Horny Little Women Pt8
The girls give Matthew the ultimate leaving present.
Yet barely an hour later, as he sat alone in the lounge of the sumptuous apartment in the middle of Manila’s Makati financial district, the lonesome teenager couldn’t help but reflect upon a week that had changed his life. Sighing wistfully, he yearned for his mother’s voluptuous bosom, coverted Meg’s beautiful mouth, craved Jo’s exquisite pussy, longed to stroked Beth’s delicious coffee-coloured legs and arse and was desperate to hear Amy’s delightful giggle again. Oh how he missed them all so much, and he’d only been gone a day.
To occupy his mind, Matthew embarked upon the seemingly onerous task of wading through the scores of condolence cards that had accumulated in the pigeonhole in his absence. Yet in less than half an hour the job was done. Taking hold of the address book, he set about contacting those that might still not have heard the news of his father’s surprise passing. Yet that only put paid to another hour and all too soon he was twiddling his thumbs idly.
Thus the phone call that came just before nightfall was a godsend. It was his father’s lawyer, Tino Sala, inviting him out to dinner. A limousine would be there at eight o’clock sharp to collect him,Tino imparted. After minimal thought, Matthew consented, if only to leave behind the claustrophobic concrete confines of the apartment for a short while.
The car took him through the thronging city, abuzz with insect-like activity, to the more laid-back surrounds of Manila Bay. With its azure blue boundaries, florid scenery and a picture postcard beauty that, he strove to convince himself, surpassed anything England had to offer, a visitor could easily fall in love with the place. In fact it had everything an upwardly mobile young man could wish for – but his family.
A short stroll down the jetty took him to the floating restaurant in the harbour where Manila’s top movers and shakers habitually gathered. Having secured the best table, one that afforded an unrestricted view of the entire vessel, Tino rose in greeting. The lawyer offered grave condolences and a firm handshake, enquiring how Matthew was bearing up. He was lonesome, he conceded, though not on account of his father.
Immediately, a waiter materialised with a frosted glass to be quickly filed with a chiled bottle of San Miguel. The night balmy and humid, Matthew supped gratefully whilst perusing the menu. Despite the heat, he chose a starter of nilagang soup, with Tino electing to join him. For the main course, Tino plumped for crispy pata, a dish of deep fried pork knuckle. Patting his midriff a little guiltily in its wake the lawyer dabbed at the sides of his mouth with a napkin. Matthew stuck to his favourite Filipino dish, alimango, a steamed crab delicacy that was far more figure-conscious. Accompanied naturally by enough fried rice to feed the whole boat, Matthew leaned back in the chair bloated.
The formalities dealt with, Tino wasted no time in getting down to business. “Well Matthew, you soon be a very rich young man.”
Matthew issued a sombre smile.
“You come see me in office next week and we go through details, yah?”
Matthew agreed, taking another bottle of beer, his head beginning to swim pleasantly.
“So,” continued Tino, his eyes sparkling, “we go on somewhere yah? You want fun? Lapdancers tonight, yes Matthew?” the lawyer offered with a nudge-nudge-wink-wink expression.
Matthew smiled inwardly. After the week that had just surpassed, spent in the company of some of the most delicious women Matthew could imagine, a lapdance would be like eating hamburger after becoming accustomed to caviar. Sensing Matthew’s lack of interest, Tino changed tack. “Or you want more, huh? I know nice Asian-American girl take care all your needs.”
Matthew forced a smile. If nothing else, the situation he was in certainly made him think. Putting matters into perspective for a moment, he was a soon-to-be millionaire bachelor soon to be eighteen with filmstar good looks and a lifeguard’s physique. He could have his pick of every eligible girl on the island. Yet, despite a newfound enthusiasm for sex and forever feeling as horny as hell, tactfully he declined, citing tiredness from the long flight. Taking care of the bill, Tino wished him well and reminded him of their meeting the following week.
Unbeknown to the lawyer, there was an ulterior motive behind Matthew’s declining, a method to his madness. Indeed, during the stop-start limousine journey back to the apartment, his cock jerked at the very prospect of what lie in store. The young man’s mind wandered back to the incredible events that preceded his departure from England.
Worn out from Amy’s party, Matthew had fallen into a deep long sleep. Snoozing contentedly among the crisp covers of his mother’s bed, she cradled him like the long lost baby he was. Rousing some two to three hours later with the first sprinkling of dawn pressing the curtains, glancing down he saw his mother’s hand draped across his chest as they lay in the spoons position, her soft breasts cushioning his spine.
