself from doing what I felt like and letting what was right unfold. I spent the next five years traveling the world as only a Mage can. I learned a few new languages and studied the arts of swords in Japan and Europe during this time. I learned Krav Maga in Israel over the year I lived there. I traveled and learned and read as much as I could over that period of time to keep me from trying to return to Vegas earlier and creating a Paradox. I figured if I was going to be fighting a war I needed to prepare myself.
During the travels I went to Stonehenge, getting special permission to walk among the stones themselves. I meditated at the alter Stones on the morning of the Summer Solstice and I’ll tell you that Stonehenge is a Node of such immense power that it may be a gate or bridge between all the planes. I used my knowledge of finance and investing to make money and opened accounts around the world setting up homes and safe-houses all over. I made some contact and allies for the future, not all of them above board but you take what you can get when fighting a war. I used Life and Time to keep aging from affecting me during this time away.
I traveled to Hawaii to purchase some land and a beach house on one of the smaller islands in a secluded location at the start of the last six months before needing to head back. I took flying lessons for fixed wing aircraft while there and planned to continue the lessons for rotorcraft and other vehicles in the future. I headed back towards the continental states two nights before my disappearance were to occur using a false identity I had been using over the last few years. Once I landed in Vegas I took a taxi out to M resort and checked in using the same ID. I got a good night’s rest there and checked out early in the morning settling the bill in cash and walking out into the fall morning. I walked to where the house was built and parked myself in the mountains just outside the back of the home to wait for that night.
The evening came quickly and I could feel the power building and being drawn into the ritual I had crafted. I took my time to carefully draw enough magick and slide myself into the spell being crafted so that I could time this right. As the spell built towards conclusion I saw the glow and felt the energy spike as the Node formed. I used Correspondence Magick to step into the place that I had just disappeared from. As the bright glow faded I stood in the basement of my new home surrounded by friends and allies who had no idea what had really just happened.
The Node had formed perfectly and that’s what had drawn me into Todash as it was a bridge similar to Stonehenge, while not nearly as powerful. I didn’t just knot our plane and the Magick one but all planes connected to the Tellurian. I created a Node, but also a crossroads of sorts. It still required the ability to travel through planes under your own abilities but it would be easy to do from here. I did by accident something unintended and useful at once. Everyone relaxed some once the rituals magick faded and the flow of power from the node became a constant steady pulse.
As everyone settle down and cleaned up from the evenings events we headed upstairs for drinks and ordered some pizza to get some food to replenish our bodies from the expenditure of power. Arthur came over to me while we were eating and whispered in my ear, “I know what happened to you. Your mind was different at the end of the ritual and the change was sudden, shifted while we were all blinded from the glow. Come see me when you can and we’ll talk about what happened.” Needless to say I was stunned at the revelation of just what he could do as I felt no Magick from him beyond what was flowing into the ritual. Now I really wanted to know what he was as he had said he was once a Mage and was now something else.
The rest of the evening was relaxed even though there was no furniture in the house yet. We were using camp chairs to sit and the counters for our drinks and food. We were all talking about the future and the coming war. Arthur spoke up as we were discussing the Ascension war and what it meant for everyone here, “The Ascension War must remain a secret to the general public but must also be focused upon by all the supernatural beings because the is another war being fought that must remain hidden from all but those on the front lines of it. Andrew, you and your friends and allies are needed to take my place in the Ascension War here as my friends and I are fighting the Hidden War. I cannot and will not tell you about what we are fighting as the fewer people who know the more advantage we have in that war. We will continue to aid you in this but it’s your fight now.”
Everyone grew silent after this and the mood shifted to somber instead of celebratory of our night successes. We all had a lot to think about considering what has been revealed to us. The mood died down and we all decided it was time to head out and take the time we needed to think about what we were going to need to do for the foreseeable future. There was a knock at the door just as we were cleaning up to head out. I found that strange as we hadn’t moved in yet and were out away from most of the city population. I walked over and opened the door to a disturbingly familiar face. “Hello Mr. Graves, it’s nice to see you again after these last few years.”
“Good Evening Deputy Depree,” is all I got out before words failed me. There was Jaq standing before me as beautiful today as she was that night I left here at the celebration. Her hair had grown longer and was loose down her back; her blue eyes had a hard edge to them. She was dressed in a pair of black slacks and a red silk blouse, and was wearing the same black boots she had on that night. Clipped to her belt was the badge of a Deputy US Marshall instead of a small town sheriff.

