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My daddy and me 2.


God I couldn’t even describe how excited I was to finally see my daughter Mindy, there aren’t any words in any language from anywhere on this planet that could describe it. The only little set back that I had, was who my daughter was and you’ll know why if you read the chapter that she just finished, and yes the feeling was very, very mutual. Now if she would have been 18 at the time, things would have been very very different that week we met. To say that I was attracted to her would have been the understatement of the year. She was the biggest girly girl that I had ever met. She was disturbingly, I say disturbingly because of her age at the time, gorgeous, she was incredibly hot, and sexy doesn’t even begin to describe her. It should be illegal for young girls like her to be as insanely beautiful and cute as she was, seriously, she was absolutely insane! Her personality was incredible, she had an amazing sense of humor, she was hilarious, and she was incredibly sweet. She was everything I ever looked for in a woman, and I mean everything. She wasn’t just beautiful on the outside, but she was most definitely a very beautiful person. I’m kind of weird I guess you can say, but she not only accepted that about me, she embraced it. I don’t think I went one day with her without smiling or laughing, she was just, perfect. Her voice, Let’s just say that she melted me when she spoke, it was a little raspy, but incredibly soft and very sweet. There isn’t much wording that I can use to describe how perfect she was, I know it was only a week, but it was a week that I’ll never forget. She was absolutely the perfect girl for me in every way, except for one thing, she was way, way too young then.

Did I fall for her, yeah I did, and there wasn’t anything that I could do to stop myself from falling in love with the girl. Although she was bare ass naked for most of that week, I found that my all time favorite part of her, had to be her amazing light brown eyes, they had a hazel or green ring that looked like they were mixed in her light brown eyes and that just made those amazing eyes really pop. And now, I find out that the girl that I had somewhat of a “summer fling” with, was actually my biological daughter and neither one of us knew that at the time. She had already described herself to you, so in order to keep from being repetitive, I’m not going to repeat it, if you want to know what she looks like, go read her chapter. She looked a little different than she did a few years before though, not much different but there were some changes. She still looked a hell of a lot younger than she really was, but her hair was blue, purple, hot pink, orange and yellow, and her body changed also. She still had tiny boobs, but that was one of the things that I loved about her. She actually had really nice curves, and that ass of hers was still tiny, but more amazing than before. So imagine my shock when I went to pick my daughter up from the airport only to see that one little girl that had stolen my heart several years earlier. Then I want you to imagine my shock and excitement when she told, and showed me that she was my daughter. Shocked isn’t even the right word, surprised wouldn’t cover it, but neither could excitement. I was elated as hell, in fact I was so excited that she was my daughter, that it all but drowned out the feelings of, disappointment that I felt at the same time. I was disappointed because I just found out that the one and only little teenage girl I had ever fallen for, the one and only one that I fantasized about for years, the one I compared to all of the girls I ever dated after I met her was my daughter. That sucked ass, and I was bummed about that because when I saw her all of those memories came flooding back. But my elation, and sheer excitement drowned all of that out as I looked at her birth certificate. And when I realized that my name was printed on it, and it did in fact have my signature on it, that bummed feeling disappeared and I could no longer contain myself.

I can say that now, I know what went through her head the day I went to pick her up from the airport, but, I had absolutely no clue that she still felt the way she did about me in Australia, clueless would be an understatement. I could tell by the way she couldn’t keep her hands off of me no matter how hard she tried. By the way she kept reliving our week together in Australia, by how she dressed around me, by the way she looked at me all the time, and by how she was constantly telling me how “crazy crazy hot” or “crazy crazy sexy” I was. So yes there were obvious signs that she had other ideas with me other than just spending the summer with me, but I couldn’t really tell. How can you not see her blatant desire for me you ask? I’ll explain like this, you have got to remember that she was ripped away from me when she was a week away from her 5th birthday, I had a huge birthday party planned for her and everything. You have to remember that she and I were two peas in a pod, she was a daddies girl and I spent those five years with her. I saw all of her firsts while her mom was off doing god knows what. I was there when she rolled over by herself, when she said her first word, when she started to walk, and I potty trained her, I was there for it all. She was in preschool, and I had just enrolled her in kindergarten at a private school before her mom decided that she all of a sudden wanted to be in her life. No phone calls, no contact from the lawyers, who helped falsify documents to file for custody, not even a peep.

She claimed that I was served, but my team of lawyers and private investigators found that she had her brother served instead of me. Her brother then signed the paper with my signature, so I was as clueless to all of that as I could have been. Why not press charges on her and her brother and have them thrown in jail, you ask. I didn’t because of my daughter, I did not want to put her through all of that, she’d been through enough don’t you think? Why subject her to all of that only for the state of Florida to take custody of her while I fought to get her back. Did I fight to get her back, hell yes I did for many years, it got to the point that the judge, whom I’m really good friends with now, told me to stop because it was making things worse. She told me to just keep taking care of her like I was and someday her mom would see the light and let me see her. And if that doesn’t happen, she was confident that my daughter would come looking for me. My little girls screams for her daddy that day her mom took her away from me still haunted me in every way. And after her mom took her, I was denied any and all visitation rights, and when my daughters birthday came, and when Christmas came, I was served with restraining orders. I tried hard to see my little girl and I never gave up, but every time I tried, I would hit huge concrete walls every step of the way. Was I being selfish and thinking about me, or was I putting my baby girl first, was I thinking about her? What would you do of your ex refused to let you so much as make a phone call to your child for many years under false pretenses. She does all of that for most of your son or daughters life, then all of a sudden calls you and let’s you see them? How would you feel? I was scared because she was a teenager now because I had no clue what the hell I was doing, I was nervous because I was afraid that she was going to hate me for never being around. But when I saw her and found out that the one girl who was the subject of my jerk off sessions for years, was my little girl, I couldn’t see straight, I was that excited and happy, yet freaked out a little.

I was so happy that I couldn’t concentrate, but what made it better, was the fact that she insisted on coming up to Colorado to see me. Then I received confirmation that her mom lied to her about me all of those years. But my daughter didn’t buy a word of it, not a single word. So how could I not see her desire for me, well, I think I just answered your question. I was way too excited, and way too happy to have her with me, to have her in my arms after many years of her mom refusing me visitations that I just didn’t pay any attention to any of that. I won’t lie, she was insane, and I mean she was the kind of girl that turned heads, it didn’t matter where she went, what she was doing, and it didn’t matter how old she was. She was a competitive cheer leader in Florida and it showed, her looks and that little body of hers screamed athlete of some kind, yes I do know that cheerleading is a sport, and I would explain that but that’s not what our story is about. People would see her and stare at her, men and women alike. Did I notice that about her, well yeah, of course I did, I noticed that the day we met in Australia. She was most definitely the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life. But the way she carried her self, her quirks, her smile, her voice, everything about her just made her incredibly, incredibly sexy. The way she dressed around me, damn. I started to realize that it kinda sucked that she was my daughter because of how sexy she was, and trust me, if she wasn’t, and she wanted to relive our time together in Australia, I would have in a heart beat. And if she wanted to seduce and have sex with me I wouldn’t have stopped her, in fact, I would give in and let her do what ever she wanted to do to me. I wouldn’t care about the fact that she wasn’t legal, I wouldn’t care what society thought, I wouldn’t care if I went to prison. The only catch that there would be is that she had to initiate it all, but going to prison for her would be worth every second of me giving her what she wanted.

I had been fantasizing about her ever since that week in Australia wether I was having sex with another woman my age or jerking off, and I had been from my time in Australia till the day I went to pick her up. So now you know how it is that I recognized her so quickly when she walked up to me at the airport, I almost kissed her. I remembered how her soft skin felt against mine when we laid together naked, how I could actually smell her arousal, how hard she made me, how she squirmed and writhed against me on that beach. Several years later, we’re at the hotel, and we were laying on the couch together when she had me take my shirt off, then lifted hers so high that I thought she was going to take it off. Every minute of that night we laid together on the beach together naked came back to me like crazy, they just flooded my mind. I would say that I didn’t know why it was different between then and the hotel, but that would be a lie. In Australia, I got really hard and she loved the way my bare hard dick felt against her naked body, and that night in the hotel, I freaked out even more. Why? Because I knew that she was my little girl, my flesh and blood, my daughter. I loved the way she squirmed against me that night, and I loved how she let me caress her sexy abs. And the way she was breathing did little to keep my dick from throbbing. That night I not only saw her as my daughter, but the girl I met in Australia, the girl that liked me a lot. Which was kinda strange, there were plenty of men and BOYS HER AGE there that may have been better looking than me, but for some reason, I became her target. And the thing that started this massive battle in my head, was the fact that it seemed as though I was still her target, as though it didn’t matter that I was her dad.

Almost everything I said before went through my head as her grandpa and I went to go get us all some lunch. The only part of our conversation that I remembered, was that I told him to check out of their hotel room and stay in my guest house. After that, I just drove with this ridiculous grin that I couldn’t get rid of, I was so fucking excited to have her home again. You would have thought that I just started dating again, and that girl had me by the heart, cheesy I know just deal with it. I hadn’t been that happy since the day she was born, and everyday before she was ripped away from me. It was like I was on auto pilot the whole way to town and back, and when I walked into the house, my daughter looked back at me and lit the house up. She jumped up and came running to me as I set the food on the table.

“Took you long enough.” She said as she wrapped her arms around me.

“Damn, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you missed me.” I said as she looked up at me with this look in her eyes that I had been seeing since she arrived.

“Well, I did miss you.” She said as she slid her hand into my shirt and onto my abs.

“Baby, you can’t do that, you might give your grandparents the wrong idea.” I said quietly.

“Trust me, they won’t get the wrong idea, I promise you that.” She said with a slight look of lust in her sexy little grin.

“Are you sure?” I asked as I looked over at her grandparents, who were talking secretively.

“Yes I’m sure, you should just take your shirt off.” She said as she pressed her body against mine.

Fuck, this is your little girl damn it! Why the fuck are you letting her affect you like this? We’ve been over this, you’re not a sick mother fucker! You’re her dad, my head screamed.

“You really like seeing me without a shirt don’t you?” I asked as she began to lift my shirt.

“Yep.” She said as her grin disappeared.

“Why?” I asked as I laughed.