Matthew’s awakening proved a catalyst. Slowly Hannah’s hand animated, producing gentle, loving strokes, teasing the downy hairs on a well-defined chest. Matthew sighed contentedly as his nipples were palmed and her breath quickened markedly, warming the nape of his neck. Adjusting, she pushed her pussy forward to brush a buttock whilst continuing to caress purposefully. The stirrings deep in his groin caused Matthew’s breath to race too, cock inflating to nudge up from between his thighs.
In a stealthy manner, Hannah’s hand moved lower, rubbing her son’s belly in a circular motion as she pressed tight and administered a featherlight kiss behind the ear. Her lips moved inside to brush her son’s neck. At the same time the roving hand lowered further until her wrist brushed the blunt head of a penis that was almost fully-erect by that point. Under the unerring attention, within seconds it was as stiff as Matthew could remember, so hard it was painful.
Exhaling lustfully at its rigidity, Hannah took a firm grip of the shaft, wrapping her fingers around expertly and gently easing back the foreskin. The motion took Matthew’s breath away and he groaned lusily. As she caressed lovingly her thumb elevated to encircle the bulbous head. Matthew exhaled his pleasure, eyes shut tight as his body experienced wave upon wave of pleasure from the merest squeeze of her palm. His cock end tingled, a single teardrop of precum oozing from the eye.
Issuing a gleeful purr, Hannah reached to scoop up the dollop with her index finger. Raising the sticky fingertip to her lips she sucked it clean, the taste lingering on her tongue. As she pressed forward and her pussy made contact with a buttock once more, a dab of moistness rubbed the flesh.
“Mr Ryder, sir…Mr Ryder…you’re home.”
Matthew looked up, distracted from his revelry by the driver craning around, the limousine stationary in front of the security gates at the apartment complex. Reaching into his pocket he gave the driver a 500-peso tip, the generous gesture met with a heartfelt thank you. Shifting to conceal the rather obvious erection, Matthew strode away. He could barely wait to get inside the apartment and continue the reminiscence, salivating at the mouth.
Hurrying from room to room he drew all the curtains, dimmed the lights and swapped the suit worn to dinner for a baggy sports top and jogger bottoms. Never before in his entire life had he looked forward to masturbating with quite so much relish. Though he did have something to aid the process, relieved they hadn’t challenged him at customs. It might have taken some explaining. Taking the silver disc from its case he slipped it into the DVD player, settling down to view his leaving present from the girls.
“Hi Matthew,” resonated Amy’s voice from the TV, the picture revealing his youngest sister’s pretty face. “Are you missing us already? I hope you are, in a nice way, of course,” she added with a beguiling smile.
“Yes,” he replied croakily to the screen, all these thousands of miles away.
Reaching out instinctively to touch her golden hair, he felt only static on the cold screen, behind which Amy was incarcerated. The lens lowered to her breasts, hovering on them. Playfully she lifted the t-shirt to reveal the three piercings that had symbolised her journey from girl to woman whilst in his presence. Matthew sighed deeply. “I love you, Amy,” he mouthed to the screen.
She made no reply.
Next up was Meg waving excitedly at the screen. “Hello little bro, hope you arrived home safely,” the eldest sister announced, tears immediately welling up in her hazel eyes.
Matthew felt it too, gulping back a lump in his throat the size of a golf ball.
“Remember these?” she smiled, pursing her lips into a fishlike expression.
“Oh God yes,” Matthew replied dolefully.
Jo came on next, clearly putting on a brave face. Her message was more sombre. “Thank you, Matthew. Thank you for brightening up our lives. I love you baby brother.”
She had to move out of sight before she bawled out her eyes. Matthew sniffed away his own despair, struggling too to temper his emotions. “Love you too, Jo,” he whispered back.
Beth was the last of the girls to appear on the screen. She was stark naked on the bed, brown flesh accentuated against the white duvet upon which she lay. “This is how I want you to remember me,” she stated with a confident smile, parting her legs to reveal the trimmed black bush.
“Oh I will,” he mouthed at the telly as she ran her hands up and down her body seductively.
Finally it was his mother’s turn. She too had tears in her eyes. “Love you, Matthew, hope you’ll come visit soon, ” was all she could manage before the tears came. “Now enjoy the rest of your going-away present.”
“Oh I will mum, I will.”
Matthew was wracked with mixed feelings. On the one hand he was sad at the poignant messages and the extreme distance from his sisters and mother. On the other hand he was filled with anticipation for what was to come, mind wandering back to his mother’s bed on that awesome final night.
Lying on his back, staring up dreamily, Hannah’s skilled fingers continued to work the thick shaft beneath the sheets. Licking her lips, she asked if he’d like to feel her tits. Matthew exhaled deep and long, nodding excitedly like a happy dog before lifting his hands to squeeze the fronts and undersides firmly. The plump orbs quivered in his palms, nipples sprouting obscenely as he kneaded firmly. “Oh God, yesssssss,” she hissed, wrist action upping on a notch on the hard cock in her hand. “There’s no one makes me feel like you do, Matthew honey.”