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Incest girl – Chapter Three

Sunday morning dawned bright and sunny, a perfect day in late May, but the Prentiss family didn’t get off to an early start on their picnic as they had first planned. For one thing, Paula noticed, neither Mom nor Dad were in any great hurry to get out of bed. Not that they hadn’t gone to bed early enough the night before. They were in the bedroom by nine o’clock.
It was one of those evenings when the four of them sat down in the living room to watch TV. Then Mom sat on Dad’s lap and wriggled and squirmed around until she had him as worked up as she was. Suddenly they got up and went off to their bedroom, and that was the last Paula and her brother saw of them until the next day at ten o’clock.
Paula knew her parents hadn’t gone to sleep right away. When she went to her room later that night, she could hear sounds coming from her parents’ room, right next to hers. She couldn’t hear what they were saying but she could identify the various sounds. She knew they were having a hell of a great time together.
After her parents had gone to their room, Paula’s brother gave her a pretty hot time on the living room couch. Paula’s Mom and Dad were no sooner out of the room than her brother pulled her into his arms and the two of them did some hot and heavy necking. His hands were all over her and Paula didn’t mind in the least that his kisses were one long open-mouthed tongue-licking experience.
His hands were squeezing and caressing her full firm tits, and when his mouth finally left hers, it was to lick and suck on her stiffening nipples. Her brother kept this up until she had two sensational ass-wriggling orgasms, the second one within minutes of the first.
While Paula cuddled in her brother’s arms, she felt so good she didn’t object at all when his hand slipped inside her panties and fingered her already wet pussy. She soon realized her brother was no amateur at playing with a girl’s cunt. His teasing fingers brought her to a mind-shattering climax four times within the next hour. But if her brother thought that now that she was in the mood, she’d let him get his cock into her, he was mistaken!
Paula was stubborn. She wasn’t about to let him fuck her. Why should she? Daddy had given her all the cock she needed, that very afternoon. Maybe she thought of herself now as Daddy’s woman. And later, as she lay in bed listening to the sounds of the fun and merriment coming from her parents bedroom next to hers, she experienced a feeling of resentment and wished she’d stayed in the living room and let her brother fuck the hell out of her.
Paula went back out to the living room where her brother was still sitting on the sofa. When he undid his zipper and his long hard shaft sprang out into the room, her fingers closed around it and she began to pump away on it. Moments later he let out an animal-like growl and Paula watched a powerful stream of cum spurt from the head of his cock and fly half-way across the room. After that, Paula went back to bed, leaving her brother to clean up his mess off the living room carpet.
In the kitchen the next morning, Paula was pleased to see that they all had the same idea about what to wear for the picnic. Dennis and Daddy both wore swim trunks, while Mom sported a bikini every bit as brief as the one she was wearing.
Paula noticed each male had a considerable sized bulge in the front of his swim trunks, and she wondered if it was her or Mom who inspired it. It was difficult to tell. Daddy was looking at her as though he’d like to take her out by the side of the pool and fuck her again. Her brother was giving Mom some pretty hot looks, too. Dennis had his gaze fixed on that narrow strip of cloth that barely covered Mom’s pussy, and it was quite obvious what he had on his mind. A quick glance at Mom’s eyes made Paula realize she was quite aware of her son’s heated interest.
“Well, let’s get moving if we’re gonna go,” said Paula’s father cheerfully, setting his coffee cup down in its saucer. “Let’s get things organized here!”
“I’m all ready,” chirped Paula’s mother happily, hoisting a straw picnic basket into her slender arms. “Dennis will you pick up the ice chest? It’s heavy. It has all the beer and Cokes in it.”
Minutes later the family had arranged themselves in the family Ford. Paula sat in the back with her brother, while Mom sat close to Dad, who was driving. Paula’s mother looked so lovely and desirable; Paula almost felt a little envious. How could Daddy or Dennis possibly notice her when Mom was there to look at? Mom’s bikini revealed a luscious, trim and shapely ass and her gracefully molded legs flattered her slender figure.
An hour later the Ford turned off the highway onto an older, narrower and more deserted country road. It was noon by now, and the direct sun coming down on them bathed the countryside in its warmth and gave the occupants of the car the feeling that all was right with the world.