“You’re hot, and you have a really hot body.” She said as she lifted my shirt up as high as she could.

“You still think that even though I’m your dad?” I asked.

“Yes, now take it off.” She said as she let go of my shirt and slid both of her hands down my body.

“You know it’s not right to perv on your own dad right?” I asked as I held my shirt in place.

“Yes I do, but like I said, you being my daddy isn’t going to change the fact that I think you’re crazy hot and sexy. Remember I told you that?” She asked.

“Yeah I actually do.” I said as my dick started to swell.

“Then we don’t have to talk about it, I wanna see your hot and yummy body as much as possible.” She said as I pulled my shirt off all the way and folded it.

“Well then maybe I should just walk around naked.” I said teasingly making her eyes pop open and body jerk a little.

“Um, that’s not a good idea.” She said as she pressed her body against mine tightly.

“Why not?” I asked as her arm brushed across the bulge in my pants.

“Because I won’t be able to control myself around you and I would have to do some very naughty and yummy things to you. We wouldn’t want that to happen now would we daddy, especially since we both know that I’m your little girl now.” She asked in a very adorable and sexy tone.

“Um, no not really.” I said as my dick got incredibly hard.

“Plus I know that you have a little battle going on in your head, and if I did some naughty things to you, it might freak you out and I don’t want to do that to you.” She said as she rubbed my chest and abs.

“Are you psychic or something?” I asked as I slid my hand onto her back gently.

“No I’m not psychic, I can see it in your eyes, it’s been in your eyes since last night. It’s pretty obvious daddy, and it’s ok I understand.” She said.

“I’m that easy to read?” I asked.

“Well, not really actually, but I can see that.” She said.

“Damn you’re good, get out of my head.” I said as we laughed.

She smiled and ran her hands all over my upper body as she smiled. I watched this look creep into her eyes as she looked in my eyes.

“It’s ok daddy I get it. Finding out that I’m actually your little daughter complicates it, you want to give in on one hand, but on the other, you can’t because I’m your daughter.” She said.

“Exactly.” I said.

“I really, really don’t want to make things weird between us.” She said.

“I don’t either, besides, I finally have you here with me and the last thing I want is to loose you again, I don’t want to loose you for good, that will absolutely kill me.” I said.

“First of all, get it out of your head that you would loose me because that’s never going to happen, ever. I’ve already been here for a day, and I’m already thinking about moving here with you. It’s so beautiful here, and you’re crazy crazy hot, like, oh my god, so it would be awesome to live with you.” She said.

“That would make my day on so many levels, you don’t even understand.” I said.

“Really?” She asked as she lit up.

“Yes, really. I would love it if you moved in with me.” I said.

“Ok, so you’re making it so much easier to decide wether or not I want to live here just by saying that.” She said as she let go of me.

“As in, you want to, or don’t want to?” I asked.

“Stupid question dad.” She said as she giggled.

“I’m making you not want to move in with me.” I said teasingly with a mischievous grin.

“Oh yeah that’s it, yeah.” She said as she giggled.

“So what do I have to do to get you to want to move in with me?” I asked.

“Do you want a smart ass answer, or do you want the truth?” She asked.

“Hit me with either one of them.” I said.

“I’ll go with, honest. You don’t have to do anything to convince me to want to move in with you. I already want to.” She said.

“God, why can’t we do that now?” I asked.

“Because mom wants me to go to school there for one more year, I have no idea why.” She replied.

“Well, its ultimately up to you baby girl, I’m not going to decide for you, I mean I’d love for you to move here now, but I want it to be because you want to and no other reason.” I said.

“Yeah, but you haven’t had any choice in the matter since mom stole me from you the way she did, it’s time that you finally had a choice.” She said.

“Wait, you know about that?” I asked.

“Yes I do, that was the subject of my huge two month fight with mom and she finally admitted it. So I think you should decide wether or not you want me to move in with you.” She said.

“I’ve already made that choice remember? I want you to move in with me, but I want you to move here because you want to. It’s ultimately going to affect you in the long run, so it needs to be your choice.” I said.

“Well then I want to live with you.” She said.

“Let’s see how this summer goes first and when it’s all over then make your decision.” I said.

“Wwwwwoww, you actually sounded like my dad there for a second. You have no idea how sexy that was.” She said as she smiled.

“Hun, I am your dad.” I said making her giggle.

“I know, kinda sucks.” She said.

“Thanks.” I said as I laughed and looked at her.

“I didn’t mean it that way dad.” She said as she hit my arm.

“What did you mean then?” I asked as I laughed.

“Honestly?” She asked.

“Preferably.” I replied.

“Let’s just say that this reunion would be going a little different, well, not little, a lot different.” She said as she pressed her body against mine again and squirmed.

“How so?” I asked making her face turn red.

“Well for one, it would just be you and me, alone, and we would be doing things that I wish we did in Australia.” She said softly.

“Like what?” I asked as she looked at my chest and ran her hand down my body as she did.

“Do you really wanna know?” She asked as she looked back up at me.

“Kind of.” I said.

“Sex, lots and lots of sex.” She said making my dick get incredibly hard.

“Oh my god, even though you weren’t of legal age?” I asked using air quotes when I said legal age.

“Would that bother you if I started it all? Because I would have started it a long, long time ago.” She said.

“It’s you, so no, it wouldn’t.” I replied.

“Mmm, good to know, it seems as though you like the idea.” She said.

“How do you figure?” I asked as she backed off.

“You have a boner, I can feel it.” She said with lust in her eyes.

“I’m so so sorry, you’re just, I can’t help it.” I said as panic started to set in.

“It’s ok, I like that I still do that to you. I mean, I know you’re my daddy and all but my god, if you knew what..never mind.” She said making me throb in my pants.

“Shit, I’m not even going to ask.” I said making her giggle.

“Ok, I don’t want to freak you out and make that war in your sexy head worse, so I’ll keep it to myself.” She said.

“That’s probably a good idea since my head keeps screaming at me.” I said.

“You’re so so hot.” She whispered not knowing that I could hear her.

“So are you, it’s ridiculous, it should be against the law for girls like you to be as ridiculously hot as you are.” I said making her giggle.

“Thanks daddy.” She said in thee sexiest little voice she could muster.

“You’re welcome.” I said as she began to breath hard.

“Are we going to eat now?” She asked.

“Yeah let’s eat.” I said.

“Grandma, grandpa, are you guys coming?” She asked.

“Yeah we’re coming, we just didn’t want to interrupt what ever you guys were talking about.” Her grandma said.

I went and grabbed some plates, while my daughter grabbed some forks, knives, spoons and glasses as her grandparents walked into the dining room. I made it to the table first and when Mindy made it back to the dining room, her grandpa walked up to her and hugged her after she sat the stuff on the table.

“Welcome to the tradition.” He said quietly, but not quiet enough for me to not hear it.

“Thanks grandpa.” My daughter said.

I was confused, and I got really curious, and it was then that her grandma smacked her grandpas arm after he let my Mindy go.

“You know he heard that right?” She asked.

“No he didn’t.” He said.

“Yeah, I kinda did. It’s obviously some kind of secret so I’ll just step right over here and get us some drinks.” I said.

“I heard it, so if I could hear it, he damn sure did.” She said.

“I wasn’t trying to be so loud.” He said.

“I’m so sorry.” Grandma said as she looked at me.

“No need to apologize, it’s ok.” I said with a smile.

I went to the fridge and started to look around in the fridge to see what we were going to drink.

“Uh, Mindy, what would you like to drink that’s not alcoholic?” I asked.

“What do you have, you know what, I’ll just come see myself.” She said as she walked into the kitchen.

Luckily, the fridge was in a spot that was out of sight from the grandparents. When I looked to my right, my baby girl walked up to me and I felt her slide her hand on my back.

“I want that one.” She said as she looked right at me.

Her face was so close to mine that I could feel her breath on my face, I turned and looked deep into her eyes and smiled.

“Jesus you’re so damn beautiful.” I said softly.

“Thank you, now you’re probably wondering what the tradition is.” She said softly as her eyes moved from side to side as she looked deep into mine.

“Yeah, I’m a little curious.” I said.

“I gotta make this quick so just listen, don’t say anything until I’m done. I can’t tell you what the tradition is, I want to really bad but that will make things awkward as hell for you and I don’t want that. It may scare you and it may freak you out like, big time, it’s something that….well, I can’t say that either. I’ll just say that if things go the way I really, really hope they do, I’ll tell you what it is, deal?” She asked with a great deal of panic starting to show in her eyes and on her face.

“And if they don’t go the way you hope?” I asked.

“Then you’re never going to find out what it is.” She said.

“Deal, I’m good with that. All I care about is that my baby girl is right here, and I don’t want you to leave.” I said.

“Now promise me that you won’t ask me about the tradition, promise me.” She said.

“I promise I won’t ask about it. Now, why are you panicking, it’s going to be ok I promise.” I said.

“I’m panicking because you’re not suppose to know about the tradition, at least not unless, unless something happens.” She said.

“Ok listen to me, look in my eyes, it’s going to be ok, if it makes you feel better, I’ll pretend that I never heard what your grandpa said.” I said making her look very relieved.

“Thank you daddy.” She said as she hugged me.

We all sat down and ate, but just before we did, I saw my daughter texting someone, and heard her grandmas phone go off. I didn’t think anything about it at all, I just went on trying to pretend that I didn’t hear her grandpa. I was still really curious, but I just made a promise to my little girl that I would forget about it. It must have made my daughter feel a lot better about the whole thing because she went right back to being a very affectionate little girl. She was absolutely all over me at the table, she was damn near sitting in my lap, and when we finished eating, we cleaned up and her grandparents left to go check out of the hotel. During that time, I took my daughter on a full private tour of the house, and as I did, she had the worst time keeping her hands off of me. Some guys hate that shit, it drives them crazy and pisses them off, but I was loving every second of it, and again, the memories from my Australia trip came flooding back. She fell in love with my private lake, but what she didn’t know at first, was that it was actually a huge ass pool. It was the size of two football fields and the bio filter pool was almost as big. There was a half mile long area that the water was pumped up to, and ran back into the pool complete with rocky waterfalls and everything. She all but freaked out from excitement when she found out that it was actually a pool. It had this ginormous area that you could jump off of and into the pool, but you could swim under it too. And when you swim under it, you couldn’t be seen because of the massive water fall that came off of it. I then took her out on my four wheeler and showed her the rest of my property. We got lost in each other again, it was so close to being like the day we met at the nude beach that it wasn’t funny. Later I took her back to the house, got her helmet and we both rode around on my property on separate four wheelers. That girl was having an absolute blast, and that alone was making it fun as hell for me too, we were having such a good time, that we didn’t even realize that her grandparents had already made it back and were unpacking in my guest house.

