Free Sex Story

Italian Fantasy

I wrote this for a dear friend of mine, whom I’ve known for the better part of 10 years, but have never met face to face. I hope you enjoy it!

Learning to eat cum 6 / Final

This story follows on from part 5 and is the final chapter in this series. For thouse of you who like this type of pervision I hope you enjoy this final part

slaver or collecter while they heal

more of my story! i am writng these stories to learn how to write better. i am the product of a public school education where if you play sports they pass you so now i am self teaching myself how to write. i hope i am getting better! please comment and help me out but like i said before don’t be an ass. I would make the stories long but I sit, write then read, read and read again . then i publish it read it again then i see all my mistakes. if you like the story let me know too.

Billy’s Mom Claims His Virginity

Beginning immediately after the events of “Billy, His Mom and Sister Allison” Billy and Cheryl, under the guidance of his dominant sister Allison, consummate their relationship.