But if she expected to have him all to herself, she was very much mistaken. At that moment, the bedroom door opened and the inner light was switched on, flooding the bedroom in a golden luminescence that made them both blink. “Amy, what is it?” enquired Hannah as she continued to stroke her son’s cock under the covers as if it were the most natural thing in the world to do.
Amy tiptoed over in a little white nightgown to perch on the edge of the bed, unfazed by the sight before her. “I was wondering, mummy, if we might give Matthew something to really remember us by.”
The teen lifted the new camcorder into sight, her blue eyes full of youthful wonder. “Something he can watch in Manila when he’s lonely and missing us.”
Despite an initial annoyance at the intusion, Hannah smiled, caressing her youngest daughter’s blonde tangles. It was impossible to be mad with Amy for any length of time. “That’s very thoughtful of you, Amy darling.”
Amy grinned, anxious to get going. Drawing back the covers, she observed her mother’s leisurely palming of Matthew’s rock hard cock. Lifting the camcorder she began filming, ensuring to capture her mother’s oversized tits as they were mauled by Matthew’s big hands, knowing that he would absolutely love seeing that later.
And he did.
Whenever Hannah’s ministrations forced a blob of precum to ooze up out of the eye, she’d deftly scoop it up with an eager digit, elevating it to her waiting tongue to feast upon lustfully. On the third such occasion, after having gathered up the seed, she pressed the dew-stained fingertip to Amy’s pursed lips, piercing them. Her youngest daughter licked eagerly, before observing: “Ooh mummy, that’s made me go all tingly.”
Matthew watched mesmerised on the couch in Manila, reliving in glorious technicolour the unbelievable events that had preceded his departure. This had to be the going-away present to beat all going-away presents. He found himself as hard as he’d been in the bedroom. Reaching down, he placed a hand inside the boxers and cupped his balls, squeezing gently. Moving up, he began to stroke the shaft, mimicking his mother’s actions onscreen. Though his own hand was a poor relation, he craved the relief it would ultimately bring. Sighing deeply he masturbated, striving to match his mother’s rhythm.
Yet Matthew wasn’t able to replicate what happened next, and which Amy ensured to capture on the camcorder. Shifting position his mother climbed across to straddle his knees. As she bent forward at the middle, her hair tumbled, brushing Matthew’s chest and stomach. At the same time, her fulsome breasts created a cavernous cleavage of soft rippling flesh. Lying flat, the weighty mammaries came to rest at the tops of Matthew’s thighs. Hands placed at either side, she squeezed them firmly together, clamping Matthew’s thick shaft tight in the centre. He gasped as the natural wobble provided a gentle wave of stimulation to the imprisoned penis.
Capturing every precious second on the camcorder, Amy could be heard sighing audibly. Panning across from the sexy titwank, the youthful cameragirl settled the lens on a raised arse that was bobbing sexily. Moving closer and reaching over with her spare hand, Amy parted the cheeks of the older woman’s rear with thumb and forefinger. In doing so, she exposed to the camera a clenched brown knot and below it a lush and freshly shaven pink crack, quivering gently and glistening with the first juices of arousal.
Hannah groaned at Amy’s touch, her breath warming Matthew’s belly as she continued to massage his cock with those monster tits. Amy pressed two fingers against the slit, her thumb idly grazing the anal ring. It was enough to set her mother off like a hair trigger. “Oh push your thumb in, Amy honey,” Hannah begged in hoarse tones, wiggling provocatively and intent on having the teen to plug her tightest hole.
Amy grinned and pushed forward, index and middle finger embedding easily in soaking wet cunt. Having allowed the digital intrusion, quickly the pussy crack sealed tight around Amy’s fingers. At the same time her blunt thumb tip nestled snugly in the anal recess, pushing against the knot. As Amy applied a little pressure, the hole stretched and yielded, suctioning around the thumb tip. Hannah whimpered as her arse was forced open. The spasms pulsed all through her excited body and caused her tits to jiggle and manipulate Matthew’s cock with newfound vigour. The trio lost to lust, things were about to get a whole lot better.
Unseen to the camera, behind Amy the bedroom door creaked open once more. Matthew was first to become aware, his gaze elevating to meet Beth’s chocolate eyes. The sixteen-year old’s initial surprise at witnessing her mother’s huge tits wrapped around her brother’s rock hard cock whilst her sister fingered her two holes quickly dissipated as desire took a firm hold of the coffee-coloured beauty. “Mmm, what have we here?” Beth mused.