That evening, I decided to turn the pool lights on and go swimming, and yes my baby girl decided to join me. I couldn’t breath when she came out in her tiny bikini, I just stared at her and started to get hard. God damn it! She’s your daughter you sick fuck! She’s not just some girl, she is your flesh and blood, stop drooling, my head screamed. But as that was going through my head, my daughter caught me looking at her. She just gave me an incredibly sexy grin and walked up to me.

“Like my new little bikini?” She asked.

“It’s nice.” I said as I glanced at her tiny boobs.

“It’s cute huh?” She asked as she flaunted herself to me.

“Very, I really like it.” I said.

“Good, you look really really hot.” She said.

“Thanks.” I said as she sat in my lap.

“My good god.” I whispered as I slid my hand on her thigh.

“We need to go get cooled off.” She said.

“We?” I asked.

“Yes, we, it’s hot out here.” She said with an incredibly sexy grin.

“Yeah we should.” I said as she stood up.

“My god daddy.” She half whimpered as she ran her hand down my body while I stood up.

“I’m starting to wish that you weren’t my daughter right now.” I said making her stop, turn around and press her body against mine.

“Ok, so I’m going to do something, you want to know what the tradition is, right?” She asked as she pressed her body against my swelling bulge and squirmed.

“Yeah, I kinda do actually.” I said trying to not show my arousal.

“Well, I can’t tell you, so, what I’m going to do is tell you when you’re close to finding out what it is. And when you get closer to it, I’ll let you know, fair?” She asked.

“Perfectly.” I said as I brushed her hair out of her eyes, and very softly cradled her face in my hand.

“Good, right now, you’re starting to get warm.” She said.

“Am I?” I asked.

“Yes you are.” She said.

“How am I getting warm?” I asked.

“Don’t ask, you may not want to know, you may wanna get in the water so you can hide this” She said as she squirmed against my bulge sending chills through my body.

“Yeah I probably should.” I said as I started to walk to the pool.

She backed off and deliberately looked down at my now tented shorts, she looked up at me and bit her pinkie nail, then looked at it again.

“Nice.” She said softly.

“Thanks.” I said forgetting that she was my little girl for a second.

“You’re welcome, you’re already getting warmer.” She said as we climbed into the pool.

We climbed in just in time, because her grandparents came out and got in with us, thank god. I had to cool down because my girl really really turned me on, holy shit. The bad thing was that my head screamed at me the entire time we swam around, it didn’t help that she would run her hand across my covered dick so many times. We did have a hell of a lot of fun, but it was difficult for me because all I could imagine was her being completely naked. After we finally decided to call it a night, my baby girl and I went into the house together, I went to my room and she went to hers. I took my shower and didn’t jerk off, I was saving that for later that night, and yes, my little Mindy was going to be the one I planned on jerking off to. I just put my gym shorts and boxer briefs on and went down stairs to pick out a movie for us to watch. I didn’t wear a shirt mainly because I knew that my daughter loved it when I went without one. She later came down wearing a tiny sports bra and what looked like a pair of really, really small shorts. She just stood there and stared at me for a second before she joined me. She laid against me the same way she did in Australia and at the hotel, and again we caressed each other. This time when she rolled to her side, she kissed my chest and abs a few times. She later insisted that she get us something to drink, so I let her do that. She got me a beer, and she got herself some juice. Later on, I was so tired that I could barely move, I had been that tired before, so I didn’t think anything of it at all. My baby girl went to bed at the same time I did, only this time I decided to sleep naked like I always did. I climbed into bed, and was out within a few seconds, and I slept really, really hard. I slept so good that it felt like I was sinking into my mattress, and the dream I had, holy shit that was a good dream. The girl I was with was faceless, but my god that girl gave amazing head!

The next morning when I woke up, I realized that I must have come so close to blowing a wad that I actually had precum leaking like a son of a bitch. I only say that because my sheets were stuck to my dick, but then I felt a giant wet spot under my left thigh, and it was soaked. God damn I must have had a really wet dream, I thought as I rolled out of bed. I got up and took a long shower and jerked off thinking about the dream I just had. I got dressed in my work out clothes and went to my daughters room. I wrote my phone number down on a piece of paper because I didn’t want to invade her privacy by going into her phone. I walked up to her bed to see her sleeping soundly, and that’s when I noticed that she was completely topless. I couldn’t see her whole body because she was under her blankets, so I couldn’t tell if she was completely naked or not. I kissed her on her head and shook her a little until she woke up. She smiled at me and sat up a little.

“Hi daddy, how did you sleep?” She asked.

“Too damn good, I wish I could sleep like that all the time.” I said.

“So did I.” She said.

“Listen, I’m going to the gym and I’ll be back in a little while ok?

“How long will you be gone?” She asked.

“Probably about four hours, that’s normal for me and when I get back, we’ll have breakfast then we are going for a ride on the bike.” I said.

“Sounds fun, I’m going to sleep a little longer.” She said.

“You can do whatever you want, I wrote my number down, so if you need me for anything, call me ok?” I asked.

“Ok, I will.” She said.

We hugged and she looked me over as I stood up and it seemed like she couldn’t keep her eyes off of my package either. And to be honest, I loved that she kept looking at it. I walked out, hopped on my bike and headed to the gym. I tried to work out all of my sexual tension but it didn’t work, no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t seem to get it out. I was so excited that my baby girl was at home, that I didn’t even shower that time, I just went to my locker, grabbed my shit and headed home. I was surprised to see that my little Mindy was already up, she just came up to me and hugged me, and before I knew it, she pulled me down and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

“Morning daddy.” She said as she backed off a little.

“Are you ready to go for a motorcycle ride?” I asked as I looked her over really good.

She had her long hair braided and in piggy tails and she was wearing a black sports bra with a pair of incredibly tight yoga shorts that were black.

“Yes I am!” She said giddily as she hopped.

“Good, I didn’t shower at the gym so I’m going to go take one.” I said.

“I’m going to go change into something that’s not so sexy.” She said as I looked her over.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Cause I’m only dressing like this for you.” She said with a little grin.

“You do look sexy in that little outfit.” I said as I peeled my shirt off.

“Can you see my nipples?” She asked as she stuck her chest out.

“Yeah I can, they’re kinda hard.” I said as I looked at them.

“Yeah, they are, you like em?” She asked as she walked up to me.

“Yeah I do. I’m all sweaty.” I said as she placed her hand on my chest and looked up at me with no smile, and with her mouth opened slightly.

“Yummy.” She said as she looked up at me.

“I had no idea that it would take so little to get you all over me.” I said as she pressed her body against mine.

“What can I say, you turn me into a horny little girl.” She said making my ears and face feel really warm.

“Is that good?” I asked as I slid my hand onto her bare back, making her body tense up a little.

“Well, it just makes you so much warmer, so yeah it’s a really good thing.” She said softly.

“You want to tell me what it is don’t you?” I asked.

“Yes, I want to really really bad, but I can’t. But if you keep doing this to me, I’ll get to.” She said.

“I’m not doing much of anything.” I said as her hand roamed all over my upper body.

The battle in my head started to rage like never before, especially after she dipped her fingers into the waist band of my sweat pants and pulled them out a little. I loved it, and she was turning me on so much that I started to feel a little dizzy, but she was my daughter. This was wrong, it was not good and I had no business letting her look at, touch, and talk to me the way she was. But at the same time, my daughter was that amazingly sexy little girl that I met in Australia, I was loving the attention, even though I shouldn’t have been.

“You don’t have to do anything daddy, you’re just sexy as hell.” She said as she looked up at me with her eyes only.

Her face was red and I knew what she wanted.

“I don’t know what you’re doing to me, but my god.” I said as I pulled her against me harder.

“Do you like it?” She asked.

“I hate to admit it, but yeah.” I replied.

“You just got warmer baby, now go take a shower and I’ll get ready.” She said as she turned around and pulled my arms around her from behind.

“We have to behave.” I said as I started to rub her exposed skin all over making her sigh.

“I’m a good actress.” She said as she looked up at me and slid her hand on my neck.

“Good, I’m pretty good myself.” I said.

“That’s a good thing.” She said.

“Let’s go get ready.” I said.

“The we’ll eat, and then we’ll go for a ride on your bike. Is grandma and grandpa riding with us?” She asked as she squirmed against me.

“I think so, he brought his bike and I invited them to go with us.” I said.

“Ok, let’s go get ready.” She said as she reluctantly broke away from me.

“Yeah we probably should.” I said.

“Does my butt look good in these?” She asked as she leaned over a little and stuck her ass out, looking back at me as she did.

I don’t know what came over me, it was like the battle in my head was drowned out, all reasoning went out the window. My daughter was literally presenting her ass to me and I couldn’t think. I watched her look right at my growing tent as I approached her.

“You have a great ass baby girl.” I said as I slid my hand onto her ass and gave it a very gentle squeeze.

“Thanks. We better cool off before I join you in the shower, and I don’t want to freak you out.” She said as she moved her ass from side to side, making me rub her amazing, amazing little ass.

“Yeah, you’re my daughter.” I said trying not to show that she had gotten me so turned on that I couldn’t see straight.

She turned around and kissed me once on the lips and backed off.

“I’ll see you in a few minutes sexy daddy.” She said.

“Ok.” I said as she grinned, looked at my tenting sweat pants and looked back up at me.

