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Friends helping friends

Who knew older ladies could be so much fun?

I had known Sue for years – she was a very classy older lady that was a friend of a friend.
A month back I was over at my friend’s house for a cup of coffee when Sue came over to meet Larry’s wife Janelle. She was overly excited and quick to announce that in a few weeks, she would be headed to Las Vegas to spend several days with college classmates that she hadn’t seen in years.
I told her that was so funny, that I was actually headed that same direction for a conference and would be getting their a day in back of her…and leaving a day earlier.
We spend most of the evening sharing in her excitement and as I excused myself to head home to the family, Sue walked me out.
She then confided that she was actually terrified to go to Vegas. Apparently in her younger days with these lady friends, she would go there…drink heavily…and gamble quite a bit. She was afraid that those tendacies would kick back in. So I handed her my cell number and told her to call me if she felt the urge to do either…and I would meet up with her to talk…after all…how dangerous could a few ladies in their late 60’s be?
That was pretty much the last thought I gave it until my phone rang at 1AM the first night I was in town.
I had a hard time waking from a deep sleep…but on the other end of the line…I heard Sue apologizing for the call. She was slurring her words a bit..and said she had probably stepped over the line. Without hesitation, I got dressed, grabbed a cab and headed to Treasure Island, where Sue was staying.
I knocked on Sue’s door and she answered and indeed she was sloshed. She invited me in…and we began to talk…the little bottles of alchohol were neatly lined up on the counter and a quick count came up with more than even I probably could have handled! But there were still a few left…she offered me one…and I accepted rapidly as I needed the nerve settler. She had started the night out gambling with her friends and hit it big (the stack of chips off her nightstand was proof) and then started drinking. She was sure how she got back to her room, but she did and thought to call me.
Sue is an extremely nice looking lady who wears her age well. She dresses up to date…and works out two or three times a week to stay in shape. She had been working particulary hard at toning up since it had been years since she saw her old roommates.
As she sat on the bed…her blouse was unbuttoned to about the mid-chest level. She had a skirt on and it appeared some panty hose.
We continued to talk and I did everthing I could to make sure my eyes didn’t stray. I was also starting to catch up in the mini-alchohol contest and was starting to feel a bit of a buzz myself.
Sue’s chatter continued, telling me how she hit her jackpot, how some old guy (???) was hitting on her…and how each of the three friends she met here, had boob jobs and other miscellaneous fixes.
My first mistake that early morning was telling her that from where I sat, her boobs looked as perky and as nice as any I had seen. Those words were not far past my lips when I started to turn red.
“Oh…you’re embarrassed!” she said. I nodded in agreement and my eyes went to the wall across the room. “It’s ok Mike…in fact it’s kind of flattering for an old woman to here.”
Sue placed her hand on my thigh and started a slight rub. She arched her back a bit as if to give me an even better shot of her non-enhanced breasts. “I’ve thought about having them done but I was afraid it would make them to big.” By my mental measurements, Sue is easily a 36D, but her slender waist makes them appear much bigger.
As her hand moved a bit up my thigh, her other hand headed toward her blouse where she took her thumb and forefinger and popped another button free. Her red lacy bra was now in full view and my cock was starting to respond out of sheer instinct.
I was actually relieved when she lifted her hand from my leg and staggered to her feet…”I have to use the restroom, I’ll be right back.”
From the time she turned the corner and I heard the bathroom door close, I start adjusting my cock in my pants. I’m just shy of eight inches and rather thick and the bulge in my crotch was quite noticeable. I couldn’t believe I was in this position and trying to think of everyway I could to get out of it -short of running out of the door!
I finally had made up my mind to just tell Sue I thought it would be good for both of us if I headed back to my hotel room, when the I heard the door open.
As she came around the corner, I was absolutely taken back. There was Sue…red lacy bra (which I already had seen), sheer red lacy panties and black thigh-high stockings.
She nervously smiled…”I think I am taking a bit of a chance here…but I won big earlier this evening…so I figured it was worth a shot.”
My cock had already decided for me…I was as hard as a rock and it was litterally throbbing in my pants. I couldn’t hide the bulg and Sue’s eyes went right in that direction.
Again she smiled…and with both hands reached to the front of her bra and undid the clasp. Her breasts fell out. They were big…and surprisingly semi-firm (as opposed to the saggy tits I always imagined in older women). Her nipples were the size of quarters and were hard as well.
She walked in my direction and I couldn’t take my eyes off of her breasts. I am a major “tit” man and honestly…I was in heaven.
She approached the bed…and began to unbutton my shirt…pulling it off over my shoulders and sliding it down my back…her hands slowly moved over my shoulders and down my chest…they continued down to my jeans and one by one…she unbuttoned my fly. I had dressed in a hurry early so I just tossed on jeans and nothing else…and as the buttons came undone, my cock eagerly sprang to attention. A brief glance back up to my eyes…followed by her head dipping down and within seconds…my cock was in her mouth.
I fell back on the bed and Sue began giving me what was one of my better blowjobs. He mouth traveled up and down my shaft (her breasts brushing against my thighs) over and over again…pausing occasionally at the top, before engulfing its entirety. She often would take my balls into her mouth and at the same time stroke my shaft.
I hadn’t a care in the world at that point and was totally oblivious to anything else that could have been happening. I didn’t notice the door between the two rooms slightly ajar, nor did I notice that Sue’s friends were taking this all in. But Sue did and she worked my cock for all it was worth.
As her mouth began rapid pumps up and down on my shaft..I started to buck..”Come on baby…give Sue that big load,” she started to pant in between sucks. “give momma some of that sweet juice!”
As she squeezed my balls, I cut loose…and nearly flooded her with my load…she tried to contain as much of it as she could, but it began to trickle down her cheeks. With a hearty suction she took what was escaping and pulled it back in…then she smiled at me and said it was my turn.
She lifted off her knees and straddle my chest…moving forward, she slid her panties to one side…and firmly planted her now wet pussy on my face. She obviously was not going to take no for an answer. My tongue darted along the inside of those sweet tasting lips…as I licked for all I was worth. I would slowly move to her clit…suck it in between my lips, then release to her agreeing moans. I did this for minutes until I was able to pull her clit in again…this time letting it settle between my teeth while my tongue flicked across the top.
Sue started to ride my face furiously…”lick my pussy big boy….lick it!” I drove my tongue deep into her snatch and was warmly and wetly shown appreciation for my work. As she drove her pussy down on my face…I felt hands on my cock. My eyes darted to the sides of Sue’s pussy and I noticed her hands perched by my shoulders. I kept slurping up her juices.
The hands that were now working my cock were moving up and down slowly…the fingers on the hand were long and smooth and as Sue lifted from my face, I noticed one of Sue’s friends, Marta, taking my cock in her hands. Standing to her side was Evelyn and Michelle all three were absolutely naked and all three were staring at my hard thick cock.