With that she disrobed, the dressing gown pooling at her feet to leave her naked. Skipping quickly to Matthew’s side, she sat down beside him, their backs to the headboard. The pair exchanged a long deep lingering kiss, tongues working feverishly. Matthew wanted nothing less than to press it right down her throat if he could. Beth groaned with lust as he sucked on her tongue.
Steadying the camcorder with some effort, Amy concentrated the lens on her own handiwork at her mother’s rear, ensuring to capture her fingers sliding ever deeper into the snug holes till she gripped tight like a bowling ball. In the wake of Beth’s entrance, unselfishly Hannah lifted her tits away, leaving Matthew’s shaft standing tall. The huge breasts were quickly replaced by a tiny brown hand, taking a good firm grip on the shaft.
As Beth rested her chin on top of his head, she rubbed her pert tits in his face. The brown nipples looked delectable, as pronounced as American Hard Gums as they brushed over his nose. Growling, Matthew’s lips locked around the right teat, sucking with urgency as Beth arched and ran her tremulous fingers through his hair. Her other hand continued to stroke her brother’s cock lovingly, the head slick with precum.
As he watched from the couch in Manila, Matthew recalled with relish Beth’s taste as their tongues danced wildly. He licked his lips and gave his hard cock a purposeful tug, imagining it was Beth’s hand instead. Watching the recording of that awesome last night in England came as close to actually being there as was possible. Up and down the shaft his fist pistoned, causing Matthew to groan, eyes glued to the TV screen. At this rate with all the red hot action, he wasn’t going to last long.
Onscreen, his mother pushed her round backside higher towards Amy, the younger girl holding her fingers and thumb perfectly still so that they screwed deeper into wet pussy and tight arse. Hannah gyrated, frigging herself senseless, the sound of slurping cunt and fervent moaning filling the room. Writhing around like a grounded eel, one hand slapped the bed as the other reached for Matthew’s inner thigh. Moving higher, Hannah’s hand wrapped around Beth’s, the pair giving his cock a good dual tug.
If he hadn’t been there in the bedroom, Matthew wouldn’t have believed things could get any hotter, but they could β tenfold. Movement at the bedroom door signalled Meg’s entrance, gliding over silently to take up a position the other side of her brother and swiftly shimmying out of her nightdress. They too kissed long and hard, savouring one another, hands rubbing arms. They locked tight, almost sucking the air out of each other’s lungs. Breathlessly they pulled apart, gazing dreamily.
Matthew barely had time to draw further breath when covetously Beth reclaimed her brother’s mouth and his attention. Once more he found his tongue wrapped around hers, its lush pinkness in contrast to the brown lips. Not to be left out, Meg adjusted position, kissing all the way down Matthew’s strong chest and belly before angling to take the head of his cock from her mother and in her lips. Feeling the soft familiar warmth of Meg’s mouth wrap around the bloated knob, Matthew moaned back lustfully into Beth’s mouth as he pawed at her tits purposefully. He was in heaven.
An expert cocksucker, Meg took things steadily, anxious for Matthew to savour the moment. Administering the utmost oral pleasure, her practised mouth devoured his pained erection inch by inch by inch. Sucking and licking the whole way down, obscene amounts of saliva bathed the shaft, pooling in the pubic fringe. Matthew didn’t think it was possible to produce so much spittle but Meg had different ideas. And the whole thing was captured expertly by Amy who seemed to have developed a sixth sense for pointing the lens in the right place at the right time. Up and down bobbed Meg’s head, Matthew’s cock tip nudging her throat.
The scene on the TV as hot as hell, unsurprisingly it all too quickly proved too much for the mesmerised observer as he slapped his cock with carefree abandon. Grunting, Matthew felt the seed rise swiftly from his balls, thefamiliar tingle and spurt from the eye and looping of spunk to form a sticky puddle on his belly. Continuing to stroke past orgasm, he elicited three more copious loads, stomach swimming with seed. Regrettably, there were no hungry little mouths around to help clean up so Matthew groped aside for the Kleenex box. He had a funny feeling the tissues might not last long. Lying back, chest heaving and breath racing, he pressed the stop button on the DVD to save the remainder for later.
After a good while collecting his breath on the couch, standing a little unsteadily Matthew wandered towards the kitchen, grabbing an ice-cold coke from the fridge and swigging generously. Continuing on, he opened the double doors that led out to the balcony. Smack in the centre of the financial sector, huge office blocks were dotted with light against the black skyline like something out of a Hollywood movie. Somewhere beyond the buildings, the ocean stretched out like a huge oil slick. And on the other side β the other side of the world β was his family. He brushed away a tear of remorse.