Two days, she had only been there for two days and she had me more turned on than any other girl I had ever met had ever gotten me. I watched her walk away as the battle in my head went into over drive. All I heard was the “good me” talking, more like yelling at me because my baby girl was making me so goddamned horny, and for allowing it. I started to nock some sense into me, but only after I jerked off in the shower thinking about her. I made sure I was fully dressed and ready, before I left my room. Things were getting way to hot and heavy with my daughter, and I was NOT into the whole incest thing at all. In my opinion, it was disgusting on so many levels, it was wrong, and it should never happen. I honestly believed that anyone who engaged in incest should be separated and thrown in prison. But after those two days with Mindy, I started to reevaluate the whole idea of it, and that scared the hell out of me. What made it easier, was that my baby girl knew what was going on in my head, so she backed off a lot after she came out. She was still incredibly affectionate, but the blatant flirtations slowed way down. She wore a pair of tight low riding jeans and a really nice black shirt that showed her belly a little. She pulled her hair back in a ponytail and had that damn lipgloss on, ok, so I guess she didn’t really stop trying to seduce me. It dawned on me that she was trying to seduce me while I was in the shower. God I wanted to kiss her so bad, her lips looked incredibly tempting. So I walked up to her, kissed her really quick making her smile.

That was an amazing day, once we got on my bike, I fell in love with the feeling of her arms wrapped around me like they were. We went on the longest, most scenic bike ride that we could find, we even rode into a small town and ate at this really nice little cafe for lunch. If I’m being honest, it felt like I was riding with an exclusive girlfriend and not with my little girl. We didn’t kiss, but we were all over each other. At first, I was incredibly apprehensive about the whole thing because her grand parents were with us the whole time. But once I realized that they didn’t even care that we were all over each other, I became more and more comfortable with it, and soon, I just didn’t care if they saw us acting like that with each other. My fingers were constantly interlaced with hers, and if I didn’t hold her hand, she would hold mine. That day I saw all of her quirks again, it was like she really started to come out of her shell. I loved it, I loved everything about her and it reminded me of why I fell in love with her in Australia. We rode well into that evening before we went home, and when we got home, I melted when I saw my baby girl smiling like she was.

“Did you have fun?” I asked.

“That was a blast! Can we do that again?” She asked.

“Yes we can, but I have to work tomorrow, so we can’t do it then.” I said making her give me the saddest face.

“Aaawww, so that means I can’t see you tomorrow?” She asked while her face actually started to loose color.

“We can take you to his work to go see him Mindy.” Her grandpa said.

“We can do that?” She asked.

“Yes actually we can.” I said.

“Ok, so I have to go see you tomorrow or I’m going to go crazy.” She said right in front of her grandparents.

“Wow, can we say separation anxiety?” Her grandma said with a sympathetic voice.

My poor daughter literally looked like she was going to break down and cry.

“I’m serious, I will go crazy, I’m already going crazy.” She said as I walked up to her and wrapped her up in my arms.

“You have a drivers license don’t you?” I asked.

“Yes.” She said as she looked up at me.

“Ok first off, let’s sit.” I said.

The poor girl was shaking, I never expected her to be that torn up from me being away from her like that. She was literally suffering from separation anxiety, she was starting to hyperventilate a little as she looked up at me.

“I need you to do me a favor ok?” I asked making her nod her head and grip me so hard as though she didn’t want me to leave her side for a second.

“I need you to slow your breathing or you’re going to feel dizzy, so I want you to take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale from your mouth slowly. Don’t close your eyes, I want you to look into mine.” I said softly.

“Why am I freaking out?” She asked.

“I don’t know, but let’s get you calmed down, you’re going to be ok. I’m not leaving for ever, it’s only for one day, and I’ll be off for two days after that.” I said.

“That’s not helping dad, I don’t want you to go at all.” She said.

“I know baby girl, and I’m sorry. I’ll take my bike to work and I’ll leave you the keys to my truck so you can come and see me. I will be back, I promise you I will be back.” I said.

“Ok, why am I freaking out like this? This has never happened to me.” She said.

“Have you been feeling sick or anything today?” I asked.

“No, I was fine until you said you had to work tomorrow. Now I’m freaking out.” She said.

“You’re doing really good though, your breathing is slowing down and you’re not shaking.” I said as she actually started to cry.

“It’s only for one day sweetheart, and it’s going to be like that until the last two weeks of summer. I have vacation then so it’ll just be you and me for those two weeks.” I said.

“You promise?” She asked.

“I promise.” I said as I hugged her.

“I don’t know why I’m freaking out, it’s only been two days.” She said.

“Honestly, I’m not all that happy about it either baby, I don’t want to leave you like that.” I said.

“It’s ok, I’ll be ok.” She said.

“Just use my truck to come and see me, that’s all you have to do. If I’m not there it’s because I’m out on a call, but I’m sure the the guys will let you wait for me.” I said.

“Ok, I’ll do that then, I just don’t know how to get there.” She said.

“I’ll leave the address programmed in my GPS so all you have to do is press that one, it’ll bring you right to me.” I said.

“Thank you.” She said as she hugged me.

I felt horrible, I felt so horrible that I was a little sick to my stomach. Two days, that’s all the time that she spent with me so far, and this was her reaction to me having to go to work. I didn’t need that job, I really didn’t, in fact I never had to work. The only reason I was working, was because I loved my job, it was a child hood dream of mine, and I had been doing it ever since she was 5, shortly after she was taken away from me. But you know something, my love for my job paled in comparison for my love for my little girl. Two days! Two days and I was ready to hang it up and call it good, and she was the ONLY one that I would give my childhood dream up for, and I would do so happily. She was in such bad shape that I was seriously considering it while I held her. Again, two days, that’s it, and our connection was so incredibly deep that she knew what I was thinking. She didn’t have to look in my eyes or anything, she just knew. She finally let go and I backed off right as her grandma brought her a glass of water.

“Are you going to be ok?” I asked as she took a sip.

“Not really, I will be though. I can’t figure out why I was freaking out, and you’re not quitting your job.” She said shocking the hell out of me.

“What did I say about being in my head?” I asked making her laugh.

“It may be because you remember when your mom took you away from him.” Her grandma said.

“I don’t know if that’s it or not, but if I’m going to freak out like that because he’s going to work, I don’t want to know what it’s going to be like when I go home.” She said.

“See, I told you that she loved you.” Her grandma said.

“Why would you think that I don’t love you?” My daughter asked as she looked at me.

“I don’t think that baby girl.” I said.

“He was just worried that you hated him because he was never around, it’s all he talked about.” Her grandma said.

“You know that’s bull shit right?” My Mindy asked as she looked at me.

“Yes I do, these last couple of days proved that to me.” I replied.

“Good, cause it is, it’s moms fault that you were never around not yours.” She said as she held my face with both of her hands and started to smile.

“Are you feeling better?” I asked.

“Yeah I am, I can’t believe that I freaked out like that.” She said.

“You love your dad, you were taken from him when you were little and now that you’re here with him, you don’t want to be separated from him again. Separation anxiety at its best.” Her grandpa said.

“Well at least we know I love my daddy.” She said as she looked at me.

“Yep, and I love my daughter.” I said making her smile really big.

“I’ll be right back.” I said.

I stood up and all but ran up the stairs to my room and went straight to my dresser. I grabbed the other spare key and key fob for my truck and went back down the stairs.

“These are yours, now you have something to drive while I’m at work.” I said as I handed them to her.

“I don’t get the keys to the Ferrari?” She asked.

“Oh no, no not yet.” I said.

“Can’t blame a girl for trying.” She said as she laughed.

“Hell I don’t even drive that very much.” I said.

“Just when you go on dates right?” She asked.

“I won’t lie, yes.” I said.

“And when was the last time you went on a date?” She asked as jealousy start to show in her eyes.

“A little over a year now.” I said.

“So you haven’t driven that car that long?” She asked.

“Well no, I drive it now and again, but I haven’t been on a date for a little over a year.” I replied.

“So who’s going to be the next lucky girl?” She asked.

“I haven’t been looking, so that remains to be seen.” I replied.

“She better not hurt you, I swear to god.” She said.

“I’m not even looking to date anyone, so I think we’re safe.” I said.

“Good, cause I’d hate to have to go off on some bitch that hurts my daddy.” She said with a little grin.

That night we all went swimming barbecued and watched movies, but right as her grandparents went to bed, I had to go to bed too since I had to get up early as hell. I only slept in my boxers that night, so it was a good thing that I had something on. All I knew was at some point early early in the morning, I felt my bed move a little.

“Daddy?” I heard as I opened my eyes

When I looked up and saw her, she had this really sexy little bra and pantie set on, and it wasn’t leaving very much to the imagination.

“Hey, are you ok?” I asked as I looked her over.

“I can’t sleep.” She said.

“Why not baby girl?” I asked.

“I don’t know, can I just sleep with you?” She asked.

“Yeah you can, I gotta warn you that I’m not wearing much.” I replied.

“Well neither am I, besides we’ve seen each other naked before anyway remember?” She asked as I pulled the blanket back for her.

“Yeah that’s true, cmon.” I said as I patted the bed next to me.

She climbed into my bed and snuggled against me so tightly that I felt her entire body against mine. I could feel every breath that she took, and I could feel her heart beating.

“I love you dad.” She said.

“I love you too. I am so glad that you came back.” I said.

“Me too, now I just need to get use to the fact that you’re not going to be here tomorrow.” She said.

“You have the keys to my truck, so you can come see me at work, that and you have my number now so you can all any time, just don’t stress if I don’t answer at first, I’m the black cloud for my shift, so we may be busy.

“What’s a black cloud?” She asked.

“It means that when I work, the shit hits the fan. We get a lot of emergency calls.” I replied.

“That’s isn’t going to help my anxiety.” She said as she looked into my eyes.

“Just do me this one favor.” I said.

“What?” She asked.

“Just remember to breath and you’ll be fine, I promise you.” I said.

“K.” She said.