Paula’s envy of her mother soon vanished. Her entire body tinged with delicious excitement as she felt her almost naked loins become the focal point of interest to her brother. Glancing down, she observed with obscene relish that he had a very definite hard-on! Of course her handsome brother wanted to fuck her; he was pretending not to notice her so as not to reveal his interest to Daddy, who was staring at her in the rear-view mirror. But her brother’s great cock gave him away! Daddy’s eyes were glued to her in the mirror and she wondered if he had a hard-on also.
Wow! So many things were happening this weekend that she didn’t know quite what to think of them. But one thing was certain. She wanted to find out more about all this!
The one thing that clouded her sensation of budding sexuality was that she wasn’t sure how far she should let her brother go. Finally she decided that although she had played with his cock last night – jerked him off in fact – and today she might let him finger her pussy again, she’d never let him fuck her. At least not until she saw how things were between her and Daddy!
The countryside was changing now as they approached the Wahsanee River. It was more hilly and sparsely populated. Both Dad and Mom expressed strong pangs of nostalgia as they drove past an occasional well-kept farmhouse with flourishing fields of young corn and rippling wheat. They were in an animated discussion about how they spent their childhood and teenage summers.
Paula picked up on the bits and pieces of their conversation – and the way they looked at each other – and concluded that it was around here, while on a picnic, that Dad gave Mom her first fuck. Judging from the twinkle in Mom’s eyes, she must have really liked it! Paula was quick to notice a movement of Mom’s arm as she sat close to Dad, and she realized Mom was feeling Dad’s erection though his swim trunks.
Paula felt a strong temptation to quickly lean over the front seat and catch Mom in the act of feeling Dad’s cock. But she didn’t dare. Besides, Mom’s hand was keeping Dad’s attention off her and he wasn’t looking at her in the rear-view mirror. That enabled her brother to move his hand over onto her legs. In a few moments he had the crotch of her bikini pulled to one side and he was fingering her cunt. A few minutes more and the Ford had reached its destination and pulled to a stop – just as Paula reached her climax!
Paula’s mother was the first one out of the car when it came to a halt an a heavily wooded bank above the river, and she stood taking deep breaths of the pine and grass scented air. In an instant Paula’s brother was out of the car and standing close to her. His eyes were coursing over his mother’s naked legs and her almost naked ass.
“Oh, Dennis, it’s so green and fresh smelling!” Mom said as their arms went about each other. She didn’t seem to be at all angry about the way her son stared lustfully at her bikini-clad body. She seemed girlishly uninhibited, returning his kisses and caresses its they wandered around the small grassy clearing. “Look! There’s violets and wild strawberries growing there!”
Presently mother and son returned to the car and helped Paula and her father take things from the trunk. A moment later her brother spoke to Paula in a near whisper. “Come on! Let’s go for a walk along the river bank.”
“Hey, Mom,” Paula said to her mother in response to her brother’s request. “Okay if Dennis and I go for a walk? You don’t need us here.”
“All right, dear,” replied her mother with good humor. “Enjoy yourselves. It’ll be at least a couple of hours before everything is ready to sit down to.”
Paula and her brother turned and darted down the steep path through the trees and shrubs to the dyer’s edge. They walked along in silence until they reached a small grassy area closed in on three sides by birch trees and thick bushes.
“Dennis, I…” Paula began, but before she could complete her sentence, her brother interrupted.
“Hey, honey, let’s stop here. Baby, this is it! Look at that soft grass!” His arm slipped around her waist and pulled her close to him.
Paula wasn’t enthused about the idea of stopping. The reason she’d started to speak was that she wanted to tell her brother that she really didn’t know what she was feeling, and that she didn’t want to fuck him.
His hand went onto one of her tits and gently squeezed and fondled it while he kissed her. “You like that, baby?”
“Don’t, Dennis.”
“Whatsa matter? You scared of having fun all of a sudden?”
“I just don’t think I feel like necking,” Paula said, and she was little amazed at how calm and confident her voice sounded to her ears.
“You didn’t mind me fingering your pussy when we were in the car.”
“I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to do,” she told him, a buoyant sense of freedom surging through her at the realization. Paula stared seriously up at her handsome brother’s face. “I only stopped here because I think we should have a talk.”
“A talk? Again? Didn’t you talk enough last night? Shit! Mom and Dad took off for the bedroom at nine o’clock. We could have had a ball, fucking on the couch! But you kept stalling, and talking! Well, I’ve had it with your stupid little games, Paula. You’ve been putting me off for too long. I want to fuck you, and that’s what I’m going to do – now!”