Fifteen minutes of staring into space and reflecting dolefully on his solitude having elapsed, Matthew issued a deep sigh. The coke bottle empty, thoughts of what was left on the DVD sprung immediately to mind, causing a little life to work its way back into his flaccid cock. Glancing down he watched it rise against the crotch of the joggers. Returning to the lounge, he pressed play before settling down once more.
Getting cramp in her embedded fingers, Amy pulled them out of her mother’s cunt and arse with an audible plop. Unplugged, excess pussy juice trickled its way down Hannah’s inner thighs. Turning the lens round on herself, Amy made sure to record the devouring of her own fingers and thumb for Matthew’s later viewing pleasure. “Oh mummy you taste awesome,” she enthused to the camera.
The visual had the desired effect on Matthew as he took a firm grip on his shaft. Unbelievably, and despite having shed a wad of hot seed not twenty minutes earlier, he was as hard as ever. Building a steady rhythm, his fist blurred once more as the events onscreen thundered towards their incredible climax.
Anxious not to miss any of the action, Amy turned the lens back on the others. Hannah posed and blew a bee-stung kiss before spreading breadth-wise across the bed, parting her thighs, knees overhanging the side. Amy moved with her mother, climbing off the bed and squatting on her knees on the carpet, focusing the camera between the older woman’s legs. Amy was so close it appeared as if the lens might disappear up her mother’s sopping wet gaping vagina. Onscreen, the entire picture on the widescreen TV was filled with 40 inches of pink, shaven and sticky cunt. Though he was in Manila, Matthew could almost smell and taste it.
As if on cue with her mother in that position, Jo entered the fray, sneaking into the bedroom clad in a pair of pyjamas. Observing everyone else’s nudity, quickly she shed them, shapely breasts standing proud. Magnetised to her mother’s inviting cunt, Jo dropped to her knees on the carpet. After a playful nuzzling of her mother’s inner thighs, Jo buried her face deep in the older woman’s moist pussy. Hannah slapped the bed once more as Jo’s talented tongue licked its way from top to bottom, the tip slipping inside. Hannah’s other hand took a firm grip in Jo’s spiky hair, holding the girl firmly in place and drawing her deeper.
Using her fingers expertly, Jo prised apart her mother’s pussy lips, enabling her tongue to delve farther in still. Hannah groaned and writhed as if trying to wriggle away from a hot poker. Unrelenting, Jo honed in on the swollen clit, mashing it in her lips. Sucking purposefully, she pushed the older woman to the verge of orgasm. A volley of tongue lashes and Hannah was tipped over the edge. Gushing endlessly, her juices coated Jo’s chin, glistening as she emerged for air with a wicked grin. “You’re such a filthy slut, mother,” Jo observed, patting Hannah’s quivering cunt. “Now give me some of the same.”
With that they swapped positions, Jo moving onto the bed and pulling her mother’s face to her sweet young pussy. Dutifully Amy ensured to capture mother and daughter in the foreground with her other three siblings providing an awesome backdrop. At the head of the bed, having spent ages trying to suck Matthew’s cock off as if it were a stick of rock candy, Meg emerged for air. The shaft was utterly drenched in saliva. More dribble ran from both sides of his sister’s mouth as she grinned.
Beth uncoupled from her brother too, a pose and pout for Amy’s camera before turning around to face away from Matthew, squatting above his rampant cock, back to him. Amy lay flat on the bed, focusing on the junction of Matthew’s knob and Beth’s labia that seemed to pucker as contact was made. Lowering slowly, Beth impaled on the concrete hard cock, an Oscar-winning shot captured by Amy as the thick length of prime white meat penetrated the gorgeous sopping wet brown cunt. The lips stretched pronouncedly as they enveloped the invading shaft, causing Beth to let out a shrill cry. Relaxing, she allowed Matthew to ease up and fill her tight young vagina. “Oh Matthew, such a big hard cock,” Beth drooled as her belly sank to rest upon Matthew’s.
“Save some for me,” pleaded an envious Meg, lying back to take pleasure into her own hands. “We need three more Matthews!”
“Five more!” added Jo, grinding her teeth and staring at the ceiling as her cunt was slurped by her mother.
Behind the camera, poor Amy had her work cut out capturing it all, flicking from the copulating siblings and ensuring to record the moment Matthew’s cock disappeared completely inside Beth, to their mother eating out her daughter with passion, to Meg spreading her cunt lips wide and burying four fingers inside, frigging herself furiously.