She faced me and buried her head into my chest, and before long, she was sleeping soundly. I eventually fell asleep, but when I woke up later, I very gently got out of bed. We were spooning, so her head was on my arm, so that presented a bit of a challenge. She looked so peaceful that I didn’t want wake her up. But once I was able to free my arm and sit up, I noticed that her bra had almost fallen off. I peeled the blankets back slowly and started to get hard, my god she was incredibly sexy. I looked at her ass, her legs and up her amazing little body slowly. I looked at her abs and then at her bare boob that was exposed. I watched her sleep like that before I caught myself and felt completely disgusted with myself. I exhaled and covered her back up before I went and took a shower. The image of my almost naked baby girl was now burned into my head, and I couldn’t help but jerk off while I washed myself really good, and once I finished exploding, I just stood under the shower for a second. Oh my god why is my daughter affecting me like this, this is so disturbing and disgusting. Why am I allowing myself to be affected like this, why am I so goddamn attracted to her? She is my daughter for fuck sakes, she isn’t my step daughter either, she was my biological, came from my balls, genetically matching flesh and blood. This is so wrong on so many levels, and it’s even more wrong and disturbing that I was actually liking that fact that she was flirting with me like she was. Fuck I’m going to hell. All of that ran through my head as I stood under the warm water. I shook my head and nodded as I turned the water off. I got dressed and as I did, I felt really disgusting and guilty for how I was looking at my daughter. I had my uniform on and was getting ready to put my work boots on when I glanced over to see that she had rolled over to the point that the blankets were no longer covering her. She was on her back, her legs were spread open, and her bra strap must have slipped down her arm again. That was when I realized that her panties were a little see through, but she had a large wet spot right where her love tunnel was. She was sleeping soundly, so she must have been having a really good dream. I turned my head and started to put my boots on, and that’s when I felt her move. I looked over to see that she was on her left side facing the night stand, her legs were spread really, really wide, I could literally see what little pink lips she had peeking out of the sides of her panties, and they were glistening. I shook my head, and kicked my own ass, in my head, for looking at her like I was. I finished getting dressed and walked to her side of the bed, kneeled down and shook her a little. She didn’t wake up at first, so I kissed her cheek and shook her again. This time she started to stir as I pulled the blankets back over her.

“Morning sweetheart.” I said.

“Hi daddy.” She said as this smile formed on her lips.

“Are you sleeping better now?” I asked.

“Yeah, thank you for letting me sleep with you.” She said.

Her eyes were partially closed and she had this look in them that I knew well. She looked incredibly, and completely turned on, like she was ready for some action, like she needed it bad along with that grin and smile of hers that wouldn’t go away. Her face started to turn red and she was breathing kind of hard. My good side said, do not read into it, stop being a pervert, she just woke up and she’s tired. She’s smiling because she’s happy to see you and that’s it. Forget about what you saw after your shower, you’re not into little girls and you hate incest, and this is your daughter, so stop.

“You’re welcome.” I said as all of that ran through my head, thank god it was working.

“Are you going to work?” She asked.

“Yeah I’m leaving now, don’t forget to call me if you need anything. If you get lost on your way to the house, call me and I’ll help you get there.” I said as I noticed that her hips were moving a little.

“Ok daddy, I will.” She said.

“Are you going to be ok?” I asked.

“Yeah I’ll be fine, I’m just going to stay here and sleep.” She said.

“It’s your house too, so nock yourself out.” I said.

“Be careful please, you have a little girl to come home to.” She said.

“I promise I’ll be careful.” I said.

“Ok, love you daddy.” She said.

“I love you too baby girl.” I said just before I gave her a quick kiss on her lips and stood up.

I watched her eyes lock on my bulge as I stood up and I let her stare at it for a second and acted like I didn’t see her doing it. I walked over and grabbed my bag and started to walk out of my room.

“I’ll see you later, try to come by by one so you can eat lunch with us.” I said.

“Ok, I’ll see you then.” She said as she looked me over really good.

I left and went to work, and thank god my good side was starting to win because I wasn’t horny for her this time, even though I got an eye full of her that morning. Once I got to work, I got all of my gear and set it all up on the rig that I was assigned to. Was it busy that day, it sure as hell was for the first few hours of the day. It finally got quite, but it only lasted a few minutes, because once we got comfortable, the tones started to drop again.

Ok, so yeah, I don’t even know what to say. I had no idea that I was so, so, god I don’t even know what to say, how funny is that? It was like this monster came alive in me, like I was just this crazy person that had to have sex or something. I can’t even describe what was happening to me, so be patient with me, cause I’m so confused. What ever it was, I loved it a lot! And what ever it was, my daddy was the one that woke that monster inside of me up, and he didn’t have to do one single thing. So can you imagine how incredibly sexy and hot he is? Do you get the picture? All I have to do is look at him and I’m this crazy horny little girl! You know how you read these stories about how daddies see their little girls and get so turned on by them that they can’t stand it? How they go into their little girls rooms and end up pulling their blankets down and molesting them and jerking off at the same time? Then after a while they just end up fucking them really hard because they just can’t stand it anymore? What if the roles were reversed? What if the girls ended up doing that to their daddies? Now, I don’t like those kind of stories because it’s rape, and I don’t think that should happen. I’ve only read one like that and I didn’t like it. Here is the problem, I was becoming like that towards my dad, me, I’m a girl and I was starting to become like that for my dad! I already molested him and it was getting to where I couldn’t stand it anymore. The part where my daddy said that he got so tired while we watched a movie together, well here is why he got so tired so quickly. I was wearing this sexy little outfit for him, but what he didn’t know was that I had two of those sleeping pills tucked under one of my little boobs. So when I got him his beer, I dropped the pills into it, he was big guy, so I was hoping that it was going to work as good as I hoped. After what seemed like, for ever, I noticed that my dad was having the worst time staying awake, I could tell that he fell asleep a few times, and that’s when I decided to test things out, but just as I got ready to put my hand on his dick he opened his eyes and smiled at me. He gave me a really big hug and a quick kiss and went to bed. Right after he left I grabbed my phone and started texting my mom while I shut everything off and went to my room.

Me: hey r u awake?

Mom: yeah sweet heart

Me: remember when I told u that I molested dad

Mom: yes, r u going to do it again

Me: I want to really bad

Mom: give him one of those pills

Me: I already did like 30 min ago, I just have one question

Mom: go u! So what’s up

Me: ok maybe two, r u sure he’s not going to wake up

Mom: it depends baby girl, if u loose control and try having sex with him, he might wake up

Me: so if I just give him a blow job then I shud be ok right?

Mom: you shud be fine. He is going to move around a little but that’s normal. It doesn’t mean that he’s awake

Me: how is he going to move and how will I be able to tell if he’s not awake.

Mom: his stomach muscles are going to tense up and he may move his hips while you’re playing with him. You’ll know if he wakes up because he’ll try to stop you.

Me: what if he does wake up and tries to stop me?

Mom: take him into your mouth and don’t stop, I promise you that he’ll give into you, he’s going to fight you, but if you just keep going he’ll cave.

Me: so I could end up having sex with him if he wakes up?

Mom: not could, if u want to take it that far, you’ll be in complete control, and he’ll be too far gone to resist.

Me: now I hope he wakes up, omg! Last question then I’m going to see if he’s sleeping. R U sure he’ll get hard when I play with his dick even though he’s asleep?

Mom: I promise you that he will. Those aren’t just normal sleeping pills, they were made by one of the families we swing with, well, one that you use to swing with before you met your dad

Me: so it’s like, I don’t know, fail proof?

Mom: yes it is, as long as u don’t have sex with him

Me: yum, k. Although I wouldn’t mind if he woke up, I don’t think he would put up much of a fight…lol

Mom: have fun baby girl, I want pics

Me: k, I planned on taking a few anyway, I’m going to use my lipgloss too!

Mom: u r going to look so hot!

Me: I know I’ll send them to u some time, it’s time for me to go molest my daddy

I put my phone down and got completely naked, then I got my little nighty and put it on, I didn’t wear any panties or a bra, but then I got an idea. It would be so much easier to just wear my sexy little see through robe, so I took my nighty off and grabbed that. I put it on and that was it, I didn’t even bother to tie it closed. God I hope his door is unlocked, I thought while I pulled my long hair back and went to my bathroom. I grabbed the wettest looking lipgloss I had and put it on my lips. There, I’m ready now, I thought while I looked myself over. I gotta say that I looked really, really hot! I made sure that my pussy was all shaved and pretty for my daddy just in case he woke up. Because if he woke up, he was going to get fucked by me wether he wanted it or not. Thank god my mom gave me all of those pointers, and oh my god was I ever getting horny just thinking about what I was about to do to my dad. What made it even hotter, was the fact that if the pills worked like mom said they would, he would have no idea what was happening to him. I was finished getting ready and I looked so so cute and hot, it didn’t take me very long to get ready. I drank some water and grabbed my phone. Oh god I was so fucking horny that I was shaking, my juices were literally just pouring down my legs. I started to breath hard and shaking a little bit. It’s now or never, I thought while I made sure that my lips looked really really wet and shiny. I turned around and went back into my room, grabbed my phone and turned my light off, I just left my bathroom light on. I stopped, and went back to my dresser and grabbed my fake dick just in case daddy didn’t wake up from what I was going to do to him. I walked up to my bed and tossed it under my pillow, there, easy and quick access, I thought. And that’s when I finally started to head to his room, I was so horny that it felt like I was floating. All I knew was after what seemed like, for ever, I was standing outside of his room, hoping that it was unlocked, oh my god was I hoping.

I touched his door nob, and when I did, my heart started pounding harder and I started to breath harder. I almost had an orgasm just standing there at my dads door. I just stood there and held the door nob trying to decide wether or not I was going to really go through with what I wanted to do. After a minute or more I thought, fuck it, I’m going for it and tested the door nob. Oh my god, it was unlocked, this is really going to happen, I thought. I slowly opened the door and walked in and had a mini orgasm, I thought I was going to loose it. Before I knew it, there he was, the hottest, most handsome, sexiest guy in the whole world, laying there sleeping. I kneeled on the bed with one knee and looked at him.

“Daddy?” I whispered.

He didn’t even move, he just kept sleeping, I could tell he wasn’t wearing a shirt, oh my good god he’s so so sexy and so hot I thought while I looked at him.

“Daddy, are you awake?” I asked while I touched his shoulder.

Still nothing, so I pushed on his chest a few times.

“Dad, are you awake?” I asked while I pushed on him.

SCORE, I thought while I shook him several times.

“Daddy.” I said a few more times, only I wasn’t whispering.

He still didn’t move.

“Daddy, it’s me, are you awake?” I asked while I pulled his blankets down.

I looked down his body while I slowly peeled the blankets back, and before I knew it, I was moving my hips forwards and backwards.

“Holy ssshhhhit.” I hissed quietly.

I can’t believe that Im actually going to do this again, I thought. I couldn’t breath, I was so so horny and looking at my daddies hot body like that was just making it worse. I looked up at him to make sure he wasn’t waking up and watched his face closely while I pulled his blankets down as far as I could. I had to crawl down to get his blankets completely off of him, and that’s when I realized that he was completely naked, and he wasn’t hard at all. Which was good because I wanted to feel him get hard.

