The Curious wife-ch. 1 – play roll her fantasy

when sitting at a bar with an old friend he told me the storie of his wife and how he lost everything and was asking for any kind of job to rebuild his life wich nearly came to destruction to satisfy his wife fantasy

He began to drink the beer and told me:
One night while having sex as usually I asked my wife about her darkest fantasy.
She didn’t answer first
Me: Hey babe everyone have his own naughty thinking .you don’t have to be ashamed of, i am your husband .
Wife:I really don’t have a fantasy but I always get excited when thinking about a strange man.Who got me for his own pleasure and use me as he wich for a certain short time , without having the will to protest against his orders and wishes .
She began more active and excited
Me: you mean ,you like to be a prostiute ?
Wife: of course not!!!!! I am not interested in money.
Me:so if it’s only the concept make you horny that mean you like to be a slut
Wife: yes maybe just thinking about it now make me more excited please fuck me hard
I began to build the fantasy to let here imagin I am not her husband anymore
Me : how do you like to be picked up from the street or from a special club
Wife: What do you mean by special club
Me: it’s a super night club were girl dance to be chosen by someone
Wife: Please Continue mmmh don’t mhhhh stop I need to know mmmmmore
She opened here mouse and closed her eyes as she always do before cuming I slaped her ass hard before she could cum
Me: don’t even think of cuming before I do & go back to the edge of the bed i need my dick clean of your juice
Confused she was as someone was hit on his head
Me:are you listening you are here for my pleasur not yours
Still confused thinking about what happening excited at the same time she rarely sucked my dick and never swallowed.
Me : I paid you full service I need my dick to be clean and don’t want you to cum before i do
At the same time I really wanted to know if it was really something that excite her and that she didn’t lied about her fantasy so I took things for a higher level.
Finally she was between my legs sucking in a way as never she did it before. I didn’t took too much time before I came I told her to suck every drop she forced her head deep on my cock and I came she couldn’t continue she removed her head avoiding not to swallow but was too late She got my sperm into her mouse and face
But deep inside I knew that she tried to swallow what clearly show that she was excited and was ready to do whatever I asked
When I was going towards the toilet she begged me to stay since she didn’t cum yet
Me: it’s better for you to stay excited for your next customer
I wasn’t anymore in mood so I opened my closet to get a old dildo she refused to use it bedor.I open it throw it on the bed where she was laying.
She knew that she had no choice other than use it when she tried to fuck herself with…
Me: stop show some respect and suck it first
Wife:did you went to a super night club before & get girls
Me: yes twice before we met but never had girl for sex only for a short discussion (big lie i went many time but few had some girls to get them out)
Wife (now fucking the dildo wich she usually get disgust it from):
What if the girl didn’t want to go out with the customer
Me:once we were theire a man about 50 years weighted more than 130kg , he was sitting on the table next to us but I could smell his odour from distance .
Wife:whaaaat happened please continue ahhhh
She was getting more excited so I knew that she was imaginating all the scene
Me: he order a girl a blond one .we order first but told she was only for VIP ,
The man sudanly handleled a bill of 100$ & asked the Pimp if he is a VIP now and told him you can order whatever you want and send me the invoice but I want the girl on my table the Pimp went towards the waiter and went to get the girl when she get to the table here face was yellow she asked if she could go back to get her scotch when she returned she didn’t remove the glass I think avoiding the odour and they went out I don’t know why she had no choice to refuse
Wife: you didn’t ask mmmh anyone about it ahhhh or what happened
Me: the Russian girl I was with told me every girl have have a different storie She told if she refused she could get beaten and imprisoned in here room for a while without food since she’s away from her home
Wife:so she had nioiihhh no choice ehhhh
Me: as you see you didn’t have choice now other than fucking the dildo wich you hate
Wife: yes but mmmmnnmh
Me: you are the same in different condition
Before I could continue she came I took a bath & she did we had a small chat went to bed
Two weeks later , I was late returning home the dinner was on the table I ate fast and had to take a bath when i entered my room i saw my wife in red panty bra with high heal
Wife : do you need regular or extra service ?
Me:What do you mean by extra service
Wife :anal and oral sex
Me confused because she hates anal & never did it:of course extra
Wife : it will cost you more than you think
I took my pocket
Wife: No I don’t want money
Still confused so how am I going to pay
Wife: I want a promise that after we are done we will go and have a scotch at the bar I want to see everything live
Me: I can’t promise since they want let you in the only girls theire are the prostituet and what if someone confused between you and others
Wife become more excited : just promise that you will try
Me wanting anal sex ,sure about the idea that no woman allowed and knew couple of clubs away from the city :i do promise
Wife :so let’s do it quick
She began to suck my dick I had a bit of odour wich made here more excited.
I asked here about two bottel with yellow liquid she told me that they are for here enema she didn’t want any accident infront of customers I liked the idea
I took one and ordered her to get her ass up in the air she instantly reacted and I squeezed the first one wich made her scream from pain
She told I need to squeez it softly because it truely hurt her
I took the scond one I squeez it it took like five minutes to be empty and she told me to refil it with warm to hot water
When I returne I squeez it but she couldn’t take it all she ran to the toilet but couldn’t avoid leaking between her legs
She returned back very ambarassed and told me she need a last shot of hot water to be perfectly clean
She took position on the bed I squeezed a full bottel of warm water she went to the toilet get her self clean
She got a small bottel of oil and asked me to squeez it too
All the situation made me very horny I couldn’t hold it once she put her lips in my dick I was ready hard as never and exploded she swallow everything and asked about anal I told here I can’t do it now but I will send a message for my boss that I need tomorrow off so when we come back from the club I will be ready for my prise
She get a skirt and a top put a very heavy make up when I saw it remind me of the prostituts from the club
Wife :I want people to confuse between me and the sluts
Me:but it’s not a joke going like this to a club what if someone was drunk he will confuses between you and other
Wife :that what will make me excited each man will order me will make more wet I want to go out of the club my juice runing between my legs
Wife :No but you promised and it’s time to keep your promise and you always fantasied about cuckolding you so just imagin that I will be taken out infront of you with another man
Me:but your not understanding all dirty man are theire we , we could put our self into big problems or fight
Wife: I promise you if things get out of hand we will go out and pretend as if nothing happened.
Me still convinced that noway they will let her in I agree we start out car and drive for one hour and half out of the city ……to be continued

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