The teen reached an executive decision to concentrate on Matthew and Beth who, it had to be said, made a gorgeous looking couple. If ever there was advert for the joys of interracial love they were it. She had her back to his chest, head lolling to one side as he sucked and bit at her neck. Overflowing with desire, he reached around to cup her pert young tits as she moved up and down in a steady rhythm on his rock hard appendage. At first glance, Beth’s groans of lust were perhaps a little theatrical, produced specially for the camera, pornstar-style. Yet the more Matthew watched, the more he came to believedperhaps that they were authentic. The girl clearly loved stiff cock up her tight young pussy.
Soon Matthew was ready to satiate his desire, meeting her downward motions with strong upward ones, buttocks bouncing on the springy bed and driving his cock deep into her cervix. The slap of white flesh on black filled the room, whilst an aroma of aroused cunt nipped at their nostrils. “Mmm, fuck me Matthew!” commanded Beth through gritted teeth.
On the couch in Manila, despite the fact he’d been there and engaged in it, Matthew could barely believe his eyes. This surpassed any porn movie he’d ever seen and he could feel the onset of other orgasm. Pumping from the buttocks on the couch, he fucked at his clenched fist, striving to replicate what he was doing to Beth on the TV. Indeed, his cock was ripping into her young cunt, almost tearing her apart but still she craved more. “Fuck me harder, Matthew, yesssssss, oh God yes…” she wailed as he slammed as hard as he could.
In the doorway, little redhead Alice appeared, framed in golden light. Her mouth fell immediately agape at the incredible family scene, dropping further still when she felt huge-titted shopgirl Caz press up behind. The last to be woken also by the sound of hard fucking, the screaming and the painfully creaking bed, neither was about to let this opportunity pass. Matthew had a full house of female flesh on his final night. Soon Caz had lifted Alice’s nightdress and was rubbing the younger girl’s tiny tits vigorously as they watched on from the outskirts
With what was taking place all around the whole room, little Amy was presented with a real dilemma. How could she hope to capture it all? Matthew and Beth were fucking like rabbits, so hard it looked as if Matthew’s cock might snap off at any moment, Meg was masturbating furiously with almost her entire hand up her pussy, mummy Hannah was mashing her face into sister Jo’s cunt and Caz was stroking Alice’s girlish body seductively. It was an impossible task to know which way to turn and Amy found herself dizzy with trying.
Seizing control like a proficient director, Amy waved her hands animatedly, ordering everyone to stop and congregate on the bed within the camera’s range. It was a squeeze and there were limbs and sex organs everywhere but they just about succeeded. Sensing an opportunity, Meg utilised her seniority among the sorority to reclaim Matthew’s cock from Beth. At that precise moment she craved a good hard cock up inside her like nothing else.
Matthew lay back to allow his eldest sister to straddle and press down hard on his concrete-hard erection. Unlike Beth she faced him, tits moving snugly into his raised palms. Not to be left out, Beth moved to squat over his face so that the pair of sisters faced one another. Soaking wet from the good fucking Matthew had just administered, Beth found herself slippery and on the verge of orgasm. Writhing on her brother’s face, her cunt leaked all over his lips and chin as he tried to lick.
Leaning in, the pretty brown youngster exchanged a steamy kiss with Meg, the pair moaning into one another’s mouths as their brother’s cock and tongue worked them into a frenzied state. Beth’s intoxicating juices swirled on his tongue in reams and Matthew fought not to choke as the liquid trickled down his throat. Deftly lifting his tongue to Beth’s quivering clit, he administered a good hard lashing. It took little more than half a dozen purposeful licks to start the little beauty wailing manically and slip-sliding on his face. The orgasm that crashed through her body as she held in place caused Matthew to lose consciousness momentarily as gush after gush of cunt juice sprayed his tongue.
Down below, Meg continued to bounce up and down on his shaft with wild abandon, craving what Beth had just experienced. As Beth slid off and collapsed among the pillows, her pussy thronging, Meg took sole charge of her brother and his wonderful cock. Lying flat to his chest as he pumped upward from the buttocks, she pushed downward to meet him. Their nipples pressed and their tongues crashed together, causing both to gasp.
Yet if that was hot, the liaison of all liaisons had erupted just across the bed. It caused Amy’s eyes to bulge as she veered away from Matthew and Meg, determined to capture the unbelievable scene on camera. Her mother Hannah and the shopgirl Caz had moved together to squeeze their massive tits around Jo’s head. It was caught in between like a trapped animal. Jo looked close to suffocating as the fleshy mounds engulfed and slapped her cheeks.
Not to be left out either, cute little redhead Alice made herself useful by sliding beneath Amy to give the thus far deprived cameragirl a well-earned tongue-lashing. With supreme composure, despite feeling the roving tongue close to her engorged clit, Amy tilted the camcorder to capture the shot from above. It made for an awesome aerial view. “Mmm Alice you filthy little slut,” she drooled. “Look Matthew,” she commentated to the screen, knowing he’d be watching avidly in Manila, “this dirty little whore is eating my pussy…ohhhhhhh.”