“Oh my god.” I whispered while I slid my hand up his left leg slowly.

“Daddy?” I whimpered quietly just to make sure he wasn’t awake.

He didn’t move at all, he didn’t do anything so I knew that he was out.

“Daddy, daddy are you awake?” I asked again while I slid my hand on his big soft dick.

I slid my hand up his body, but I wanted to feel his big sexy cock again, so I slid my hand back down and put my hand on it. I started to rub his shaft and balls softly and slowly until I felt it move. So I closed my hand around him and laid down. I scooted down so that I could watch his cock grow and get hard for me. I laid my head on his thigh and looked up at him while I stroked him, and then I started to watch his big cock. I felt him jerk in my little hand so I let go of him.

“So nice.” I whispered while I watched it twitch a few times.

I slid my hand on his dick again and started to stroke him but I realized that it wasn’t enough for me. Without even thinking, I leaned forward and pointed his head so that his pee hole was facing me. I had to do it, I couldn’t stop myself at all, I opened my mouth and put him in my mouth. I sucked lightly and licked the bottom of his head right as I took more of his yummy shaft in my mouth. I sucked his dick into my mouth a little more, then a little more while I licked him. I felt his hips move a little and my young little slit started to gush so bad when his dick twitched in my mouth. I lifted my head and let his dick slip out of my mouth before I put him back into my mouth. Oh my god he’s starting to get so hard, I thought while I took him deeper into my mouth. He was growing so fast and throbbing in my mouth, god my dads dick tasted so good! I kept bobbing up and down on his dick slowly until he got so big and so hard that he barely fit in my mouth. Then I let his dick slip out of my mouth again and when I did, I watched it throb over and over again. His hips were thrusting slightly, so I took my phone and started taking pictures of his dick. I couldn’t see how wet his dick was from my saliva until I took those. I took him back in my mouth and started taking selfies of myself, licking and sucking his yummy big hard dick. Then I took him out of my mouth and held it, I forgot that his cock was kinda heavy. I moaned and smashed my legs together when he started to throb like crazy. I took pictures of my hand wrapped around his dick so that mom could see how thick he was. Then I looked up at him to make sure that he wasn’t awake.

“Daddy?” I asked while I started jerking him nice and slow.

He didn’t respond, so I lifted his big tool and pushed it on the side of my face, then took a few selfies of that. I put my phone down and kinda lifted myself so I could take his huge throbbing cock in my mouth again. I wanted to feel him throb in my mouth, but when I took him as deep into my mouth as I could, he didn’t just throb, he started to pulse. I heard my daddy moan a little and his hips started to move in circles and started thrusting at the same time. I kept looking up at him to make sure he wasn’t waking up and that’s when I was really wishing he was waking up. I wanted him to wake up and see his little girl sucking his cock like I was. The idea of that made me delirious with lust, but I kept sucking his cock slowly and gently. Oh my god he tasted so so good, I couldn’t stop. I would let him slip out of my mouth a few times so I could watch him throb, I loved the way he looked when he throbbed over and over and over again. I slipped my fingers between my legs and started to rub my clit while I took him in my mouth again. I wanted so bad to suck it hard and go crazy, but I was scared that if he woke up, he would get mad at me, and I might loose him for good, so I just kept sucking and licking him slowly and gently. I had to stop sucking and move because he started to spread his legs really wide, which worked out perfect for me. I just climbed between his legs real slow and grabbed him. I watched his face and I could see that his mouth was opened a little and his sexy abs were jerking. His hips were moving again, so I reached down and took his dick in my hand. I straddled his thigh and leaned down to start sucking him again. While I sucked his amazingly beautiful cock, I noticed that I was slobbering all over it too, so I stopped sucking his dick, took my phone and shined my light at it. Oh my god it looked ssssso so sexy, it was all shiny and soaked looking, I had to take a picture of it cause it looked so hot, then I made a video of it.

I started to jerk him and pressed my little slit against his leg and started grinding on him. I leaned down and started sucking and licking him while I rubbed my little clit with my other hand. I couldn’t help but moan with my daddy in my mouth, and when I did, he started to throb in my mouth so bad. I looked up at him and watched his body twisting and moving like, in a wave type motion. He let a moan out and his back kind of lifted off of the bed, I was amazed that he didn’t wake up at all. Just watching my dads body react to what I was doing to him made my little pussy ache like crazy. I was so so close to having a really, really big orgasm but what made it worse was that I could feel his dick getting bigger and bigger in my mouth. He was throbbing and pulsing like crazy, so I took my mouth off of his dick and sat up. God I was shaking like crazy while I got up on my knees and pressed his dick against my dripping slit and rubbed his head up and down. I pressed his head against my love hole and rubbed it until I felt it get so soaked from my young juices.

“Oh my god I love your dick daddy.” I whispered.

I started to grind against him slowly and pushed his head inside of me just a little, but I was shaking and I almost took him him deep inside of my teen little slit. I could feel this incredible itch inside of me started to build like crazy, especially since he was moving his hips too. I could feel his leg move, and when it did, I scooted back and smashed myself against his leg and started to jerk him a slowly.

“Oh my god daddy.” I whispered softly and started grinding on his leg.

I reached down and took him in my hand with both hands and started to jerk my daddy off while I smashed and slid my drooling mound on his leg. I couldn’t help but whimper for him because he was making his little girl feel so good, and he was sleeping. All of a sudden I could feel my orgasm building like crazy, so I kinda squeezed his amazing cock a little harder and kept jerking. I couldn’t see all that good and I started getting light headed, my whole body was tingling. Then I felt my dads hips jerking and I saw his body moving, and before I knew it, I could feel his cum shooting up the length of his rock hard and rigid shaft. I moaned and got down as fast as I could and sucked him into my mouth, and right as I did, his cum shot into my mouth. It was a good thing because I started to have this massive orgasm at the same time, so his dick being in my young mouth kept me from being loud. I started to swallow as much of his cum as I could, but it was so much that I didn’t get all of it. And I was cumming like crazy at the same time so that kinda made it harder to swallow all of his sweet gravy. I just sucked and licked his dick and kept swallowing as much cum as I could. Once he was done cumming, I kept sucking his dick until he had nothing left. I let him slip out of my mouth and held it and while I held it, I started to lick as much cum off of his body and shaved yummy balls as I could. Now I needed to get off again, and I needed it bad, but daddy didn’t wake up so the pills worked really really good, which kinda sucked, I really wanted him inside of me. I got off of him and sucked his dick a few times, and that’s when I saw that I left a giant wet spot under his leg. I giggled while I covered my daddy back up, then kissed his cheeks.

“I love you daddy.” I whispered before I grabbed my phone and ran to my room.

When I got to my room, I couldn’t get my little robe off fast enough, I shut the door and ran to my bed. I grabbed my toy and laid on my back, I had to see what I looked like with dads big dick in my mouth, so I started looking at the pictures I took. Oh god, I didn’t even have to touch myself before I was on the edge of having an explosive orgasm! I love, love, love my daddies big dick! You have no idea how much I love it, and his cum was by far the best tasting cum in the whole world. I was so so hot it wasn’t funny, especially when I found my favorite selfie of me sucking my dads big. You could see my eye and my bangs were hanging in front of it but my favorite part was the fact that you could see the veins in my cheeks. His dick was so so shiny like the lip gloss I had on, actually, you could see my spit coating and running down his dick. I fell in love with how my daddies dick looked in my mouth!

“Fuck.” I moaned while I pushed two of my fingers inside of me.

I stared at my favorite pic while I pulled my finger out of my pussy and grabbed my toy. I looked at my favorite picture and slid my toy in my pussy, but I didn’t even have it half way inside of me when I dropped my phone. It was like my body went crazy! I exploded so hard that I could feel my body rolling around. My ass was not on the bed, it was high up in the air, just my head feet and shoulders were still on the bed. My whole body was shaking so bad that my feet slipped and I fell back on my bed. I opened my eyes and when I did, the room was spinning so so fast. My whole body was buzzing like, oh my god it felt like I passed out or something. I was still moving my hips like crazy and my cum was still coming out of me. I had to wait before I could move, but when I did, I sat up and couldn’t find my toy. I found it on the floor, so I went and got it so I could fuck myself again and pretended that I was still in daddies room, that he woke up and gave in. Well, in my little fantasy, he resisted like crazy and even got mad, but when I started sucking his dick, he went from being mad at me, to giving in. It wasn’t fast either. In my fantasy, he didn’t give in all the way until I shoved him on his back and sat on his big dick. And once he was inside of his little girls young, tight, wet pussy, he gave up and ended up fucking me so hard, in so many positions. I had ssssssssooooo many huge orgasms that night, like, oh my god, and when I got done, I was drained of everything. I couldn’t move for the longest time, but when I was finally able to move, I got up and cleaned my toy. I was still shaking and my legs were still all wobbly. I put my toy away, plugged my phone charger in and locked my phone in case daddy came in my room in the morning. After that, I went to bed and I fell asleep really really fast.

I wasn’t expecting him to wake me up the next morning to tell me he was going to go to they gym, but when he did, I couldnt help but hope that he pulled my blankets back, see me naked and molest me. But my pussy wasn’t wet, so I guessed that he didn’t, damn it. God he really had no clue what I did to him that night, none at all. Later I got up and found the tightest outfit I could find and put it on without panties or a bra. Then when he came home and I saw how he looked at me, it made me start dripping almost instantly, then when he touched my ass the way he did, uummm, yeah. When I went to my room to get changed so I could go for a ride on his motorcycle, I couldn’t help but think, maybe it wasn’t going to be as hard to seduce my dad as I thought it was going to be. I mean, I know that he was struggling with the whole idea of me being his daughter, and I was starting to think that, that was the only reason he didn’t give into me yet. I was coming onto him like, really strong and I was never ever as aggressive like I was being with my dad. I tried to back off and just let things cool down, but he was just too hot, so no matter how hard I tried I just couldn’t stop. I loved how he looked at me and I loved how he felt against my tight teen body. I had only spent two days with him and I was wet the whole entire time. That and I had this really bad itch that wouldn’t go away no matter how many times I used my big dildo. And beings how I sucked his yummy big dick, that itch was so much worse, you don’t even know. Mom was right, my dildo took the edge off, but it didn’t take my aching and itching away. What made it worse was the fact that I was always making him so so hard, oh my god. That morning when he touched my little ass and squeezed each cheek slowly and gently, yeah, I had to fuck myself silly or I was going to end up raping him, I almost did. I came so close to pushing him down on the couch and just fucking him hard, that it wasn’t even funny, and what makes that sssssoooo so hot, was that dad had no idea how close he was to getting raped. I was like, seconds away from doing it, but I decided not to. I decided not to because I actually did love my daddy, plus I was falling in love with him again for so so many reasons.