“But I don’t want…” Paula tried to protest, taking a step away from Dennis. For the first time she noticed the grim determination in his eyes. How could she ever have thought she wanted her brother to fuck her? Fear ran down her spine as she realized how insistent he was.
“I don’t care if you want it or not, you little cock-tease!” her brother cried, lunging for her and pulling her slim body tight against his hard loins.
Paula wanted to object. What right did he have to go grabbing her like that? But his mouth pressed so tightly against hers she could hardly breathe, let alone speak. For a moment she clenched her teeth to keep out his hotly prodding tongue, but the instant she gasped for air, it shot inside to tease unmercifully at her sensitive mouth and tongue. Even as she tried to wriggle out of her brother’s grasp, Paula felt her determinism fading.
Oh God! It feels so nice! Why not? Why not?
“I’m going to fuck you, Paula,” her brother murmured into the warmth of her mouth, his eager hands on the firm round mounds of her bikini-covered ass-cheeks – feeling them, caressing them.
“Dennis… no!”
“I’ve been trying to get my cock into you for months now, my hot little sister. Today you’re going to get it!” His pent-up frustration sent his virile young prick surging into a powerful erection that throbbed agonizingly inside his swim trunks. He ground his aching thickness against the tender flesh between his sister’s legs.
“No! Dennis… don’t… stop it!” Paula moaned, but it was obvious to her brother – who had already stripped off her halter and whose hands were now tugging down her tiny bikini bottoms – that her protest was merely a token one. Even as Paula’s low whimpers broke from her lips, she was trembling in her brother’s arms and not making any real effort to pull, herself away.
He had her completely naked, then he released her from his embrace to pull down his swim trunks and step out of thorn. For a moment his physical relief, as his bone-hard prick sprang up free from the painfully restraining material, was so great he didn’t realize the strategic error he’d made.
Although Paula was certainly in an obsessive state of erotic desire, she had enough control of herself to be amazed at how easily she could be so hotly amused by her brother. Her anger at her brother blotted out most of her lust the moment he stepped away from her.
“You’re wasting your time taking off your swim trunks, Dennis,” she said in a cold voice in which only the slightest tremor could be noticed. “I don’t want you to touch me!”
Paula reached down to the soft grass to retrieve the two discarded pieces of her bikini. With her back to her brother and bending over, she had then made HER strategic error! Her lust-crazed brother lunged toward her, seized her around the hips and dragged her to the ground. Before Paula even knew what was happening, she was on her back with her naked brother on top of her. The length of his iron-hard prick pressed firmly against her pubic mound. He was much stronger than she, and the impact of his weight stunned her. Still, she had the presence of mind to clamp her legs together and dig her fingernails into his back.
I have to get away! If I don’t getaway from him I’ll start to like it. I’ll want hit to fuck me! And I want it to be Daddy who gives me all the fucking I need!
“Hey! Quit that!” her brother bellowed, as Paula’s nails dug into his back. “And what do you mean, you don’t want me to touch you? You didn’t tell me that last night, when I was giving you all those kisses, and licking and sucking on your tits. You didn’t mind me touching you when I fingered your pussy and you had one climax after another. If my cock is so objectionable, how come you held it in your hand last night and played with it so long? You loved jerking me off, didn’t you? You might as well admit it, my horny little sister, you want it as much as I do. You want me to fuck you!”
Paula had been letting her brother fool around with her for the past six months, stopping him before he went too far, never allowing him to fuck her. But never in all that time had she ever driven him into such a blind rage as this. It frightened her, but it also excited her in a way she didn’t fully understand – just as the way he pinned her arms to the ground and the feel of his iron-hard prick rubbing on her pubic mound sent thrills churning through her.
“No, Dennis! No!” she wailed. But even as she cried out, she felt her objection weakening.
I can’t help it! He’s too strong! I can’t stop him. I can’t possibly make him understand I don’t want him to fuck me!
Somehow, this rationalization released something inside Paula’s brain, and she began to writhe in increasing abandon beneath the body of her lust-frenzied brother. The warm hard thickness of his virile prick rubbed tightly against her pussy mound. It felt as large and menacing as her father’s. But her brother’s cock was so smooth, and it pulsated with such obscene power against her trembling flesh, she felt herself grow dizzy as a wave of hot ticklish sensations swept over her.