Having somehow managed to emerge from the tit mangling intact, Jo stretched across the bed to be licked out simultaneously by her mother and her lover. Occasionally they’d turn to kiss, sharing the juices that were seeping from Jo’s overworked cunt like a leaky tap. Jo’s hands clenched at the bed covers so tightly it was a wonder she didn’t rip them to shreds as slap, slap, slap rang out the two eager tongues on her delicious pussy.
Alongside, and in a demonstration of incredible stamina, Matthew managed to make Meg cum hard before he did, her body going into uncontrollable spasms as she ground her pussy into his pubes. They stayed conjoined for thirty seconds, hearts pounding into one another’s chests. Matthew watched the others over Meg’s shoulder as his cock slipped free of her cunt and ran up the groove of her arse.
The free cock a precious commodity, Alice was upon it within seconds, cleaning Meg’s copious amounts of honey from the shaft with an eager tongue. Meg jinked as the chestnut beauty’s tongue nudged her arse knot. Yet the eldest sister was spent, collapsing on the pillows with Beth, the pair fanning one another and exchanging butterfly kisses as they watched the others at play.
Matthew and Alice moved into a position whereby Matthew was able to give her face a good hard fucking, ramming into her throat with purposeful thrusts whilst taking a firm grip of her ginger hair. He pumped back and forth in an unrelenting manner, making her gag and splutter. When she tried to pull away he merely tightened the grip in her hair, determined to fuck her face till he came. In and out he thrust, balls bashing her chin. Alice groaned as Meg and Beth reached over, toying with her arse and pussy with their fingers. Once more Amy was on hand to record it all.
Breathing deeply, Matthew would undoubtedly have cum in Alice’s mouth had he not caught sight of his mother’s arse wiggling provocatively close by. He was like a man possessed, craving hot new experiences and grudgingly abandoning Alice to Meg and Beth’s tender care. Soon their fingers had Alice screaming in pleasure as she too earned a well-deserved orgasm.
Bent over the bed, Hannah sucked in air as the spongy cock tip grazed her cunt. Glancing around, she espied Matthew taking up a position behind. Yet despite all its appeal, it wasn’t that particular hole her son had in mind. Angling the tip, he aimed higher, nestling in the brown anal ring. A combination of Amy’s earlier loosening with her thumb and a generous lube courtesy of Alice’s mouth, the bulbous head worked its way into the implausibly tight opening with a plop. Hannah wailed, burying her face deep between Jo’s legs to muffle the sound of her squeals. Seeing what was happening, Meg and Beth pushed up on their knees, animated and clapping like excited seals. “Ohhhhhmyyyygodddd, Matthew is going to fuck mummy’s bottie…”
Matthew issued a grin before pushing forward with intent. It was an effort and painful too for both but gradually the little hole began to yield unwillingly, causing Hannah to scream out. Exchanging glances, Meg and Beth moved quickly to their mother’s pussy to offer succour. Meg drove her fingers in and out of the crack with purpose whilst Beth teased the clit with her tongue tip. As Matthew’s cock head disappeared in the ring, he took a breath and a moment to compose, allowing his mother brief respite.
Even Amy got in on the act, giggling delightfully as the camcorder recorded everything. Reaching across with her free hand, she pinched her mother’s near nipple that had inflated to the size and hardness of an acorn beneath an obscenely hanging udder-like breast. With all the attention, Hannah almost passed out. “Come for us mummy,” she appealed.
Sensing this had become an exclusively family affair, Alice and Caz tactfully retreated to the head of the bed, fondling one another’s pussies as they viewed intently from the pillows. Yet soon they too were caught up in the hedonism, making love and clinched in the ’69’ position as Hannah’s five children took their mother on a on-way road to orgasm.
With a giant heave that brought a tear to his eye, Matthew buried the entire shaft in his mother’s arsehole, balls dangling near her pussy. Blowing long and hard as its clenched walls almost strangled the shaft, Matthew retracted carefully. For Hannah it felt like her insides were being ripped out. Yet she was growing to love every minute of the arse-fucking, mewling happily. Raising her juice-drenched face from Jo’s cunt momentarily, Hannah appealed: “Oh Matthew honey, fuck mummy’s arse, fuck it baby…”
Hands gripping her hips, Matthew eased back until the shaft was free, just the tip embedded. Stealing another deep breath he drove forward with vigour, burying to the balls once more. Hannah howled as her arse tunnel was ploughed, having rarely felt so full in her entire life. Simultaneously, Meg’s fingers and Beth’s tongue lapped and strummed between her legs, bringing pleasure like an analgesic.