That bike ride did little to cool me off, so little in fact that I spent a little time in the little girls room to ease that ache that I had for him a little. It wasn’t until I found out that he was going to be going to work the next day that my lust turned into devastation. I don’t know why, by my heart sank really bad, I felt sick and I swore that I was going to throw up. I really do love my daddy, I thought while he tried to comfort me. I’m not going to get into all of the details since my daddy already did, but the only thing he can’t really describe, was how sad I really was that he was going to be gone for a whole 24 hours. It was so so bad, bad enough that I wasn’t horny, I couldn’t give him a sleeping pill that night. I was not a little kid I know, but I had to sleep with him that night, I had to or I was going to loose my mind. I loved my daddy because he was my daddy, and like I said, I was falling in love with him all over again too, especially after that amazing bike ride.

The next morning, I woke up before he did, and we were spooning. He was holding me in his big strong arms, and that’s when I started getting horny for him again. Yeah, in case you couldn’t tell, I love being horny, I love the way it feels. But anyway, when he started to wake up, I reached up and pulled my bra strap down until I could feel my boob come out all the way. To make a long story short and since he already told you about it I won’t go into detail. But that morning when he got up to get ready for work, I was awake, so he wasn’t seeing me like he was by accident. I was showing him as much of me as I could on purpose, I even peeked a little to see if he was looking at me, and he was. He was looking right at my little covered slit, so when he “woke me up” I was so horny that I couldn’t concentrate on anything. I think I got him hard again too, in fact, I know I did because I could see his bulge in those uniform pants he was wearing get bigger. But it also seemed like he just stood there and let me look at it. God I’m so so bad, turning my own daddy on like that, for molesting him and sucking his amazing dick while he slept. So so many naughty things I wanted to do to him that morning but I didn’t want to make him late for work. So when he left, I ran to my room, grabbed my dildo and went back to his room and laid on his bed.

Me: mom r u awake?

While I waited for my mom to text back I started to rub myself while I looked at all of the really hot pictures I took of me sucking my daddies dick. They were all really hot, I loved how I looked with my daddy in my mouth.

Mom: yes I am, did u take pics of the other night

Me: yes! R u at work?

Mom: no, I took the day off

Me: I’m sending some

Mom: hurry I wanna see

So, I started to send my mom some of the pictures that I took, even my favorite one.

Mom: OMG!!

Me: I know right?

Mom: your little mouth looks so good with that big cock in it

Me: I love it mom, I’m addicted to his amazing dick!

Mom: that’s not a dick, that’s a cock baby. Looks sssssssssooooo good!

Me: mmmm, I know I love his cock!

Mom: God I wish I could be there to watch u 2

Me: he hasn’t given in, he was sleeping when I did that. And btw, I’m not sure if it’s going to take as much to seduce him as u say

Mom: y do u say that

Me: cuz, he still kinda sees me as the little girl that he hung out with a few years ago

Mom: but he still knows u r his daughter

Me: yes he does, but I got him to touch my little ass. And he’s always getting really hard for me

Mom: k, here is what u do, if he doesn’t give in all the way, but he keeps touching u like that then u can come on as strong as u want, but make sure the sexual tension is really really high

Me: I want to so bad! I want him ssssoooooo bad! Btw, y didn’t u throw me and cousin a party when we joined the tradition?

Mom: how did u find out that it was a tradition

Me: grandma, she said that you guys have parties for those who join the tradition

Mom: I don’t know y we didn’t give u and JT one

Me: it’s ok, gma said that if I get dad to join it, she would have one for me

Mom: he would be the first one outside of the family to join

Me: he’s not outside of the family mom, he’s my dad

Mom: Omg I can’t believe how hot u look with your dads cock in your mouth, I’m all wet now

Me: I’ve been wet since I got here!

Mom: I’m serious! U look hotter with his cock in your mouth than u do with your cousin or uncles

Me: he’s sssssssooooooo much bigger! I can’t wait till he fucks me with it!!

Mom: I have to see that!!

Me: I’m sure u wud! Hey can u caption those for me, I want me too look like I’m holding a sign that says that I love my daddies big cock or something like that

Mom: mmmmm, I’ll do that now!

Me: you should totally post it on that porn site that has all kinds of pictures like that!

Mom: what site?

Me: the one that you posted pics of me u uncle and cousin having sex on

Mom: oh god ok I will, do u have any more?

Me: I have a whole bunch of them I even have a video of his big dick throbbing

Mom: send those pics to me and I’ll get started on them.

Me: k luv u mom

Mom: luv u too, u look so fucking hot in these pics, god!

Me: thanks!

After that, I laid there and sent the videos and every selfie and pic to my mom that I took the night I sucked my daddies dick. The cool thing was that I didn’t realize that I took so many of them, there had to be at least 20 of them, maybe more.

Mom: they r all amazing! U have enough for two pages here!!

Me: so make two pages

Mom: oh I’m going to!! These r probably the hottest pics I’ve ever seen OMG!!

Me: yay!! Let me know when u r done so I can go see them.

Mom: ok, I’m going to go get started on them now, have fun baby girl!

Me: k

After all of that, I had to play with myself for a long time. I fell asleep after, god I don’t know how many, but a lot of orgasms, in my dads bed. When I got up it was almost 11, so I got up to get ready to go see my boyfriend, my dad, at his work. Just so you know, I was very serious when I told him that I was only going to wear my crazy sexy little outfits just for him. So I wore my tight low riding jeans, and this really cute shirt, and yes I did wear a bra and panties. I straightened my hair and put the same lipgloss on that I used when I sucked his gorgeous big dick. Once I was done, it was almost 1. I won’t lie, I was a little nervous and scared to drive dads truck cause I never drove anything that big. I had an older cavalier that mom and uncle bought me, and that’s what I was use to. But when I got use to his truck, I started to have fun, actually, I started to want one like it. It was really really nice, and I loved that I could move the seat so I could drive it, I didn’t even have to use a book or pillows. The pedals even moved so I wouldn’t struggle to use them, I started to love his truck! Thank god he put the station address in his GPS thing because if he didn’t, I would have gotten lost. I know, that part is all boring, but I’m going somewhere with this I promise. When I got to the fire station where he worked, I went and parked where all of the other cars were and got out. I don’t know why, but I got really nervous, and it has nothing to do with anyone there but my dad. In my mind, he was a little more than just my dad, I wanted to be his girlfriend really bad. Its like when you meet this really hot guy and you start to like him a lot, like, you want him to be your boyfriend and he’s all you can think about. You find out that he likes you too, so when you go to meet him somewhere you get so so nervous. That’s what it was like. When I got to the big garage, I saw that the fire truck wasn’t there, but I could tell there was another truck missing. There were still a few there though, so not all of them were gone. While I was walking to where the front door was, someone saw me, but it wasn’t just any person, I knew her. She didn’t recognize me at first so she looked at me and then looked away, but a second later, she looked at me all surprised. I recognized her right there. Her name was Amy, she was a part of the incest community that I was a member of. She was sssssoooo hot! I had no idea that she lived there, all I knew was that she went on all of the secret incest vacations I went on, except for the one three years before, when I met dad for the first time. You know, when we had no clue that I was his daughter and stuff. That family that mom talked about that we swung with, well, she was a member of that family, and she, her sister and I had a ton of lesbian sex together, they were actually lesbian threesomes. Her sister was crazy hot and sexy just like Amy. I had no idea that she worked with my dad! I just stood there staring at her, I was shocked but excited.

“Can I help you?” A guy asked.

“Um, yeah, I’m here to see my dad.” I said.

“What’s your dads name?” He asked.

“Ikaika.” I said.

“You’re his daughter?!” Amy asked.

“Yeah, is he here?” I asked.

“No, no he isn’t, he’s out on a call right now. Now get in here kid, we’ve all heard so much about you!” Amy said.

“Really?” I asked.

“We’ve been looking forward to meeting you young lady, you’re family around here.” The guy said as more people came out to the garage.

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is Ikaika’s daughter Mindy.” The guy said.

I was sssso not expecting everyone to come up to me and hug me at all, I was surrounded and everyone came up to me and hugged me, everyone. I felt like I belonged there, I really don’t know how else to explain it. It was so so cool! They all took me into this really really cool living room place where they had this tv, and it was ginormous. They said that my dad bought that for them, and he bought them a really nice sound system so they could watch movies and stuff. I was actually excited to be there, no wonder he liked his job so much because everyone was so cool. What I liked the most was that Amy sat next to me, and since I already knew her, I felt really comfortable. They all sat around me in this big circle and they asked me like, a ton of questions. After a while, they all hugged me again and started doing different things, including making lunch. Amy stayed with me, now she was all the way lesbian, she wasn’t bi, or at least that’s what I thought. But she wasn’t one of those lesbians that had the short hair and stuff, she was a girly girl, like me. She’s been with her younger sister for the longest time, they obviously moved to Denver together where no one knew that they were sisters so they could live together as a couple.

“I love what you did to your hair.” She said while she played with it.

“Thanks, mom did it for me.” I said.

“She was my favorite hair dresser! How is she?” She asked.

“She’s good, so how long have you been here?” I asked.

“Oh god, seven years now.” She said.

“I was sssssoooo not expecting to run into you here.” I said while we laughed.

“Me either, I had no clue that you were the daughter that Ikaika talked about all the time.” Amy said quietly.

“I had no idea that you lived here.” I said.

“You look amazing, god you’re still really really sexy and hot, you look yummy.” She whispered.

“Thanks, you still look hot too, are you still with your sister?” I whispered.

“Yeah, I can’t give her up. So does your dad know about, you know.” She asked.