“You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever known, Paula. You’re not a kid any more and I just gotta feel you. I gotta feel your pussy with my prick! I’ve wanted to make it with you for a long time, baby, and the way you move around in those skimpy bikinis – showing off your tits, your cunt and your ass – I get so hot just looking at you, I can’t stand it. I want to jump you even when Mom and Dad are right there with us!”
“Dennis, don’t! Let me go!”
“Come on, Paula. Be good to me and open your legs. Look at me! I won’t hurt you. It’ll feel wonderful to both of us, when I get my prick into you. You’ll love it, I promise. Come on, baby. Let me fuck you. ‘Cause you want me to do it to you, don’t you? Don’t you, Paula?”
Her brother’s words rang in her ears and her naked body trembled with the same urgent hot desire she’d felt yesterday with her father. Tiny droplets of moisture were forming on the lips of her pussy as she pressed her thighs ever more closely together to pressure her sensitive clit. She knew she wanted this exquisite feeling to build and build, until her entire body exploded in rapturous orgasm, with her brother’s prick spurting its hot charge deep in her pussy.
Suddenly the lust-fevered young girl’s hand reached down and her fingers closed around the hard shaft of her brother’s cock. She smiled into his handsome face as he pressed his naked body up against her as he lay beside her on the soft grass. Paula moaned as she felt the solid head of his cock rub along the moist lips of her pussy.
A cool rush of air wafted in and fanned Paula’s feverish body. Her brother’s eager hands were feeling her body and his hot panting breath tickled her ear. Fearful that something might break this magic spell, the sexually aroused young girl buried her face in the hollow of her brother’s neck and shoulder. At the same time, she inched her lust-inflamed body toward her brother’s bare loins. He pressed back eagerly against her nude body.
“Yes… oh yes, Dennis…” the girl whispered. “Do it to me. I want you to…”
For a bewildered instant, her brother thought he was dreaming. He hadn’t expected his sister to react so suddenly with such passion to his intimate touches. He bent his head to kiss her cheek and her long golden hair, while his hand caressed the round contours of her luscious ass-cheeks.
Paula’s svelte body looked girlish and vulnerable lying next to the masculine form of her brother. His already swollen cock, held lovingly in her gasp, pulsed to an even greater girth, and he moved closer to Paula’s naked curves so he could press his aching shaft against her soft thighs and shove the head against her moist pussy.
From where Paula lay on her side, the hard pink tips of her peach-shaped breasts rubbed gently against her brother’s chest, causing her to let out another moan of urgent desire.
“Do it to me, Dennis. I want you. I want your cock!”
Impatiently eager, as any adolescent would be with such a luscious bundle in his arms, her brother rolled Paula onto her back, pausing a brief moment to run his hands over her gracefully curving flesh, and then he climbed on top of her. All the while Paula murmured sounds of passionate encouragement.
“Touch me, Dennis… feel me. Oh yes, do it to me!”
Dennis’ long hard cock, already swollen and throbbing with desire, inflated to a huge, rampant shaft of iron-hard desire in Paula’s firm grasp. With a guttural passionate groan, he grasped Paula’s firm ripe tits, pinching the stiffened nipples until her erotic moans mingled with his own. Paula’s mouth meshed with his in a shuddering kiss which seemed to go on and on, the kind of tongue-flicking, mouth-sucking kiss parents rarely consider proper conduct between a brother and sister.
As Paula felt her brother’s blunt, mushroom headed prick pushing against the moist lips of her cunt, she sucked his tongue deep into her mouth, her tongue flicking at it in a frantic love-duel. Her slender arms wrapped around his neck as she spread her legs wide in wanton invitation. Tremors of excitement shot along her spine at her acceptance of this forbidden act – being fucked by her own brother! But some how, the knowledge of her unforgivable guilt only served to increase her desire for her brother’s cock.
Oh, dear God! I’m writhing around stark naked in the grass with my own brother. And I’m letting him fuck me! And I want him to do it! Oh God, I don’t care if it is wrong, whatever comes of this – I want to be fucked by my brother!
“Fuck me, Dennis! Fuck me! I want you to do it to me! I want you to fuck me!”
A powerful shudder surged through Paula’s naked body as the words flowed spontaneously from her mouth. As the shocking obscenity echoed in her ears, she thrashed about on the grass like a lascivious demon. Whatever inhibitions she may have had vanished quickly with the surge of pleasure that swept through her as her brother’s cock worked its way deeper into her accepting cunt. Her girlishly rounded buttocks arched up to meet the pressure of his prick pushing into her, and her strangled moans echoed into the warm cave of Dennis’ mouth. He thrust again and his cock moved deeper into Paula’s cunt.
“Aaahhhhh! Oooowwwhhhh! It’s so big! So big! Oh, Dennis!”