As the older woman relaxed, soon it all became pleasure. Gaining confidence and having worked an opening, Matthew was able to embark upon a steady rhythm, cock moving in and out, free from friction. Brought to the precipice, Hannah could barely contain herself, the knock-on effect of her face in Jo’s cunt bringing the younger woman to a shuddering climax. Jo’s cunt too was dripping. Immediately she rolled to Caz, allowing her lover to sup up the honey then share it with Alice. As Matthew pumped with vigour and the girl’s worked her pussy over, Hannah too let go, screaming as she came hard on Beth’s tongue.
Growing heady and realising he was close, Matthew groaned. He’d been fucking so long he imagined the spurt was going to be the biggest yet. Aching to release, he could hold on longer. “I’m cumming,” he hissed, pulling out suddenly. “Who wants it?”
Amy was first on the scene as Matthew grunted and unleashed a thick rope of cum. It hit the teenager square in the face, stretching diagonally from jaw to hairline. Turning, Matthew was able to direct a second wave at Beth who had her mouth open like a baby bird. She caught the spurt on her tongue, lips clamped shut and smiling covetously as she swallowed. A third lash hit Meg, her tongue flicking out like a chameleon’s to lap it up. A sharing sort, the eldest sister hovered above Jo and let the ball of cum and her saliva fall into Jo’s mouth in a thick globule. Jo in turn passed the spunk-laced cocktail to her mother’s mouth.
Matthew gasped in Manila as he shot so hard the lasso of cum hit his chin. Lying back, he fell into a deep sleep on the couch as the DVD played out and then went fuzzy.
Two days later, a very different looking Matthew Ryderwalked into the reception area of Tino Sala’s solicitors’ practice in Makati to be greeted by a pretty young Filipina whose desk tag read ‘Heather’. She phoned up and the pair exchanged sneaked glances throughout the five minutes it took Tino to arrive from the tenth floor. Other than middle-aged Mae-Lin, Matthew had yet to experience a Filipina and the idea appealed immensely, given his stud-like status and sex addiction. Sex aside, there was no doubting he could use the companionship. Tino’s arrival in reception marked his departure, a lingering look from Heather as he stepped in the elevator. “I bet you want know how much you worth,” Tino chuckled as they walked into his office.
Matthew tried outwardly to maintain an air of disinterest though deep down he was intrigued. Well who wouldn’t be in his position? Almost two decades as a property developer working all the hours God gave must surely amount to a pretty sum.
“Your father left cash assets just short of quarter million dollars,” Tino confirmed.
Matthew nodded, going the maths in his head. It didn’t sound a great deal and he couldn’t help but be mildly disappointed.
“But here’s best part,” Tino continued. “Before his death he invest heavily in the development of the marina.”
Tino spread out some glossy brochures before his young client. “Ryder Tower is due for completion in next eighteen months. Will take care of you rest your life, Matthew.”
Ryder Tower, Matthew liked the sound of that. Take care of you rest of your life, he liked that even more.
Tino went on to explain that it was a twenty-four-apartment luxury complex with its own gym and conference rooms being built to attract the island’s highest flyers. Matthew could undoubtedly expect rent for the rest of his life: close on a million dollars a year. And all he had to do was sit and collect. If ever there was an incentive to stay in the Philippines this was it β Ryder Tower. He could even take his own apartment and escape the claustrophobia of the city centre. Yet at that moment, Matthew had other priorities. “The girl downstairs on reception…” he began.
“Heather?” replied Tino quizzically. “You like her huh?”
Matthew nodded reticently. “Could you, um, could you fix me a date with her?”
Tino’s face clouded. “Nah, you not want to go out with her, Matthew, she common. Tino set you up with hot law school student, or young lady doctor. Heather from poor background, she not right for you. Her mother and father die in big storm and she work to support her three young sisters.”
Matthew’s ears pricked up at the revelation. Three young sisters huh? “Please Tino.”
The legal eagle rubbed his chin. “Okay Matthew, tell you what, I hosting a dinner party for some work colleagues at my apartment tomorrow night. If I invite Heather, you come too, yes?”
Matthew smiled. “It’d be my pleasure.”
“But I invite Connie Truong also, she highflying young lawyer, very sexy too. If you tell me I’m wrong, Matthew, that fair enough.”
“Okay, deal,” the teenager agreed.
The limousine took him home, after which he sat down to watch the DVD once more. Maybe if things worked out he might give Manila a go after all. If not, there were always other options. And it was nice to have options.
Part 9 is in the offing.