“Which part?” I asked.

“Well, that you’re bi and that you are into you know.” She said.

“Incest?” I whispered.

“Yes.” She said with a smile.

“No he doesn’t, he has no clue.” I said.

“Are you going to tell him?” She asked.

“Yes I am, I have to I mean, he’s crazy crazy hot.” I replied.

“How do you think he’ll take it?” She asked.

“Well, the part that I’m bi, I don’t think he will have a problem with that at all. Now the whole incest thing, I don’t know how he’ll take that.” I said.

“Well, I think you’ll be really hot together, your dad, has got to be one of the most beautiful men I have ever seen in my life, and you’re the cutest little thing ever.” She said.

“Oh my god I know, he’s, oh my god! It’s so hard to control myself around him.” I said.

“I can’t blame you, I’m a lesbian and I would flip for him, but just him.” She said.

“You really think we’d make a cute couple?” I asked.

“I’ll put it this way, if you do hook up with him, I want pics. You’re a lucky lucky girl, he’s a very popular man with the ladies here.” She said.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“There are so many women in this city that like your dad a lot. He gets hit on all the time.” She said making my heart sink.

“Really?” I asked.

“Yes he does, but don’t you worry, he is single, he doesn’t have any booty calls or anything. His last girlfriend hurt him really bad several times, so he’s decided to not date anyone.” She said making me feel better.

“What did she do?” I asked.

“She cheated on him several times. He kept taking her back and she’d hurt him again and it went on like that for several years. They were suppose to go to Australia together a few years ago but they broke up a few days before they were suppose to go, so he just went by himself.” She said.

“Has she tried to get him back since?” I asked.

“She’s tried and he started to take her back, but we’re all family here so we all jumped his ass about it. She’s nothing more than a fucking gold digger, and we finally got him to see that. He wised up and stayed away from her, but he’s had sex with a few of her friends since then. They all loved hooking up with your dad.” She said.

“Why did they like hooking up with him?” I asked.

“I’m so glad we know each other like we do cause it makes this easy to answer. They say his dick was the biggest they ever had. They loved it, and apparently, your dad is amazing in bed because they say that he really knows how to, you know.” She said.

“Thats what mom said about him, does he still hook up with those girls? I asked.

“No, he hasn’t even called them since he found out you were coming, he actually told all of them that he can’t hook up with them anymore.” She whispered.

“Hmmmm, more for me.” I said.

“So are you going to bring him into the tradition?” She asked.

“I’ve been working on it since I got here.” I said while I laughed.

“Really?!” She asked.

“Yeah I have.” I said.

“Oh my god that’s so exciting! So many girls are going to be so jealous, I wish you all the luck in the world.” She said.

“Thank you, god I can’t believe that you’re actually living here and working with my dad.” I said.

“I can’t believe that you’re his daughter, I would have never guessed, such a small world.” She said as we hugged.

“So when is my dad going to be back?” I asked while we backed off.

I heard the radio thingy going, it sounded almost like my dad talking on it.

“Well, that’s him, they’re taking someone to the hospital right now so it may be a little while, 20 minutes tops.” She said.

We sat there and talked and the longer I waited, the more nervous and anxious I got, I really really needed to see my man, sorry, my dad because I was starting to go crazy. After a little while, everyone at the station, well, almost everyone were all sitting in the living room area with us, and they were telling me some of the coolest stories about my dad. All I could do was smile after they told me all of these stories about how he saved people’s lives. I guess my dad was the crazy one because he did some crazy dangerous things to save some of the people. I actually started to worry about him pretty bad because of some of the stuff they said he did, I didn’t want to loose him again. They all talked about how daddy was the best dancer around too, they do what they call Pt I had no idea what that was until they told me. But they would put all of their fire suits on with the air tanks and have dance battles, apparently my dad always won. After a while, I heard one of the trucks backing in and got so so excited.

“Is that him?” I asked while I sat up.

“Sorry hun, that’s the rescue, your dad is on the pumper. Your dad rode on the ambulance with the other medics and the truck he’s on went to pick him up. He’ll be back.” Amy said.

“Oh.” I said.

They must have saw that I was disappointed, and I was, I mean, I really wanted to see him.

“You miss him don’t you?” Amy asked while I slouched down and folded my arms.

“Pretty bad.” I said.

“Aaaawwww, that’s so cute. This is the first time that you’ve seen him since you were five and you miss him.” She said.

“Can’t help it.” I said.

“Sounds like separation anxiety.” One of the guys said.

“That’s what my grandpa says.” I said.

“They aren’t lying, you’re fidgety and anxious.” One of the guys said.

“You’re asking about him a lot too, and that’s ok, we just didn’t think you’d be so close to him already after all of these years of being away from him.” Another guy said while one lady and a guy came in.

“He’s my dad and he’s always taken really good care of me.” I said.

“At least you know that.” Amy said.

“Yes I do.” I said.

“Hey guys, this is Mindy, Ikaika’s daughter.” Amy said to the two people that came in.

“You’re thee Mindy?!” The lady asked.

“Yep, I’m thee Mindy.” I said.

“Oh my god you’re beautiful!” She said, she was all excited!

“Thank you.” I said while she came up and hugged me.

“You have no idea how excited your dad was when he found out that you were coming.” The guy said.

“How excited was he?” I asked.

“It’s all he talked about, and I mean, that’s all he talked about.” The lady said while she let go of me.

“Yay!” I said.

“God you’re adorable too, you are beautiful! Your dad has his hands full.” She said.

“Why?” I asked.

“He’s going to have to beat all of the boys off of you, you’re incredibly beautiful, you’re a heart breaker my god.” She said.

“Hey Mindy, text your dad and see when he’s going to be back, tell him lunch is almost ready and hurry his ass up.” One of the guys said.

“Ok.” I said.

Me: hey dad Mike wants to know when you’re coming back, lunch is almost ready so hurry your ass up

Dad: lol, tell him to wipe the sand out of his vagina, we r leaving the hospital now, how long have u been there?

Me: a while now I got here sometime after u left.

Dad: God I’m so sorry baby girl, we’ll try to hurry

Me: don’t need to say sorry dad, I get it, u r at work.

Dad: don’t know y I’m saying this, but I miss u kinda bad!

Me: OMG I miss u too! I definitely have separation anxiety and I’m going crazy!

Me: and btw, I’m your little girl, that’s y u miss me so much 😉

Dad: yeah, that wud do it, see u soon baby

Me: can’t wait, hurry

Dad: I meant to say baby girl

Me: it’s ok, I like it when u just call me baby

Dad: y

Me: cuz

Dad: fine, see u soon baby

Me: god. K luv u

Dad: luv u too

“He’s on his way, they’re leaving the hospital now, and he said to wipe the sand out of your vagina.” I said making everyone laugh really hard at the guy.

“What? That’s what he said.” I said while I laughed.

“He’s only 8 minutes out then.” Amy said.

God that was the longest 8 minutes of my life. You know I’ve had boyfriends and girlfriends cause I’ve told you that, but something felt different with my dad. Yeah I lusted after him really bad, but there was something a lot different with him. He was unlike any boyfriend that I ever had. He was sweet, he was cute, hot and sexy, but he wasn’t arrogant at all. Most guys that are crazy crazy sexy like he was are arrogant which is a major turn off for some girls including me. There is a difference between arrogance and being confident, my daddy wasn’t arrogant or all that confident. When I met him in Australia, he wasn’t even all that confident then. I mean, he was, but he didn’t realize how hot he really was, and he still didn’t realize it. I loved that about him because he wasn’t all like, “I can get any girl I want, any time I want”. And from what I found out that day at his work, he had girls throwing themselves at him. There are so many things about him, on top of everything else I’ve said about him in our story, that made it impossible to not like him the way I did, let alone not fall in love with the man. He made me feel things that neither of the two boyfriends I had up to then could make me feel, if that makes any sense. I did feel that before, but it was when neither one of us knew that we were daddy daughter. I didn’t know that I still felt that way about him until he came and got me from the airport. I was thinking about all of that while I waited for my daddy to get back. I had butterflies, it was like I was waiting for my boyfriend, and like I said before, he was my boyfriend to me. And when I heard his truck backing in, I got so so nervous, but I was so so excited too. I looked at Amy and she was smiling at me, she already knew how I felt about him because we talked about it. I’ve heard people say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. While I sat there waiting for my dad, I started to see how that could be true, the only problem was that I saw him six hours before.

While I sat there and waited for him, I started to realize that the major fight that he was having in his head was getting really bad, bad for me anyway. I know that I’m his little girl, but he kinda liked me more than that, I could tell, but I could see him fighting it. He would get so hard for me, when I flirted with him and touched him, especially when I showed him my body on purpose, which was every night and morning. But I could also tell that he felt bad about how he reacted to me, even though I turned him on on purpose, I was trying to seduce him remember? So all of that told me something, mom was wrong, again, but so was grandma. “Go slow and be careful or you’ll freak him out because he hasn’t even thought about incest” they said. The part about him not ever thinking about incest was true, but the going slow part was wrong, and it was turning out to be a bad idea, and was starting to back fire. I knew my dad way better than even I realized, because I started to figure out that the only way that I was going to get what I wanted, was to be as aggressive as possible, and here is why. His good side was screaming at him, I could tell he was yelling at him and it was keeping him from giving in. Now if I try to seduce him slowly and stuff, the good boy had a really really good chance of winning, actually, it looked like the good dad was going to win for sure. If that happened, I won’t get what I wanted, that’s how “loud” the “good dad” was. I wanted to have sex with him really really bad, and he wouldn’t give into me if I was careful and if I went slow. But, if I basically throw myself at him and touch his big dick through his pants, then it might shut his good side up, which is what I wanted. I wanted him to be my perverted daddy, I wanted to be his personal little teen slut, I wanted to commit incest with him, so I had to get that good daddy to shut up and leave him alone. I already tested that theory of mine, remember when I got him to touch my little ass, and showed him my boob and part of my pussy? Yeah, I was testing my theory out and it worked a little so it looked like I was right and mom was wrong. So while I sat there at his work, I decided right there that I was going to seduce him and I wasn’t going to be subtle about it anymore. I decided that right as I got up to go greet him. So let me ask a question, did I get my daddy to give into me, or did his good daddy win? Keep reading and you’ll find out…