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Jenny wants to be a slut Pt 2 – Wet games

After convincing her neighbor Jared teaching her how to be a slut Jenny is desperate for more. For those who haven’t read the first part, my name is Jenny. I’m a 18 year old slut and this is about how I became one. After discovering porn movies at my 55 year old neighbor’s house at the age of 15, I have persuaded him to teach me how to become a slut.

The Dare

another story, I hope you guys like it. It’s just sick fantasies that go through my head. I’d like comments for new ideas.

The Love of My Life

John was every girl’s dream. He was a tall muscular blonde haired blue-eyed athlete with a gentle nature and a kind heart. This is the story of how we became the love of our lives.

my secret life

on the outside i am a housewife and mother, but when no one is around i am a cock hungry slave…just a normal day for me

Human Contact (2)

Would Brynn continue to do what the older man wanted when the sexual elements of their relationship escalated?

The Car Deal/ PT2/ Time to trade up!

It was almost a year since my beautiful twenty one year old Tika had moved in with me. We managed to become great together. We have sex as often as we want and for the most part its great. The car she got from me turned out to be a rolling junk yard. I repaired most every part you could think could go wrong. No charge to the customer. She still makes it all worth it.
The time came for Tika to trade up. We decided that even if I had a better deal on my lot that she would not buy from me this time. Sales people should never sell family. I would however help to make sure that she didn’t get fucked (AGAIN). I went with her shopping.
We had gone to about 3 car lots and I decided that I wanted her to have better cars then she was looking to buy. She did not have the money to spend on better cars so I covered it. She still makes it all worth it. We decided to drive the 3 hours to our states largest city. Made a night of it and got a great hotel down town.
On the drive,Tika reminded me of the way we met and how having sex with me was hot. I told her that it was a day I would never forget. She said we should fuck a car salesman to make a deal. I told her that I wouldn’t do a dude and she said she wanted a girl. She wasn’t kidding.
We drove from lot to lot looking for the right sales girl. I was going to just give up and buy her car forget the women on women I was thinking about. Saleswomen in the auto world are few and far between I said and just as I spoke Tika said “I want her” as she pointed at this totally hot 30 year old black women that was standing next to the car store smoking. She had darker skin then Tika and her hair was shorter. She was dressed in this little suit thing that didn’t do much for herbut she was hot.
I almost hadn’t got the car stoped when Tika was out walking up to her. When I caught up they had already exchanged names and Tika turned to me and said” this is Dominique, isn’t she hot? I shook my head yes but just let her do the talking. We walked the lot for about thirty minutes and we found a car that Tika liked and with a little fight over the cost I got her to agree to let me buy it.
When Dominique left to go get the paper work started, Tika said that she couldn’t figure out how she was going to fuck this girl. I said just go for broke. I was out of it. She said no I was going to be in the middle of it. Just then Dominique came back and said” in the middle of what?” Tika did it just like that, she wet her pretty lips and bent forward as if to tell Dominique a secret. When Dominique went to hear Tika’s words I saw Dominique’s mouth open and her eyes shutter. When Tika sat back in her seat Dominique asked for our room number.
We decided to pick the car we paid for up the next day and just go back to the room for a shower. I told Tika that what she did was hot and I wanted to get spayed when we get to the room. She told me that we would have company at 10:00. I said what did you tell that lady? Tika said all she did was lick her ear. I really didn’t even hear Dominique say she would be coming to the room but Tika was sure she would Cum.
About 10:15 our guest came and Tika was still in the shower. We had had a spray fest and she got just covered. I let Dominique in and when I opened the door I was stuned. This was a fantastic women. The whole time I was working a deal with her I didn’t see just what she looked like past her work dress. She was very tall. Ass to the floor tall with legs that dont stop. She didn’t look her age at all. Her skin being dark made her eyes seem ultra bright blue. She had on a tight black dress that didn’t have even a shadow of a wrenkle. Until that is you got up to her chest. It was like an eclipse. She had 36d cups and about a 25 inch hips with the factory air look between her legs. I got a hard on just like that.
I told her that Tika was in the shower and she said she could join her. I said by all means don’t let me stop you. She walked to the bathroom door and turned as she pulled her dress over her head and asked if I was coming, I said not yet, but I am cuming.
She left the door open just a jar and I watched in the mirror as Dominique entered the shower with my sweet chocolate Tika. Tika droped to her knees almost right away and began to lick and nibble at Dominiques waste and down to her clit. My sweet Tika was a carpet muncher. She had never talked about women before but she knew what she was doing. Dominique’s head rolled back and she raised one of her legs to the side of the shower seat. I had a full view as Tika gave masterfully Dominique’s first, second, and third orgasm. Dominiques legs seemed to be ready to buckle, hell my legs felt like they would buckle. I had cum runny down my leg just watching the two of them.
Tika stood up and walked Dominique out of the shower and almost right in to me in the hall on her way to the bed. As she passed she rubbed at my dick and then licked her hand of the juices. She then smiled and offered her hand to Dominique to lick and they both smiled. I was going to fuck two hot black women at the same time.
I walked to the bed and Tika told me that I had to taste Dominique, she said it was just like honey. I first kissed my sweet chocolate Tika on the forhead and wispered thank you in her ear, then down I began to work on our dark chocolate saleswomen until I reached the honey pot.
She did taste of honey. not just her tender pink pussy but all down her skin was oiled with real honey. As I tasted and sucked her orgasm from within her Tika began to pull at my dick and moved her way down and took it in her mouth. She was very horny, her hand was up inside her own sexy little pussy while she sucked and licked in and out and in and out again, over and over and over. Just as I got Dominique to climax, Tika screamed not yet and pulled her hand from inside her self. Tika then reached up and pulled Dominique’s face down to her sweet little mound and as Dominique started to ingulf my young little hotties pussy, Tika told me to make her spray all over Dominique.
I moved away from the ladies to get a fix on just what I was going to do and Tika worked her way down to our dark chocolate honey pot and rolled on top of her. Tika’s tight little ass was right there in front of me and I knew that a good ass fucking would be what would turn the sprayer on.
I walked over and placed my dick on her back and then down where I could let Dominique’s mouth provide some assistance. She had already licked at Tika’s ass and began to wet it up for me but when I got my dick down there she started to take breaks between Tika’s lip smaken snatch and my dick. I was getting ready to pop and Dominique knew it, she pulled my dick out of her mouth and placed it up to Tika’s ass, I almost ramed it in all at one time but because I wanted to make her happy I slowed and went in bit by bit. Once all the way in I could tell Tika was almost there and I lefted her pussy up off Dominique’s face and Tika let it go……wooooooosh. All over this dark choclate godess. Then wooooooosh again. I pulled out of her ass and rolled her off Dominique’s face and spun around and started to tit fuck Dominique until I shot cum all in her mouth and face.
The night ended about 4:00 in the morning I got off a couple more times but my two favorite kinds of chocolate got off ten times that much. They acted like sisters when Dominique left, kissing and hugging, saying good-bye. I had sex with Tika one more time alone that night and then we went to sleep.
Wew drove by to pick up the new car the next morning and the dealer was closed we knew they would be but we both smiled when we saw a dozen roses on the hood from Dominique thats card said Thanks for letting me earn your sale.

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Meeting the Pack

Has been a while since I posted anything, and this has a new element to my previous stories. If enough people like it, I will continue the tale. Enjoy

The Wendigo

*Warning* Sick and Twisted Do not read if your faint of heart. I’m back with a brand new and very, very disturbing story. Not for the faint of heart.

Fucking real brother

That is one of my girl friend’s story, she was hot on her brother. She told me that when I started relations with her.
When he was done with the lawn he came inside and I offered him a beer. We sat down on the couch and started talking about life in general. I was so wet by this time that it felt like I was sitting in a puddle of warm water.
I finally couldn’t stand it anymore and decided to ask him a question.
I told him I was conducting an informal sex survey of all my friends and asked him if he’d like to take part. He said, “I guess so” I said “Good.”
First question…. “When it comes to Oral Sex, which do you like better… Giving? Or Receiving?” His answer was… “Both.”
Second question… “If you had to choose one or the other, which would it be?”
His answer was… “I guess it would be Receiving since I have to choose.”
I said, “Good.”
Third question… “Since Receiving is what you like best, you shouldn’t have any problem with letting me suck your Cock then. Right?
His face turned beet red and I could tell by the instant bulge developing in his shorts that he got a little excited.
He said, “I cant let you do that! You’re my sister! That would be wrong!” He also said. “Besides, I’m married and I love my wife with all my heart. That would be cheating!”
I told him I knew he loved his wife and that no one would EVER find out so he had nothing to worry about there. As far as the sister thing went, I told him that if he closed his eyes it could be anybody he wanted sucking on his Cock.
He said, “NO WAY.”
I said, “Look, either you let me suck your balls dry, or since you also like Giving, I’m going to drop my pants and plant my pussy right square on your face and force you to eat me!”
With that I placed my hand on his crotch. To my surprize, he didn’t resist! I also felt that he had an enormous hard on. I had never in my life felt a Cock that hard!
I told him to lay back on the couch. As he did, I unzipped his shorts, reached in, grabbed his throbbing Cock and pulled it out. I was amazed at it’s size. I dont know exactly how many inches it was but, I knew I had never had one so big before in my life. I told him to close his eyes and imagine it was his wife that was sucking him off.
I lowered my mouth down on it and after a few tries I was finally able to “Deepthroat” it. I sucked with all my might. The whole while I was playing with my clit with my free hand. I sucked his Cock and fondled his balls for about five minutes before he shot the biggest wad I have ever swalloed into my mouth. I came at the same time he did. The whole thing was mind numbing! His was the best cum I have ever tasted. I dont know if it was due to the fact that in the back of my mind I knew that sex, of any kind with a family member should never be done but, the fact remained, I loved it and it was obvious that he did too.
Afterwards he told me, “As soon as you had it in your mouth I couldn’t imagine it was my wife going down on me. NEVER before has she EVER sucked me like that! And besides, she refuses to let me cum in her mouth!”
He thanked me for what I did for him and went home to his wife but, before he left, I told him, “Since your wife wont let you cum in her mouth, and I love the taste of cum so much, will you come over every so often and shoot your wad in my mouth?”
He just smiled and said, “We’ll see.”
Two days later my phone rings, it was my brother. He told me that he had enjoyed what I had done for him two days earlier and that he couldnt stop thinking about it. I asked him if he’d like to come over and talk about it. He said that he would and that he would be over after his wife left for work. She works the graveyard shift at the hospital.
While I waited for him to show up, I showered, trimmed up my pussy real nice and put on a very lacey pair of panties that left very little to the imagination. You could clearly see my clean shaven slit and the tiny patch of hair just above it through them. I also put on a very sheer chemise so that my tits were clearly visible also. Those were the only clothes I put on and I was getting very excited and wet with anticipation of his arrival.
The knock on the door finally came at 11:45 that evening. When I opened the door, the look on his face was priceless. He saw what I was wearing and started stuttering like a little schoolboy after his first kiss.
I invited him in and we sat on the couch. He at one end, me at the other. I sat facing him with one leg up on the couch so that he got a clear view of everything I wanted him to see. I know he was turned on as much as I was because no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t stop staring at my crotch. We talked for a little while and he revealed that the reason he had come over was to tell me that what we had done before could never happen again.
I gave a fake look of disappointment to him and asked him if he was sure. Still staring at my crotch, he said, “Yes, thats the way it has to be.” I said, “Ok, if thats the way it has to be, then I understand.” I told him that even though those words were comming out of his mouth, I couldn’t help but notice that he kept staring at my tits and at my panties. He immediately turned beet red. It was so cute. I asked him, “Since you cant seem to keep your eyes off of my body, would you like to see it without my top or my panties obstructing your view?” I told him that I understood why he felt the way he did about not wanting anything sexual between us. I also asked as I stood up in front of him and removed my top, “Can you at least see it in your heart to let me drink your cum one last time? think of it as you doing something for me instead of the other way around. After all, sucking on it is a very small price to pay for what you will reward me with when the time cums.” As he was sitting there contemplating what I had just said, I stood in front of him and slowly removed my panties. I was completely naked and standing not more than six inches in front of his face. He couldn’t take his eyes off of my now dripping wet pussy. He could see my juices flowing down my inner thighs.
“Well???” I said in a stern voice. “Well what?” was his reply. “Are you going to let me drain your beautiful balls or not?” He said, “Something tells me you’re not going to let me leave here without my cum in your belly.” I told him he was right and that this time he was going to watch me masturbate while I sucked him off. He asked me if that was why I got naked. I told him that was part of it. The other part of it is, “I was kind of hoping you might like to place your hand between my legs and slip a finger in so you could see how tight I am. That way you wont be bothered by “what ifs” and “I wonders”.
He took me up on that deal and finger fucked me to a torrid orgasm. I squirted my cum all over his hand, arm, and face! “Oh my God!” He said, “My wife has never had an orgasm like that!” I told him it was my turn and to take off his pants. He readily complied and I began sucking him for all I was worth. All the while I was fucking my pussy with my free hand in a way that he could watch. After a couple of minutes of that, I looked up at him, let his Cock slip from my mouth, and asked him, “Do you want to fuck me?”
Without another word, I climbed on top of him and lowered my pussy onto his enormous Cock. We fucked like crazy for what seemed like hours. I had so many Orgasms I was getting weak. He finally came like a volcano inside me. It was so hot that I thought the inside of my pussy was on fire!
After all was said and done he put his pants back on and watched me take his cum that was draining out of me and rub it on my nipples, and then I would lick it off.
As he was leaving I said to him, “It’s a shame that you dont ever want to do this again.”
Without a word, he just looked at me and smiled as he walked out the door.
To my delight, I am happy to report that we have been fucking each other like crazy whenever his wife has to work.

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